Court Records

Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!
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Author:  FirexxxSaber [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Kartoon Kween wrote:
Gumshoe/Edgeworth is one of my favorite pairings, but I love any interaction between them.

I love all the art posted in this thread, btw.

I guess I can see the logic behind GxE. I mean, Gumshoe does have that fanboyism going on. I just don't really see Gumshoe doing much in the way of relationships. He's just too... Gumshoe-ish.

Author:  lemony [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

FirexxxSaber wrote:
Kartoon Kween wrote:
Gumshoe/Edgeworth is one of my favorite pairings, but I love any interaction between them.

I love all the art posted in this thread, btw.

I guess I can see the logic behind GxE. I mean, Gumshoe does have that fanboyism going on. I just don't really see Gumshoe doing much in the way of relationships. He's just too... Gumshoe-ish.

i can imagine him and maggie together- i just think he deserves to be happy with someone

and maybe because i ship PxE :phoenix: :sadshoe:

Author:  Louise [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

I can deffo see Gummy and Maggey being happily married with like a million scruffy screaming kids running about.

And they'd be the best most loving parents!

Author:  yuzikichan [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

I love Maggey & Gumshoe together! I love the end of GS3 when Maggey Buys him a new coat.

Author:  Kartoon Kween [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

I'm gonna write about shipping some more! :D

I like Gumshoe/Maggey to an extent... Gumshoe's crush on her is definitely adorable, and I love the idea of two people with horrible luck getting together. Two negatives make a positive, right? On the other hand, I just don't care much for Maggey's character. Well, I actually liked her alright in the second game, but she just rubbed me the wrong way in the third game. However, there is room for improvement in an individual, and I'm willing to give Maggey another chance. I think I read that she's appearing in GK? At any rate, I'd just feel all fuzzy inside if Gumshoe has someone who makes him happy, and if that person is Maggey, then so be it. I know from experience that the person who will make you happy long term is not necessarily the person you're pining for right now (Phoenix also learned this lesson in his college years, as you will recall), which is why I'm a little wary of the pairing.

Now, I like Gumshoe/Franziska, because of two reasons:

1) Franziska secretly having a crush on Gumshoe is hilarious.

2) If they got married, Gumshoe and Edgeworth would be BROTHERS.

But that's about it. It's not like I actively seek fan art or fan fiction for this couple.

Obviously, Gumshoe/Edgeworth is my Gumshoe OTP, and I'm going to explain why. I've noticed that almost everyone (if not everyone) in this thread said that they don't like to think of Gumshoe in sexual situations. I can understand this... Gumshoe has such a puppy dog personality, reading porn about him probably just feels wrong to a lot of people. Plus, not a lot of fans find him a sexually attractive character. Some obviously do (there is one particular artist on y!gallery that comes to mind), but they are few and far between. I myself will be the first to admit that when it comes to porn, Gumshoe/Edgeworth is not my first choice.

Some of my favorite Gumshoe/Edgeworth fics involved sex, because the act is always so loving. I'm not reading that's arousing me, I'm reading something that's comforting me. Edgeworth... he's a tortured guy. Has a lot of nightmares. The thought of Edgeworth having a person like Gumshoe to cling to at night is a comforting one.

And they trust each other so much, you know? Despite being treated rather harshly by him most of the time, and despite all the rumors surrounding him, he is completely loyal to Edgeworth. On the flip side, despite Gumshoe's frequent fumbles (missing evidence, giving testimonies that Wright can rip apart), Edgeworth STILL has him as his detective. Edgeworth cuts his paycheck a lot, but if he REALLY wanted to get rid of Gumshoe, he could have had him fired. I just get the feeling that there is more to their relationship that meets the eye. There must have been something that tied them together, there must be a reason for that trust.

Other reasons I like the pairing:

1) Their interaction is funny.

2) I think they look really good together.

3) They have a somewhat messed up power dynamic, which I find amusing. On one hand, Gumshoe is taller, bigger, and older than Edgeworth. On the other hand, Edgeworth is his boss.

