Court Records

Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo footage
Page 2 of 15

Author:  dirtypantsdan [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Now I'm curious about....
Spoiler: (DD Spoilers)
Who will be the new detective for this game if there will be any at all. Considering we're obviously not going to have a Bobby FulBright, will we get Ema or Gumshoe back? Hmmm I wonder...

Author:  Oliver [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

dirtypantsdan wrote:
Now I'm curious about....
Spoiler: (DD Spoilers)
Who will be the new detective for this game if there will be any at all. Considering we're obviously not going to have a Bobby FulBright, will we get Ema or Gumshoe back? Hmmm I wonder...

We might not even get one, being a place with seemingly no investigations, as they simply use the water mirror...Hmm...but then again...they could only really use the water mirror in murder cases...I'm not sure, actually.
But if there is one, it'll likely be a new character.

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Oliver wrote:
In all seriousness though, that guy looks like there's a gun sticking through his/her skull.

Maybe Athena has a new job and just exxagerated her old hair to seem intimidating and to fit her new "demon prosecutor" persona!.

Punished "Venom" Cykes

Author:  Ash [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

SuperAj3 wrote:
So I increased the saturation on that silhouette and it came up with this:
Spoiler: large image

This is the silhouette traced over:
Is that flowing material going behind their head from their wrist? And it looks like they've either not drawn in the hair or this person's bald.

Bald... butterfly... sash-thingy attached to her hand like Leyfa...Buddhist-esque hand gesture... My I-hope-it's-not-true-guess: Iris who after her release from prison has become a full-fledged monastic in the Kingdom of Kurain and now has "new" channeling powers.

Author:  dirtypantsdan [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Here's the gameplay video by the way if some of you missed it.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I'll let my 'old school fan' part hang out and say: ...I miss the 2D sprites. I kinda liked them better.

As for who THAT PERSON could be for Apollo... I would say it's Thalassa, but if she suddenly appeared as a prosecuting attorney, I'd fly over to Capcom Japan and slap every person who Okay'd that particular shit-fest. Only person I can think of who had butterflies or similar as their theme... is Dahlia, but she's dead and Apollo honestly has no connection with her. Maybe Alita, but she was more feathers and ribbons.

And the anime shot just makes me, once again, realize just HOW stupid Phoenix' eyebrows are.


Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Here ya go, guys: translations and some explanatory notes on the gameplay stuff.

Phoenix: (So this is the Kurain court...
Huh? Is that the princess?
What is she doing here?)

Judge: The oracle of the spirit has been conferred.
I will now announce the verdict.


Phoenix: (What? But the trial's just begun!)

Bokto: T-that can't be! There must be some mistake!
Please, investigate it again!

Judge: The oracle bestowed by Her Highness projects the truth upon the mirror.
There is no further room for doubt.

Bokto: Oh... But... but...

Payne: Oh-ho. A monk in training such as yourself is defying the oracle?
Hee hee hee... Nonbelievers face a cruel fate in the netherworld...

Bokto: Because... I didn't do it!
Your Highness! Please explain it to them!

Leifa: ...Silence, foolish one.
I will not heed nonsense from the tainted soul of a criminal.

Bokto: N-no...

Phoenix: (What's going on here?
The verdict was decided by this "oracle of the spirit"?
What is Bokto's attorney doing?
There... isn't any attorney!?)

Bokto: Why... I... I didn't do anything...

Leifa: Foolish is what foolish does.
You understand that doubting the oracle is doubting the founder?
Your Honor! We mediums of Kurain command in the name of the founder!
Hand down a great penalty upon the tainted soul of this boy!

Judge: Yes, Your Highness! It is all as you declare.
By the grace of the founder, ul dihara Kurain!

"ul dihara Kurain! ul dihara Kurain! ul dihara Kurain!"


Judge: Eh?

Leifa: !

Payne: !

Phoenix: Please wait a moment!

Payne: Y-you're...!

Phoenix: (Uh... Now that I'm here, what do I do...?)

Bokto: M-Mr. Wright...? What are you...?

Phoenix: (Argh! There's no other choice! I have to win!)
Your Honor! It's too early to hand down the verdict!
The trial's barely begun!

Judge: What in the... just who are you!?

Phoenix: Er, I'm...
Just a tourist passing by!

