Court Records

Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games
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Author:  AddleBoy [ Sat May 30, 2009 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

RandomJibberish wrote:
I like it how it is, really. 3D would be horrible. Non-DS would be horrible. Achievements would be okay, but unnecessary. Linearity is fine, even good. I just want more of the same :godot:

I agree. I rather like the 2D, visual novel style it has. I never liked achievements. All it amounts to is tedious, busy-work. I mean, what's the point of showing your badge to everyone in the game to get a little trophy telling you how awesome you are? I don't see why achievements are so popular now-a-days. I just see it as a cheap way for game developers to give a since of more replay value.

The random case generator wouldn't work either because it wouldn't fit on the DS cartridge if they were to make the cases complex. They would all be pretty much the same, but with little changes. Just look at games that have random level generators. They can't be nearly as complex as a well planned and thought out level.

I could actually see a character selection option work if it were only limited to the trial phases that you would be able to replay later after beating them during the story mode.

While I like the idea of a Built-In Casemaker sounds good, it would probably take up too much room on the cartridge. It sounds like it would be better off a stand-alone game, like RPG Maker.

Multiplayer also sounds like it would be interesting. Having a player vs. player mode for trial phases sounds like it would be difficult to pull off, though.

For the last two, at least there's RP to fill that need for now.

jwai05n wrote:
Some of the ideas are good but probably wouldn't fit onto a DS cartridge. So they shoul bring out GS5 on WII. Oh! and then you could have a mini game where you play as a murderer and shoot victims that pop up on screen, but not shoot them when there is a police officer on screen. OH! and you could get extra points for shooting a Lawyer, and automatically get an achievement for shooting one below the belt. Of course, if you fail to kill a Lawyer when he appears he sues your ass off and you lose all of you achievments and game progress unless you can successfully defend youself in court, giving even more court based minigame action.

Oh, god no... That's like the worst case scenario....

Author:  Capybara [ Sat May 30, 2009 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I want more of the same. The same is fun.

Author:  momento [ Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I actually like these ideas, especially the hidden mini-cases, if only to give me an excuse to replay the game.

Like, maybe you have to beat a case ten times to unlock a mini-case?

Author:  prosecutor™ [ Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

00Davo wrote:
So... here's a whole bunch of random ideas regarding new features in future Ace Attorney games.

Yes, an Xbox Live-esque achievement system - achievements for completing every case, finishing a case with no penalties, completing a case with every character (see below), and so on. There would also be secret stuff during investigation - presenting a certain piece of evidence to a certain person may earn you an achievement, as may examining a certain hidden spot. Presenting your badge to everyone would definitely be worth an achievement. These achievements, as well as bragging rights, earn you some...

Bonus Content
As well as the four main cases, there's a whole slew of neat hidden content, unlocked by earning achievements. You'd have the usual bonus stuff: concept art, sound tests, and such. You'd also have really cool stuff: a bunch of additional "mini-cases". These would only have the one court segment, and be pretty generally short, but still provide a bunch of additional gameplay. Other cool idea? Episodes of the Steel Samurai television program. Awesome. You could possibly also collect an "evidence library" throughout the game, cataloguing all the evidence you've collected - there would obviously be an achievement for filling your evidence library.

Character Selection
When replaying a case, or whenever you play a mini-case, you can select your character. You start with Apollo unlocked, and get more characters as part of the bonus content stuff. Different characters have different lines when playing, relevant to their characterisation - some characters also have "secret weapons", like Apollo's perception ability, Maya's (or Mia's or Pearl's) Magatama, and Godot's coffee cups. The other characters' stories would be non-canon, obviously...

Multiplayer. Ace Attorney. The concept is indeed absurd. However, it would be awesome. Perhaps each player can be the defense, prosecution, or helper position in court - court runs the same way as normal, except during cross-examinations, in which each player may press and present separately. The character selection system would be put to use here - the different script for each character adds variety to the game. Perhaps also add a simple chat system between players, to discuss possible objections. Investigations would be more non-linear than in previous GS games, and players can collect clues from different areas - the Court Record would be shared between them.

Randomly Generated Cases
Impossible? Probably. Really cool? Definitely. Perhaps create a basic "case framework", and fill in the blanks when randomising? That'd land you with a bunch of highly similar cases, however. This is tricky because there's so much text in GS cases... you might also land in a testimony before collecting the evidence needed to contradict it, rendering the case unwinnable.

