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Ace Attorney Investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title
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Capcom is never shy about porting their older games to newer consoles. This time it's both an enhanced port, as well as the first time we've gotten an official translation of something that's been left un-localized for over a decade. Pre-Order the game here!

That's right; both Miles Edgeworth: Ace Investigations games are being re-released on all modern consoles (Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox and Playstation). HD and all! And this isn't just your typical upscale. It has both upscaled sprites of the close-up shots, and of the overworld sprites. Switchable at any time you like, whether you want the authenticity of the original DS Console, or if you want to see the full art at its maximum capacity!

Image Image

Many fans may already be familiar with the fan translation that was finished a few years after the original game. It was incredibly well done, including voiceover dubs and more. As a personal fan, I think a lot of people would agree that Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Path was, in many ways the best Ace Attorney game there ever was. A grand finale of the pre-Apollo generation that ties together even details of the DL-6 Incident, as well as ties together all five of it's cases in very intriguing and original ways. This time, the sequel is being titled Prosecutor's Gambit, likely in reference to Logic Chess; which they have also changed the name of, calling it Mind Chess.


However, it may be difficult for those who played the fan patch to be comfortable with the realization that the new names of the characters have already been announced to be different. Justine Courtney is now Verity Gavèlle, Raymond Shields is now Eddie Fender, et cetera. However keep in mind, the fan names were already different from their original Japanese meanings.

The release date is September 6th, priced at $39.99. Capcom has been on fire lately!

The game also includes many of the extras that the other recent remasters have received, such as a Concept Artwork Gallery and Jukebox. It also includes a new Character Compendium, where you can view the animations of every character all in one.

Image Image

Perhaps one of the only port left to add to newer consoles now would be Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright. We do have a new Layton exclusive game coming up next year, so perhaps that could raise the liklihood for a Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright port! But that is just a theory. :sillytrucy:

Last edited by Honey Pie on Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:59 am, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Ace Attorney investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title

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And with that every major game in the series will now have an official English release. Also, with the exception of the headline none of the article appears on the main page, can someone please fix that.
Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title
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Raymond Shields is now Eddie Fender, et cetera. However keep in mind, the fan names were already different from their original Japanese meanings.

At least in "Shields" they tried to keep the "shield" (盾) part of his original Japanese name. Eddie Fender sounds like a name for the 1st case opponent from a hypothetical game where you actually play as a prosecutor in court.
Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title
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There is a Path to Apathy.

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"Eustace Winner" is one name I'm going to need a lot of time to adjust to. I liked the many different connotations of "Sebastian Debeste" a lot more. "The Bastion of the Best", stuff like that.
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Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title
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Darth Wiader wrote:
Raymond Shields is now Eddie Fender, et cetera. However keep in mind, the fan names were already different from their original Japanese meanings.

At least in "Shields" they tried to keep the "shield" (盾) part of his original Japanese name. Eddie Fender sounds like a name for the 1st case opponent from a hypothetical game where you actually play as a prosecutor in court.

This is exactly why I think Eddie Fender is the worst name change, because it's such a lazy pun and sounds more like a name for a nobody character that's only around for the tutorial case, and not the name for a character who is central to the game. I know everyone's complaining about Eustace Winner and how they'll never get used to calling Sebastian that, but I could see myself calling Sebastian Eustace sooner than I can see myself calling Raymond Shields "Eddie Fender."
Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title
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Skittlemask wrote:
Darth Wiader wrote:
Raymond Shields is now Eddie Fender, et cetera. However keep in mind, the fan names were already different from their original Japanese meanings.

At least in "Shields" they tried to keep the "shield" (盾) part of his original Japanese name. Eddie Fender sounds like a name for the 1st case opponent from a hypothetical game where you actually play as a prosecutor in court.

This is exactly why I think Eddie Fender is the worst name change, because it's such a lazy pun and sounds more like a name for a nobody character that's only around for the tutorial case, and not the name for a character who is central to the game. I know everyone's complaining about Eustace Winner and how they'll never get used to calling Sebastian that, but I could see myself calling Sebastian Eustace sooner than I can see myself calling Raymond Shields "Eddie Fender."

I can understand from the perspective of Capcom that they feel their job is to make up their own new creative puns and all, but at the same time I agree! It will be heartbreaking to stop making jokes about him being "The Best", or "First Class", as I believe it originally meant. :will:

They did partially use Dahlia Hawthorne's fan translation name in T&T.

Defender123 wrote:
And with that every major game in the series will now have an official English release. Also, with the exception of the headline none of the article appears on the main page, can someone please fix that.

Yes we have been looking into numerous issues with the front page for some time. Not sure why this happened. There are actually plans for more major website updates which I think may come sooner than you think because we got a new coder! :edgey:
Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title
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There is a Path to Apathy.

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I think Capcom must have seen the Fan Translation, panicked, and quickly realized their Egos would be crippled if they let this stand. They saw the heartfelt effort of the translators on here with the relatively down to Earth creative dub names for the new characters, and realized there was no way to top some of them.

I honestly just can't see any other explanation behind what went through their minds when they decided that "Excelsius Winner" was a good dub name for the man who gave Manfred Von Karma his first penalty. That's going to be gut-busting hilarious, listening to some Youtuber recapping the whole franchise's backstory and getting to this part: "... and then, Excelsius Winner gave Von Karma his first, and only penalty".

Many of these official dubbed names have a sting of Esotericism built into them like rock hard.
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Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Collection Announced!Topic%20Title
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even though its already been a week since the collection released i still cant get over "eddie fender" its such a bad name
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Athena Internet Defense Force

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Well...the game's out. No front-page announcement?

Site's dead.
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