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A Statement on the Recent Capcom LeaksTopic%20Title
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People keeping up with gaming news may have seen recently that vast amounts of data were stolen from Capcom's servers for the purposes of ransoming the company. Some of that stolen data, which apparently includes highly sensitive information about Capcom's financial operations and employees also includes news about upcoming games, one of which appears to be a localised port of Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 + 2 for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

We will not be posting any information or screenshots ourselves because of the way this information was gathered, but it can be found on the internet if needed. Most importantly, however, we would like to reiterate that these are leaks and so not confirmed. Plans at Capcom may easily have changed, or could change in response to this. It's not too long ago that we reported on seemingly reliable leaks from Kotaku which ended up not materialising, so we would urge as always that a heap of salt is always necessary for things like this.

[UPDATE: More information has come to light which makes the leaks seem much more solid. This is not to say anything is confirmed or plans haven't since changed, but the likelihood of the DGS ports has now greatly increased. Other AA related leaks have yet to be solidified in such a manner.]
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Happy Maria

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Thank you toatali, great advice as ever and I hope every AA fan will adhere to this.
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I'm beyond excited about the potential of getting The Great Ace Attorney localized and hope that its all true :edgey:

But I hate that this resulted from a ransomware attack instead of an official announcement (or a regular leak)
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The Law 'Shark'

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Such People are garbage fires, but my god I also hope this stuff is absolutely on the level...

I need!
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Gettin' Old!

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Oh wow! That's absolutely super hype news! I mean, ransom no thanks but I hope these leaks bear fruit. I'd absolutely pay for that on Switch.
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I don't condone these actions by anyone, but if Switch/PS4 ports are true, odds are good Japan will get a release as well, and Capcom has been pretty good about putting the US version on the JP carts. So decent odds we'll end up with a physical version of some sort this time.

I also wouldn't have been sad if the Mega Man Legends 3 3DS prototype had been among what was leaked.
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of the Old Bailey

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This is very interesting. :trucy:
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is a five star man.

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I've updated the post because some more information was leaked that seems to suggest the project is being worked on and in a phase where it is unlikely that they will change their plans too heavily. However, the same disclaimers still apply, because of the nature of these leaks.

Another leak claiming to be from the same source has implied the existence of more AA games being worked on, however because of the dates this comes from and because there is not as much information available on the slides, we cannot say with as much certainty as to its accuracy. We'll try and keep everyone updated on this, but again we aren't going to be posting direct information because of how the leaks were obtained. Thanks!
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Re: A Statement on the Recent Capcom LeaksTopic%20Title

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while it’s certainly possible that Capcom could have changed their minds previously regarding a localization of the games I doubt that the hack would cause them to stop working on a localization they are actively working on since all that would achieve would be punishing innocent fans for something they had nothing to do with. That being said if this is true and out in the Switch I’m planning to buy them day one.

Last edited by Defender123 on Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: A Statement on the Recent Capcom LeaksTopic%20Title

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TheRedPriest wrote:
I don't condone these actions by anyone, but if Switch/PS4 ports are true, odds are good Japan will get a release as well, and Capcom has been pretty good about putting the US version on the JP carts. So decent odds we'll end up with a physical version of some sort this time.

I also wouldn't have been sad if the Mega Man Legends 3 3DS prototype had been among what was leaked.

I would be surprised if this was a Western only release.
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People suck, but I'll be crossing my fingers too.
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Absolutely lost my mind when I saw this leak. I always assumed that the DGS games were a little too bizarre and niche for Capcom to ever try and localize. It has been so long since I got to play a new AA, and I couldn't be happier.
Re: A Statement on the Recent Capcom LeaksTopic%20Title

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Just wondering have any of the leaks offered any timeframe as to when this (assuming it’s real and still being worked on) is either planned to be announced or released?
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Defender123 wrote:
Just wondering have any of the leaks offered any timeframe as to when this (assuming it’s real and still being worked on) is either planned to be announced or released?

If I'm not mistaken, they were planning to announce it in April 2021 and considering a release on 1st July 2021.
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Bitter Old Man

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Jozerick wrote:
Defender123 wrote:
Just wondering have any of the leaks offered any timeframe as to when this (assuming it’s real and still being worked on) is either planned to be announced or released?

If I'm not mistaken, they were planning to announce it in April 2021 and considering a release on 1st July 2021.

That kind of turn around sounds more friendly to a retail release than a strictly digital only one. But based on almost EVERYTHING Capcom has done on Switch, I'm expecting to import a Japan physical copy with the US version on it, like pretty much every Mega Man release they've done. But as long as I get an English language physical copy, I'll be happy.
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Re: A Statement on the Recent Capcom LeaksTopic%20Title

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TheRedPriest wrote:
Jozerick wrote:
Defender123 wrote:
Just wondering have any of the leaks offered any timeframe as to when this (assuming it’s real and still being worked on) is either planned to be announced or released?

If I'm not mistaken, they were planning to announce it in April 2021 and considering a release on 1st July 2021.

That kind of turn around sounds more friendly to a retail release than a strictly digital only one. But based on almost EVERYTHING Capcom has done on Switch, I'm expecting to import a Japan physical copy with the US version on it, like pretty much every Mega Man release they've done. But as long as I get an English language physical copy, I'll be happy.

Not sure if this is accurate but according to this (A Chanel that is hosted by recently former member of gamxplain) there will be a physical version in North America but not Europe. Also, the Western version was said not to have dual audio due to a copyright issue (if true my guess would be likely due to the name Sherlock Holmes being used). Also the part about this game starts around the 18:10 mark.
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Bitter Old Man

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This just makes me more and more happy the Switch is region free. Well, hopefully it all works out for everyone in the end.
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it's really cool that they had plans for the 20th anniversary, especially with how dormant the series has been in terms of new games.

on the other hand, hacks like these are scary. and it would have been nice to learn this stuff through an official announcement.
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The leaks are real, believe in hope.
We'll get new games, and Capcom will love us again.
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People suck and it's awful that this became a ransomware attack, but I would be lying if I didn't say that a potential DGS localization wasn't the best news I've heard all 2020. I remember back in the day I said I'd rather have DGS than Spirit of Justice, and I stand by that. Really looking forward to (hopefully) official announcements, and it would definitely be a day one buy from me.
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You aren't going to post anything at all because this site doesn't get updates anymore...
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Gyakuten$aiban wrote:
You aren't going to post anything at all because this site doesn't get updates anymore...

The staff are just waiting for an official annoucement to make any major news updates. Just because there hasn't been anything in a while doesn't mean the site is dead.
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