Built-In Casemaker
A casemaker. Share cases over WFC. Play them on your DS. Awesome. You probably wouldn't have custom graphics and stuff, but it'd still be awesome.


I love the casemaker idea! That would be awesome! Maybe a create-an-attorney? You could choose the name and maybe even appearance of the character, but that may be too much. Definately the name though.

Author:  grim_tales [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I love the mini cases and Casemaker idea. Dunno how/if they'd work though.

Author:  antonis [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Hmm how about to accompany the text the entire thing would be voiced?
What I mean is instead of just HOLD IT OBJECTION TAKE THAT ect Everything would be voiced.

If this dosent make sense then I'll just go and sit in the emo corner. :keiko:

Author:  grim_tales [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

It does make sense but I'm not sure if full voice acting would work - maybe partial (say the cut scenes/movies could be voiced) but AA is a very text heavy game and it wouldn't all fit on a DS cart.

Author:  The Objector [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

How about no Apollo in GS5? I would like that.

Author:  yared02 [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

How 'bout a multiple sided storyline? As in after, the main story, you follow the story of a different main character...

Author:  jonathanrp [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Maybe have a system like in final fantasy iv the after where you download a main frame game then keep updating where you can download updates rather then buy new cartritges? It saves plastic at least.

Author:  grim_tales [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

yared02 wrote:
How 'bout a multiple sided storyline? As in after, the main story, you follow the story of a different main character...

Hmmm..... I like it. Maybe the story would pan out differently. Could be interesting.

Author:  godotfan12345 [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I like the idea of being able to unlock stuff but i doubt that they'll do it.

Author:  Yaragorm [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

All those new gameplay feautures would make a nooby gamer like me go insane!!! :meekins:

All they really need to add is a Sound Test thing like in all the Kirby games where you can listen to all the music and sound effects any time you want. Which would be unlocked at the end....

Author:  jonathanrp [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I believe those are called soundtracks lol. I got all5 of the games music on me ipod lmao

Author:  Yaragorm [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Yeah that, except in your actual game.

Because my DS is my only portable listening device....

Author:  jonathanrp [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Ah... Lol.
If I recall, ninendo was going to release an mp3 player fr the ds.

Author:  Yaragorm [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I think that's the DSi you're talking about....but my parents see no reason to buy me one now... :sadshoe:

Author:  jonathanrp [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Not the dsi, there was apparently an mp3 player made for ds's and dslites.

Author:  jonathanrp [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games ... p3-player/

Author:  Yaragorm [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

jonathanrp wrote:


Too bad, the only place it would be right now is the internet.... :sadshoe:

Author:  Romeo [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I'm liking these ideas, made up some (crummy) ones of my own

Mia Help Out- If Maya is included then maybe she can summon Mia, but only when you tell her to. You can do it 3 times in a case, and she will find the contradiction for you, etc.

Rookie Killer mode-You play as Payne, and waves after waves of Rookies come in and try to defeat you. You must defeat them. Maybe after 5 rookies the wave is over, and the same rookies come back, better and stronger. Problem is, you'd have to have different cases for all of these...

some acheivement ideas:

Acheivement Master: Unlock all acheivements.
Rookie Killer: Defeat 3 waves of Rookies.
Mia, wanted dead or alive!: Call on Mia 3 times in a case. (wait, that doesnt make sense. whoops. NM)
Where has Mia Gone?: Never use Mia once in a case.
Who's Mia?: Never once use Mia in the whole game.
N00B: Lost the first case!

Author:  Akiak [ Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

What if when you turn on the game, you access an office with various things to do like listen to music, look at character art, and resume the case.

Also, in the office, there's a wardrobe where you can choose the suit to make Apollo wear! EPIC WIN

And if you access the office on certain dates, events might happen.
For example if you play the game on the 20th of March 2010 and access the newspaper, you'll see written that the criminal you proved guilty was executed. :gant:

Author:  JohnWilliam [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

DLC cases?

Author:  Marche Tobaye [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Logic Mode (from AAI) during the investigation phrases would be awesome.

Author:  Vagrant [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Every single AA game I wanted to be able to skip the text scroll. Like you can when you've clicked an option twice.

Full animation.

