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Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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Live in or around London? Interested in celebrating Dual Destinies' release with some prizes, good company, and a screening of the Ace Attorney movie? Then head on over to Capcom's UK headquarters at 5:15 PM BST on October 25th for an official DD launch celebration hosted by Capcom themselves! Sadly, no word yet on if Doug Swallow or Mimi Miney will make an appearance.
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Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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Aw hellz yeah. An Ace Attorney event I can actually go to!
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This is amazing! I finish work at 5... so I'm gonna have to sprint to the nearest tube station to try and make it on time...

Thank you Capcom UK! :kyouya:
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Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title

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No love for the U.S.? :sadshoe:

It's not like it'd be in my area anyways. Nothing like that ever happens in smaller cities like Pittsburgh. Oh well. At least I'm buying a 3DS XL soon, so I'll eventually just be able to play the game.
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Cool! What I think about this:

I wonder what little mini events will take place(for the prizes, I mean.) Even though I wouldn't be able to attend.
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Fawk finally an Ace Attorney event in my country and I still can't go :nick: Ah, well. Hope everyone who can or will attend enjoys themselves. ... 44a161.gif

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This sounds awesome! I wish something like this could happen in Australia~
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A party in London, eh? What I love about where I live is that there's no VG events. Poor me. :larry:
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That sounds pretty exciting!
Those in the UK, try to collect as many goodies as you can!
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Damit London you're so far away.
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Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title

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Unfortunately I'm gonna be at the London Expo at that date and time.
I'm hopping since Capcom normally comes to these events, that there will be bonus material for buying Phoenix Wright duel destiny at the convention. :minuki:
Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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TopHatProfessor1014 wrote:
No love for the U.S.? :sadshoe:

It's not like it'd be in my area anyways. Nothing like that ever happens in smaller cities like Pittsburgh. Oh well. At least I'm buying a 3DS XL soon, so I'll eventually just be able to play the game.

More then I can say. Im not getting a 3ds until Christmas. :payne: I wont be able to play until then :sob:
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... I've been checking flight costs from Berlin to London. I really did that. Gosh - I am crazy XD

But it seems like this event is popping up on too short notice for me. :Max-Cry:

Those who can go: GO! And enjoy it! :pearl:
(Maybe if this event is a success more - at more places - could follow?)
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Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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Golf anyone?

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Virginie wrote:
... I've been checking flight costs from Berlin to London. I really did that. Gosh - I am crazy XD

But it seems like this event is popping up on too short notice for me. :Max-Cry:

Those who can go: GO! And enjoy it! :pearl:
(Maybe if this event is a success more - at more places - could follow?)

Hope it does. But i highly doubt they would have any near WV. Dang it. :igarashi:
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I am not going to be there. My passport just expired. Oh, and I can't afford it either.
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Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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Harminder wrote:
Unfortunately I'm gonna be at the London Expo at that date and time.
I'm hopping since Capcom normally comes to these events, that there will be bonus material for buying Phoenix Wright duel destiny at the convention. :minuki:

Honestly, I've been to the MCM expo about five times now, and each time it's almost exactly the same thing. I could swear even the stalls are in the exact same positions. Plus, there's always Saturday and Sunday!
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Yellow Magician wrote:
Harminder wrote:
Unfortunately I'm gonna be at the London Expo at that date and time.
I'm hopping since Capcom normally comes to these events, that there will be bonus material for buying Phoenix Wright duel destiny at the convention. :minuki:

Honestly, I've been to the MCM expo about five times now, and each time it's almost exactly the same thing. I could swear even the stalls are in the exact same positions. Plus, there's always Saturday and Sunday!

True but there also opened on Friday as well.
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Got distorted by the vodka something idk

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A party in Europe that isn't in Ireland? How am I supposed to have fun? Oh, right, it's Ace Attorney.

Anyway, I don't have the millions of dollars required to attend the event, so I'll have to pass, unfortunately. Hope it's fun for those who do, though!
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Harminder wrote:
True but there also opened on Friday as well.

Yeah, but I doubt there'll be much happening on Friday that won't be happening on Saturday or Sunday. Upto you, though!
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Finally an event in England! :D ...Just when I've moved to Guernsey. I still plan to attend this though, luckily it's around the same time as Diwali so I can use that as an excuse to go home! :will:
Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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TheBaronAndEma wrote:
This sounds awesome! I wish something like this could happen in Australia~

Yay! a fellow Australian :jake:
nothing ever happens in Australia though :sadshoe:
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I believe there are video game conferences that take place in Australia. We have a ton of video game events here. (Here's a hint, the total number is less than 1.)
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Annoyingly, I'm probably not going to be able to make this... if I was still working in London, it might be a bit different...
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Last edited by Helen on Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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Helen von Drama wrote:
I couldn't believe it when I found out that Capcom's offices are so close to where I live (when I'm in London). I'll get there a little late, but I'll be there! I'm looking forward to meeting some CR people and hopefully making some friends! I'll be wearing blue trousers and a green magatama (well, along with some other clothes... :bellboy:), so come and say hi and tell me your forum name! :keiko:

If no one else makes it there be sure to give us a rundown on what happens :garyuu:
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Last edited by Helen on Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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Helen von Drama wrote:
I couldn't believe it when I found out that Capcom's offices are so close to where I live (when I'm in London). I'll get there a little late, but I'll be there! I'm looking forward to meeting some CR people and hopefully making some friends! I'll be wearing blue trousers and a green magatama (well, along with some other clothes... :bellboy:), so come and say hi and tell me your forum name! :keiko:

Sweet, it'd be pretty neat to meet someone from CR there (although technically I already have - hi Ultrasaint! :>)! I don't know what I'll be wearing yet (probably my Breakfast Club top) but I'll probably be, like, the token Asian guy anyway.

(I can help with reporting what went down too, btw ;p)
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Last edited by Helen on Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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:D Depends on what else I'm doing on the day , but I'll probably be around between 5 and 6.

Sure, I'll let you know!
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I'll hopefully be coming too as I'm working MCM Expo :D Can't stay late though as have to be back for a party. If it wasn't so cold I would totally wear my Lisa Basil cosplay for it!
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What did he do this time...?

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You guys should post some pictures of the party on this topic... I'd like to see how it is over there.

Too bad America doesn't have one, but it wouldn't be that great because it'd be somewhere very far away.
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Dang, something's come up so I might won't be there from the absolute start. :(

Ah well. I'll be wearing a green cactuar shirt if anyone wants to come and say hi. :keiko:
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Last edited by Helen on Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Dual Destinies launch party in LondonTopic%20Title
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Yep, pretty much what Helen said!

A few of us also got Blue Badger masks (one of which I'll be wearing to the MCM Expo tomorrow :D) and hassled the host of the event (a Capcom PR guy, I guess?) regarding AAI2 localisation and availability of AA merchandise in the West. Not sure if anything came out of that, but at least we tried. :keiko:
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Last edited by Helen on Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Haha, although that's a bit harsh, honestly..I don't think Capcom can be blamed for worrying about profits - they're a business, after all.

Hopefully enough people in the West will buy DD, so that they can be convinced of a better future for the AA franchise here. Speaking of which, now that I'm finally free, I should probably start playing the game properly now :shoe:
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