Court Records

(Subs!) TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer
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Author:  Neni [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  (Subs!) TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer

"You people have set foot into this story by your own designs."

I was told not to ask where where a certain fellow got this video and uploaded it to YouTube. But I hear his name rhymes with Solt Btorm…

(Update 2: HD quality is now up, with subs!)

OK, guys! I tried to translate everything I could read and/or understand, but I left some of the textboxes of the screenshoots, as well as less important on-screen text untouched, especially the text that just repeated stuff we already heard before. The stuff that is on screen-caps in the trailer are in "(())". There are probably errors in my translation, since I tried to do it quickly, but I think it's accurate enough! Feel free to translate every error you spot:

Here you guys go!

Spoiler: Translations in this spoiler tag
This story beginns in London.

Layton: "I am not going to suddenly believe it, yet I can't deny that the matter does interest me."

Luke: "But could something like that really exist? A witch?"

Phoenix: "Quit with the Ghost Stories already, Maya."

Maya: "Well, alright. But don't come crying to me when you run into one and don't know what to do!"

A girl chased under the accusation of being a witch.

???: "Welcome to the city where stories rule supreme: Labyrinth City!"

The creator of stories, the Storyteller.

Layton: "The witch might appear here."

???: "And this all, too... Is the doing of that mighty witch!"

A legendary being, the ancient, mighty witch, "Becella".

Phoenix: "A torture chamber... they're not going to...!"

Maya: "NICK! Please!!"

Luke: "Professor!!"

Labyrinth City, hidden within a story... What is the truth about this place?

Mahoney: "This person is among us!"

Mahoney: "A city like that... shouldn't even exist!"

Layton: "It seems that we were somehow stranded in this world..."

Lost in the city of stories, Layton and Luke.

((Mahoney: "All you need to know about Labyrinth City is written in this book."

Layton: "Everything...?"

Luke: "P-Professor! The book... it... all by itself...!"

Luke: "Oh, right, Professor! What about those people!? And, anyway, where are we...?"))

Luke: "Alright, now it is my turn!"

Layton and the others will be confronted with a great number of all new puzzles.

Layton: "Even in a different world, every puzzle will still have an answer."


The trail of this other world beginns,
The Witch Trial

((Judge: "We now beginn the trial of Mahoney Catalusia."

Jeeken: "The witch... in any case, she must be disposed of in the flames."

Phoenix: "U-Uhm excuse me... That thing you have there wouldn't happen to be a sword...?"

Judge: "Does the Defense have a problem with this?"

Phoenix: "..."))

Phoenix: "I-It doesn't matter! I will just have to keep trying, till the bitter end!"

((???: "Exactly! Hurry up down there! Is the Defense sleeping, or something?!"

Phoenix: "W-WHAT THE....?!"

Mahoney: "In this court... Only the Defense has the obligation to proof anything, including the innocence of the Defendant."

Phoenix: "I think this clearly shows that this evidence stands in direct contradiction to the testimony we heard just now!"))

Maya: "Don't worry! You know Nick here... I don't think even a witch would stand a chance against him!!"

Phoenix: "JUST A MOMENT!" ((Interestingly, he shouts "Chotto" intead of "Matta", so I translated it differently...))

Layton (Voiceactor): "Hour Honor, I am afraid you are giving your verdict just a bit too soon."

Luke (Voiceactor): "I am sorry, Professor, but even if you tell me to stay, I will come with you. I am your apprentice, after all!"

Phoenix (Voiceactor): "So this is it... A Witch Trial..."

Maya (Voiceover): "Hey, Professor? Can we go investigate for a bit?"

Phoenix: "Professor Layton... Just what are you trying to tell us with that?!"

Layton: "I simply mean to settle this dispute once and for all... Mr. Wright!"

???: "You people have set foot into this story by your own designs. Heh..."

I should probably say that Mahoney's last name, "Catalusia", as well as the name of the witch "Becella" were in Katakana, so this might not be the official spelling of those names. I guess they'll reveal the official spelling on TGS.

Author:  Bolt Storm [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

I hear this mysterious fellow is apparently stuck on a network that won't load CR and has resorted to his cell phone. Strange guy.

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Bolt Storm wrote:
I hear this mysterious fellow is apparently stuck on a network that won't load CR and has resorted to his cell phone. Strange guy.