A less idiotic Judge?

Stop keeping the important clues and the perp until the second or third investigation. It basically just means you wasted your time with all the other stuff.
Spoiler: berry big circus case
That means you, Acro!

Author:  Karmi-Sempai [ Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Figaro wrote:
I love some of your acheivement suggestions, but I can't see Capcom going down that route. They will simply continue to focus on the storyline, and you will still buy it. They don't need to add in fancy features.

As sad it is to admit, this'll most likely happen. Still, it doesn't hurt to dream. I really liked most of the ideas mentioned here.

This has already been done in GS4 but I'd love to see it maintained for the next games: When someone doesn't know anything about the evidence you present them, they just give a brief statement equating to an "I don't know." I get pretty annoyed at GS1-3 where the characters say so many irrelevant and useless things only to end up telling you they have nothing useful to share. In fact, Nick's "..." responses in GS4 already suffice. :hobohodo:

As much as I love the idea, I don't think a case-maker would be practical. Only 4-5 episodes fit in one game, and they're pretty long ones, too. Ergo, a case-maker wouldn't fit, considering all the storage you have to spend just for getting one on a PC. If it ever does fit, it wouldn't have a good number of options and varieties you can mix and match.

I really want them to do something like from Trauma Center 2: put more voices for commonly said phrases. That means stuff aside from the usual “Objection!”, “Hold It!”, and “Take That!”. They’ve done it for the trailer so why not for the game?
:odoroki: These can work for Apollo:
“Mr. Wright…?”
“I’m fine!”
“Here comes Justice!”
“*nervous laugh*”

It’ll be cool to play a finished case from another perspective. I’d particularly like to try being a prosecutor for once. I think Capcom should dabble a bit into this, even for just one case. Maybe you can even… uh… try your hand at beating Phoenix…? As Edgeworth! :edgeworth:

I’m definitely for bonus cases. I was overjoyed at the bonus case for GS 1, and I think the games should have a little more of them. It’s good for waiting out the next game releases.

Bonus content: a must. Maybe even stuff like 4komas and little Easter eggs—something to keep us ranting for more. :gant:

An evidence library sounds like a pretty interesting idea, though they wouldn’t be too useful when you’re not playing the actual case.

A sounds test sounds good, like those unlockables when you finish the game. I really like listening to the game music and I think we should have the privilege of listening to them even when not in game mode. If that’s the case, we also might as well include the voices in the sound test.

If you ask me, GS on the Wii is not practical. It doesn’t make much of a difference in game play, whether it’s on a huge screen or in a handheld device. You might as well settle for the DS so you can play your game anywhere and within your personal space. I find it so inconvenient that you have to go through a giant screen of evidence and move your head from side to side just to read stuff. The only advantage to having the game on the Wii as far as I can tell: seeing *insert favorite character’s name here* up close.

Yes, there really should be an encyclopedia. It’s practically a staple for most games, and it’ll make fans very happy. They should include profiles, sprites, and places.

Here's an idea, just like they did in GK: zoom into the characters who are speaking and have them facing each other. I don’t really like the thought where it seems people only talk to you and they’re only facing forward. Then again, the GS games are played from first-person during investigation. It’ll be interesting if Capcom makes the upcoming games permanently from third-person. That way, you can run around just like Edgeworth! It’s just so fun to make him run around! :edgy:

Those certificates sound pretty cute and interesting, too. Maybe you earn merits or “badges”? Though, they won’t be too useful…

Create-an-attorney sounds cool, but you won’t do much with it except if there’s a case-maker installed. It’ll come in handy, though, if Capcom comes up with a second-person game. Like, maybe you can be the co-counsel and then start working on trials yourself. Or maybe you can switch between the protagonist and your character.

Author:  Akiak [ Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Karmi, I like the idea of two characters appearing on screen when they're not talking to you, but to themselves. But they don't have to be facing eachother.
On the other hand though, if they weren't facing each other, the sprites wouldn't fit on screen.

Anyway I think I'm happy that Capcom focuses on the story than on the gameplay, because that's the best part of the game. It's a visual novel.
Alas, I think the only thing I want in AA 5 is a story up to the standards of T&T's story, or even better. :gregory:

Author:  Midnight Jasper [ Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

The only thing I want is to be able to start a new game from the beginning of any chapter, rather than the beginning of each case (after you've finished it, of course). Pretty much every case gets much better in the second half, and some of the Investigation phases can be really boring.

