Court Records

/Solved/Could there be more GK elements in GS5?
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Author:  mushin [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  /Solved/Could there be more GK elements in GS5?

So...I didn't see a topic about it, but I'm pretty sure the person in this screenshot of GS5


is Tyrell Badd. The unworn sleeves and the ragged coat...I'm pretty sure it's him, I even see a bullet hole. So the questions are: Is he just placed there because he is one of the oldest character to have witnessed most of the change? Or is he going to make a cameo/be in the game? Could it be possible that we will hear something about the Yatagarasu? Could there be any kind of GK plot in the new GS game?

It would be interesting to see the GK and GS games fully collide plot-wise, I mean it is the AAI team working on it. Your thoughts? Or do you have someone else in mind except the Badd idea(pun not intended... :keiko: )?

[The picture was found at court-records' tumblr. :phoenix: ]

Author:  Pierre [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Huh y'know I've never noticed a dude in this picture before.

It could be Badd and it is the GK team working on the game I think but I reckon its probably just a cape, I doubt they'll show many characters from GK short of maybe Edgeworth and Gumshoe because it is the main series after all.

Author:  mushin [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Pierre wrote:
Huh y'know I've never noticed a dude in this picture before.

It could be Badd and it is the GK team working on the game I think but I reckon its probably just a cape, I doubt they'll show many characters from GK short of maybe Edgeworth and Gumshoe because it is the main series after all.

The sleeve on the right looks pretty weird though spaghetti like?(I can't find the right word, it just looks too awkward for an arm to be inside...) and the shoulders looks a bit too close to their head, it looks more like a trench coat worn over to me...o O

The game concentrates on Phoenix Wright's revival so I'm pretty sure you're right about not having any characters coming back, I was more wondering about the plot.

Author:  Pierre [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Well I'd be very happy to see Badd come back because he was badass awesome and possibly my favourite character from that game but I just don't feel they'd include him. Though if they do this screenshot seems to implicate him in the bombing and that's worrying.

Author:  CatMuto [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Just because he's standing in the remains and amongst rubble doesn't automatically mean he has anything to do with it.
And considering what he all did in GK1, would it really be surprising that he did more bad stuff, even if it was in the name of "Justice"?


Author:  Pierre [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

CatMuto wrote:
Just because he's standing in the remains and amongst rubble doesn't automatically mean he has anything to do with it.
And considering what he all did in GK1, would it really be surprising that he did more bad stuff, even if it was in the name of "Justice"?


Well I don't really consider what he did in GK1 'bad' indeed the whole thematic deal about that climactic case is that justice should go above the law at times.

i just don't think Badd is really necessary in the plot anymore and feel they wouldn't use him.

Author:  mushin [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Pierre wrote:
Well I'd be very happy to see Badd come back because he was badass awesome and possibly my favourite character from that game but I just don't feel they'd include him. Though if they do this screenshot seems to implicate him in the bombing and that's worrying.

It is now that you mention it, heck I'd rather have his chances of coming back under zero percent than having him come back tragically like a victim or something of the sort.

How old would he be, around in his seventies? I think seeing a character aging close to his death would be heartbreaking I really don't want him to show up, and hope this is only made for symbolism...

I would really like to see the plots crossing each other though. But perhaps there won't be much place in this GS5 with the comeback of Phoenix, and Kokone's plot since her story will surely be squeezed in somewhere. :shoe:

Author:  SuperAj3 [ Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

I never noticed that man!
I'm going to call it and say that this man is the same one that appears at the very end of the TGS Trailer. (I want to also figure out who it is.)

EDIT: Look at his hands, unless Capcom were lazy and drew them as squares, I think he's wearing a jacket that's too big for him. Maybe it is Badd's jacket. Maybe that's Gumshoe? Or another acquaintance of Badd.

Author:  Auburnsun [ Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

I don't think they're the same people, simply because the silhouettes are way too different.

Author:  KingRaptor [ Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Like SuperAj3, I assume that's just Apollo Silhouette Prosecutor.

Badd's around 68 and may well be still in prison, I don't see him having any direct involvement in this. (Plus, the hairstyles don't match.)
Capcom could use GS5 to tie GS and GK together, but would they?.

Author:  Gnobo [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

KingRaptor wrote:
Like SuperAj3, I assume that's just Apollo Silhouette Prosecutor.