Judge: Ah, a tourist, are you? Appilakke.
[T/N: I haven't a clue what language it is, but Eshiro(?) explains it's a greeting like "Hello".]

Phoenix: Putting that aside, where is the attorney on this case?

Judge: A-ttor-ney...?
My apologies, but there is no such person.

[Skip to 3:50]

=Begin Cross-examination=

~The Defendant's Explanation~

Bokto: I did not kill Mr. Mima, and I didn't steal the treasure either.
It was forbidden to approach the treasure...
I didn't see any box with that green Kurain butterfly drawn on it!
When the incident happened, I swear I was guiding someone in the passageway.

[Press on the first line]

<Hold it!>

Phoenix: Yes, I believe you.

Bokto: ...
Is... that so...? That is what an attorney would say.

Phoenix: Huh? Well, you don't have to put it that way...

Payne: Hee hee hee. Defense attorneys would even lie just to get a "not guilty".
Well, I suppose the same goes for defendants.

Bokto: P-please don't put me on the same level as them!
I'm not lying! I didn't steal anything or kill anyone!

[Press second line]

<Hold it!>

Phoenix: You didn't approach it? Why is that?

Bokto: It is the law of the temple. Many valuable things are stored in there...

Judge: In particular, there is also the founder's priceless heritage. No one outside of the royal family has even seen it.

Phoenix: (I think it was something that would be a waste to someone without spiritual power...)

Bokto: Though, just looking at the Treasure Box wouldn't be a waste.
[T/N: There's a little play on words here with the phrase "wasting a look" that I can't clearly translate, but this is close enough.]

[They're just explaining the mechanics of "Spirit Vision". Enjoy the pretty music or skip to 6:25]

Phoenix: (No matter how trivial it is, I'll just have to find a contradiction!
Press the A or Y buttons or touch it to select a "soul"...
And I can fast-forward or rewind the image.
Once I find any suspicious points, I can stop it and select an oracle!)

(Hmm... while the image is moving, it'll be hard to read the oracle...
Let's try hitting the "Pause" button (L) and stop it.
Okay! It's stopped!
Press A or Y, and I can fast-forward or rewind.
And using these panels, I can find any point in it that I need.
Just to try it, let's try moving a "soul" into this panel.
I think I get the general idea of how to work this...
Alright, then... let's look for those contradictions between the oracle and the image!)

[T/N: In other words, those blue-greenish ballies mark how far you've gone in the playback and you can jump around with them. You can also switch around the "oracle" above them, that is, Leifa's testimony based on said victim's spirit.]

"The defendant swung something down upon the victim's head!"
"As he felt the pain, his sight went completely out. Surely, that means his life was severed?"
"He heard from the speakers the song of ritual being rehearsed in the theater."

[Hit "Pause", and the line under the top screen changes to "Search for the sensation that contradicts the oracle." The cursor shows "Sight" (blue) for the most part, but highlighting the words lead to "Hearing" (green) or "Smell" (yellow). And then, the team decides to select the obvious wrong answer to get a snippet.]


Phoenix: Princess Leifa's claim contradicts the victim's memory!

Leifa: Oh? And where do they contradict...?

Judge: Mr. Wright, please explain what you mean.

Phoenix: ...Explaining it would be little troublesome, Your Honor.
I don't find anything in particular of which they contradict.

Judge: A rudely irresponsible statement like that... is fatal in this court, Mr. Wright.
Your Highness, what do you make of it?

Leifa: ...Nothing at all.

Judge: Accept this penalty!

Phoenix: (Ugh...
As I thought, I can't just throw anything out there...
I need to take a closer look at both the "statement" and the "sensation"!)

[T/N: And I'm afraid I can't help with the song's lyrics. It's not in Japanese.]

Gosh, this took me a lot longer than I'd expected.

SuperAj3 wrote:
So I increased the saturation on that silhouette and it came up with this:
Spoiler: large image

This is the silhouette traced over:
Is that flowing material going behind their head from their wrist? And it looks like they've either not drawn in the hair or this person's bald. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say this is... Winston Payne! Maybe? Will Payne be formidable this time? I mean, how else could Gaspen become so well clad with a crown and a sash with the first part of his name in Kanji written all over it?