This happens to me whenever CR has any big news. When the GS5 info came out last couple weeks I couldn't get on for days.

Does anyone know why the cell phones have an easier time getting on?

Author:  Blademaster_Orca [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

This trailer is so awesome - it gives us a good look at what the final game looks and plays like, and raises so many questions. What's with the bell tower being created from fire at roughly a minute in? Why does the storyteller wear a mask that only covers half his face? It's all seems so different, even for these two series put together, which is definately a good thing.

Also, I like the 3D model of Phoenix more than I thought I would, especially in that rotating shot of him at 2:25. They got his facial expressions perfect. Hopefully the GS5 models look even better.

Author:  Lusankya [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

The new objection theme sounds great and I love how Maya has her own unique "Puzzle solved" animation different from the others. ^^

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Lusankya wrote:
The new objection theme sounds great and I love how Maya has her own unique "Puzzle solved" animation different from the others. ^^

Yeah that look that says "haha I'm smart too"

Reckon they'll utilise her diagonal downwards look for the disappointing "puzzle failed" equivalent.

Author:  zachariah Von-Karma [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Okay, while my mind still has some cohesion and ability to form sentences, a few things i noticed.

The storyteller now has white hair and a half mask - reveal had blonde hair and no mask.

Layton seems to start on a bridge similar to my beloved London bridge (1:34) although the beams on LB are green) much like the start of eternal Diva.


2:12 new Judge looks judge :udgy:

2:26 Phoenix has a new "damage" animation more similar to Jaques portsman.

2:34 SOOOOOOOOOO good to see a new fluid objection animation :will:

2:47 all that is needed is a wild west type theme for Layton's entrance.

at 3:26 onwards, do i spy a date of possible release?
if so, and my calculations are correct then it shall be released on a thursday

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! i am just so overjoyed that i capth splink tribble hadrada badoobydoobydoo. *sorry lost my power of speech im just too excited* :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro: :acro:
i am crying with sheer delight.

Maya's solved animation is similar to her bowing animation
wondering if her incorrect pose is a variation of her "WHAT!" pose, minus the comic anime egg mouth

Author:  Bad Player [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

It's a nice trailer, but... Well, it doesn't get me pumped up that much, but I think it's because they didn't give away any of the super-juicy parts, which is a good thing xP

Nick's sections look cooler than Layton's imo.

Also, it seems like they switched from young!Luke to normal!Luke.

@zach: the 11/29 release date was announced a few days ago xP

Author:  Neni [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

I understand a lot of the dialouge said. Most of it isn't that story relevant, but some of it gives stuff away. Mahoney's lines, especially, suggest that the "Fake City" twist might (note! MIGHT) come into use again.

Especially the last line in the trailer intruiges me:

"You people have set foot into this story by your own designs."

That's how I translate it at least.

Author:  Lusankya [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Bad Player wrote:
Also, it seems like they switched from young!Luke to normal!Luke.

They already had normal Luke in the trailer one year ago. ;)

Author:  Neni [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

You guys want me to try provide some translation? Though, I warn you. My japanese listening comprehension isn't all that good. I'll probably take ages to bring results, but I'd still love to try to help.

Author:  Joe4evr [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

zachariah Von-Karma wrote:
Layton seems to start on a bridge similar to my beloved London bridge (1:34) although the beams on LB are green) much like the start of eternal Diva.

Sure you're not confusing that with Tower Bridge? London Bridge doesn't have, y'know, towers. :phoenix:

Author:  Wooster [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Go for it, Neni!

Author:  zachariah Von-Karma [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Joe4evr wrote:
zachariah Von-Karma wrote:
Layton seems to start on a bridge similar to my beloved London bridge (1:34) although the beams on LB are green) much like the start of eternal Diva.

Sure you're not confusing that with Tower Bridge? London Bridge doesn't have, y'know, towers. :phoenix:

Darn i've lived in spain so long i'm forgetting my national landmarks.
Thank you for correcting me, but yes it seems they are on tower bridge
London advertising within a 3DS game :redd:

Also @ Neni, go right ahead, we'll all be glad to see some form of translation :keiko:

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Yeah Neni go nuts on translation, I'm particularly interested to hear what that 'ethereal' voice at the very end of the video was saying.

Author:  Bad Player [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Lusankya wrote:
Bad Player wrote:
Also, it seems like they switched from young!Luke to normal!Luke.