Badd's around 68 and may well be still in prison, I don't see him having any direct involvement in this. (Plus, the hairstyles don't match.)
Capcom could use GS5 to tie GS and GK together, but would they?.

I think it's Mystery Prosecutor too, except it doesn't look like this person has his long curly hair and scarf. Though he might have long hair but the shot's too far away. Or...

Crack theory: It's Slenderman wearing a trench coat. It could explain why this man is tall, has noodle arms, and has a bald head. He chased Shinobu into the courtroom and then saw it blow up. And then he'll be called as a witness during the trial.

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Gnobo wrote:
Crack theory: It's Slenderman wearing a trench coat. It could explain why this man is tall, has noodle arms, and has a bald head. He chased Shinobu into the courtroom and then saw it blow up. And then he'll be called as a witness during the trial.

Wait, if Slenderman has no face, how can he testify?
Is this gonna be like in 1-4 with the parrot?


Author:  Gnobo [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

CatMuto wrote:
Gnobo wrote:
Crack theory: It's Slenderman wearing a trench coat. It could explain why this man is tall, has noodle arms, and has a bald head. He chased Shinobu into the courtroom and then saw it blow up. And then he'll be called as a witness during the trial.

Wait, if Slenderman has no face, how can he testify?
Is this gonna be like in 1-4 with the parrot?


Something like that. When Phoenix tries to press him on more information, he won't say anything. Then, Nick checks the court records, and he suddenly finds a note. He'll object and present the note, and then the screen will start getting static-y. As the static builds, he won't have enough time to know what's going on until the whole screen blacks out. Then a message will pop-up saying you collected "Pages 1/8".

And thus was the end of the Ace Attorney series. :sadshoe:

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Gnobo wrote:
He'll object and present the note, and then the screen will start getting static-y. As the static builds, he won't have enough time to know what's going on until the whole screen blacks out. Then a message will pop-up saying you collected "Pages 1/8".

Well it's a good way to get rid of that idiot Judge finally.


Author:  Pierre [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

CatMuto wrote:
Gnobo wrote:
He'll object and present the note, and then the screen will start getting static-y. As the static builds, he won't have enough time to know what's going on until the whole screen blacks out. Then a message will pop-up saying you collected "Pages 1/8".

Well it's a good way to get rid of that idiot Judge finally.


You mean one of the most lovable characters and the most consistent source of comedy in court in what is a comedy themed game? No comedic judge no sale.

Author:  beterbomen [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Slendy can talk, you know.

F o u n d
y o u .

Like that

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Pierre wrote:
You mean one of the most lovable characters and the most consistent source of comedy in court in what is a comedy themed game? No comedic judge no sale.

I admit he had a few funny lines ("You're thinking of having me killed, Mr Wright!?", "Noooooo....! Oh wait, I'm not being accused her!") but there is a limit of stupidity that I can take, even in comedy.


Author:  Pierre [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

CatMuto wrote:
Pierre wrote:
You mean one of the most lovable characters and the most consistent source of comedy in court in what is a comedy themed game? No comedic judge no sale.

I admit he had a few funny lines ("You're thinking of having me killed, Mr Wright!?", "Noooooo....! Oh wait, I'm not being accused her!") but there is a limit of stupidity that I can take, even in comedy.


Again I question how much you can really enjoy the games when so many main things and concepts just make you bleed fury.

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

There's a difference between making me "bleed fury" and things that are just so stupid that they give me a headache.
I'm replaying Case 3-5 right now and the sheer stupidity of this case makes me cringe. But it doesn't make me want to kill people - maybe slap the developers for creating such idiotic scenarios. :redd:


Author:  Pierre [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

CatMuto wrote:
There's a difference between making me "bleed fury" and things that are just so stupid that they give me a headache.
I'm replaying Case 3-5 right now and the sheer stupidity of this case makes me cringe. But it doesn't make me want to kill people - maybe slap the developers for creating such idiotic scenarios. :redd:


Difference maybe...

Equally bad metaphors? Yes.

Author:  icer [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

This looks most like the same guy in the Silhouette.
Whoever that is.

Unless there's a uniform they all wear.

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Besides the ragged look of the coat, it doesn't really look like Bad to me. The jacket, specifically the left arm, looks like it has been ripped off, and the jacket doesn't come down enough behind him. Now, these can be explained: The jacket could have been damaged in the blast, and there could be wind blowing around, but then I would argue that the symbolic reasoning for the silhouette would be lessened greatly. If you want to put a silhouette in there that people will recognize as Bad, why change it to the point where many won't recognize it? I also concur with others who say it wouldn't really make sense to bring his character back (although I haven't played GK2 so I don't know much about what happens there).

