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A Question About Case PlanningTopic%20Title
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Totally-Not-Miley Omelia Tigre

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I apologize if this is the wrong forum to be asking this question, but I figured the Games category is where you could ask about specific development phases. The question I have is about the planning process.

I've seen on the forums people saying things like "I finished my 500 page script for the case" or something like that. I'm just wondering, do you guys type out your script in something like Google Docs/Microsoft Word? It's always confused me a little on how people do this kind of thing. I apologize if it is a dumb question, just wondering, and if I understand right, it'll go a long way with the development of my game.
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Re: A Question About Case PlanningTopic%20Title
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Gender: Male

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Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:25 pm

Posts: 343

You'll find that different people have different approaches.

Some of these approaches depend on the case maker. For instance, with something like AAO, someone might find it easier to just directly type their script into the editor, since they'll immediately get a preview of how it'll look like in the texbox and how each individual frame of dialogue might look like in the editor.

In some cases, like PyWright, you might find that a script is more prefarrable due to the fact that you a) can't see your results immediately so it would cut down the amount of potential playtesting if you just put it in and run it once and b) the code itself will possibly be much more structured.

But again, this is by no means a rule. Both tactics work for either case maker. It's what you're more comfortable with doing. For Curtain on PyWright - I just wrote dialogue as I coded it in. Same with AAO.

The advantage, admittedly, to having everything written out in advance, is that in terms of resources. You'll know exactly, to the exact detail, just what sprites, graphics and pieces of music you may or may not need, because you'll have all the dialogue (containing the mood and emotions) just written out. But it's not necessarily a big advantage, given that you're bound to make compromises down the line either way. But it's something that'll definitely make things a bit easier for people who really can't afford to play around with resources, so it helps with planning out.

Overall, though -- it comes down to preference. You're not any less of a writer or casemaker for choosing one or the other, as long as you know what you're doing.

What is an absolute must, though, I would say is a basic outline of the case and how it'll proceed. A general draft of how the investigation/trials will proceed, what pieces of evidence you'll use and what characters will show up. The obvious benefit is again that planning from a resource standpoint - but this is much more important than that. This ensures that you can go through your case as many times as you need to and fix up any logic problems you come across along the way.

Now, if your question was regarding how these scripts look - I have no clue. I can only speak for myself and they're usually strucutred like:

Spoiler: Space Saver
Example wrote:
List of all the evidence used in the case (Makes things easier and ensures you always know what you're working with)
  • Attorney's Badge
  • Crime Scene Diagram
  • Autopsy Report
. . .



Script wrote:
March 22 / Wright Anything Agency
(Fade to someone peeking into the office through a crack in the door; Apollo and Trucy are inside)
Apollo: ...Well?
Trucy: They said they'd get back to me tomorrow.
Apollo: Isn't there any way to speed it up?
Trucy: Doesn't seem like it.
Apollo: ...
Trucy: Polly... are you sure about this?
Apollo: ...There's no other way.
Apollo: No matter how much I think about it, I always end up reaching the same conclusion.
Trucy: ...That's not what I meant.
Apollo: ...?
Trucy: Doing it behind his back like this... Is it really okay?
Trucy: Couldn't we just... talk to him about it?
Apollo: Do you really think he would actually tell us the truth?
Trucy: ...
Trucy: He'll realize something's up sooner or later.
Apollo: That's why it'll have to be later.
Trucy: How do you he hasn't already, though?
Apollo: We'll just have to hope.
Trucy: But--
Apollo: I'm sorry. But I've made up my mind about this.
Trucy: This isn't really about you.
Apollo: ... Isn't it?
Trucy: ...
Apollo: ...Anyway. There's not much we can do but wait for that person to reply.
Apollo: Remember to--
Trucy: Keep my poker face on. Right.
Trucy: I still don't get why we can't just ask him about it, though.
Apollo: Do you trust me?
Trucy: I trust him more.
Apollo: But I don't. Please. For everyone's sake...
Apollo: ... He'll be back any minute now. So...
Trucy: Poker face. I said I got it.
(fade out)
Phoenix: It's been like that for a week now.
Phoenix: Every single time I even so much as leave the room, they become all hush-hush.
Phoenix: I'm willing to take a blind guess and say they aren't planning a surprise birthday extravanganza.
Phoenix: (... Although that would be pretty sweet...)
Phoenix: They're up to something. And I want to know what.
Phoenix: And yes, before you ask - I've tried the obvious things.
Phoenix: I wiretapped their phones and set up cameras around the office, but it was no use.
Phoenix: They're just too damn vague in their conversations.
Phoenix: And as time went by, I realized the situation was getting more dire by the day.
Phoenix: That's why I've assembled this team of highly-trained professionals to discover the truth.
Phoenix: You come from all sorts of backgrounds, different walks of life.
Phoenix: And perhaps this isn't what you had in mind when you signed up for this.
Phoenix: But know... that you are doing the right thing.
Phoenix: Whatever they're keeping from me, it's obviously a big deal.
Phoenix: It also means they obviously have a plan to deal with it.
Phoenix: Which means that this will all end up going south and someone will probably be shot.
Phoenix: It's my... well, YOUR job to stop it.
Phoenix: Any questions, team?
(cut to Ema being literally the only person in the office)
Ema: Mr. Wright...
Phoenix: Yes, Ms. Syke?
Ema: ... I'm debating whether you're high on fingerprint powder again or if you've finally gone completely insane.

. . .


The same general idea applies when it comes to cross-examinations.

Script wrote:
Gumshoe: The victim was killed on June 5th, two nights ago.
Phoenix: And just how sure are you about that?
Edgeworth: Well, let's see.
Edgeworth: We've got the autopsy report that says it happened on June 5th...
Edgeworth: We've got witnesses saying they saw the murder on June 5th...
Edgeworth: We've got officers reporting to the scene on June 5th...
Edgeworth: And we've got this letter from the killer saying 'you'll die on June 5th'.
Edgeworth: Hrm... Your Honor, I think Wright has a point. This truly is a conundrum!
Phoenix: ...Point taken. Proceed, detective.

. . .

Again, though, the format and the style really is up to you.

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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