4) Edgeworth has his tsundere moments with him. Granted, Edgeworth also has his tsundere moments with other characters (Phoenix and Maya come to mind), because that's just how he rolls. Still, while he's cold to Phoenix and Maya, he's especially abusive towards Gumshoe (only to feel guilty about it and buy him dinner).

5) This is when we get into more psychological territory. Gumshoe is a character that reminds many fans of their dads. Well, he's a very dad-like character: big, scruffy, goofy, good-hearted, and strong. Edgeworth had his father stolen away from him, and we can all imagine what kind of father-figure von Karma was. I get the feeling that Edgeworth would find Gumshoe a... comforting presence.

Okay, the fact that I practically wrote an essay about why I think two video game characters should bone each other is a little disturbing. This will never happen again, I swear.

Author:  Lunaria42 [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Kween, I thought your essay was very nice and well thought out. I never tought of Gumshoe as being a father figure, but it makes sense to me. Great insights into the ship.

Author:  Kartoon Kween [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!


Thanks, Loony. I've never explained why I shipped the pairing before; I just drew them and that was that.

Author:  Lunaria42 [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Kartoon Kween wrote:

Thanks, Loony. I've never explained why I shipped the pairing before; I just drew them and that was that.

I think its fun to explain why a character pairing strikes one's interest. Sometimes we miss stuff in the games, but others see them. This helps everyone gain a better understanding of the games themselves. Well, at least those of us with open minds.

Author:  lemony [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

I like Franny and Gumshoe. I mean, c'mon, she placed a tracker, an effing tracker in him- like stalking. And she always whips him whenever she gets the chance to.

But I'm not so bad with Maggey and Gumshoe, maybe their children will have EXTREMELY good luck.

While I respect Edgeworth and Gumshoe, I just can't imagine it- even after reading Kartoon Kween's persuasive essay.

Author:  Kartoon Kween [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Well, they're really great as platonic friends, too. Heterosexual life partners. They sort of emit this 70s buddy cop movie vibe, which I find really lulzy.

Author:  lemony [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Kartoon Kween wrote:
Well, they're really great as platonic friends, too. Heterosexual life partners. They sort of emit this 70s buddy cop movie vibe, which I find really lulzy.

Or like Hawaii Five-O? *cue the theme song*

da da dadada da da dadaaaa dadada daaaaaa daaaa da da

its greatttt- had to play it for band class

Author:  Louise [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Haha I love Gumshoe/Fran too, she so wants him.

But I still want him to marry Maggey....

Author:  FirexxxSaber [ Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

They're great platonic friends. Their dynamic is fantastic. There's so much going on in the games that's left unsaid. Take 1-4 for example. It's so obvious that Gumshoe cares so much for Edgeworth and is concerned for him. After the earthquake, he rushes down to make sure he was okay. You have to wonder some of the conversations they had during State v. Edgeworth. That must have been hard for the both of them.

I really wish that PW had more Gumshoe and Edgeworth screen time. Now I'm just going to have to go write some fanfiction about it. ^^

Another thing they really left out was what happened after Gumshoe heard about "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death." I mean how could Capcom leave that out? Gumshoe is obviously the person closest to Edgeworth, so I'd assume he'd be upset... All it shows is that Edgeworth contacted Gumshoe during Turnabout Big Top. Does that mean that Gumshoe knew that Edgeworth wasn't dead all along, or that he found out some time after?

The theory that I wrote a fanfic about is that Gumshoe tracked him down before he left the country and confronted him about saying he was dead, but that's just my opinion not really supported by facts or anything...

What do you think? Would Edgeworth really just say he was going to kill himself leaving Gumshoe completely devastated, or would he contact him somehow?

Author:  Dick-Gumshoe [ Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

" Hey, pal! " 8D

Author:  lemony [ Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Dick-Gumshoe wrote:
" Hey, pal! " 8D

Right back at'cha, pal!