My current opinion is that this is someone not necessarily related to the first case or the judicial system, but possibly the one responsible for setting the events in motion and maybe related to the overall conflict/non-prosecutor antagonist in the game. (Maybe having something to do with Trucy's absence? I mean, to be honest, to me it looks more like a Cape than an overcoat, although that's really reaching since I doubt any Gramarye story will be important in this game).

A lot of questions about this game. Of course it's supposed to be released this year in Japan so we'll probably have tons of information in a couple of months.

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

ADA McCoy wrote:
Besides the ragged look of the coat, it doesn't really look like Bad to me. The jacket, specifically the left arm, looks like it has been ripped off, and the jacket doesn't come down enough behind him. Now, these can be explained: The jacket could have been damaged in the blast, and there could be wind blowing around, but then I would argue that the symbolic reasoning for the silhouette would be lessened greatly. If you want to put a silhouette in there that people will recognize as Bad, why change it to the point where many won't recognize it? I also concur with others who say it wouldn't really make sense to bring his character back (although I haven't played GK2 so I don't know much about what happens there).

My current opinion is that this is someone not necessarily related to the first case or the judicial system, but possibly the one responsible for setting the events in motion and maybe related to the overall conflict/non-prosecutor antagonist in the game. (Maybe having something to do with Trucy's absence? I mean, to be honest, to me it looks more like a Cape than an overcoat, although that's really reaching since I doubt any Gramarye story will be important in this game).

A lot of questions about this game. Of course it's supposed to be released this year in Japan so we'll probably have tons of information in a couple of months.

Wait...has Trucy been confirmed to be missing at the start of the game or something?

Author:  beterbomen [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Pierre wrote:
Wait...has Trucy been confirmed to be missing at the start of the game or something?

No, that's just an asumption everyone's making that because this isn't Apollo's game, Trucy won't be in it at all. Personaly, I think it's a pretty stupid asumption, and I'll be pretty bad if Trucy doesn't apear in the game in some way, unless it's for a good reason.

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

beterbomen wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Wait...has Trucy been confirmed to be missing at the start of the game or something?

No, that's just an asumption everyone's making that because this isn't Apollo's game, Trucy won't be in it at all. Personaly, I think it's a pretty stupid asumption, and I'll be pretty bad if Trucy doesn't apear in the game in some way, unless it's for a good reason.

Yeah phew ok, for a worried there I thought that meant the shot of Phoenix looking at the locket with Trucy implied she was missing or worse and it had just went over my head.

Don't know what they are worried about, all that's been shown is a bit of the first trial, some anime scenes (probably introduction ones), a like a screenshot or two of investigating. Of course Trucy and Apollo can still be in it.

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Pierre wrote:
beterbomen wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Wait...has Trucy been confirmed to be missing at the start of the game or something?

No, that's just an asumption everyone's making that because this isn't Apollo's game, Trucy won't be in it at all. Personaly, I think it's a pretty stupid asumption, and I'll be pretty bad if Trucy doesn't apear in the game in some way, unless it's for a good reason.

Yeah phew ok, for a worried there I thought that meant the shot of Phoenix looking at the locket with Trucy implied she was missing or worse and it had just went over my head.

Don't know what they are worried about, all that's been shown is a bit of the first trial, some anime scenes (probably introduction ones), a like a screenshot or two of investigating. Of course Trucy and Apollo can still be in it.

Wow, for some reason I was under the impression the trailer hinted she was gone/kidnapped/in danger. I thought someone said he was on the phone trying to find someone and then it cut to the locket.

Either way, if she or Apollo were in some kind of danger I doubt it would be for the whole game. I'm thinking a last case kind of thing. I personally hope they're in the game a lot though.

My main point was that it seems too different to be Badd, and is most probably a new character, and that if they were going to want people to recognize his silhouette then they should make it a little less messed up. This is assuming this isn't just one frame of a video or something. They could have picked the most vague frame and in 5 seconds the coat will stop blowing around.

Author:  mushin [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Gnobo wrote:
KingRaptor wrote:
Like SuperAj3, I assume that's just Apollo Silhouette Prosecutor.