They already had normal Luke in the trailer one year ago. ;)

Looks like young!Luke to me xP

I'd help with translating too, but... well, I want the video file so I can do it in youtube annotations rather than a transcript or something xP


Pierre wrote:
Yeah Neni go nuts on translation, I'm particularly interested to hear what that 'ethereal' voice at the very end of the video was saying.

Neni wrote:
"You people have set foot into this story by your own designs."

Author:  D-Man [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

I'm not gonna go crazy over this trailer. Nope. :acro:

Author:  Neni [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

OK, guys! I tried to translate everything I could read and/or understand, but I left some of the textboxes of the screenshoots, as well as less important on-screen text untouched, especially the text that just repeated stuff we already heard before. The stuff that is on screen-caps in the trailer are in "(())". There are probably errors in my translation, since I tried to do it quickly, but I think it's accurate enough! Feel free to translate every error you spot:

Here you guys go!

Spoiler: Translations in this spoiler tag
This story beginns in London.

Layton: "I am not going to suddenly believe it, yet I can't deny that the matter does interest me."

Luke: "But could something like that really exist? A witch?"

Phoenix: "Quit with the Ghost Stories already, Maya."

Maya: "Well, alright. But don't come crying to me when you run into one and don't know what to do!"

A girl chased under the accusation of being a witch.

???: "Welcome to the city where stories take their beginning: Labyrinth City!"

The creator of stories, the Storyteller.

Layton: "The witch might appear here."

???: "And this all, too... Is the doing of that mighty witch!"

A legendary being, the ancient, mighty witch, "Becella".

Phoenix: "A torture chamber... they're not going to...!"

Maya: "NICK! Please!!"

Luke: "Professor!!"

Labyrinth City, hidden within a story... What is the truth about this place?

Mahoney: "He's... He's within us all!!"

Mahoney: "This city... isn't supposed to exist under these circumstances!"

Layton: "It seems that we were somehow stranded in this world..."

Lost in the city of stories, Layton and Luke.

((Mahoney: "All you need to know about Labyrinth City is written in this book."

Layton: "Everything...?"

Luke: "P-Professor! The book... it... all by itself...!"

Luke: "Oh, right, Professor! What about those people!? And, anyway, where are we...?"))

Luke: "Alright, now it is my turn!"

Layton and the others will be confronted with a great number of all new puzzles.

Layton: "Even in a different world, every puzzle will still have an answer."


The trail of this other world beginns,
The Witch Trial

((Judge: "We now beginn the trial of Mahoney Catalusia."

Jeeken: "The witch... in any case, she must be disposed of in the flames."

Phoenix: "U-Uhm excuse me... That thing you have there wouldn't happen to be a sword...?"

Judge: "Does the Defense have a problem with this?"

Phoenix: "..."))

Phoenix: "I-It doesn't matter! I will just have to keep trying, till the bitter end!"

((???: "Exactly! Hurry up down there! Is the Defense Sleeping, or something?!"

Phoenix: "W-WHAT THE....?!"

Mahoney: "In this court... Only the Defense has the obligation to proof anything, including the innocence of the Defendant."

Phoenix: "I think this clearly shows that this evidence stands in direct contradiction to the testimony we heard just now!"))

Maya: "Don't worry! You know Nick here... I don't think even a witch would stand a chance against him!!"

Phoenix: "JUST A MOMENT!" ((Interestingly, he shouts "Chotto" intead of "Matta", so I translated it differently...))

Layton (Voiceactor): "Hour Honor, I am afraid you are giving your verdict just a bit too soon."

Luke (Voiceactor): "I am sorry, Professor, but even if you tell me to stay, I will come with you. I am your apprentice, after all!"

Phoenix (Voiceactor): "So this is it... A Witch Trial..."

Maya (Voiceover): "Hey, Professor? Can we go investigate for a bit?"

Phoenix: "Professor Layton... Just what are you trying to tell us with that?!"

Layton: "I simply mean to settle this dispute once and for all... Mr. Wright!"

???: "You people have set foot into this story by your own designs. Heh..."

Author:  Beautiful_Blue [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Thanks for the Translation!

It makes everything even more exciting :edgy:

Author:  Neni [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Thanks for your faith in me, guys! I personally am still rather insecure with my japanese skills, but I take every chance to exercise and improve that I can get. ^^; And I am glad whenever I can help out one of my Fandoms in this matter.