Author:  KatamaDama [ Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

This is great... :pearl-blush: I pretty much like all pairings, canon or not, but :edgy: x :eh?: has a special place for me. I will agree, though, that the sexy stuff is rather OOC for Gumshoe. I like :eh?: x :maggy: , too...

I dunno. :eh?: has a special place in general. If I ever saw him, I'd run up, give him a huge hug while standing too close to him (to make him feel awkward XD), smile at him, and then run away, leaving him to wonder what the heck I was doing.

I wanna play Kenji. Now. i wanna see more of our scruffy friend... :sadshoe:

Author:  FirexxxSaber [ Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

KatamaDama wrote:
This is great... :pearl-blush: I pretty much like all pairings, canon or not, but :edgy: x :eh?: has a special place for me. I will agree, though, that the sexy stuff is rather OOC for Gumshoe. I like :eh?: x :maggy: , too...

I dunno. :eh?: has a special place in general. If I ever saw him, I'd run up, give him a huge hug while standing too close to him (to make him feel awkward XD), smile at him, and then run away, leaving him to wonder what the heck I was doing.

I wanna play Kenji. Now. i wanna see more of our scruffy friend... :sadshoe:

Yeah, Gumshoe is one of those characters you want to give a big hug to. I can't wait until Kenji, as long as they don't replace Gumshoe too often with Keygirl! :yanni-faint:

Seriously, I was so disappointed when Key Girl was announced. I mean why, just why would you want to replace Gumshoe? :sadshoe:

Author:  yuzikichan [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

I know! No one can compare to the lovable ness of :Gumshoe:!!

Author:  Kefka Palazzo [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

FirexxxSaber wrote:
Seriously, I was so disappointed when Key Girl was announced. I mean why, just why would you want to replace Gumshoe? :sadshoe:

You do realize that you can change partner whenever you want during the game, right?

Author:  Dick-Gumshoe [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Kefka Palazzo wrote:
FirexxxSaber wrote:
Seriously, I was so disappointed when Key Girl was announced. I mean why, just why would you want to replace Gumshoe? :sadshoe:

You do realize that you can change partner whenever you want during the game, right?

Now, how can you be so sure? I think case 1 and 2 you're going to have Gumshoe by your side, in Case 3 (When Rou appears) the Keygirl will be your replaced partner.

Author:  RobbieValiant [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

I like Gumshoe. He's a lovable oaf, along the lines of Patrick Star, or Bulkhead in Transformers Animated. Just the kinda guy it'd be fun to hang around with.

Author:  Purple Angel [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

*walks in* yay, Gumshoe fanbase ^_^
I ship :maggy: :eh?:
Yeh, Gumsoe is kind of like patrick star; completely lovable ^_^
And Keygirl can't replace Gumshoe :beef:
Edgeworth wouldn't fire gumshoe :edgy:
unless Gumshoe is a victim in one Edgeworth's cases?! :beef:

Author:  Louise [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Purple Angel wrote:
unless Gumshoe is a victim in one Edgeworth's cases?! :beef:


*puts hands over ears eyes* no no no no *cries*


Gawd! They wouldn't do that to us anyway. No siree....

Author:  crouton [ Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Kefka Palazzo wrote:
You do realize that you can change partner whenever you want during the game, right?

I don't think it's been confirmed that's how the "partner" dynamic/function is going to work. It could be that there's certain parts of the game where you have to change your partner, or have to go on in the case with a certain one. That won't be clear until more details about the game are released.

Author:  x_Marushi [ Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

A Gumshoe fanbase, hell yesh : D!
We should all love him, he's awesome <3

I prefer Maggey x Gumshoe, they're just so sweet together :3.
and they are a perfect fit because Gumshoe is clumsy and Maggey has bad luck. They can go on and have horrible things happening to them TOGETHER : D

Though Edgeworth x Gumshoe doesn't soun bad at all.. xD

Author:  polkadot [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

RobbieValiant wrote:
I like Gumshoe. He's a lovable oaf, along the lines of Patrick Star, or Bulkhead in Transformers Animated. Just the kinda guy it'd be fun to hang around with.