Badd's around 68 and may well be still in prison, I don't see him having any direct involvement in this. (Plus, the hairstyles don't match.)
Capcom could use GS5 to tie GS and GK together, but would they?.

I think it's Mystery Prosecutor too, except it doesn't look like this person has his long curly hair and scarf. Though he might have long hair but the shot's too far away. Or...

Crack theory: It's Slenderman wearing a trench coat. It could explain why this man is tall, has noodle arms, and has a bald head. He chased Shinobu into the courtroom and then saw it blow up. And then he'll be called as a witness during the trial.

Well if he's the prosecutor we can still argue that he's wearing a hat, problem solved. :redd:

ADA McCoy wrote:
Wow, for some reason I was under the impression the trailer hinted she was gone/kidnapped/in danger. I thought someone said he was on the phone trying to find someone and then it cut to the locket.

Either way, if she or Apollo were in some kind of danger I doubt it would be for the whole game. I'm thinking a last case kind of thing. I personally hope they're in the game a lot though.

My main point was that it seems too different to be Badd, and is most probably a new character, and that if they were going to want people to recognize his silhouette then they should make it a little less messed up. This is assuming this isn't just one frame of a video or something. They could have picked the most vague frame and in 5 seconds the coat will stop blowing around.

People on tumblr were basing this assumption just because of the animation screenshot of Phoenix holding the locket with Trucy's picture...true story. :shoe:

But animation is not such an easy thing to do, you always have to make things look simpler from far away. Rereading the topic opening I guess it looks like I kind of jumped the guns there, feel free to prove me wrong if you have a better guess than mine, I'm only suggesting. :bellboy:

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?


People on tumblr were basing this assumption just because of the animation screenshot of Phoenix holding the locket with Trucy's picture...true story. :shoe:

But animation is not such an easy thing to do, you always have to make things look simpler from far away. Rereading the topic opening I guess it looks like I kind of jumped the guns there, feel free to prove me wrong if you have a better guess than mine, I'm only suggesting. :bellboy:

No worries! You didn't jump the guns! Once I read his name I couldn't stop seeing Badd there. I didn't mean to imply it was wrong to guess or something or that you're dead wrong about it. I just meant that after thinking about it I thought it probably wasn't likely that it was him due to technical reasons. If no one was guessing about things/denying said guess then fan speculation wouldn't be any fun. So no worries! :edgy:

Author:  beterbomen [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

soreveil wrote:
Gnobo wrote:
KingRaptor wrote:
Like SuperAj3, I assume that's just Apollo Silhouette Prosecutor.

Badd's around 68 and may well be still in prison, I don't see him having any direct involvement in this. (Plus, the hairstyles don't match.)
Capcom could use GS5 to tie GS and GK together, but would they?.

I think it's Mystery Prosecutor too, except it doesn't look like this person has his long curly hair and scarf. Though he might have long hair but the shot's too far away. Or...

Crack theory: It's Slenderman wearing a trench coat. It could explain why this man is tall, has noodle arms, and has a bald head. He chased Shinobu into the courtroom and then saw it blow up. And then he'll be called as a witness during the trial.

Well if he's the prosecutor we can still argue that he's wearing a hat, problem solved. :redd:

If that figure was wearing a trenchcoat and a hat, it wouldn't be Slenderman, it would be the Man behind the Door.

Author:  Gnobo [ Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Soooooo, now that we've got our first look at Apollo for GS5, anyone else convinced that the guy standing here is him?

Trenchcoat? Check
Empty sleeves? Check
Raised collar? Check
Ripped coattails? Check
Hair Antenna? Ummm... I don't know.

Could this also prove that Apollo was the target of the courthouse bomb, and that the bomb damaged his arms and right eye?

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Gnobo wrote:
Soooooo, now that we've got our first look at Apollo for GS5, anyone else convinced that the guy standing here is him?

Trenchcoat? Check
Empty sleeves? Check
Raised collar? Check
Ripped coattails? Check
Hair Antenna? Ummm... I don't know.

Could this also prove that Apollo was the target of the courthouse bomb, and that the bomb damaged his arms and right eye?

In my opinion it is him. Everything matches up perfectly, with the exception of his hair. My honest opinion is that his hair was photo shopped out so that it wouldn't totally give it away when they showed it.

Author:  mushin [ Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

ADA McCoy wrote:
Gnobo wrote:
Soooooo, now that we've got our first look at Apollo for GS5, anyone else convinced that the guy standing here is him?

