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PLvAA General Discussion Thread (spoilers!)Topic%20Title
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Well, since we don't have one... this is just a thread for general PLvAA discussion~ Mark spoilers, please.

I'm in the middle of chapter 2 atm.

Spoiler: prologue chapter
Yutonori Gardner is awesome. Those animations.... xD If he had a bigger/larger/longer role, he could've very well been the Naitou-sama of PLvAA xP

Also, I love the way they use the camera in the court sections; the graphics are getting me haipe for GS5.

The on-and-off voice acting is... kinda meh, though. Especially when there was that moment where Olive's lines were voiced but Nick's weren't.

Spoiler: chapter 1
Baker!Nick was pure lulz. I also loved Maya's "...Shouldn't it be 'めしあがれ'?" line xD

Also, I noticed that the tag on Nick's textbox is ナルホド instead of ナルホドー. Hmm...

Spoiler: chapter 2
So we got to see an innocent child die a terrible death in agony? ...well then .__.

In the Layton games, it always seems like it's gotta be magic or whatnot, and in the end it's not... but in this case, I really don't see how it can be anything else. But we'll see. (Especially since I feel that way for every single Layton game, and I'm always wrong.)
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Bad Player wrote:
Spoiler: chapter 1
Baker!Nick was pure lulz. I also loved Maya's "...Shouldn't it be 'めしあがれ'?" line xD

Also, I noticed that the tag on Nick's textbox is ナルホド instead of ナルホドー. Hmm...

It's always been ナルホド

"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
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Well the only other Gyakuten game I've played in Japanese is GK2, so... xP
(I suppose the pun wasn't obvious enough for Takumi back in GS1? xD)

So when the Knights use キサマ, are they using it in the old-timey polite way of "you" rather than the modern rude way of "you"?

Spoiler: chapter 2, although it's just my prediction rather than actual spoilers
inb4 jodoula is bezela

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Bad Player wrote:
So when the Knights use キサマ, are they using it in the old-timey polite way of "you" rather than the modern rude way of "you"?

You don't even see it used with the 'original' meaning in jidaigeki (even though the change didn't come until late Edo!), so it is just rude.

You could make an argument for instances when it is used inside a social circle (i.e. between the knights), but even then it's shakey.

(-> actually wrote my BA thesis on role language in GS ^^')
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
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Doesn't Jiiken call the witnesses キサマ during the trial? :yuusaku: Hmm...

(Although Nick or Maya made a remark "We've been 'kisama' ever since yesterday -.-' " which makes sense with the rude meaning)

So basically キサマ is always rude, even when it takes place in a time period when it wouldn't be?
(...except when referring to the Deku Tree in LoZ:OoT, because dat pun)

and now I'm kinda curious about your thesis. I think I remember you mentioned it once or twice in your blog. was it in English or Japanese?

Spoiler: chapter 3
Yay, locked room murder mystery~

...ofc that doesn't mean much in a world with magic

Spoiler: end of chapter 3
So glad it wasn't Nick who died :D
(I was wondering who was going to do the defending...)

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I think Jeekin calls everyone who isn't his superior or his dog キサマ; he's just like that. Even if the timeline of Labyrinth City is set contemporary to Edo, remember the targeted demographics of video games in general. Also, it's technically more polite to write it in kanji, though the connotation remains the same.

Now I'm curious about that thesis. Since it relates to GS, maybe Ash could post it somewhere here? It kinda works.
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So basically キサマ is always rude, even when it takes place in a time period when it wouldn't be?

Yes, you have to consider role language is often not a speech pattern actually used in real life. It's just a speech pattern that corresponds to a certain stereotype (most often in media). Kisama to the contemporary reader has none of the old connotations, so it is practically never used with its old meaning. If it's media, you are usually safe with reading things in their contemporary, stereotypical meaning. Because it is meant to be taken as a stereotypical speech pattern.

