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TCoC HD progress report 12/28/24: AATC is outTopic%20Title
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - The Contempt of Court HD


This is an HD remaster of The Contempt of Court, a game made by Cardiovore in the game engine PyWright, featuring 4 cases and being set a month and a half after Bridge to the Turnabout with the death of Marving Grossberg. Check the original game here. Spoilers for Ace Attorney 1, Trials and Tribulations and Investigations 1.
TCoC HD will be made in the upcoming Ace Attorney Turnabout Creator, a case maker that lets you create cases in a 16:9 aspect ratio. And before you ask, yes, I have Cardiovore's consent.

What to expect?

- A refined OST and SFXs: all the songs will be in high quality and properly looped, some are getting removed, some are getting replaced and new ones will be added. As for the SFXs, some of the custom ones are getting refined.
- Characters: with new designs but faithful at the same time.
- Backgrounds and scenes: all the custom backgrounds and scenes will be in HQ.
- Available in multiple languages: the will be launched in english, as well as spanish and chinese. This is because spanish is my native language and because the spanish AA community has been asking to Capcom to release their games in spanish for years. To give you an idea, only 6 games were translated to spanish: the PW trilogy on the DS, Apollo Justice, AAI 1 and PLvsAA. So why not give them one? if you wanna cooperate in launching this game in your native language, feel free to do so :will:
- Miscellaneous: visual and gameplay improvements, bug and glitch fixes, etc.

Who is working on the game?

- Artists: janedoodlesthings, Amante De LaMorte and poripato.
- Beta testers: me and noname8147.
- Composer: me.
- Voice actors: marcellscx_16991 (Vincenzo in spanish), carloserx (Hemlock in spanish), kibo2004 (Vulper and Brisbane) and jordanfredericks (Vincenzo).
- Writers: me (english and spanish), striker729 and marakusan (spanish translation), qigong_bea (chinese translation) and JustNoahHere and glakiveravintunagch.

Estimated progress:

OST: 100%
SFXs: 90%
Script: 0.01%
Characters: 3%
Evidence: 0%
Scenes and backgrounds: 0%
Overall: ~30%

Latest news: after months of waiting, the case maker Ace Attorney Turnabout Creator is finally out! I hope to see you soon with more updates. Peace out folks :will:

Beta characters:

- Erol Brisbane (Young): PYZIEU

- Erol Brisbane (Prosecutor, witness):

- Robert Snow (Witness): WYMQGB

- Titus Krump:

- Vex Vulper (Witness): WPJFPO

List of characters:

Case 1: Turnabout Scapegoat
- Erol Brisbane (Prosecutor, witness): WIP

- Robert Snow (Witness): WIP

- Titus Krump: WIP

- Vex Vulper (Witness): WIP

- Vex Vulper (Prosecutor): WIP

- Vincenzo Cicatrice (Witness): WIP

Case 2: The Haunted Turnabout
- Cedric Maplethorpe: WIP

- Maris Rubin: WIP

- Terry Greisen: WIP

Final case: The Ensnared Turnabout
- Shaden Freude: WIP


For guidance, if the song has a ";", it means the song next to it is the original one, and if labeled as "???", the original song has not yet found and could be replaced. And if it doesn't have neither, then it's official from the Ace Attorney soundtrack.
If you want to check the original OST for comparison, click here.

