Court Records

The PW Sexuality Thread
Page 1 of 12

Author:  Mantriox [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  The PW Sexuality Thread

I was bored and mainly this was me thinking how stupid the :phoenix: / :edgeworth: was. But then I realized, hey, they might actually be gay.

So who's gay and who's straight?

To start off,

:godot: Straight, because of Mia.
:yuusaku: Straight, Desiree
:bellboy: Straight, April May seduced him.
:hotti: Need I speak?
:udgy: I think he's straight because he has grandkids...

Author:  PrinceDaniel07 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

:phoenix: He's probably straight, he had a crush on Iris.
:eh?: He's probably straight, he had a crush on Maggey.
:chef: He's the only guy I'm willing to say is gay.
:larry: Straight as can be.

Author:  Lisabasil1959 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

:larry: No he's not, he's in denial, that's why he can't hold down a gf

:godot: backdrop music automatically makes him gay

:keiko: Robots have no sexual preference


Author:  Chinese Infantry [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

:edgeworth: Asexual with an unhealthy penchant for alone time. (IN BEFORE FUNK!)

:phoenix: straight

:javado: unfortunately for me, straight.

:damon: I could definitely see him being bisexual, and not because of the "GANT RAEP" meme.

:larry2: Ohh cmon, he has had soo many girlfriends, I've lost count. They may have ended up in disaster, but had them nonetheless. He's has hit on a good amount of the PW female cast and to top it off, has declared he's not interested in men. WHAT MORE DO YOU FREAKIN' WANT? WHAT WILL CONVINCE YOU HE'S STRAIGHT!?

Author:  xylophone220 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

{CI}Jackie Estacado wrote:


Author:  Rae08 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

XD Pink smock with ribbons, srsly.

Edgworth might be. He seems so unaware that girls like him.

Author:  Concerned Citizen [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

:pshhh: 100% straight. Don't let his girly looks fool you.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

...haven't we had a thread like this? I'm almost positive a thread exists. >_>

:edgeworth: - Asexual/Gay with a thing for Phoenix.

:phoenix: - Mostly straight. Could conceivably fall for Edgeworth in the right scenario.

:franny: - Asexual. Or rather, Adriansexual. >_>

:karma: - Had at least two children, though I can't imagine it comes up much. Too perfect for women.

:maya: - Doesn't really think about it. I'd say she judges more on the person rather than the gender.

:godot: - Bisexual, prefers females.

:adrian: - Gaaaaay.

:will: - Straight

:sadshoe: - Straight

:larry2: - Straight

:youngmia: - Bisexual, prefers men.

Author:  Rae08 [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

There's a thread for Fradrian and one for Phedgeworth, but this one's for all characters, I guess.

Author:  Arei [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Finally xD Was wondering when this was gonna appear, this will be more fun then the virginity thread xD

