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Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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For those who don't know,the coda is the little ending bit before the looping point in the cross examination allegro theme which isn't in the Moderato theme. The Presto themes in AAI don't count as they are their own song,not just a faster paced version of the others.

Please do not note that DD doesn't have an allegro coda,and the AAI games only have a loooooong pause before they loop (I.e,no tunes), so they do not count.

My favourite is DGS,and my least favourite is SoJ,but let's discuss all of them.

AA is classic. A very short but groovy tune,which is sorta like a little resting point before you go back to the testimony.

JfA is,I find somewhat underrated. Sure,it takes up half the song since the actual tune is just a more barebones version of AA's,but it goes full chaotic,and I find it to be a great build up to the pursuit theme.

T&T is pretty neat. It really shouts 'This is it! The final testimony! The final part! It all ends here!',and I find it works beautifully in the last case for that reason.

AJ is pretty familiar,though I don't know why. It's a great buildup nevertheless to the intensity that is 2007.

The English Court coda in the crossover is a strange mood whiplash,but one that works in its favour. Seriously,the original was high pitched,which worked then,but the fact they used a trumpet/trombone for that,which is not the epitome of high-pitched,I assure you,makes the theme even more intense. It works puuuuurdy well.

The Witch's Court coda is a perfect Laytony coda. It's good. Not much else to say.

DGS is the best. It's so catchy and charming,and I want to dance to it all day. Beneath it all though,I find it to be a perfect metaphor for the series. You're always in a dance,a waltz with the culprit,a game of cat and mouse,and trying to get the truth from quirky witnesses. This song really exemplifies that,and that's why it's my personal favourite.

SoJ....meh. It could have been less...simple? Idk,I feel it's kinda ruining the pacing of a very intense allegro with it. That's really annoying for me.

What about you?

Last edited by Southern Corn on Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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Ace Procrastinator

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Dude you made the same thread multiple times. Was there an internet problem for you? Also favorite was T&T while least favorite was JFA
Re: Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Butz the Klutz 52 wrote:
Dude you made the same thread multiple times. Was there an internet problem for you? Also favorite was T&T while least favorite was JFA

Yeah,I already asked the admins to remove the duplicates. They should be gone soon enough. :oops:
Re: Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Butz the Klutz 52 wrote:
Dude you made the same thread multiple times. Was there an internet problem for you? Also favorite was T&T while least favorite was JFA

Yeah,it's fixed now. :maya:
Re: Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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PW1 is my favourite. It feels very... Ace attorneyesque in general and gives just the right feeling of "this is it, go for it". I'm also fond of AJ's and PLvsPW's Labyrinthia one. T&T has a nice mysterious feeling, SoJ is good, DGS is neat, PLvsPW English court is sweet, JfA felt a little flat for me.
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)

Last edited by Going for Miles on Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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I'm quite fond of the one from JFA, the tone sounds eerie and pretty.
Re: Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Going for Miles wrote:
PW1 is my favourite. It feels very... Ace attorneyesque in general and gives just the right feeling of "this is it, go for it". I'm also fond of AJ's and PLvsPW's Labyrinthia one. T&T has a nice mysterious feeling, SoJ is good, DGS is neat, PLvsPW English court is sweet, DD is alright, JfA felt a little flat for me.

Really? I didn't know that DD had a coda. That's why I disqualified if in the OP. :meekins:
Re: Favourite and least favourite Allegro coda in AA?Topic%20Title
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The video game boy; the one who wins

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Eh. I listened to the allegro themes yesterday and wrote this post today. I didn't remember any impression about DD and thus assumed it was just "alright". Maybe that was the actual reason I didn't remember it, because there wasn't one xD
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
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