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Nonary Game 5: Post-Game
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Author:  JesusMonroe [ Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Oh and regarding an earlier post from Kami, it is hard as hell to come up with a door-choosing mechanic that's not digital roots or the color scheme. I don't think this one was bad but digital roots are definitely just the hardest to top with how clean they work into the game

Author:  KamiPanda [ Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

I realised that the best mechanic is one that notably limits the options. If there are only three options, people can discuss those specific options much easier without fear of looking too suspicious. With the 'stat' system, it would look very suspicious to say "I don't want person A in the same room with me, I want person B instead". Limited options where multiple people are interchanged in each allow you to hide the specific reason you have for picking any given option. It even allows for giving fake answers as to why you're voting for a certain option, like "I like the colour red" or "I think the 8 door seems interesting". I think it's probably fine to just go with colours or digital roots when you know that, as they serve their purpose. New door mechanics would either just achieve the same thing in abstract anyway, or not work so well, like with the stats. Though I'll still spend some time thinking about new mechanics just to see if it works out.

I'll probably be going with colours for my next game. The system works better than digital roots for the specifics I'm going for.

Incidentally, I had a different door mechanic at first, based around elements that cancelled each other out. It didn't seem to actually work very well, unfortunately, but it did have the neat factor that a player's element tied into how they'd be punished. Fire players combusted, Aqua players drowned in their own blood (ew), Elec players were electrocuted and Wood players were poisoned. That's also where the Elemental Keys came from, as originally they tied together as a mini-theme.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Sounds cool

Also NG6 idea, make one of the contestants colourblind so that they'll have a bit more trouble than everyone else.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

I've posted all the endings in your QTs for your approval. Please say what you think so that I can make appropriate changes or post them.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Alright, endings are up: viewtopic.php?p=1389648#p1389648

Sorry Turbo's seems so short, Franzise. I think it's just because Turbo's path is very clear from here on.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

I really liked my ending. Mad Jack's coming to getcha

I also like Raster's ending because it means I can just chill in my ice block.

When not studying Morphogenetic Field Theory, Gary had spent his past few days recalling everything that had happened in the game to create the perfect plan to escape, while ensuring Marley and Jack did not.


anyway back to writing that Sally x Jen fic

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Yeah no idea how timelines works. Gary going back as a literal zero with an agenda might mess things up.

Then again my ending ensures very little of the future actually happens.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Whenever someone S.H.I.F.T.s back, they create a branch in the timeline. One timeline proceeds exactly as before, with the consciousness never swapping in. The other proceeds differently as according to the changes the new consciousness causes.

Alternatively, think of it as two timelines that exist side-by-side. One of them is the one that took place in this game. The other is one where Gary has swapped in to change things.

Meanwhile there's an entirely separate timeline where none of that happens, because Marley never bought Jack.

If it helps, here's a diagram of what Gary did:


Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Yeah, that's how multiple timelines works. KamiPanda pretty much summed it up with his post.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Addendum: Unfortunate Takeru and Raster are dead in Timeline 2 :(

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Southern Corn wrote:
Addendum: Unfortunate Takeru and Raster are dead in Timeline 2 :(

Who knows? Him going in with the mindset to change the future could change everything.

I was ready to kill people in self defence by room one so he'd just get stabbed if he tried anything there. Or he could have tried to put me in the other room.

He may be trapped in a perpetual cycle of timelines where he gets killed each time.

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Actually, I'd imagine that Gary would make the timeline be similar to the timeline that he came from. Gary actually learns from his mistakes, so he'll know what to do and what not to do. Remember, Gary must not let the others know that he came from a different timeline, one in which he ended up in his father's body.

Here's what I'd think Gary will do in the new timeline:

Round 1: Gary puts himself in the Washroom with Tetra, Chanel, Jack, and Turbo. Gary get second Protection Token from locked waterproof container. Jack's death will happen because he screwed up on the final puzzle of the room. Gary will defaults his lynch vote to himself so everyone will knows that there's two people who tried to kill him.