Ooor... this person is wearing a hood.

Thanks for the cut, though. This makes it easier to see the hand sign.

Author:  Ash [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I don't think the opening post has the link, but this is the full TGS PV for GS6 (with the Apollo part):

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I knew it. He said "aitsu". That means it's not a person he means to respect, or he'd have chosen a different word.

But seriously, what happened to Nick and why is he gaining super powers that still don't save him from falling off bridges?

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

So can anyone summarize the intent and meaning of Apollo's comments about the prosecutor? Having him use a word that doesnt imply respect would throw out most Of my "who is it" thoughts like Iris, Thalassa, Maya, etc.

Or maybe im over thimking it? Maybe Apolli just means "that person is really skilled" rather than "that person has had significance over Wright's and my life"

Author:  Slammer [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Too much news... but I see Apollo is FREAKIN' YES!

Author:  CourtroomShenanigans [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

D.A. McCoy wrote:
Or maybe im over thimking it? Maybe Apolli just means "that person is really skilled" rather than "that person has had significance over Wright's and my life"

Yeah, it's most likely the former.

Author:  Ash [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

D.A. McCoy wrote:
So can anyone summarize the intent and meaning of Apollo's comments about the prosecutor? Having him use a word that doesnt imply respect would throw out most Of my "who is it" thoughts like Iris, Thalassa, Maya, etc.

Or maybe im over thimking it? Maybe Apolli just means "that person is really skilled" rather than "that person has had significance over Wright's and my life"

There's too little context to say anything about it. Sure, "aitsu" is not particularly respectful towards the object of reference, but that's just the way Apollo usually talks (and thinks), which is a bit rough. For example, he also refers to Aoi (dunno his name in English; the friend from DD). No, I am not saying Apollo's talking about him.

Author:  henke37 [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I'd be glad to help translate some of the video, but I think I've become distracted by the Tibetan in it instead.

What is that character on Leifa's back? It looks like a མ་, coupled with a single dot on the right, which probably cuts it to a single letter once romanized: m.

Well, I can't say that led me anywhere... It'll probably be explained in-game, but in the meantime, I can speculate if it stands for some sort of position or rank. It'd be strange if it stood for "master", though, since that's an English word...

They already have a symbol for the master, remember 3-5?

Author:  Calios [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Anyone else loved the Testimony music that was playing in the background of the gameplay footage? It really brings back that "Kurain Family Drama" vibe all over again, a feeling that I truly missed for a good while now.

Author:  IronicSalmon [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I'm guessing the new prosecutor is Iris, simply with that hood from T&T on and a hat. Like others have said, the butterfly reminds me of her. Or Maya somehow since it's purple. I'd like to see Capcom explain that shit.

Author:  Zekrom025 [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I have never been so happy to be proven wrong! Made my day :apollo:

Author:  Slammer [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

SuperAj3 wrote:
So I increased the saturation on that silhouette and it came up with this:
Spoiler: large image

This is the silhouette traced over:
Is that flowing material going behind their head from their wrist? And it looks like they've either not drawn in the hair or this person's bald.

It's just... odd :ron:
Capcom, please... explain this NOW!

Author:  luck [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Well, now this is more like it. We finally got some real hype.

I'm guessing that 'this person' is the new prosecutor, and also a new character. I think that the way Apollo talks about them is like that just for the sake of hype and that sentence won't really appear in the game.

Now I think that Athena will probably be in the game, at least as an assistant.

And I've just realized that they apparently came up with the princess name while they were watching Stars Wars. I mean, Leifa Padma? Is Disney going to buy Capcom, too?

Author:  Ash [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

luck wrote:
And I've just realized that they apparently came up with the princess name while they were watching Stars Wars. I mean, Leifa Padma? Is Disney going to buy Capcom, too?

Actually, I think the name comes from:

Layfa (reifa) => reibana (霊花) (the Japanese hana is pronounced as hua in Chinese (or fa when rendered in japanese)). Reibana is an alternative name for the kiganbana, or lycoris radiata, a flower supposedly growing in (Buddhist) hell.

Padma => A Padma is the sacred lotus in Buddhism.

Kurain => Well, obvious where that comes from. Has a Lusheeta Toel Ul Laputa ring to it too!

