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Author:  Anthony [ Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  X-Men RP SIGN UP

Okay basically due to X-Men Destiny has came out and before the game was ever out I had an idea for this RP. Now allow me to explain.

The Storyline is will be X-Men Evolution and Wolverine and The X-Men RP fusion BUT It will have a twist, it will have some of the elements from X-Men Destiny. You can have an OC Character with whatever you can come up with. But no god modding crap like "Ultimate shield" Not gonna happen I will not TOLERATE it!

No God modding
Have fun
If somebody is god modding make sure you PM the person before you make a post.

Side:(X-Men/Brotherhood of Evil/Purifiers/MRD)
Power:(If you picked as a Mutant)

Author:  franini [ Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Name: Arianne Laurel
Gender: F
Age: 17
Race:(Human/Mutant) Mutant
Side:(X-Men/Brotherhood of Evil/Purifiers/MRD) X Men.
Appearance: ... %20008.jpg
Personality: Shy and retiring, Arianne's main goal in life is to stay out of the way, and she's mildly agoraphobic because she's so terrified her power will go haywire. She wants to be a doctor, and is very caring once someone has earned her trust, although that isn't an easy thing to do.
Power:(If you picked as a Mutant) Biological Manipulation
Bio: Arianne has spent little time outside of her house because she's so afraid she'll harm someone. Her parents are afraid of her and so she's quite socially awkward and is yet to experience much of the outside world.

Author:  SomariFeyWright [ Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Name: Somari
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Race (human or mutant): Mutant
Side (X-men/Brotherhood of evil/Purifiers/MRD) X-men
Appearance: Just imagine a stereotypical nerd, kind of tall, wearing a video gaming shirt, and a pair of shoes similar to Sonic's shoes from Sonic Adventure 2.
Personality: Despite his appearance, he isn't like most nerds, and has no problem with being hated. He hates romance, and he gains dark powers if he is annoyed by it.
Powers: (If you picked as a mutant) Super jumping abilities, super strength, and super speed. Uses dark energy to heighten his powers to maximum limits if he becomes mad.
Bio: From birth, he has been liked by very few people... even though nobody (including himself) didn't know about his powers until a year before the present. As a self-proclaimed nerd and freak of the neighborhood, he's never had any real friends. ...And with his powers, he became hated by everybody in his neighborhood, and his own parents, though they pretended otherwise, were extremely worried about the destruction he causes when he goes dark, so he ran off. At the moment, he's just looking for a place where he can at least not be hated.

Author:  Anthony [ Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Side:His own but then X-Men later on.
Spoiler: Appearance

Personality:Kind-hearted, but serious when in fights, short-tempered at times, and usually hates to get into fights, and like to keep his promises. And he tends to hear voices in his head. ((By that I mean he goes into a place of where he will send somebody to the hospital.))
Power:His power is Black Fire, Enhanced speed, Super strength, and Regenerative Healing Factor.
Bio: Anthony was a human for as long as he could remember, but one day his mutant powers were awaken when his life was in danger, it was when his school had a massive earthquake, caused by Avalanche when he tried to destroy the school he and Shadow Kat both attended. ((X-Men Evolution)) All of his powers were unleashed as he ran he was fast, he was bleeding from the injuries that he had during his escape from the school and they were regenerating as if nothing ever happened, he had Black Fire coming from his mouth when he roared, and when he punched the ground in anger after seeing Lance ((Avalanche)) he left a huge mark in the ground. After that he swore to give Lance a piece of his mind but he couldn't, the reason was Lance was his best friend, even after Lance met Kitty ((Shadow Kat)) he couldn't do anything to stop Lance. So with no school he was transferred to the school Lance and Kitty attended to but not as a student but as a Teacher for Music class. There are times where he will get mad in order to calm down he listens to music.

Author:  Anthony [ Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Allow me to explain the storyline of the RP.

The characters from X-Men Evolution will be 2 years older in this RP. And this takes place after the events Age Of Apocalypse. ((That never did appeared as a season due to Wolverine And The X-Men did not had a lot of viewers and wasn't that popular.))