Though it is funny at times when you come across instances where stereotypical speech patterns clash with actual speech patterns. A lesser known example would be that ore used to be used by all genders and even now in certain touhoku dialects, ore is a normal first person pronoun for women.
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
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Spoiler: major PLvAA + PL1-3 spoilers
Almost done... This seems like the plot of the first three Layton games combined xP You have an artificial town, like in the first and third games. The creator of the town would mess around with the people and alter their memories like in the first game, and the whole point of the town was to conduct research, like in the third game. And the stuff they used to do it all sounds exactly like the gas from the second game.

(I haven't played PL4 or PL5, so if there's similarities to those too I wouldn't know ^^")

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This just occurred to me...
Spoiler: chapter 5, IIRC, possibly 6
Did they ever explain what caused that explosion that occurred right before Nick and Luke bumped into Madalla?

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Bad Player wrote:
This just occurred to me...
Spoiler: chapter 5, IIRC, possibly 6
Did they ever explain what caused that explosion that occurred right before Nick and Luke bumped into Madalla?

Spoiler: Endgame response
I don't think so. I think we're just meant to assume one of the machines running the city broke down. Though maybe Jordalla sabotaged it or something to get Phoenix and Luke onto the Yoma's tracks.

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I hope this thread isn't considered "dead" yet.

In the middle of chapter 4 right now, but forced to stop due to low battery.
Spoiler: General comments
I love this game so much right now. To be honest, I was more excited waiting for GS5, but I did have "Professor Layton fever" around the time PLvsAA was released. But, I passed on getting a copy then; I already had my eyes set on GS5 and I wasn't in the position to get another game.

In hindsight, it was only expected. My curiosity got the better of me and I snatched up a copy of this game. As others have mentioned before, it feels much like the usual Layton game, but a completely new GS game. I've always preferred the investigations of the Layton games over the GS ones, and adding onto them with mob trials only heightened the experience. It feels so satisfying using testimony against testimony like this.

If I had known that the Japanese Layton games had kana spelling in the text, I would have become a fan of the series long before. Likewise in this game, it makes it so much easier to understand. (Yet, I constantly question how 青い弁護の騎士 is going to be localized. "Blue defense knight" just sounds awkward, but just calling him a "defense attorney" is too plain.)

As much as I've been spoiled through various cutscenes of the game, including the ending, there's still so much to explore. I still don't completely understand the Storyteller's actions and his relation to Sir Belduke; nor Jordolla's relation to Mahone... nor the purpose of this city. Also, I know absolutely nothing about the 3rd and 4th cases, and only recognize that the final case features the Great Witch Trial. Well, only more to explore later!

I'd like to keep a record of my reviews in this thread, if anyone cares to read them. If no one else posts here in a while, though, I may end up double-posting.
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I hope the game will have some good translations in the english version... but I have doubts if it's level-5 handling it. They have a good track record when it comes to not making typos but take Layton Brothers for example... that game has some really uncreative name-puns.

I hope whatever they call Jeeken's profession it's gonna be something hilarious.
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Well, the Japanese version has a lot of very obvious pun-names too.

I love Giovanni Jicole's pun though ^_~
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It's kinda funny. I was trying a hidden puzzle at the beginning of chapter 5...
Spoiler: Puzzle No. 40
So I became stuck for several minutes trying to figure out how to outmaneuver the guards. I came upon the conclusion that it was impossible from where I started, and it rather frustrated me.

Then, I realized that I could move even with a crate in front of me. I took a step toward one and...


If I could have, I would have picked up the crate, thrown it at a guard and made a break for it. Too bad the puzzles aren't nearly as action-packed as the actual plot.

...That one guy whose name we cleared with a puzzle is back. I'd like to add that his name is a pun worthy of both franchises: Enzaai.

Edit: Thinking about it, shouldn't there be a thread where players can share some ridiculous moments during puzzles and trials? We have those kinds of threads in the other sub-forums.
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Yeah I guess we'll make that once it's closer to the English release.