I should probably say that Mahoney's last name, "Catalusia", as well as the name of the witch "Becella" were in Katakana, so this might not be the official spelling of those names. I guess they'll reveal the official spelling on TGS.

Author:  zachariah Von-Karma [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Wow, your japanese skills far outshine mine (i'm a little jealous :edgy: )
Thanks to this translation and following the trailer i am FAR FAR FAR more hyped for this release (so hyped i'm practically the engineer of the hype train XD)

The name for our lil "witch" (Mahoney Catalusia) seems like it fits, and Becella too, (since they are in trailers i assume they will stick, but we'll see.

One thing that intrigues me is we've now seen and heard both Wright and Maya talking, yet neither have a real voice actor in their main series (minus Ben Judd for phoenix's objection in game) so it will be interesting to see who they get for Maya and if they will use the same voice actor from CvM for Nick.

Also wish we had english trailers where we see the voice actors recording their lines, makes it more worthwhile dontcha think :godot:

Author:  Wooster [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Edited the first post with your translation Neni. Thanks for that!

Author:  Neni [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

zachariah Von-Karma wrote:
Wow, your japanese skills far outshine mine (i'm a little jealous :edgy: )
Thanks to this translation and following the trailer i am FAR FAR FAR more hyped for this release (so hyped i'm practically the engineer of the hype train XD)

Edited the first post with your translation Neni. Thanks for that!

Thanks, guys! :maya: A lot of my translating is contextual rather than literal, though. I am studying to become a translator of fiction one day. In my spare time, I sometimes translate Doujinshi, Japanese exclusive Material or the infamous Kingdom Hearts Novels for training, so I guess I've got a few skills by now, but I'm not as good as I should be. I'm studying Japanology on the University of Vienna... from what we've been told, the University with the harshest, but most effective Japanese Courses in all of Europe. (Don't take my word for it, I am just repeating what I was told.) Last semester, I almost failed the "Praxis Japanese" class because my grammar and vocabulary were so bad... I'm lucky I don't have to repeat the Level 4 courses... :yuusaku: All the more am I happy when I get praise like this! Makes me feel like I actually have a chance of getting somewhere with my skills after all! :edgy:

I think there's a few errors in my translation of the trailer, though. When Mahoney says "He's inside all of us!", there's a chance that this could also actually say "He's among us." I'm really not sure. Then, there's a few other parts where I am, to be honest, more or less guessed... I hope I didn't mess up any parts too baddly. :think-think-think:

In other news, I, too, am totally hyped for this game! :pearl:

Author:  Wooster [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Alright, I've changed the poster of the top post to you Neni. Feel free to edit as you see fit. =)

Author:  Turnabout_Lawman [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

MMMM! Dat Objection 2001.

Author:  Neni [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Wooster wrote:
Alright, I've changed the poster of the top post to you Neni. Feel free to edit as you see fit. =)


O-Oh wow...!!!!
*honored beyond reason and afghuhiwdf keyboard smash*

Ah...! I'll make the best of that, Wooster! Promise!

OK, I'll go all over the trailer gain and try correcting all flaws I can spot!! :franny:

Author:  Lusankya [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Bad Player wrote:
Lusankya wrote:
Bad Player wrote:
Also, it seems like they switched from young!Luke to normal!Luke.

They already had normal Luke in the trailer one year ago. ;)

Looks like young!Luke to me xP

That's the trailer from two years ago. :P

Author:  Ash [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You


Author:  zachariah Von-Karma [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

it makes sense either way being
"he's in all of us" as a metaphorical statement
"he's among us" as a physical statement.

either way the translations all make sense and relate to the visuals in the trailer.
a bit concerned about Phoenix in a torture dungeon though XD

Author:  Wooster [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Just consider it payment + interest for the gum Phoenix never paid Edgeworth for.

Author:  zachariah Von-Karma [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Wooster wrote:
Just consider it payment + interest for the gum Phoenix never paid Edgeworth for.

:think-think-think: ........ :apollo-shock: OH.MY.GODOT!
everything makes sense now.
Spoiler: the truth

Spoiler: real truth
If you were gullible enough to believe the first "truth" then it was all a clever lie.

Author:  Bolt Storm [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Thanks, Neni! I've been busy all day (and even when I wasn't the campus network can't connect to C-R for some reason), so I wasn't able to translate.