X-Men still awaited for the return of Professor X who is still in his coma, while Magneto was off to build another empire for where mutants can be accepted (For real this time), Mystique took control over The Brotherhood of Evil, the MRD still hunts for mutants, And The Purists also hunts for Mutants but to kill them. The Purists and MRD both agreed to put an end to the Mutant Gene by capturing them and then send them off to a place where they wont cause any harm to anybody, but The Brotherhood Of Evil recruits them into their army for World Domination.

Author:  franini [ Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

If necessary, I'll play as Mystique.

Author:  Anthony [ Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Yes. You can be Mystique. I'll put you down as playing her right now.

Author:  franini [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

If any new RPers show up, they can have Mystique, but I'll play her if no one else wants her.

Author:  Anthony [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Well, I don't know if anybody does, but we haven't gotten any new RPers even though I have PMed some people to join this RP by not forcing them :/ I'm guessing the others must not like X-Men :/

Author:  Anthony [ Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Man this RP still needs more RPers.... I pray that we get a few more people to join. :sadshoe:

Author:  franini [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Sorry, I really don't mean to be impolite, but Mystique's out of view, Anthony shouldn't be able to see her. I was kind of planning to have her jump out at them...

Author:  franini [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Sorry, I really don't mean to be impolite, but Mystique's out of view, Anthony shouldn't be able to see her. I was kind of planning to have her jump out at them...

Author:  Anthony [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Ah okay I'll edit my post.

Author:  Anthony [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Alright Franini the post has been edited you and Somari are in the green zone.

Author:  SomariFeyWright [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP


Gee Anthony. That battle sure was a fun one. Especially assuming that OUR CHARACTERS DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FIGHT!!!

Author:  Anthony [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

SomariFeyWright wrote:

Gee Anthony. That battle sure was a fun one. Especially assuming that OUR CHARACTERS DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FIGHT!!!

You knwo you can start a fight with my guy o.o as a sparring match. lol

Author:  SomariFeyWright [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

I can't actually do that...

My character has the kind of nature that only lets him fight when provoked. He wouldn't just do it for fun.

Author:  Anthony [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

well your guy was in a fighting mood. >_>;

Author:  SomariFeyWright [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Because Arianne was attacked.

Look, I kinda wanted my character to fight with a reason, rather than you KO'ing the enemy in a single blow and making my characters anger suddenly meaningless. Get what I'm saying?

Author:  Anthony [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Yes but you can still kick her while she is KO. It'll be putting the boots to her medium style.

Author:  SomariFeyWright [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

... Y'know, I think I'm starting to see why you were kicked off of Case Files.

Anyway, that isn't any fun at all. What fun could this possibly be if your character is the one who beats the villains while ours just watch?

Author:  franini [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Anthony, I'm afraid I have to side with Somari. You can't just dominate the RP like that; everyone has to have their turn with the action. Disregarding another person's post (which is effectively what you did) isn't the way to RP! It would have been much more enjoyable if we'd all done it together. Considering there are only three of us, I'm starting to feel like this isn't really working... especially if this sort of thing keeps occurring...

I've had my doubts about this for a while; if Somari shares the same sentiment, I think it's not working and we should stop.

Author:  Anthony [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

franini wrote:
Anthony, I'm afraid I have to side with Somari. You can't just dominate the RP like that; everyone has to have their turn with the action. Disregarding another person's post (which is effectively what you did) isn't the way to RP! It would have been much more enjoyable if we'd all done it together. Considering there are only three of us, I'm starting to feel like this isn't really working... especially if this sort of thing keeps occurring...

I've had my doubts about this for a while; if Somari shares the same sentiment, I think it's not working and we should stop.

I edited it.

Author:  franini [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Okay, I don't know what Somari precisely wants me to say, but feel free to add to this, Somari if you have something else to say on the topic.

We exchanged messages regarding this RP, Anthony, and the conclusion we came to is that we'll try to keep going and to make this work, but if things continue the way they have been, we're out. I'll wait for Somari to post in the actual RP before I do.

Author:  SomariFeyWright [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

There really isn't anything I can add franini. So, I guess I'll just reiterate:

Stop treating the RP like you're the only one that matters, or we'll make sure that you're the only one there.

Author:  Anthony [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Alright, alright. I get what you two are saying. I'll have my guy leave Mystique to your guys.