You're making me want to replay it now, though I'm a little reluctant to given how long the game is and the fact there's no sort of jumping around (or even fast dialogue!) like in GS5.
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Wait, you can't skip through Dialogue on your second playthrough in PLvsAA?
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Oh, I guess you mean fast-forward. Is there really no way to auto-skip through text, aside from repeatedly hitting A or tapping the screen? I can skip through the journal entry intros with B, but it doesn't do anything else besides もどる.

By the way, does this game also include the soundtrack, accessed from a bonus menu, or is Capcom being picky again?

Oh, did I mention anything about the humor in this game? Emil may be annoying at times, but he makes me laugh one way or another. Also, some of these wrong options are so tempting, but restarting many times to recover damage isn't worth it in the long run.

However, there is this one from the top of my head:
Spoiler: mid-Chap 4
Phoenix: "By the way, how much did you sell it for?"

Everyone: Σ (°Д° ) "......"

Emil: "...Huh?"

Phoenix: "I mean, if it's completely made of gold, even a single arm could go for a lot, right?"

Emil: "You... you want to sell that statue?"

Jeekin: "It seems that face of conviction belies a dark-hearted defense attorney."

Luke: "Professaaaaaah!" (>Д<。)

Maya: "You're horrible, Nick!"

Phoenix: orz "(I didn't mean it like that, though...)"

But man, spoiling the cutscenes out of context is one thing; watching them in context is another. (0∧0。)
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Rubia Silve Ryu wrote:
Oh, I guess you mean fast-forward. Is there really no way to auto-skip through text, aside from repeatedly hitting A or tapping the screen? I can skip through the journal entry intros with B, but it doesn't do anything else besides もどる.

As far as I can tell there's absolutely no fast-forward option for the text. One piece of Layton influence I could have done without... :yogi:

Rubia Silve Ryu wrote:
By the way, does this game also include the soundtrack, accessed from a bonus menu, or is Capcom being picky again?

It's got a sound test like Layton. It doesn't include the cutscene music though (but it does have nice looping versions of the case 1 court music, so it actually beats the soundtrack in that regard, since the soundtrack tried to make them into a suite.)

Rubia Silve Ryu wrote:
Oh, did I mention anything about the humor in this game? Emil may be annoying at times, but he makes me laugh one way or another. Also, some of these wrong options are so tempting, but restarting many times to recover damage isn't worth it in the long run.

I think some of the funniest things in the game come with the "present-testimony-against-testimony" moments, actually. If you get them wrong, for instance, there's a special voice clip of Phoenix yelling "OBJECTION" like normal while Layton goes "OB...jection?" as he realizes Wright's screwup.

Spoiler: Chapter 4
And then of course there was the beauty of Mahone and Luke turning Layton's statue to match Phoenix's finger point.

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That was indeed a beautiful moment.
I burst out laughing when I heard their objections too. Leave it to Layton to shine brilliantly in the face of... well, everything really. The man sure knows how to strike a pose in the face of death... even if it's not really his death, but hey, he couldn't have known at that moment.

In the middle of chapter 5, but taking a short break for other less captivating things...
Spoiler: For the record
We're gonna explore the fire pit, yay! I've wondered whether it's not real fire... or that cage is fireproof. I guess I'm going to find out.

Somehow, that talk of a "game" between Lovely and Nick sounded a bit... kinky, until she pulled a knife on him. Damn you distorted youth. Then again, it has to be intentional. Two young people sitting in a barroom alone talking over drinks... yeah. Then, I solved both her puzzles in a single run each, without realizing what i was doing. Ha!

Edit: Braced myself through to early Chapter 8. Wow, have things taken a turn for the hectic.
Spoiler: chapter 5
Naturally, Layton gets by on his own and gets to help a lady in need. Woot.