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I knew it. He said "aitsu". That means it's not a person he means to respect, or he'd have chosen a different word.

Or... it's like in Detective Conan, when they say "It was that person (aitsu)" to tell us they found out who the culprit is, but use the gender-neutral way of saying person, in order to avoid spoiling whether they are talking about a man or a woman. :ron:

I'm guessing the new prosecutor is Iris, simply with that hood from T&T on and a hat. Like others have said, the butterfly reminds me of her. Or Maya somehow since it's purple. I'd like to see Capcom explain that shit.

No, seriously. If Maya, Thalassa, Iris or any previously established character who has no proper tie-in with the law, suddenly springs up as the prosecuting attorney in this game, I will honest to god QUIT Ace Attorney. Because that is a SHIT "plot twist" or "character twist" or whatever the fuck they wanna call it.

Plot Twist, turns out it's Zak, back from the dead and Zak Gramarye Is A Jerk will be made in-universe canon

Looking at the actual picture (not the tracing), it looks like the thing between hand and 'hat' is a piece of cloth from the cuff of the top. You know, imagine a really ruffle-y, but high-standing cuff. (Maybe it's Edgeworth's long-lost half brother!?)


Author:  Gyakuten$aiban [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I wish I was a girl. Leifa Padma Kurain's outfit looks like it'd be fun to make. >_>

Author:  CourtroomShenanigans [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

SuperAj3 wrote:
So I increased the saturation on that silhouette and it came up with this:
Spoiler: large image

This is the silhouette traced over:
Is that flowing material going behind their head from their wrist? And it looks like they've either not drawn in the hair or this person's bald. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say this is... Winston Payne! Maybe? Will Payne be formidable this time? I mean, how else could Gaspen become so well clad with a crown and a sash with the first part of his name in Kanji written all over it?

Payne the Elder has a mullet, so that would have been reflected somewhere. Maybe the hair is braided and looped around their neck or something?

Either that or the new prosecutor is Skull Face. "Such a lust for contradictions! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!"

Ash wrote:
Layfa (reifa) => reibana (霊花) (the Japanese hana is pronounced as fa in Chinese). Reibana is an alternative name for the kiganbana, or lycoris radiata, a flower supposedly growing in (Buddhist) hell.

Padma => A Padma is the sacred lotus in Buddhism.

Kurain => Well, obvious where that comes from. Has a Lusheeta Toel Ul Laputa ring to it too!

A flower from hell and a sacred lotus? That's quite a self-contradictory name if I ever saw one. Still, it's kind of funny how it does sound like the names of two royals from Star Wars and she's a princess of a foreign land (and Star Wars VII is coming out soon, too!)

Author:  Gyakuten$aiban [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

On a more serious note, Apollo being confirmed is renewing my anticipation for the game much like it did last time. Before Apollo got confirmation I was worried the game would be going off on a tangent and then he was confirmed and I was assured it wasn't going to be a thinly-veiled retcon.

That said, last time also taught me that Apollo is kind of an auxiliary character at the moment so I'm a little more skeptical than I was last time but it helps my interest in the game to have him back all the same.

Author:  Turnabout_Lawman [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Gyakuten$aiban wrote:
I wish I was a girl. Leifa Padma Kurain's outfit looks like it'd be fun to make. >_>

Go for it. I'm a Floridian too and crossplay my behind off. Did :franny: for Halloween and Harley Quinn at Tampa Bay Comic Con. My only common challenge is adjusting around what wig colors/styles and whatnot work with my dark skin tone, lol.

Author:  Ash [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

CourtroomShenanigans wrote:
A flower from hell and a sacred lotus? That's quite a self-contradictory name if I ever saw one.

Not really actually, both life and death play a big part in Buddhism, as it's all part of the same cycle.

Author:  CourtroomShenanigans [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Oh okay. Then it's quite a meaningful name, then, for the princess of a kingdom of spirituality.

Author:  Nearavex [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I very much regret they're not using DGS's smooth transition between individual poses and instead went back to DD's system...

Author:  ann-nna [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Am I the only one who thinks this mysterious person could be Edgeworth aiming to look more like his dad? Even though I doubt the thing on this person's head is a hat. XD

Author:  Nearavex [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Edgeworth with purple butterflies? What a twist.

