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Court Records Needs a New Frontend Developer!Topic%20Title
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In Justice We Trust

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This isn’t exactly news anymore (this post was last edited on March 18, 2023), but Court Records is looking to make the second major overhaul in its history, and we need your help to do it! We're currently working on a redo of CR's main site that aims to not only give a fresher look to the game content and coverage you know and love, but also gives the fandom a place to share, search, and discuss their fanworks and theories.

We are looking for a web designer who has experience both in design and implementation. You would be looking at the backend components we have in place with our backend dev, Henke, and working with Sei and Cyreb on our frontend to come up with an improved design to represent them, and implementing that design with Henke providing the hooks to the backend.

Some questions and answers:

Q: What skills/experience will I need?
A: Basic web design skills (CSS, PHP, HTML) are a must. Experience with Javascript, SASS, and SQL will be a significant help, as will familiarity with setting up a dev environment on your own machine so you can do local development and testing.

Q: What is the timetable for this project?
A: At present, we don't have a set date for this release. However, we will be doing our best to compartmentalize the work such that you'd only need to be taking part in the development of the site layout and wouldn't be bogged down by other elements (such as content generation.) Ideally, this will only be a few months on your part, but months turn into years pretty easily with this project.

Q: Didn't I see an ad like this about two years ago?
A: Cyreb’s still with us, but his new job limits how much he can do for us, so we figured we should get a new styler to keep him from exploding from overwork. Sei's offline life has likewise been limiting how much time she can spare. If you applied last time and weren't selected, feel free to drop us a line again!

Q: Is this a paid position?
A: Court Records runs on a bit of a shoestring budget, so we can't provide professional-level compensation; you'd be doing this for love of the series and some AA swag, like the rest of us. Sorry - we understand for a lot of people this is their job, and if you can't do the work for financial reasons we don't blame you. If you're cool working like this, you'll of course be credited on the site.

Q: Are there other ways I can help?
A: We're currently reviewing what needs to be done for the project, and may open up additional slots (copywriters, etc.) in the future. For now, though, we're focusing on getting a frontend dev first and foremost.

If you're interested, please drop us a line at (no, there's no s in that) with examples of your work.
I'll always love you, Max.

Last edited by General Luigi on Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Court Records Needs a New Frontend Developer!Topic%20Title
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Skunkiest lawyer around

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Rank: Suspect

Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:20 pm

Posts: 5

aw man, I wish I could help! I know some very basic HTML but that's about it. Sorry, I hope you find someone!
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