Spoiler: chapter 6
Jeekin Shenanigans!
I've listened to the Reunion track several times before and loved it, but it feels even more comforting when I arrived upon the team's reunion in the underground ruins. Then, I actually objected to the door for ruining the otherwise relieving moment.

Spoiler: chapter 7
Ah, feels like a classic AA investigation segment... wait, now it feels a bit boring, but lots of this stuff is important to know. ZOOM.

Spoiler: chapter 8
Okay, so Mahone becomes hypnotized into confessing to be Bezella, when it's obvious she isn't. Then, it turns out I'm supposed to shout "ちょっと!" at a cat after several frustrating attempts at presenting evidence. This trial didn't start out well.

Never mind that; WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE ON THE STAND!? The "Vigilante Corp", huh? This may be my favorite group of witnesses ever. (How do you pronounce that one guy's name? "N'pacapapocolpen..."?)

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Rubia Silve Ryu wrote:
Spoiler: General comments
(Yet, I constantly question how 青い弁護の騎士 is going to be localized. "Blue defense knight" just sounds awkward, but just calling him a "defense attorney" is too plain.)

"Azure defender"? "Azure guardian"? They can come up with something...

Bolt Storm wrote:
Rubia Silve Ryu wrote:
By the way, does this game also include the soundtrack, accessed from a bonus menu, or is Capcom being picky again?

It's got a sound test like Layton. It doesn't include the cutscene music though (but it does have nice looping versions of the case 1 court music, so it actually beats the soundtrack in that regard, since the soundtrack tried to make them into a suite.)

It doesn't have the best song!! D:

Spoiler: Chapter 8
The vigilante corps is pretty hilarious. 10 people in the stand? Can't get any crazier than that xP

Anyway, get ready, Rubia. If you thought AAI-5 dragged on in the end.........

For whatever reason, been thinking about this game a bit lately. A sequel would be really really neat, since the magic system they came up with just presents so many possibilities... you could make really great crimes and mysteries. (A sequel seems unlikely tho, given the ending.) I just wish the trials were a bit harder (more evidence pls!), and the layton -side of the plot was more original (it felt like the plots of his first three games mooshed together).
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Does this final trial really drag on for who knows how long? I'm taking my time with it so far, so I guess I wouldn't be as impatient yet. (Actually, I didn't find GK1-5 dragged out as much as GK2-5, but I get your point.)

I think setting a GS case in a foreign world that requires a different work-around of logic really adds to the mystery. Whether or not the premise regards magic isn't as important; what matters is that a certain testimony can't be revoked by a simple autopsy report or forensic analysis.

I really hope the localization throws in Monty Python & the Holy Grail jokes. They REALLY should be in there.
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Bad Player wrote:
It doesn't have the best song!! D:

異議有り! :phoenix:
The best awesomest soundtrack in the game is "Omen ~ Footfalls of Turnabout" even if it's short and somewhat un-dynamic!

Oh and speaking of a sequel, what about a PLvsAA game set in London? The first trial in the game is so hilarious and I wish there was an entire game like that, and with a gentleman-ish prosecutor who reads books and drinks tea (or something more creative than my suggestion). Also Shu Takumi maybe knows a little bit about the legal system in the UK and deviates from that.

Anyway, when you say the trial drags on too long, is it worse than GS3-5's final trial :eh?: ? (you're probably gonna laugh now ^^)
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I prefer LINK myself. The piano solo is just so beautiful, and it's both dramatic and tense in its feeling of revelations. But, I admit that The Final Witness is pretty darn amazing too. You feel the approaching end of a long journey coming from this track; soothes both mind and soul.

...If there ever exists a GS game set in England or a different country, I demand a prosecutor with a mustache (and maybe a monocle). I was so disappointed to learn that Edgeworth didn't get one (or the other) in the end.