Thanks for enlighting me! I just KNEW he reminded me of someone! It's Patrick!

Author:  jamie gumshoe [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

FirexxxSaber wrote:
They're great platonic friends. Their dynamic is fantastic. There's so much going on in the games that's left unsaid. Take 1-4 for example. It's so obvious that Gumshoe cares so much for Edgeworth and is concerned for him. After the earthquake, he rushes down to make sure he was okay. You have to wonder some of the conversations they had during State v. Edgeworth. That must have been hard for the both of them.

I really wish that PW had more Gumshoe and Edgeworth screen time. Now I'm just going to have to go write some fanfiction about it. ^^

Another thing they really left out was what happened after Gumshoe heard about "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death." I mean how could Capcom leave that out? Gumshoe is obviously the person closest to Edgeworth, so I'd assume he'd be upset... All it shows is that Edgeworth contacted Gumshoe during Turnabout Big Top. Does that mean that Gumshoe knew that Edgeworth wasn't dead all along, or that he found out some time after?

The theory that I wrote a fanfic about is that Gumshoe tracked him down before he left the country and confronted him about saying he was dead, but that's just my opinion not really supported by facts or anything...

What do you think? Would Edgeworth really just say he was going to kill himself leaving Gumshoe completely devastated, or would he contact him somehow?

i read that fanfic >v< actually i've read all your phoenix right fanfic huuuge fan it's small world for us gumshoe fans hu?

anyway more on that idea i was woundering about that myself i cam up with two possibilities

1. edgeworth told gumshoe before he left that not sorta proving that gumshoe is one of the people he trust the most because he's the only one who let him know he was alive which would cause him to some what admit his weaknesses
also proving that edgeowrth knew that gumshoe would freak out if he pulled something off like that with out telling him so he told him in advance because he didn't want him to be hurt now everybody says edgeworth likes phoenix soooo much more but if you look at the situation he was much more conserned about gumshoe feelings than phoenixes of course this isn't canon ... *sigh*

2. what you described in your fanfic which would also be adorible gumshoe would obviously freak once he saw that note and edgeworth would feel guilty over the situation even if he doesn't want to admit it

Author:  jamie gumshoe [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

:eh?: x :maggy:

this is my favorite pairing it's sweet innocent and it's almost cannon!
it's cute to see gumshoe have a crush and even though maggey had her moments in 3-3 she really is a nice person they both obviously care for each other after all maggey goes on and one about how gumshoe the most amazing guy ever and she was really really hurt when she thinks he betrays him there little dialoge hints in 2-1 3-3 that just sorta give it away
i just love the idea of two sweet unlucky people finding eachother in the world awwwwwww (the fluffyness is over whelming) plus i can totaly seem them as a dotting parents

:eh?: x :franny:

i don't think this couple is a bad idea and i can see people reason to support it but i only support half because i think franziska seriously has a crush on gumshoe like that's the only person i see her liking but i don't think gumshoe likes her back like that at all though i do think he cares for her but more in a big brother kind of way
the reasons i think franny likes gummy

1. like lemony said "she plants a effing trackign device on him" basically she stalks him and when asked why she does this it seems like her answer is i want to keep him safe just in a less open way and why does she want to keep him safe it's because she cares about him

2. she gets very flustered when he's around it seems now i guess this can also be viewed as anger but it just seems like more like she flustered to me plus if franny were to realize she had rommantic feelings for some one expecially gummy she immediatly denny it and most likely get angry at him hence why she fires him poor gumshoe

3. she rushes to the rescue to save him even though she pissed at phoenix and miles in away she set aside her own dignety for him

4. she brings his jacket with her to germany then freaks out that he has some sorta attachment to it and mails it back haha that always makes me laugh for some reason