Case 1: Turnabout Scapegoat
01. The Contempt of Court ~ Prologue; Jak 3 - Calm Wasteland
02. Weathertop; Rayman Forever - Weathertop
03. Reminiscence ~ The Fire Carves Scars
04. Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters TCoC; CADENZA - Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters 2001
05. Robert Snow ~ Catastrophic Success; The Sims: Bustin' Out (GBA) - Outside Area 1
06. Jake Marshall ~ Wandering Detective
07. Psyche-Locks 2002
08. Jingle ~ You Should Rest at a Time Like This
09. Courtroom Lobby ~ Prelude to the Unknown; CADENZA - Courtroom Lobby ~ Opening Prelude
10. Vex Vulper ~ The Red Devil; Rayman - Mr. Dark's Dare (GSV Remix)
11. The Contempt of Court ~ Court Begins; Soul Calibur II - Into the Whirlwind
12. Logic and Wile; Revelations: Persona - Majin... Forever
13. Cross Examination ~ Moderato 2013
14. Suspense 2001
15. Vincenzo Cicatrice ~ An Opening to the Truth; Garth Marenghi's Darkplace - Techno Chase
16. Investigation ~ Core TCoC; Revelations: Persona - City 1 ~ Post Disaster
17. Titus Krump ~ Some Boccherini, Perhaps?; Luigi Boccherini - Minuetto
18. Pursuit ~ Keep Pressing On
19. Cross Examination ~ Allegro 2013
20. Reminiscence ~ Out of Luck; Hotel Dusk - Dead Stare HQ Remaster
21. Confess the Truth 2016
22. Pursuit ~ Keep Pressing On (Variation)
23. Detention Center ~ Elegy of the Bulletproof Glass
24. Reminiscense ~ Light and Shadow of the Film Studio
25. Nieville ~ Snow Globe Village; Croc 2 - Hang Glider Valley
26. Krump Manor; Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Hogwarts Neutral
27. Erol Brisbane ~ Intimidation Personified; Tekken 4 - The Strongest Iron Arena
28. Ringtone ~ Phoenix Wright
29. Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2013
30. Crises of Fate
31. Marvin Grossberg ~ Age, Regret, Retribution
32. Won the Lawsuit! ~ Splendid Victory; Croc: Legend of the Gobbos - Shoutin' Lava Lava Lava (Area 1)
33. Happy People

Case 2: The Haunted Turnabout
01. The Haunted Turnabout; Revelations: Persona - Conversation ~ Generic 2
02. The Captive Turnabout (Extract)
03. Thoughts on the Train; Last Window: The Secret of Cape West - Gullible Lady (By RetroGamesClub)
04. Monsoon: Rayman - Rainfall
05. Monsoon (Indoors): Rayman - Rainfall (Custom)
06. Maplethorpe Hotel ~ Sweetness and Relaxation; Last Window: The Secret of Cape West - Blue Lady (By RetroGamesClub)
07. Terry Greisen ~ Bad Coffee and all That Jazz; ZZZap - Tricky Dicky (Friendly Panther)
08. Cedric Maplethorpe ~ Prudence and Tranquility; Croc 2 - Save the Ice Trapped Gobbos! 2
09. Investigation ~ Opening TCoC; Last Window: The Secret of Cape West - Ace of Diamonds (By RetroGamesClub)
10. Eeire; ???
11. Odd People
12. Reminiscence ~ The Maplethorpe Curse; Revelations: Persona - Mystery
13. Cross Examination ~ Presto (The Haunted Turnabout); Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - Pitch Black Intrusion
14. Aculeus ~ Smoke and Mirrors; Unreal Soundtrack Remastered - All Hallows Sunset
15. The Haunted Turnabout ~ Epilogue; Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - He claimed to be a doctor

Case 3: Turnabout of the Snow
01. Turnabout of the Snow; Phantasy Star 4 - In the cave
02. Turnabout of the Snow ~ White as Snow; Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Jig is Up
03. Turnabout Sisters Ballad
04. Renwick Smith ~ The art of Pretentiousness; Last Window: The Secret of Cape West - Precocious Circumstances (By RetroGamesClub)
05. Vex Vulper ~ The Imprisoned Devil; Rayman - Mr. Dark's Dare
06. Schaden Freude ~ Cold Hard Chief; The Elder Scrolls: Arena - Main Theme (Remastered)
07. Investigation ~ Middle TCoC; Revelations: Persona - Dungeon ~ Hypnos Tower
08. Cross Examination ~ Presto (Turnabout of the Snow); Rayman HD music - Moskito's Nest
09. Sorrowful People; King's Quest V - Cassima
10. The Puppeteer Behind the Theater; The Sims: Bustin' Out (GBA) - Sewer