Author:  Karmi-Sempai [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Akiak wrote:
Anyway I think I'm happy that Capcom focuses on the story than on the gameplay, because that's the best part of the game. It's a visual novel.
Alas, I think the only thing I want in AA 5 is a story up to the standards of T&T's story, or even better. :gregory:

Ah, yes; the very reason I stick to AA. And yes, I totally adored T&T; I wanted to cry at the end. (And wanted to cry even more because AJ's story didn't compare.) The next game just has to be epic.

Author:  LyingColdly [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Not really a gameplay improvement, but I want a music library. So we can just listen to every song we've unlocked without using YT or playing the actual game. And maybe a sprite library aswell? :P

Author:  grim_tales [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

T&T's story was brilliant, I hope AJ2 is somewhere near this standard, or at least builds on the AJ story, just as (IMO) JFA had an even better story than PW:AA.

Author:  Karmi-Sempai [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

grim_tales wrote:
T&T's story was brilliant, I hope AJ2 is somewhere near this standard, or at least builds on the AJ story, just as (IMO) JFA had an even better story than PW:AA.

Hmm... It's just my opinion but I think JFA was the weakest chain in the link. The cases weren't as exciting for me and there wasn't much overall plot development. Now T&T--that's epic.

Author:  grim_tales [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Agreed about T&T being epic but re: JFA, I meant how Nick's character seemed to have developed from PW:AA (IMHO).

Author:  Karmi-Sempai [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

grim_tales wrote:
Agreed about T&T being epic but re: JFA, I meant how Nick's character seemed to have developed from PW:AA (IMHO).

I suppose... But I think that may have come in already at 2-4. The rest were not as exciting. Well, as I said, that's how my gaming experience went, anyway.

Author:  grim_tales [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

2-2 was a good case for me as it had 1 hell of a twist, 2-3 was maybe not as good but 2-4 was excellent. It had some of the most shocking turn of events in the whole series (until 3-5), 3-5 was probably the best of the entire series.

Author:  jonathanrp [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

grim_tales wrote:
2-2 was a good case for me as it had 1 hell of a twist, 2-3 was maybe not as good but 2-4 was excellent. It had some of the most shocking turn of events in the whole series (until 3-5), 3-5 was probably the best of the entire series.

It was PROBABLY the best case in the series?! You don't give 3-5 enough credit ^_^
It was the best story of the entire series (although Capcom needs to stop putting Maya's life in danger every other case)
The fact that you play as Edgeworth in court is reason enough.

But AJ2 can't really build on AJ, because Capcom kind of closed up the story... Hm. Maybe we'll get a new attorney or something.

Author:  DragonsHeart [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

less clicking with the stylus.
(when i'm done with a case, the muscles in my arm are all paralyzed :payne:)

Author:  grim_tales [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

I dunno, IMO AJ left lots of story strands open.
3-5 awesome but I also really liked 2-4. 3-5 has the edge I think, I loved the bit with Edgeworth as a defence attorney which is priceless :D

Author:  shadowofedgeworth [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Yaragorm wrote:
All they really need to add is a Sound Test thing like in all the Kirby games where you can listen to all the music and sound effects any time you want. Which would be unlocked at the end....

I would actually REALLY like this. Then again, I believe ALL games should have sound tests, whether available by default or as an unlockable (and there's no denying Ace Attorney's music deserves such treatment).

What I would most love to see is not a brand new mode or feature at all, but a simple refinement to what's already there: include a hint button for investigations. As things stand now, if you neglect to present even ONE piece of relevant evidence to someone, or if you miss ANYTHING crucial in a particular area, the game's progression grinds to a total halt (the chances of this occurring increase exponentially when presenting character profiles is allowed, which they may bring back for GS5). This leaves the player wandering aimlessly around, trying to figure out what they didn't do until they're almost literally pulling their hair out in frustration. A hint button would make the play experience much more smooth and enjoyable, because trust me, no one LIKES agonizing over what the ONE thing is that they forgot.

Or at least, I don't.

Author:  grim_tales [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay improvement ideas for future Ace Attorney games

Good point and I would like to see something like that, not dismilliar to Broken Sword or Professor Layton.

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