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PW: The Jakkid Series (GERMAN TRANSLATION)Topic%20Title
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German Translator

Gender: Male

Location: Germany

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:36 am

Posts: 35

A German translation none of you have ever asked for! (All credit still goes to jakkid166, acejakkidfan, arrowdusk for writing the fics and creating the game)

Since I had fun with the original game, I decided to translate the game into german because I had absolutely nothing else to do, and to my surprise, it was really fun! :gant: This translation is still not 100%. :sadshoe:

What is done?
-All 10 cases are fully translated!
-Backgrounds have been changed to have German writing
-Voices have been changed to German
-Voicebubbles are now in German
-and just this wacky adventure in the jakkidverse

What is missing?
-the "evidence" and "profiles" button in the Court Record weren't changed (and possibly can't be)

The link to download this mess (PyWright is needed to play this) ... s.rar/file

I hope you people will enjoy it as much as I had translating it.

Please give criticism when there is a problem.
Discord: dusty_pixel
Translating PyWright fangames into German
Translating: Conflict of Interest (by Ropfa)
Link: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=33524&p=1466472#p1466472

Hexepta: Mayor Attack (German)

Jakkid Series (German) ... 36&t=32893

Contempt of Court (German) ... 36&t=32904
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