That said the high-quality version should hit in the next twelve hours or so, so once that does I'll reupload that to my channel and we can sub that rather than the LQ version I've got up now.

Author:  Wooster [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Hmm… speaking of Edgeworth, Neni threw the theory that the city may not exist, being a recycle from a previous PL game.

Then, consider the Judge looks like the Judge…

Well, that leads me to the prosecutor. He's a knight, with a sword.

Name Origin:
English: "Edgeworth" probably comes from his Japanese name Mitsurugi, as in, "edge of a sword."

Japanese: "Mitsurugi," which contains the kanji for "sword," is a reference to his sharpness of mind, (and also the samurai-like imagery it evokes). The creator says on the Japanese main site that he wanted to convey a feeling of "stillness, which can cut you down if you show a moment's weakness." The name "Reiji" comes from the kanji for "cleverness."

Is this how Phoenix envisions Edgeworth subconsciously?

Author:  Yaragorm [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Uh-oh. I should have known to be wary of possible theories which could potentially spoil me. :sadshoe:

But they certainly are very interesting and plausible based on what we know!

That trailer is pretty sweet though.

Author:  Beautiful_Blue [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Wooster wrote:
Hmm… speaking of Edgeworth, Neni threw the theory that the city may not exist, being a recycle from a previous PL game.

Then, consider the Judge looks like the Judge…

Well, that leads me to the prosecutor. He's a knight, with a sword.

Name Origin:
English: "Edgeworth" probably comes from his Japanese name Mitsurugi, as in, "edge of a sword."

Japanese: "Mitsurugi," which contains the kanji for "sword," is a reference to his sharpness of mind, (and also the samurai-like imagery it evokes). The creator says on the Japanese main site that he wanted to convey a feeling of "stillness, which can cut you down if you show a moment's weakness." The name "Reiji" comes from the kanji for "cleverness."

Is this how Phoenix envisions Edgeworth subconsciously?

Ooh, and on the chess board in Edgeworth's office he was represented by the knight pieces, right?

Author:  Bolt Storm [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

By the way, Neni, the "Chotto!" Nick yells is a new bubble-shout in the game from the Mob Trial system, according to hoso_boso's report from Level-5 World last year.

Author:  JapaneseGIRL [ Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

good trailer. 一部の役者の演技を除いてね。ジ●リ映画じゃないんだから、声の演技ちゃんとできる人使って欲しかった。

Author:  Neni [ Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Wooster wrote:
Hmm… speaking of Edgeworth, Neni threw the theory that the city may not exist, being a recycle from a previous PL game.

Then, consider the Judge looks like the Judge…

Well, that leads me to the prosecutor. He's a knight, with a sword.

Name Origin:
English: "Edgeworth" probably comes from his Japanese name Mitsurugi, as in, "edge of a sword."

Japanese: "Mitsurugi," which contains the kanji for "sword," is a reference to his sharpness of mind, (and also the samurai-like imagery it evokes). The creator says on the Japanese main site that he wanted to convey a feeling of "stillness, which can cut you down if you show a moment's weakness." The name "Reiji" comes from the kanji for "cleverness."

Is this how Phoenix envisions Edgeworth subconsciously?

So the whole town is made of "stories" from their minds... Like! Definitely would be happy if that was the twist! Would especially make Jeeken an intereting character to examine to find out more about how much of his admiration for Edgeworth is still there in Nick's mind!

Bolt Storm wrote:
By the way, Neni, the "Chotto!" Nick yells is a new bubble-shout in the game from the Mob Trial system, according to hoso_boso's report from Level-5 World last year.

Ohhh!!! That makes sense! :udgy: Well, I guess it's gonna be translated with "Just a Sec!" or something then. :keiko:

JapaneseGIRL wrote:
good trailer. 一部の役者の演技を除いてね。ジ●リ映画じゃないんだから、声の演技ちゃんとできる人使って欲しかった。


Author:  Pikachu [ Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

Phoenix's VA is looking super snazzy. Look at that hat! That sweater-with-white-collared-shirt-and-tie!

Haha, Phoenix sounds so aptly weary when he's all "Mayoi-chan..." in the beginning :keiko:

Author:  Bolt Storm [ Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TGS 2012 Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Trailer on You

HQ will be up momentarily.

Up at'

Anyone want to sub? I'll send the annotator link.

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