While the trial itself is very long, it's broken up into several chapters worth of material, so taking breaks between dramatic moments is a good idea. Anyway, I notice that what makes the trial drag isn't its actual length, but the process through which the player has to do to progress through testimonies. Just a while ago, I gave in to the temptation of using a hint coin because I was stuck presenting evidence to nonexistent contradictions.
Spoiler: As it turns out
I was supposed to present things in a SPECIFIC order after catching all important info through pressing and surveying. Oh man, and I thought catching Kurone waving her tail during a certain testimony was a pain.

...You know, the less you pay attention to the text, the more you pay attention to the character models and the more you can appreciate the work that goes into making each one. The panning and rotating camera views also better aid inspection. (Nick, why so boring? Well, there was that one moment when he paced back and forth at the bench...)
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LINK is also very good. I can't wait to play the game myself (I've only seen the first chapters online) in 2014 and see when those tracks start playing. ATM. I'm trying to make a midi version of both LINK and Omen, but there's something about Omen that my decently-trained ears just can't keep up with. there're some chords in it played by the guitar or some sort of cue that I just can't seem to find and it's so frustrating *cries*.

And an english prosecutor with a monocle and a mustache sounds perfect! But it just came to my mind that it would be neat to see the main prosecutor be a complete Layton character in his art-style, and maybe switch things up a bit so, like in PLvsAA
there's a part where Layton is "Unavailable" to put it simply
similarly it could be where Phoenix was busy or something so you had to control Layton in a trial section (maybe even have 2 simultanious trials, and bring an english version of the GS judge in there, "'Eh up, do yer want me ter slam yer wiv me gavel or wot, yer wee scum! Right!")

I really hope that could happen in case PLvPWAA does well in the west :P (which it might considering the large 3DS player base and the Layton stamp on it)
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Second best.
Third best.
(sorta-spoilers for both)

Also, I think the magic system they set up is really really really neat and interesting. Go read Ash's review of PLvAA, he explains it much better than I could.
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Bad Player wrote:

QFT. The only one that can beat Layton's theme is The Opening Theme, but it's an incredibly close vote. Wait, Layton's theme plays in the opening theme too...

And yet, best track - as in potential for drawing out emotions - doesn't necessarily mean best replayability. That award goes to... *drumroll*
The City at Night. The Lost Forest comes close, though. I could fall asleep listening to either one...

...It pains me to compile a favorites list from such a beautiful soundtrack. I always feel like I'm missing out on something.

Oh yeah. This one is the best option for a bread commercial.
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Bad Player wrote:
Also, I think the magic system they set up is really really really neat and interesting. Go read Ash's review of PLvAA, he explains it much better than I could.

If you're interested in such systems, you should take a look at SF classic-style detective novels. Asimov's (yes, that Asimov) Caves of Steel is an excellent example of SF rules (in this case, the infamous three laws of robotics) forming the foundation of a sound story. Death Note is also an obvious example.

Regarding the last trial, I was quite surprised to find out Takumi Shuu voiced


"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
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Finally, I can honestly claim that I've played this game through to the end. I've yet to touch the DLC material, but it's been a long journey already, so I think I'll take a nice long break... and go to bed. But, before then, I'll leave something else for the record.

This game is amazing. Whether or not you're getting GS5, I recommend trying out this game. Even if its sales in Japan weren't as high as the developers were expecting out of it, it still did pretty well.

Spoiler: Final Trial Notes
Wow, when people said the trial was long, they underestimated it. If I can split the epilogue into two separate chapters based on that save point in the middle, that would make 4 chapters of a single trial. Of course, for the sake of tying up all the mysteries of this game, it was necessary for all that content to make it in. I do agree that the trial had become tiring in the end, but it's not because the trial itself "dragged" as some have put it. The flow of the trial moved smoothly throughout; but since so many mysteries were being solved one by one, it'd naturally take a long time.

