Court Records

Apollo Justice Storyline Coming to TEPPƎN
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Author:  Honey Pie [ Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Apollo Justice Storyline Coming to TEPPƎN


TEPPƎN, the free digital collectible card game developed as a crossover project between GungHo Online Entertainment and Capcom has included numerous opportunities for Ace Attorney it be included. It's almost like seeing Marvel vs. Capcom 3 take a more modern form!

Back in May 2021, Capcom added a Phoenix Wright-themed card set as one of their numerous free expansions to this game, featuring an episode called Ace vs. The People.

Now they have announced a second Ace Attorney-themed deck, featuring the story and characters from Apollo Justice. It's being released with an episode called Turnabout Festival. The storyline of this expansion is going to feature courtroom battles between Apollo Justice characters and Resident Evil characters.

Here is the trailer!

An English Trailer and informative video has also been released.
The detailed artwork in this game bares a resemblance to the works of George Kamitani's art design in games like Odin Sphere and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, although he doesn't happen to take part of the art team of this game.

More information on this new Apollo Justice expansion, Turnabout Festival, can be found on their website.

Author:  Ash [ Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo Justice Storyline Coming to TEPPƎN

With so many Capcom IPs, it's actually odd they haven't released a franchise crossover game themselves on consoles (Smash Bros/Mario Kart etc.). I liked the two Project X Zones for example, so kinda a shame Capcom never made a similar themselves. Even with only Capcom IPs you'd have a decent roster for a RPG like that (especially if they'd add more characters from their respective series)

Author:  Honey Pie [ Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo Justice Storyline Coming to TEPPƎN

Ash wrote:
With so many Capcom IPs, it's actually odd they haven't released a franchise crossover game themselves on consoles (Smash Bros/Mario Kart etc.). I liked the two Project X Zones for example, so kinda a shame Capcom never made a similar themselves. Even with only Capcom IPs you'd have a decent roster for a RPG like that (especially if they'd add more characters from their respective series)

I can see the Ace Attorney characters hitting Smash Bros some day.

Author:  Poodlerx4 [ Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo Justice Storyline Coming to TEPPƎN

I can't see any ace attorney characters coming to smash before one of capcoms more popular/well known games like Resident Evil and monster hunter. But it all depends on how well the '2nd trilogy' performs in 2024 :)

Phoenix (and Maya) were in a fighting game before so its not impossible for them to be there. With hopefully Apollo and Trucy as extra skins or echo fighters.

Teppen is super fun as well, the cards are super powerful. I'm still trying to collect the Phoenix W. skin :phoenix:

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