Court Records

If a Capcom CM would ask you to promote PW in your country..
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Author:  Gold [ Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  If a Capcom CM would ask you to promote PW in your country..

... What should he do ?

As some of you might know, I'm in charge of the french Ace Attorney main community. Two weeks ago, a community manager from Capcom France sent me a mail, asking the opinion of the community about what Capcom France should do to promote the series.

Obviously, I asked a few friends to join the fun, and we're discussing ever since on several subjects.

I would like to know if some of you here at Court Records may have ideas ? That could be really useful !
Many thanks in advance ! :trucy:

Author:  SuperAj3 [ Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: If a Capcom CM would ask you to promote PW in your count

Wow, what to suggest?
I'd say have television advertisements for Dual Destinies (iOS and 3DS) and the upcoming 3DS Trilogy title, or some Ace Attorney themed booths at large conventions? Maybe taking a leaf out of Japan's AA advertising and give out free keychains to those that visit the booths, to make more people want to see their booth.

Author:  Gammalad [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If a Capcom CM would ask you to promote PW in your count

I would find someone way to get physical releases of the trilogy and Dual Destinies and get some good tv spots for the game.

Author:  Unmei25 [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If a Capcom CM would ask you to promote PW in your count

Hmm... well the thing is, I think the culture of the country's (in this case France, right?) gaming community should be the first thing to be considered.. like I dunno, what's the usual marketing for games over there? Do people even watch much TV these days there? Or are they more inclined to staring at the net whole day? In here, games are not even promoted... we just somehow find news on the net, then bug our local retail stores if they're even gonna get the game :franny: . So in short, we just ride along the NA release :shoe:

lol sorry if I sound lame or don't even make sense, I'm kinda speaking from a business standpoint... something burnt in our brains in my global business class :think-think-think:

Author:  Gold [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If a Capcom CM would ask you to promote PW in your count

I don't know, Layton VS Wright had a huge advertisement campaign and there were good results.
In the other hand, I learned from this community manager that Dual Destinies made great results too, despite the lack of communication (well, Layton VS Wright is handled by Nintendo, it's not the same thing, but I think you should see my point here)

It's also true that nobody at Capcom bothers to do official translations of the trailers since AAI and the english-only release of the games, that could be an idea too.

Thanks ! If some of you had others ideas, feel free to expose them ! :)

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If a Capcom CM would ask you to promote PW in your count

Take this with a grain of salt, since I'm in the U.S. and not France, and advertising results might be different.

To me at least, in the U.S, TV commercials would be amazing but I think they'd simply be too expensive for the amount you'd need to really drum up hype (like I said, it might be different though in France or other countries). I think the target demographic (Video Game fans, anime fans, and maybe even people who enjoy police procedural shows) would probably take notice through internet advertising, as some have mentioned in this topic. If Capcom ran ads for it during commercial breaks from anime on services like Hulu or other video streaming sites, they might get more interest. Webpage/banner ads are good too. Now that DD is on iOS, you could through the words "Try for free" or something along those lines up as well.

I think the other thing that really bugs me about how AA is marketed is the content of the advertising itself. All of the trailers are basically localized versions of the Japanese trailers, which tend to focus very much on the characters and their personality. These trailers are fine for people who've played before, but they are awful at trying to get newcomers interested, in my opinion. When I picked up my first AA game (Apollo Justice) it wasn't because of the characters or the world. I wanted a law game and that was it. So I'd say Capcom should make trailers more focused on the crimes/mystery element and rely less on "this character is introduced! Hear his catchphrase while the same words appear on the screen". Making the trailers more movie-like and have more focus on the plot would help entice newcomers more, in my opinion.

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