Even after discovering the truth behind the city and the Storyteller's side of the story, Layton couldn't come out and declare anything until it was made relevant to the trial at hand. He understood the 2nd law of evidence that Phoenix had struggled to pick up since Rise from the Ashes. :gant-clap: expected of the Professor.

Spoiler: The True Culprit is...?
I knew it was Kurone. All this time, I suspected her of doing the unthinkable. She was always appearing, disappearing, reappearing wherever and whenever she liked, and no one suspected her of anything until the closing of the trial.

...So I thought, but I chose the wrong Kurone.

L: "The one who rang the bell was none other than..."
"This person!"
P: "Hold it!"
"Um, Professor... shouldn't the culprit be a human?"
L: "Oh, certainly!"
P: "So, what was that outburst just now?"
L: "Ah, that? That... was my vocal training!"
P: "W-what!?"
L: "In any case, let us settle this question right this time!"

...I'm so sorry, Professor, but I can't stop laughing.

Welp, Narumiya as Nick sold it all the way to the end... with consistently terrible voice acting. The only times his voice is okay are when he shouts the exclamation words or when he's thinking to himself. For most animated scenes, something about his voice seems off. Is it his recording mic? I feel like some of his lines are a bit too quiet.

Ah, well. As much as I can complain about it, Phoenix's voice didn't detract that much from the drama and I got used to it pretty quickly. I just feel so satisfied, having finally completed this game; the gears of sentiments have shifted into a new inspiration.
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So since you've played both, which is better :P GS5 or PLvsAA? Just curious.
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GS5 has better mysteries, graphics, and characters.

PLvAA has a better story and music.

Spoiler: PLvAA+Ghost Trick
I also thought it was going to be the cat... I thought Takumi was going to pull the "black cat" sort of thing as in Ghost Trick again xD

@Ash: Uh... which one was that again? ^^"
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"I'm so sick of Khura'in!"

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Oh really? I didn't think GS5 would have better characters to be honest! Well, what do you know, now I'm even more excited for it :P

Regarding story I don't think it's gonna ruin it for me that the story might be unoriginal in Dual Destinies because take T&T as an example. It has a decent over-arching plot and it's pretty original but I play that game over and over solely for the filler cases in it, because I think they're the funniest in the franchise and has memorable characters. Somehow I think I'm gonna love cases 2 and 3 in DD too.
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Ash wrote:
Regarding the last trial, I was quite surprised to find out Takumi Shuu voiced



I knew he voiced someone, but I didn't recognize his voice when I heard it.
What happened to the poor guy, anyway? He's still wobbling on stilts by the ending credits.

Bad Player wrote:
GS5 has better mysteries, graphics, and characters.

PLvAA has a better story and music.

PLvsAA also has better background scenery. This is a game where you want to waste a lot of time looking around and relaxing to the music. That is well accomplished by looking everywhere for hint coins.

I loved the logic system this game runs on. Without access to modern science, a lot of contradictions can't simply be corrected by taking it from a single angle (i.e. whether someone had held something can't be proven and isn't admissible as evidence). Having a third option of presentable evidence (the Encyclopedia on Magic) is pretty useful. Even more so is searching for contradictions between testimonies on the stand.

Yet, I prefer the playability (and replayability) of GS5. For one thing, the jump-start menu takes off so much time from looking for a particular spot of the game you want to revisit. The Investigation Memo guides players through investigations and is accessible at any time. The backlog helps to keep track of all dialogue that's been accessed in the case "chapter" thus far. Fast-forwarding through text has always been convenient in the AA games. And above all, presenting random things to people to see how they react is always a classic.

Spoiler: PLvAA+Ghost Trick
I also thought it was going to be the cat... I thought Takumi was going to pull the "black cat" sort of thing as in Ghost Trick again xD

Dammit, I swear that cat is suspicious! When Maya and Luke went around looking for her, I was hoping that the cat would lead them to uncover some sort of conspiracy. What it led me to was a dead end. Clever feline... but you can't trick me forever!

