Court Records

Wh-WHAT?! Actual information?!?!
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Author:  Lana_Skyes_Heart [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Wh-WHAT?! Actual information?!?!

"When Shu Takumi was exclusively interviewed, he said that GS5 will still be on DS and it will be the last one for the series. However, it doesn't mean that there will be no new GS gamse, but rather the end of stories about Phoenix. After that, GS will become a totally new game and have nothing to do with the old series.

He also stated that GS4 was a "test" game. Thanks to the high sale record of GS4, the staff aren't worried about introducing a new story.

However, before the new game series can start, the current GS series must come to an end and GS5 will be the farewell show. GS5 will break the record of GS1's DS remake and become the longest one of the whole series. Almost all the old characters will turn up and some hidden clues in GS1234 will be looked on. Some of the cases which seem to have nothing to do with each other will show a connection. In a word, everything will become clear in GS5. What made the players even more excited, Shu Takumi revealed that the final boss of the all darkness is not a fresh face but someone we are quite familiar with! This person control all in the dark, who can he/she be?

Shu Takumi also said the most of the script has been finished and the game producing is on its way. There is also a piece of news which may let the players down: it's probably the last time that Shu Takumi will take part in writting the script for GS. From now on, other people will take over his work."

Source: ... 40-5.html&

What do you guys think? I think this could be a fake...but still.
I know that Court Records hasn't got a hold on this info yet, but there's a very high chance it could be fake.

Regarding this article's contents; I don't believe some of it. I mean, why would they end
Phoenix FOREVER in Gs5, when he's the only reason for the fanbase? I mean, you've got other characters but Phoenix is the CORE.
According to this, there will be no more Phoenix after Gs5, which really sucks.

And a "test" game?! Come on! The Gs staff must already know that Phoenix Wright has become a world wide phenomenon. Geez, they should of at least try making Apollo have more depth!

Okay, so any thoughts?

Author:  Millini [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wh-WHAT?! Actual information?!?!

Actually, it's been posted here before several times.

And yes, it's fake.

Author:  Xero Wright [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wh-WHAT?! Actual information?!?!

It's fake. =\ Sadly enough.

Author:  DSL-69 [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wh-WHAT?! Actual information?!?!

Very fake...

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