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Porcupine TreeTopic%20Title
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I think this is my favorite band.

Discuss them now.

Everything I've heard by them I love. The more I listen to their songs, the more I love them.

I can't wait for The Incident.
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Pretty much the best band around. Every album they've made except for Up The Downstair and On The Sunday of Life are great album love how they always change their style but always keep consistently good. I think In Absentia or Stupid Dream are my favourites, though.

Oh, and obviously I can't wait for The Incident.
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Get Funky, +10 Pulchritude

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i apologize beforehand for the necro, but they are one of the best bands ever, and i do have news.

so their new album has been out for a few months. what does everyone think of it? personally, i think it's great, but doesn't match up to their previous stuff. Time Flies is a nice song though. so is Black Dahlia.

and i missed their tour in america :igarashi:

they were in san francisco too.
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The Incident was great, but not their best. I Drive The Hearse is obviously the best song on the album, perhaps their best ever.

Also, the concert in Sweden was incredible. What an amazing band. And they played Stars Die! Awesome.
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Get Funky, +10 Pulchritude

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well, i guess us three are the only porcupine tree fans on this forum.

so what's your favorite album and song? i'm inclined to say trains for favorite song, but i haven't heard all of their material yet. favorite album is between in absentia, fear of a blank planet, and up the downstair.
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I refuse to acknowledge the musical talent of a band fronted by a hypocritical iPod-destroying nutter.
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Re: Porcupine TreeTopic%20Title
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Get Funky, +10 Pulchritude

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Yellow Magician wrote:
I refuse to acknowledge the musical talent of a band fronted by a hypocritical iPod-destroying nutter.

err... no. the ipod is representing his dislike of the modernized world and culture, with all the television programs, internet, technology, drugs, videogames and how it's blinding the youth of today.

i fail to see how it's hypocritical or how it makes him a nutter.
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Jason: Well Steven, since this is an interview that is going out to the internet community, is there anything you would like to say?

Steven: Well first of all, thanks! The Internet has really been invaluable to us. I don't think we really could have gotten this far without it. I'm not sure the band could have survived beyond the first record without the Internet.

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Re: Porcupine TreeTopic%20Title
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Get Funky, +10 Pulchritude

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err... no. you're completely missing his point. he means the internet is a great communications device, and he's only gotten this far because people internationally have discovered his music and supported him.

what steven wilson dislikes is the internet, pop, mainstream, whatever culture, and that the current generation is so caught up with this, downloading the newest hit single, etc., and develop a sense of blindness to anything outside of it.

there's no hypocrisy at all.
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L_J wrote:
what steven wilson dislikes is the internet, pop, mainstream, whatever culture, and that the current generation is so caught up with this, downloading the newest hit single, etc., and develop a sense of blindness to anything outside of it.

it's kind of like you're agreeing with me here. If it wasn't for people developing a deep interest in the interest rather than stuff like MTV no one would give a rat's ass about PT. You could argue that thanks to the internet many of the teenagers of today are totally biased against pop music because of anti-mainstream bands guessed it...

In either case destroying iPods in various ways is completely the wrong way for Steven Wilson to put forward his opinion across.
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Get Funky, +10 Pulchritude

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i was referring to internet culture, mainstream culture, pop culture, or whatever.

and porcupine tree isn't an anti-mainstream band, he's using this to promote his solo album. and i don't think people listen to porcupine tree because they're mainstream. the band has only explored the concept relatively recently, in their album "fear of a blank planet", after gaining some recognition from previous albums. it's not like rage against the machine or something.

and yeah, you could argue that it's making teenagers biased against mainstream music, but his audience is not mostly teenagers, and one would hope that if they discovered them they wouldn't be that rash.

but i do agree a little on the ipod destroying thing (even if watching it being burned by the laser was awesome, i mean the act in itself, not because it's an ipod). it feels like he's trying to shove it down the throats of the people mostly who already listen to his music and get his point. he could be a lot more subtle about it.

either way, i have great respect for him and his talent as a musician, and his music. i don't think you should completely dismiss their music based on his personal views and promotion of his solo album.
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I don't recall him saying in the article anything about iPod destroying or outwardly hating digital technology, just that he believed there was a danger to it, which there is. I'll say that he had no business talking about "sounding like yourself" (which makes him sound like an all-knowing ass hat) but I don't see anything about destroying the iPods. Then again, I didn't peruse the article so I would be grateful if someone found the exact passage where he said, "all iPods must be destroyed" or something to that effect.
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Get Funky, +10 Pulchritude

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there isn't anything in the article about it. and he doesn't hate digital technology. he actually loves digital recording.

here: ... ction.html
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L_J wrote:
and porcupine tree isn't an anti-mainstream band, he's using this to promote his solo album. and i don't think people listen to porcupine tree because they're mainstream. the band has only explored the concept relatively recently, in their album "fear of a blank planet", after gaining some recognition from previous albums. it's not like rage against the machine or something.

Maybe this is because I haven't listened to any of their albums apart from Fear of a Blank Planet but ever since I've heard about them I've always thought Steven Wilson and Co had this grudge against modern people going about their daily lives with the impressions that people are mindless zombies forgotten how to live (as if there's only one right way to live) etc yadda yadda. I find that mindset quite ignorant and quite frankly, depressing.

See the part I bolded; did you mean anti-mainstream?
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Get Funky, +10 Pulchritude

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yeah xD

and i do agree with you, i don't like the mindset that "everyone is a zombie to the media, only i'm not, etc. etc."

however, porcupine tree explores a lot of different concepts and ideas throughout their albums, i don't think he has that kind of mindset, it's more of a social commentary, but he does pursue it more in his solo album.
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