Now trying the DL episodes... and I just got trolled in the first one. Game, if I didn't love you so much, I'd be hating you right now.
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linkenski wrote:
Oh really? I didn't think GS5 would have better characters to be honest! Well, what do you know, now I'm even more excited for it :P

That's because most of the characters are very Layton-esque, ie very shallow with one major, visible character trait, rather than AA-esque.

That's not to say the characters in PLvAA aren't entertaining, though.
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What about Jiiken though? I'm really excited for him in the english version. I hope he's as overdone and solemn as he seems.
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Jiiken starts out as a fun character, but he's kinda 'forgotten' at the end of the game ^^'

I wonder whether they are going to use the spelling "Bahnlod" Takumi came up with.
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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Ash wrote:
Jiiken starts out as a fun character, but he's kinda 'forgotten' at the end of the game ^^'

I wonder whether they are going to use the spelling "Bahnlod" Takumi came up with.

I snickered when everyone seemed to have just "forgotten" him. I laughed so hard when he reappeared in the
Spoiler: DL episodes
and made the same intro that Nick had done in-game.
When the story is set aside of the context, the only other thing to take over is the comedy, and dear Lord is it funny.

Edit: Now through to episode 7.
Spoiler: episode 6
No wonder fans like to ship Jeekin and Jodora so much: the birthday present. Seems like Chuken's a little jealous...
But something else bothers me before that...
Spoiler: episode 5
How did Madalla ever gold glasses with diamond lenses?

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Last edited by Rubia Ryu the Royal on Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Soo... who was the better Sue in the end? Athena or Mahone?
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Definitely Athena. It's not that I don't like Mahone. It's just that for someone so integral to the plot, she's too boring and usually plays the role of "damsel in distress" throughout the game. Athena doesn't take that role nearly as much; mainly in the last case. Besides, Athena throws a police officer on Apollo and wins a trial against a prestigious prosecutor. She's got her triumphant moments.

Edit: Finished the DL episodes. They made a brilliant collection of extra fun.
Spoiler: episode 11
If I've translated it right, Edgeworth bought an express plane ticket to London just because he wanted to challenge Professor Layton. I immediately had flashbacks to that one skit dubbed by ProZD. "Edgey, you can't possibly win in your state. You're not wearing a hat," was my first thought.

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linkenski wrote:
Soo... who was the better Sue in the end? Athena or Mahone?

I think Mahone is a deeper and 'better' character than Athena, but I also think that's because PLvAA just addresses deeper themes than GS5. Athena is definitely more entertaining, and 'does' more in her game.

Spoiler: PLvAA major spoilers
I suppose for all my complaints about Athena being a sue, she didn't get an entire town built just for her.

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Bad Player wrote:
Well, since we don't have one... this is just a thread for general PLvAA discussion~ Mark spoilers, please.

I'm in the middle of chapter 2 atm.

Spoiler: prologue chapter
Yutonori Gardner is awesome. Those animations.... xD If he had a bigger/larger/longer role, he could've very well been the Naitou-sama of PLvAA xP

Also, I love the way they use the camera in the court sections; the graphics are getting me haipe for GS5.

The on-and-off voice acting is... kinda meh, though. Especially when there was that moment where Olive's lines were voiced but Nick's weren't.

Spoiler: chapter 1
Baker!Nick was pure lulz. I also loved Maya's "...Shouldn't it be 'めしあがれ'?" line xD

Also, I noticed that the tag on Nick's textbox is ナルホド instead of ナルホドー. Hmm...

Spoiler: chapter 2
So we got to see an innocent child die a terrible death in agony? ...well then .__.

In the Layton games, it always seems like it's gotta be magic or whatnot, and in the end it's not... but in this case, I really don't see how it can be anything else. But we'll see. (Especially since I feel that way for every single Layton game, and I'm always wrong.)

but she lived
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