Author:  Pierre [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Men RP SIGN UP

Anthony wrote:
Well, I don't know if anybody does, but we haven't gotten any new RPers even though I have PMed some people to join this RP by not forcing them :/ I'm guessing the others must not like X-Men :/

Wrong I like X-men. I don't like X-men evolution due to it's...ridiculously silly nature (lookin at you stupid Girl vigilante song) and how seriously important conflicts are just overlooked in favour of y'know HIGH SCHOOL WOOO!

Plus I dislike your style Anthony your characters are.....close to Gary Stuing I think. They seem to always be perfect always have the best cliches. For example right now your character has a massive quantity of generic powers for killing people. You slapped on the Generic enhanced speed, super strength and not so generic but VERY BROKE power of regenerative healing (Wolverine is pretty broke with it). You also gave him an extra vague power of black fire...whatever that is.

Gary Stuing is....well TV Tropes says it:

Spoiler: The Internet's leading guide on fictional and media tropes saaays:
Marty Stu, however, is usually restricted to being a creature of action since men who do not take an active role in dramatic events are unmanly and, by definition, not perfect (Non-Action Guy tends to be looked upon with disdain). So Marty Stu is the personification of action, action and more action. Or, if he is of an intellectual bent, he thinks his way through problems, inventing whole new branches of science and technology in the process. In contrast to Mary Sue who has been freed to play an active and/or passive role, Marty Stu is almost never seen taking on his sister's old school Purity Sue role: passive motivator of others through his purity, beauty and helplessness. When he does, it is almost exclusively the territory of wimpified Possession Sues in yaoi fanfic.

Marty Stu is devastatingly handsome (or if not, possessed of a strange, saturnine magnetism) and desired by all significant women, yes, but romance is not likely to be the main dish. He's an unstoppable fighter, a rogue agent, a fearless freedom fighter, a master of disguise. However, as times have changed, just as Mary's acquired a bratty temper, Marty's had the occasional opportunity to show his softer side.

Ok so let's check these off a bit shall we? Referring to "Anthony" the character here.

Anthony is very action orientated having already gotten into more brief conflicts than the rest of the cast all of which have been over in a single post. It's been edited away but I believe it sounds like you one-shotted Mystique of all people even being so much of a limelight-hog as to steal the action from other people. Of course Anthony is the star of the show. Your suggestion that for gratification they "spar with Anthony" if they need action is deplorable seeing as that way they STILL don't get to contribute to the plot in any relevant way by defeating a villain or even really getting to struggle with them for long.

Anthony is an intellectual whiz who not only is a teacher but has an array of weaponry and his own workshop and a computer that apparently has access to what must be some privileged information (Sure X-23's files were locked but still must need some secret database just to SEE a file on mutants.)

Anthony is devastatingly handsome (and arrogant enough to know it) and is intriguing to so far every woman he's met so far with even uncharacteristically unromantic characters (lookin at you X-23) becoming flirtatious fiends around him.

So yeah seems like a Marty/Gary Stu but why is this bad? Well it's the male version of a Mary Sue which isss....

Yeah I'm just going to link you this time

Well it's sickeningly perfect the way I'd describe it, sickeningly perfect and the centre of a story. It's why we all hate Twilight!!! (No offence twihards)

Franini's character is a delight however :garyuu: Her ability is kinda broke but the Marvel universe some characters are just broke, Wolverine's healing for one and THE SCARLET WITCH WHO CAN CHANGE REALITY AS SHE WISHES IT, being the best examples in my mind. Plus she's delightfully withdrawn and worried as she can't fully control her power at times so it balances out.

Somari needs to work on his post length to meet the minimum requirements sometimes I think plus all those new lines he takes make his posts seem insubstantial. Though his character has obvious flaws and issues which are being brought out through interactions with others and he is developing and working through these problems so he's fine too. Though super jumping...dunno if he needs that as a power when he has super strength. Super strength goes to legs equalling super jump's how Hulk gets around so well.

Anyway that's why I don't want to join the RP and it's not particularly appealing. It reads more like fanfiction than a cumulative effort the amount of 'talking to yourself' Anthony does by including other NPCs when you should be interacting with the others.

:garyuu: Hope it runs well ta ta.

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