:phoenix: - Straight
:edgeworth: - Straight
:udgy: - Straight
:maya: - Straight
:pearl: - Straight
:karma: - Straight, but I'm thinking he could go either way xD
:franny: - Straight
:godot: / :javado: - Straight (obviously)
:damon: - Whatever floats his boat, I'm gonna go with Bi xD
:redd: - He's in love with HIMSELF =P
:yogi: - Straight
:lana: - Straight
:jake: - Straight... But again, depending on the situation I could see him swinging the other way xD
:grey: - Straight, he screams "Dr. Kelso" to me XDDD
:hotti: -Must we ask?
:adrian: - Bi. Though I think she may swing more to the lesbian side.
:acro: - I wanna say Gay. He doesn't seem very straight to me =/
:igarashi: - Who knows, who cares xD
:minuki: - Straight
:bellboy: - No idea, I'll say Straight
:kyouya: - Straight
:payne: - Straight
:larry: - Straight, obviously.
:grossburg: - Straight
:meekins: - Straight
:wellington: - Similar to Redd, he'll do whoever loves him =P Though I bet he would prefer a woman.
:yuusaku: - Straight
:odoroki: - .... I really wanna say Bi here xD
:maggy: - Straight
:garyuu: - Believe it or not... but I'm gonna go Straight here o.o Possibly Bi, but I really think he'd be straight, if he had a love life that is >_>
:zenitora: - Straight
:eh?: - Straight, of course x3
:will: - He could swing either way, he needs a nice girl though xD
:uramidn: - Straight
:sal: - - Straight... unfortunatley...
:youngmia: - Straight
:goodman: - Straight, though I get teh impression he could make any man swoon XD Dunno why though...
:ditz: - Straight
:starr: - Straight... Another obvious one
:wendy: - Straight.... Yeah >_>
:morgan: - Straight...
:matt: - PLAYAAAAAA... Straight XD
:aiga: - I'm gonna say straight, but he too could go any way really, he'll get what he can get probably >_>
:april: - Straight, very obvious XD
:chef: - Straight up... Gay xD
:lotta: - I think she might be Bi, you really can't tell what she's interested in.
:onamida: - Straight, though I think he doesn't know what he really is. He doesn't have the capacity.
:shelly: - Straight, this dude is a player.
:that-b-word: -... Whatever she wants to be at the time.
:ayame: - Straight
:yummy: - Straight
:regina: - Straight
:moe: - Straight
:cody: - Straight, he's still a kid though.
:pshhh: - Ladieeeessss... He's straight, though I'm sure more guys then girls are after him XD
:devasque: - I see her as Bi, really.
:mareka: - Straight
:pencileraser: - Pennnniiiissss heeadddddddd.... does whoever, whenever >_>
:Maki: - I see him as possibly Gay, but I'll stick with Bi.
:hammer: - Straight
:karate: - Straightest character in the entire series xD

I didn't get everyone, but I got enough xD

Author:  electronicmaji [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Adrian is straight......and I have yet to see any proof that its otherwise...

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

I could have -sworn- that there was a general sexuality thread a while back, but I just looked back to page 20 and couldn't find it.

anyway, I can't see Edgeworth or Adrian as straight; the most you'll get is asexual. Edgey notably shows no attraction to girls. Phoenix, the Bellboy, the Judge are all drooling over April, he doesn't. But more notably is in PW3 with Dahlia and Iris. Every single male in the game who meets them is absolutely smitten and head-over-heels. Except Edgeworth.

Even when we're in his HEAD, we never see any attraction. When faced with girls, he just doesn't understand. It's not "oh, how crude, I don't have time for this."

It's "...huh?"

So yeah. Whatever he is, he isn't attracted to women. This either leaves him asexual or gay. Likely the former.

Similarly, Adrian is shown clinging to females and hating "men and their stupid male pride."

So yeah. :/

Really, I don't get a solid ping on most of the cast for sexuality. But a few you really do XD;

:pencil: Obviously his hair is representing something.

Author:  PrinceDaniel07 [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
Edgey notably shows no attraction to girls. Phoenix, the Bellboy, the Judge are all drooling over April, he doesn't. But more notably is in PW3 with Dahlia and Iris. Every single male in the game who meets them is absolutely smitten and head-over-heels.

They seemed like whores to me, they weren't attractive at all. However, you are still right about Edgeworth, there is nothing that really shows any interest towards girls. But it's mainly because he tries to be apathetic and concentrate on his work.
As for Adrian, she's may be a bisexual. If she was relying on a woman, she would probably be willing to get involved with her. The same if she was relying on a man at the time.

Author:  Arei [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

electronicmaji wrote:
Adrian is straight......and I have yet to see any proof that its otherwise...

Thats why me, and others put her under Bi. We don't really know.

She has an obvious hatred for men, that could lead to her not trusting men in a serious relationship and lead her towards relationships with other women.

