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I don't want to say "I told you so"...Topic%20Title
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...but I told you so. Ghost Trick, that excellent story based point-and-click-esque game has been forgotten, and I told you all that would happen.
Takumi said he wanted to make more if the fans asked for it, and instead, you said "no, don't make a new one, this one is perfect!" You are aware that just because a new one exists the old one doesn't die, right?

And I tried to tell you this years ago. Now, Ghost Trick has been mostly forgotten, and I partly blame you, the audience, for that fate.
So yes, actually. I do want to say "I told you so." Because I did tell you so.
Serve the Story - that's one of my rules.
That wasn't an objection, honest! I was just pointing someone to the bus stop!
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I... don't think that's how it works.

If something doesn't sell well, then sequels don't get made. Even if the fans of the series did ask for a sequel, but the overseas numbers were poor, then Takumi wouldn't be able to pitch a sequel idea to Capcom. Ghost Trick did pretty well in Japan, but less so overseas it seems. Take DGS as a recent example. Takumi clearly wanted a DGS 3, but because of poor sales, he was only allowed until DGS 2, and with a reduced budget at that.

If a game is poorly marketed, then not enough people know what it is, then it's not gonna have as many fans. Fewer fans means fewer people asking for a sequel. That's not the fault of the fans for not asking hard enough, that's the fault of the company for doing a bad job of selling their product.
Re: I don't want to say "I told you so"...Topic%20Title
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I knew all that. I'm mostly just venting. I don't actually blame you guys, though I do think maybe we should have done more to advertise this game to other people. We can pick up the slack if a publisher does a bad job, and I don't think we did a good enough job here. (I am not excluding myself here. Bad me. Bad.)
Serve the Story - that's one of my rules.
That wasn't an objection, honest! I was just pointing someone to the bus stop!
Re: I don't want to say "I told you so"...Topic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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The real Trick was that he Ghosted us when we asked for more.
Re: I don't want to say "I told you so"...Topic%20Title
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of the Old Bailey

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on behalf of the ghost trick fanbase I would like to apologize.
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