Final case: The Ensnared Turnabout
01. The Ensnared Turnabout; Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - Khan's Entrance
02. Miles Edgeworth ~ Great Revival 2013
03. Kaptain Krump Away!; Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko - Anime Channel
04. Schaden Freude ~ Crash and Burn; Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection - Conclusion
05. Unfitting Song for When THAT Happens; The Rub Rabbits - The Rival Event
06. Reminiscense ~ What the Others Have Seen
07. Reminiscence ~ Those We've Lost; Broken Sword 4: The Angel of Death - Anna Maria's Home
08. Renwick Smith ~ A Hopeless Defense; Last Window: The Secret of Cape West - Belief (By RetroGamesClub)
09. Lyle Hemlock ~ Happiness Justifies the Means; Heavy Gear - Night Watch
10. Confrontation ~ Moderato 2011
11. Miles Edgeworth ~ Objection! 2011 (Arranged)
12. Confrontation ~ Allegro 2011 (Arranged)
13. Confess the Truth 2011
14. Tricks and Analyses
15. Confrontation ~ Presto 2011 (Arranged)
16. Pursuit ~ Uncover the Truth (Arranged)
17. Investigation ~ Core 2011
18. Pursuit ~ Uncover the Truth (No Intro / Arranged)
19. Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2016
20. Erol Brisbane ~ Intimidation Returns; Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - The Strongest Iron Arena -Silver Mix- (Arena)
21. Cross Examination ~ Presto (The Ensnared Turnabout); Tales of Vesperia - Fury Sparks (Arrangement)
22. Overture to the Objection; CADENZA - Pursuit ~ Cornered (Intro)
23. Pursuit ~ Time to end This Madness!; CADENZA - Pursuit ~ Cornered
24. Won the Lawsuit! ~ Miraculous Victory; CADENZA - Won the Lawsuit! ~ First Victory
25. The Contempt of Court ~ End; Revelations: Persona - Last Event

If you've got any questions or you wanna help with this project in any way, don't hesitate :godot:


Last edited by Matias329 on Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:23 pm, edited 113 times in total.
Re: The Contempt of Court - HD remasterTopic%20Title
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You best rethink that evidence, compadre

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Matias329 wrote:

For the past 2 weeks I've been working on a project related to The Contempt of Court, and it's an HD remaster of this game. For those who don't know, The Contempt of Court is an AA fangame created by Cardiovore, which features 4 cases and takes place roughly a month and a half after the events of Bridge to the Turnabout, starting with the death of Marvin Grossberg. I haven't played it but I watched a playthrough and it's AN AMAZING GAME! seriously if you haven't played it yet, do it. You can find it here.

The Contempt of Court HD will be made in the upcoming case maker Ace Attorney Turnabout Creator, which will be launched somewhere this year. This game will have everything an AA HD remaster has, with the difference that any bugs and orthographic errors will be fixed.

If you've got any questions or you wanna help with this project in any way, don't hesitate :godot:

So an HD remaster meaning all new sprites and backgrounds? What all is getting Remastered here?
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Basically yeah: sprites, backgrounds, evidence, SFX, they are all getting remastered.
Re: The Contempt of Court - HD remasterTopic%20Title
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Windego wrote:
Matias329 wrote:

For the past 2 weeks I've been working on a project related to The Contempt of Court, and it's an HD remaster of this game. For those who don't know, The Contempt of Court is an AA fangame created by Cardiovore, which features 4 cases and takes place roughly a month and a half after the events of Bridge to the Turnabout, starting with the death of Marvin Grossberg. I haven't played it but I watched a playthrough and it's AN AMAZING GAME! seriously if you haven't played it yet, do it. You can find it here.

The Contempt of Court HD will be made in the upcoming case maker Ace Attorney Turnabout Creator, which will be launched somewhere this year. This game will have everything an AA HD remaster has, with the difference that any bugs and orthographic errors will be fixed.