But who knows xD

Author:  Mia_Fey [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Let's see...
:phoenix: - straight
:edgeworth: - straight
:maya: - straight
:franny: - bisexual
:damon: -bisexual
:adrian: - bisexual
:javado: - straight
:youngmia: - straight
:ayame: - straight
:larry: - straight but a loser :)
:that-b-word: - whatever suits her at the time
:sassy: - straight

Author:  electronicmaji [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

I think Adrian and Pheonix would make a cute couple and even though she has bad view of men in general that doesn't make her a lesbian! I'm pretty sure she has a good view of Pheonix....

Author:  Chinese Infantry [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

@Arei: I wouldn't exactly call it a hatred for men. At least not during GS3. She seemed fine with Phoenix then. During JFA, I would agree.

As for Edgey, let me make it clear that just because he isn't drooling over women like an idiot does NOT mean he is gay. However, I won't deny that he seems disinterested in them.

Author:  Zeronos [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Mia_Fey wrote:
Let's see...
:phoenix: - straight
:edgeworth: - asexual
:maya: - straight
:franny: - bisexual
:damon: -bisexual
:adrian: - bisexual
:javado: - straight
:youngmia: - straight
:ayame: - straight
:larry: - straight but a loser :)
:that-b-word: - whatever suits her at the time
:sassy: - straight


Author:  PrinceDaniel07 [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

electronicmaji wrote:
I think Adrian and Pheonix would make a cute couple and even though she has bad view of men in general that doesn't make her a lesbian! I'm pretty sure she has a good view of Pheonix....

Lots of women will say stuff like that in general about men after someone dumps them or cheats on them. It's often just anger. And yeah, she probably does think highly of Phoenix. Just look at the credits of the second game...

Author:  Mia_Fey [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Wanton Destruction wrote:
Mia_Fey wrote:
Let's see...
:phoenix: - straight
:edgeworth: - asexual
:maya: - straight
:franny: - bisexual
:damon: -bisexual
:adrian: - bisexual
:javado: - straight
:youngmia: - straight
:ayame: - straight
:larry: - straight but a loser :)
:that-b-word: - whatever suits her at the time
:sassy: - straight


I don't want to sound rude, but I'm confused what you mean by "fix'd". Does that mean you agree with most of my opinions and just changed one or that you're implying that this has changed my opinions? I stand by what I put down.

Author:  Arei [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

{CI}Jackie Estacado wrote:
@Arei: I wouldn't exactly call it a hatred for men. At least not during GS3. She seemed fine with Phoenix then. During JFA, I would agree.

As for Edgey, let me make it clear that just because he isn't drooling over women like an idiot does NOT mean he is gay. However, I won't deny that he seems disinterested in them.

Adrian doesnt hate Phoenix simply because he helped her out, he proved himself to her. She even thanks him for helping her out in GS3.

Edgey is more into his career then his love life, give him a few years.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

GamerErman2001 wrote:
They seemed like whores to me, they weren't attractive at all. However, you are still right about Edgeworth, there is nothing that really shows any interest towards girls. But it's mainly because he tries to be apathetic and concentrate on his work.
As for Adrian, she's may be a bisexual. If she was relying on a woman, she would probably be willing to get involved with her. The same if she was relying on a man at the time.

Except we're in his head. It's not trying to concentrate on his work, it's complete and total misunderstanding/disinterest.

And I suppose it's possible for Adrian to be bisexual; I think it's also telling that after Celeste died she still went two years without finding anybody new as a source of strength (despite literally needing one due to a mental disorder). She specifically singles out two women. It's not out of the question for a guy to have been there before, but the evidence points the other way.

electronicmaji wrote:
I think Adrian and Pheonix would make a cute couple and even though she has bad view of men in general that doesn't make her a lesbian! I'm pretty sure she has a good view of Pheonix....

Well, you can be gay and still like people of the opposite gender XD; Of course Adrian has good feelings towards Phoenix, he saved her life and nailed Matt Engarde, the man she despised.

Still doesn't change the fact that even when she had Phoenix and Edgeworth who were actually helping her at points, she chose Franziska as her new pillar of strength, not either of the men (who were arguably nicer to her than Ziska was). And she hates "stupid male pride."