:eh?: x :edgy: i got make this short cause i made the others to long basically i see them more as brothers or best friends now i can defently see this couples value but i see more of a buddy love things going on than love love however i can see why miles would develop feeling for gumshoe after all he's the first person he trusts since he was ten and really his only friend since then drawing him to be subconsesly closer to him but the farthest i can see this going is a sub concess crush than a love fiasco though i do love your reason on why they should be together kartoon kween they really are cute and i love the fan art/fic of the to as long as it's clean...but really goes for anything involving gumshoe he's my innocent teddy bear

......i'm sorry for taking up half this forum :larry:

Author:  Dick-Gumshoe [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

:eh?: X :franny: for the total WINNNNNNNNNNNN. <3

EDIT: I'M A MEDIUM-IN-TRAINING WOOOOOOOOOOOO~! (Hope there's a "Detective" Rank for me D: 'Cuz my name's D!ck GUMSHEW!) :gumshoe: : "Yeah, pal!"

Author:  FirexxxSaber [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

So have you guys played the demo? What did you guys think when
Spoiler: GK-1
Gumshoe was accused? I was shocked. I mean, who could accuse Gumshoe of being a murderer? I don't think he could kill a fly if he tried.

Author:  Wrestler Hatman [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

FirexxxSaber wrote:
So have you guys played the demo? What did you guys think when
Spoiler: GK-1
Gumshoe was accused? I was shocked. I mean, who could accuse Gumshoe of being a murderer? I don't think he could kill a fly if he tried.

Well, he did do something to prevent Wright from getting whacked in 1-3.

Author:  x_Marushi [ Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Wrestler Hatman wrote:
FirexxxSaber wrote:
So have you guys played the demo? What did you guys think when
Spoiler: GK-1
Gumshoe was accused? I was shocked. I mean, who could accuse Gumshoe of being a murderer? I don't think he could kill a fly if he tried.

Well, he did do something to prevent Wright from getting whacked in 1-3.

Spoiler: GK1
I was somewhat in shock D:. Poor Gummy, what did he ever do wrong to get accused like that D:. Thank god Edgeworth was there to save him 8D

Author:  Louise [ Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Gumshoe's scared sprite when Edgey gets angry is so bloody funny X^D

Author:  crouton [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

loobywright wrote:
Gumshoe's scared sprite when Edgey gets angry is so bloody funny X^D

Haha, that it is. XD

Author:  jamie gumshoe [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

speaking of the demo is it just me or did gumshoe even get more adorible ( in like a gumshoeish way not hot way) i can't believe he got accused to i mean aww poor gumshoe but i was glad miles proved him incoent the fact that miles believed him even when the odds were against him shows that he really does trust him which is good though miles did seem a little flat in the demo.

Now maggeys being accused wow that was quick i mean i was guessing it would be some time in this game but looks like her luck hasn't changed... i really like her out fit this game i wounder what her and gumshoe relationship is now t&t kinda left it on a confusing note oh i love gumshoe faces in this one there so expressive specially is sad/nervous face i giggle uncontrolibly every time i see it

Author:  Dr Spudhead [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Gumshoe can't kill! As was said he couldn't kill a fly! imagine it!

:sadshoe: He just keeps dodging me Mr edgeworth...

Hilarious much. Still we all love the big guy. Especially Maggey.

Author:  Chloe [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Gumshoe is cool. I like his style. As for his name, it's a brilliant name. Cool character as well because he sounds charming. ^_^

And nice shippings there.

Author:  Amarhyllis [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

Gumshoe is awesome.
I plan on showing Gumshoe love when I adopt a cat.
I've already told my family I'm naming (s)he "Detective Dick Gumshoe"

They've already given me toys for the little fella.

Author:  Kartoon Kween [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

For those who are interested, there's a really good Edgeworth/Gumshoe fic going on in the Kink Meme right now. Even if you don't ship it, I recommend it because it's really funny. ... #t18530426

Author:  Scent [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal!

:godot: Good work man! I always like an humor-based character fan thread! His jokes are a little more funny compared to Moe's, not to offend Moe fans, I also like Moe jokes.

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