If you've got any questions or you wanna help with this project in any way, don't hesitate :godot:

Hi!! I have played the fangame contempt of court and it is absolutely one of the best peices of ace attorney fan content out there. I think I might be able to lend some assistance as I have drawn ace attorney sprites a few times in the past a coincidentally a few weeks ago i have been making rough mock ups of what Snow and Vulper would look like reimagined in HD!! Heres Robert Snow for example!

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janedoodlesthings wrote:
Hi!! I have played the fangame contempt of court and it is absolutely one of the best peices of ace attorney fan content out there. I think I might be able to lend some assistance as I have drawn ace attorney sprites a few times in the past a coincidentally a few weeks ago i have been making rough mock ups of what Snow and Vulper would look like reimagined in HD!! Heres Robert Snow for example!


That's amazing! I'm looking for people who can help me with the sprites, scenes and stuff. My Discord user is in my signature so add me and we can discuss this further :will:
Re: PW:AA - The Contempt of Court HD (FIRST CHARACTER DONE)Topic%20Title
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Just saw this and wanted to make sure (reminder from someone who's been around the block) you have consent from Cardiovore on this.

Depending on the person, remaking (and taking creative liberties) may be in poor taste.

Provided you have that consent I'll be curious to see how this develops!
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SuperAj3 wrote:
Just saw this and wanted to make sure (reminder from someone who's been around the block) you have consent from Cardiovore on this.

Depending on the person, remaking (and taking creative liberties) may be in poor taste.

Provided you have that consent I'll be curious to see how this develops!

Yes! I have the consent of Cardiovore.
Re: PW:AA - The Contempt of Court HD (FIRST CHARACTER DONE)Topic%20Title
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Matias329 wrote:
SuperAj3 wrote:
Just saw this and wanted to make sure (reminder from someone who's been around the block) you have consent from Cardiovore on this.

Depending on the person, remaking (and taking creative liberties) may be in poor taste.

Provided you have that consent I'll be curious to see how this develops!

Yes! I have the consent of Cardiovore.

He's right you know
Phoenix Wright: The Contempt of Court
Re: PW:AA - The Contempt of Court HD (FIRST CHARACTER DONE)Topic%20Title

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Mr. C wrote:
Matias329 wrote:
SuperAj3 wrote:
Just saw this and wanted to make sure (reminder from someone who's been around the block) you have consent from Cardiovore on this.

Depending on the person, remaking (and taking creative liberties) may be in poor taste.

Provided you have that consent I'll be curious to see how this develops!

Yes! I have the consent of Cardiovore.

He's right you know

THE LEGEND HIMSELF! Mr. C, I'm your big fan!!!
Re: PW:AA - The Contempt of Court HD (FIRST CHARACTER DONE)Topic%20Title

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May I ask, will it be in the style of a remaster of the Phoenix Wright trilogy or in the style of a remaster of the Apollo Justice game? Also, I would like to ask if the 3D engine will be integrated into the game?
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Amante De LaMorte wrote:
May I ask, will it be in the style of a remaster of the Phoenix Wright trilogy or in the style of a remaster of the Apollo Justice game? Also, I would like to ask if the 3D engine will be integrated into the game?

The style will be on the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. As for the 3D engine, well yeah. The game will be made on AATC. If that's not what you meant, tell me.
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Matias329 wrote:
Amante De LaMorte wrote:
May I ask, will it be in the style of a remaster of the Phoenix Wright trilogy or in the style of a remaster of the Apollo Justice game? Also, I would like to ask if the 3D engine will be integrated into the game?

The style will be on the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. As for the 3D engine, well yeah. The game will be made on AATC. If that's not what you meant, tell me.

Yeah, basically, that's what I meant.