Author:  ann-nna [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Oh right, I completely forgot that little detail. That'd be a twist indeed. XD

Author:  Zekrom [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

The mysterious person is undoubtedly Prof.Aristotle Means

Author:  SuperAj3 [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

I've figured it out! It's Norma DePlume!
That silhouette matches! LOL

Author:  henke37 [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Only if she puts on a hat.

Author:  Calios [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

This was from a friend who was present at the Tokyo Game Show, tremendously jealous since it seems like a fun atmosphere to play the game.


Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Ash wrote:
There's too little context to say anything about it. Sure, "aitsu" is not particularly respectful towards the object of reference, but that's just the way Apollo usually talks (and thinks), which is a bit rough. For example, he also refers to Aoi (dunno his name in English; the friend from DD). No, I am not saying Apollo's talking about him.

I certainly wouldn't expect "anokata" from someone like him, but if it's someone he's just met for the first time, "anohito" is just fine and definitely keeps the ambiguity. Granted, as you say, it is Apollo. He doesn't always have the most eloquent of vocabulary.

henke37 wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I'd be glad to help translate some of the video, but I think I've become distracted by the Tibetan in it instead.

What is that character on Leifa's back? It looks like a མ་, coupled with a single dot on the right, which probably cuts it to a single letter once romanized: m.

Well, I can't say that led me anywhere... It'll probably be explained in-game, but in the meantime, I can speculate if it stands for some sort of position or rank. It'd be strange if it stood for "master", though, since that's an English word...

They already have a symbol for the master, remember 3-5?

Nah. This Kurain can't rip everything off from the other Kurain.

Ash wrote:
Kurain => Well, obvious where that comes from. Has a Lusheeta Toel Ul Laputa ring to it too!

Are you suggesting "Barusu" may actually appear at some point in this game?

Dang, their chant even goes "ul dihara Kurain". ("deehara"?) I thought it reminded me of something. I didn't hear what the commentators were saying about that line, but it's very much like a "long live Kurain" kind of chant.

And speaking of which, guys... I didn't translate all of that footage just to be ignored...

Calios wrote:
This was from a friend who was present at the Tokyo Game Show, tremendously jealous since it seems like a fun atmosphere to play the game.

Ooh. There was even a manual in English? It seems likely localization may have already begun on the game.

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Oliver wrote:
Nurio wrote:
Jean Descole wrote:
I wonder what kind of apple pie it was.

CourtroomShenanigans wrote:
However, the real question remains: will they localize the Sweet Apple Pie? Because if they don't I'll...probably just go to some other good apple pie product or something.

What the heck are you guys on about?

Apple Pie, duh.
No seriously, I don't know...

Toward the end, Capcom was offering some kind of prepackaged "Sweet Apple Pie." Not sure why that of all things to promote the game, but it sounded delicious.

Silhouette person is a completely new prosecutor with a whole crazy backstory that's designed to shock the crap out of the audience and tug at the heartstrings just because. The butterfly just happens to be their court accessory/pet (like Godot had his coffee, and Simon had Taka) and has nothing to do with Iris or Dahlia. Calling it now.

Author:  Gyaku-senpai [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Yayy! I wonder how apollo will fit into the story

Author:  Ash [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Ash wrote:
There's too little context to say anything about it. Sure, "aitsu" is not particularly respectful towards the object of reference, but that's just the way Apollo usually talks (and thinks), which is a bit rough. For example, he also refers to Aoi (dunno his name in English; the friend from DD). No, I am not saying Apollo's talking about him.

I certainly wouldn't expect "anokata" from someone like him, but if it's someone he's just met for the first time, "anohito" is just fine and definitely keeps the ambiguity. Granted, as you say, it is Apollo. He doesn't always have the most eloquent of vocabulary.

The thing is, "aitsu" is the default with his speech style. "Ano kata" is pretty much out of the question, but had he used "ano hito", then I'd have started with thinking there might be something intentional behind his choice of words. Now it's just how he's always talking. I mean, as far as we know, the line is not spoken out loud to the public, but just Apollo's thoughts, so "aitsu" would be the most obvious word to use anyway, w/o special meaning hidden within.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney 6 live stage show at TGS - Apollo, demo foo


...and damn, I'm curious about "that person".

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