Court Records

I just started this game, I'm really late
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Author:  grim_tales [ Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  I just started this game, I'm really late


Sorry I haven't been here in a long time! I started this game recently and just got to the first Phoenix Wright part, enjoying it so far :D

The voice acting makes everything a bit more cinematic, Nick's voice is good and I like little touches like
PW in London: The more old timey British judge. Johnny Smiles the witness is giving me Fullbright (AA: DD) vibes...

I like the Layton parts too, the addition of super hints in the puzzles basically tell you the answer though which make things easier. Sometimes I'm not good at all the puzzles

Author:  grim_tales [ Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I just started this game, I'm really late

I'm really liking the Phoenix portion of the game so far, assuming there's only 1 case in it.
New characters

Johnny Smiles looks like Johnny Bravo xD He's giving me Bobby Fullbright vibes too, and the cute girl in the chef outfit, her breakdown is odd. Usually in AA games, villians do a complete 180 from being normal/sweet to evil but she seemed scared

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