Trenchcoat? Check
Empty sleeves? Check
Raised collar? Check
Ripped coattails? Check
Hair Antenna? Ummm... I don't know.

Could this also prove that Apollo was the target of the courthouse bomb, and that the bomb damaged his arms and right eye?

In my opinion it is him. Everything matches up perfectly, with the exception of his hair. My honest opinion is that his hair was photo shopped out so that it wouldn't totally give it away when they showed it.

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's him with the new scans now, I really wasn't expecting Capcom to pull this designs out of their hats. I guess we can blame the far away character for the missing antenna? Or maybe they tried to make some kind of "Detective Conan anonymous character" but with more details?

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

soreveil wrote:
ADA McCoy wrote:
Gnobo wrote:
Soooooo, now that we've got our first look at Apollo for GS5, anyone else convinced that the guy standing here is him?

Trenchcoat? Check
Empty sleeves? Check
Raised collar? Check
Ripped coattails? Check
Hair Antenna? Ummm... I don't know.

Could this also prove that Apollo was the target of the courthouse bomb, and that the bomb damaged his arms and right eye?

In my opinion it is him. Everything matches up perfectly, with the exception of his hair. My honest opinion is that his hair was photo shopped out so that it wouldn't totally give it away when they showed it.

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's him with the new scans now, I really wasn't expecting Capcom to pull this designs out of their hats. I guess we can blame the far away character for the missing antenna? Or maybe they tried to make some kind of "Detective Conan anonymous character" but with more details?

I'd bet $5 when that scene is in the actual game you'll be able to see Apollo's antenna. It's a little bit like when a big anticipated film sequel comes out, and they photoshop out things in the trailer that could spoil things right away for the hardcore fans.

Author:  mushin [ Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

ADA McCoy wrote:
I'd bet $5 when that scene is in the actual game you'll be able to see Apollo's antenna. It's a little bit like when a big anticipated film sequel comes out, and they photoshop out things in the trailer that could spoil things right away for the hardcore fans.

Maybe you're right even though it's false advertisement—not that it hasn't been done before. I really hope he drop that coat down once he gets better, the tattered coat worn on the back like Badd and like some said the Von Karma-ish(?) air doesn't fit him in my opinion.

I don't expect Polly to change so much to the point of his personality being unrecognizable, he's probably the same dork, just a bit more mature. :phoenix:

Author:  Pierre [ Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

soreveil wrote:
ADA McCoy wrote:
I'd bet $5 when that scene is in the actual game you'll be able to see Apollo's antenna. It's a little bit like when a big anticipated film sequel comes out, and they photoshop out things in the trailer that could spoil things right away for the hardcore fans.

Maybe you're right even though it's false advertisement—not that it hasn't been done before. I really hope he drop that coat down once he gets better, the tattered coat worn on the back like Badd and like some said the Von Karma-ish(?) air doesn't fit him in my opinion.

I don't expect Polly to change so much to the point of his personality being unrecognizable, he's probably the same dork, just a bit more mature. :phoenix:

Hope he keeps that sick eyebandanna for a while, it's like he looked at Big Boss and went "Yeah eyepatches and Bandannas are cool I guess, but I HAVE FUSED BOTH!"

Though the bandage is tied very inefficiently to trail out that far behind him.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Could there be more GK elements than we thought in GS5?

Pierre wrote:
Though the bandage is tied very inefficiently to trail out that far behind him.

That just makes him look more badass!
His coat and bandages must flutter in any breeze to up his badassness.
Although I still don't really buy the badassness.


Author:  TheIdioteque [ Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: /Solved/Could there be more GK elements in GS5?

It's admittedly kind of hard to buy Apollo as a "badass" when he was such a dork during GS4. Then again, a lot of can happen in a year so who knows.

Author:  TheBlarghMan [ Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: /Solved/Could there be more GK elements in GS5?

TheIdioteque wrote:
It's admittedly kind of hard to buy Apollo as a "badass" when he was such a dork during GS4. Then again, a lot of can happen in a year so who knows.

There are several people in the AA series that I consider "badass." Godot, AJ Phoenix, JFA and beyond Edgeworth...Apollo, meh, not so much. It seemed like the game did everything it could to downplay him and make him look second rate to Klavier, Kristoph, and Phoenix.

Still, though, there is precedent for characters being thought of as wimps turning around and becoming badasses in the next game they appear in (Raiden from MGS2 to MGS4 being the most noticeable example).

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