To be honest, I am very glad that the game has successfully passed the test of time. Moreover, I will say, that back in December last year I started working on something global, which was strongly inspired by the plot and characters from CoC, details will be later. At the same time, I'm going through the Mr. C.'s game for the hundredth time, and I'm amazed at how well the plot was worked out, down to the smallest details (I was especially shocked by the connection between Docks and Terry Greisen and the disclosure of the main antagonist of the story), and how Mr. C. left references to future events back in the FIRST CASE (by the way, I'm still asking if the same Smith from Turnabout Scapegoat was Renwick or not).

Basically, since I'm not too busy with my work right now, I could also help you and speed up the process of working on the remaster, if you don't mind, of course.

UPD: Don't pay attention to the number of posts, I last logged on to the platform back in February, and I certainly didn't expect SUCH A GREAT EVENT to happen here

Last edited by Amante De LaMorte on Tue Nov 05, 2024 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: PW:AA - The Contempt of Court HD (FIRST CHARACTER DONE)Topic%20Title
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Amante De LaMorte wrote:
Matias329 wrote:
Amante De LaMorte wrote:
May I ask, will it be in the style of a remaster of the Phoenix Wright trilogy or in the style of a remaster of the Apollo Justice game? Also, I would like to ask if the 3D engine will be integrated into the game?

The style will be on the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. As for the 3D engine, well yeah. The game will be made on AATC. If that's not what you meant, tell me.

Yeah, basically, that's what I meant.

To be honest, I am very glad that the game has successfully passed the test of time. Moreover, I will say, that back in December last year I started working on something global, which was strongly inspired by the plot and characters from CoC, details will be later. At the same time, I'm going through the Mr. C.'s game for the hundredth time, and I'm amazed at how well the plot was worked out, down to the smallest details (I was especially shocked by the connection between Docks and Terry Greisen and the disclosure of the main antagonist of the story), and how Mr. C. left references to future events back in the FIRST CASE (by the way, I'm still asking if the same Smith from Turnabout Scapegoat was Renwick or not).

Basically, since I'm not too busy with my work right now, I could also help you and speed up the process of working on the remaster, if you don't mind, of course.

UPD: Don't pay attention to the number of posts, I last logged on to the platform back in February, and I certainly didn't expect SUCH A GREAT EVENT to happen here.

Of course I don't mind getting more help! any help is and will always be appreciated. The more help the faster we can finish this game. You can contact me via Discord. You can find my username in my signature.
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Matias329 wrote:
Of course I don't mind getting more help! any help is and will always be appreciated. The more help the faster we can finish this game. You can contact me via Discord. You can find my username in my signature.

Already did! (For the sake of such happiness, I even had to get a discord, XD)
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Amante De LaMorte wrote:
Matias329 wrote:
Of course I don't mind getting more help! any help is and will always be appreciated. The more help the faster we can finish this game. You can contact me via Discord. You can find my username in my signature.

Already did! (For the sake of such happiness, I even had to get a discord, XD)

Thanks! I hope I recieve an answer from you soon :godot:
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I can't wait to see what new fangames we get with this new case maker. Personally I think it looks like one of the best case makers to date. Plus I feel like we're heading into a new wave of games with everything that's been made recently, and even this, a fan remaster of a fan game!
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ApolloSP99 wrote:
I can't wait to see what new fangames we get with this new case maker. Personally I think it looks like one of the best case makers to date. Plus I feel like we're heading into a new wave of games with everything that's been made recently, and even this, a fan remaster of a fan game!

I believe some day AATC will completely replace PyWright and Ace Attorney Online. Those 2 while are a classic and people still make games to this day, it is a payne in the ass to develop games in them, even if you know what you're doing. There's also but people mainly use it to create short videos, not games, plus it's missing a lot of stuff like characters and mechanics, so you need to use codes for that. It seems that will change in the future with all the new info we've got, but even so it uses the internet so good luck if you have a shitty conexion like I did until recently. That's why I say AATC could revolutionize AA games in a way never seen before.
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Matias329 wrote:
I believe some day AATC will completely replace PyWright and Ace Attorney Online. Those 2 while are a classic and people still make games to this day, it is a payne in the ass to develop games in them, even if you know what you're doing. There's also but people mainly use it to create short videos, not games, plus it's missing a lot of stuff like characters and mechanics, so you need to use codes for that. It seems that will change in the future with all the new info we've got, but even so it uses the internet so good luck if you have a shitty conexion like I did until recently. That's why I say AATC could revolutionize AA games in a way never seen before.