Round 2: Gary puts himself in the Pool Room with Chanel and Trinity. Gary opens the cleaning-supplies door with the number that he obtained from Trinity's pool tiles puzzle solution. Then, he get the listening device. Then, since Gary remembered what happened back in his original timeline.... Gary will lets Chanel opens the doors that she wants to open. This is to ensure that Gary didn't lose a life. That, and he'll still have his Protection Token that he started the game with. Then he'll convinces both Chanel and Trinity to help him lynch Marley by making up some really clever lie about Marley. Like maybe Marley is the big bad guy and is after his family fortune?

In round 2, Gary was the first one to achieves Replicate Control. So, using this power, Gary will smash the bottle of Yellow Honey that the unconscious Marley is holding onto. Then he'll take the sharpest shard of glass from the broken bottle and slash Marley's throat with it, all while not getting cut on the glass shard. I'm not sure if that would counts as a Action, but whatever.

At this point, Tetra will have killed Jack to get herself and Cube out of the kitchen.

If things go well, Marley will be down to his very last life. And round 3 will be the final nail in the coffin for Marley. Since Gary knew what will happen if he didn't watch his back in the garage. He will decide to watch his back, so he can catch Marley try to poison him with the dart gun. Then he can rats Marley out to the others, telling them that he tried to kill him. This could go two ways: Jack will covertly kills Marley, or if Marley make it out of the garage alive...

If Marley make it out of the garage alive, then everyone will know that Marley tried to kill Gary in the garage. And they'll piles their votes on him to get rid of him. At this point, Marley will have lost all three lives and is killed off for good.

If Jack covertly killed Marley and make it to the third round lynching phase.... Well, I admit that I didn't think about that. Since nobody know who killed Marley, it could go different directions depending on how Gary is careful with his words.

Then Gary will play the rest of the game normally, as long as he knows how to play his cards right. As long as he is able to get rid of Jack. That, and Gary get into his bedroom to receives his tazer from the chest of drawers.

Also, about Daniel's ability to interferes with the game, I admit that I didn't think about it. Only KamiPanda knows when Daniel will swap to interferes with the game... Probably when it is necessary for him to do that.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley

Some of that would work, but not necessarily all of it. You've got a good chance, at least, but things always go wrong. It even went wrong for the Admins in unexpected ways XD

Author:  Bad Player [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Even if Daniel tries to take over Gary's body, Gary also now knows the codes to unlock the restraints xD

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Bad Player wrote:
Even if Daniel tries to take over Gary's body, Gary also now knows the codes to unlock the restraints xD

That's true. But Gary would have to remember that he's a player in the game, so he would have to be careful when Daniel swapped in. If Daniel comes back to discovers that the restraints were unlocked, he'll know something's up. He'll realizes that Gary was not supposed to know the codes to unlock the restraints and he'll deduce that the Gary in his game is actually from a different timeline.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Your theory is nice and solid, but yeah, it does have some flaws. Maybe in Timeline 2, Marley and Jack would play their cards differently. Maybe Takeru would notice the mistake he made with the battle ship puzzle and stay alive. Or he could realise the true meaning of Admin 2's statement in the kitchen and kill someone else. He could claim it was of necessity. Then he wouldn't have to frame Cube, and would have less of a motive to kill Trinity. Who knows? Maybe even the others would act differently in their own unique ways.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Well, the others have no reason to act differently unless Gary's actions cause them to. If Takeru failed that puzzle, he'd always fail that puzzle unless something put it into his mind that he should re-think it. If he misunderstood something, he'd always misunderstand it unless directed otherwise. Timeline 2 is identical to timeline 1 with the exception of Gary's consciousness.

Author:  Pierre [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

You'd need to be capable of convincing the others to lynch Marley which could not go down well and make you suspicious for trying to rile up a.murder.

Marley would also play differently if his clones started dying since it's clear someone would be out to get him.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Post-Game

Well, such things are what make what-if scenarios interesting. How would it play out now that Gary has a plan in advance? Can he find a way to achieve a better ending, or will his shenanigans only cause him to die anyway? And what happens to everyone else now that things are changing?

If Gary starts spreading mistrust for Marley, even if it isn't directly successful, the final lynching phase may have gone very differently, for instance.

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