PyWright is a bit of a pain to use, (at least compared to modern standards). The only part of it I could ever get to work correctly was plugging in alternate music for the games I played. I had the same feeling toward AACT (Ace Attorney Casing Tool) as I did for the new AATC, however the owner shut it down recently, so I'm also glad that we're getting a new replacement game engine soon.
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ApolloSP99 wrote:
Matias329 wrote:
I believe some day AATC will completely replace PyWright and Ace Attorney Online. Those 2 while are a classic and people still make games to this day, it is a payne in the ass to develop games in them, even if you know what you're doing. There's also but people mainly use it to create short videos, not games, plus it's missing a lot of stuff like characters and mechanics, so you need to use codes for that. It seems that will change in the future with all the new info we've got, but even so it uses the internet so good luck if you have a shitty conexion like I did until recently. That's why I say AATC could revolutionize AA games in a way never seen before.

PyWright is a bit of a pain to use, (at least compared to modern standards). The only part of it I could ever get to work correctly was plugging in alternate music for the games I played. I had the same feeling toward AACT (Ace Attorney Casing Tool) as I did for the new AATC, however the owner shut it down recently, so I'm also glad that we're getting a new replacement game engine soon.

Why did the owner shutted down Casing Tool?
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Matias329 wrote:
Why did the owner shutted down Casing Tool?

It conflicted with his job. He didn't have enough time on his hands to keep working on it plus whatever his job was, they knew he worked on it and didn't like it because they considered it part of the "emulator" category, so he had to shut it down indefinitely
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ApolloSP99 wrote:
Matias329 wrote:
Why did the owner shutted down Casing Tool?

It conflicted with his job. He didn't have enough time on his hands to keep working on it plus whatever his job was, they knew he worked on it and didn't like it because they considered it part of the "emulator" category, so he had to shut it down indefinitely

Oh damn :sadshoe:
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How do you plan on remastering the ost? Is it just going to be higher quality versions of the same track, or are you going to remaster it from scratch?
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ApolloSP99 wrote:
How do you plan on remastering the ost? Is it just going to be higher quality versions of the same track, or are you going to remaster it from scratch?

I just grabbed the songs I found on the internet that are in good quality and make their intro and loop. There really isn't any mystery behind.
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Matias329 wrote:
ApolloSP99 wrote:
How do you plan on remastering the ost? Is it just going to be higher quality versions of the same track, or are you going to remaster it from scratch?

I just grabbed the songs I found on the internet that are in good quality and make their intro and loop. There really isn't any mystery behind.

I don't see how the DD Objection and Cornered music fit on Pre-AJ Phoenix Wright, which the former music fits better on an older Phoenix. Have you tried the PLvPW:AA version of both Objection and Cornered music?
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MarkXT9000 wrote:
Matias329 wrote:
ApolloSP99 wrote:
How do you plan on remastering the ost? Is it just going to be higher quality versions of the same track, or are you going to remaster it from scratch?

I just grabbed the songs I found on the internet that are in good quality and make their intro and loop. There really isn't any mystery behind.

I don't see how the DD Objection and Cornered music fit on Pre-AJ Phoenix Wright, which the former music fits better on an older Phoenix. Have you tried the PLvPW:AA version of both Objection and Cornered music?

I did try Logic and Tricks English Turnabout but I replaced it with Revelations: Persona - Majin... Forever, a song used in the original game as a Logic and Tricks theme for cases 3 and 4. I honestly perfer DD's objection and pursuit themes over the PLvsAA ones, plus DD pursuit theme has a variation unlike PLvsPW.
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