{CI}Jackie Estacado wrote:
As for Edgey, let me make it clear that just because he isn't drooling over women like an idiot does NOT mean he is gay. However, I won't deny that he seems disinterested in them.

Of course. And we never see him checking out Phoenix or Godot or anything, which is why I'm inclined to say he's asexual... with a thing for Phoenix.

:phoenix: - straight
:edgeworth: - asexual
:maya: - doesn't think about it
:franny: - asexual, possibility for Adrian
:damon: - manwhore
:adrian: - lesbian
:javado: - bisexual, likes women better
:youngmia: - bisexual, likes men better
:ayame: - straight
:larry: - straight
:that-b-word: - depends on who she's trying to manipulate
:sassy: - straight
:udgy: - has a family, likely straight
:pearl: - too young for that. But straight.
:karma: - Had sex with a woman at least twice. Too perfect for them most of the time.
:yogi: - Pollysexual
:lana: - Bisexual, likes men better
:jake: - Straight
:hotti: - Creepy
:kyouya: - Bisexual
:payne: - has a family
:grossburg: - has a family (?)
:gregory: - had a family
:yuusaku: - Straight. See :mareka:
:mareka: - Straight. See :accordion-head:

Author:  ImAFoolishFool [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

For me, I say (I'll pick a select few):
:phoenix: - Straight
:edgy: - Straight, but isn't afraid to experiment
:adrian: - Gay
:gant: - Bisexual
:wendy: - Straight, but experimented in her youth Lol??? XD
:ka-whip: - Foolysexual


Author:  RazeTora [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

:phoenix: - Questioning/Bi curious Now we're all happy.
:franny: - .....I'm just gonna say Franzisexual
:adrian: - Also franzisexual
:kyouya: - GIBSEXUAL LOL (points to who gets the joke)
:zenitora: Straight, I suppose. But that pink moped's got me thinking.
:chef: - Straight as uncooked spaghetti says I.
:pearl: Straight at eight (Er..nine...)
:odoroki: I never got a straight vibe from him, but we'll save that opinion for after I play AJ:AA

Author:  electronicmaji [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Most straight women tend to use other women as pillars of strength....frankly I fail to see your point!

Author:  Arei [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

RazeTora wrote:
:chef: - Straight as uncooked spaghetti says I.

:spit: WHAT YOU SAY?!


Author:  Mysticgamer [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
I could have -sworn- that there was a general sexuality thread a while back, but I just looked back to page 20 and couldn't find it.

anyway, I can't see Edgeworth or Adrian as straight; the most you'll get is asexual. Edgey notably shows no attraction to girls. Phoenix, the Bellboy, the Judge are all drooling over April, he doesn't. But more notably is in PW3 with Dahlia and Iris. Every single male in the game who meets them is absolutely smitten and head-over-heels. Except Edgeworth.

Even when we're in his HEAD, we never see any attraction. When faced with girls, he just doesn't understand. It's not "oh, how crude, I don't have time for this."

It's "...huh?"

So yeah. Whatever he is, he isn't attracted to women. This either leaves him asexual or gay. Likely the former.

Similarly, Adrian is shown clinging to females and hating "men and their stupid male pride."

So yeah. :/

Really, I don't get a solid ping on most of the cast for sexuality. But a few you really do XD;

:pencil: Obviously his hair is representing something.

not to mention what's he's doing to it.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

electronicmaji wrote:
Most straight women tend to use other women as pillars of strength....frankly I fail to see your point!


Adrian has a mental disorder where she needs somebody to rely on.

After Celeste (her original pillar) killed herself, Adrian did -not- latch on to anybody else for two years. Then, two years later, it was Franziska--even when, at the same time, she had Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth there as possibles. But she chose Franziska, who was arguably the least helpful to her.

Plus, she hates "male pride" as she says.

If you're determined to believe that Adrian is straight I can't convince you, but I think she's soundly gay. Hell, being around Matt and Juan for two years would turn anybody off men for good >_>

Author:  Mantriox [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
:karma: - Had sex with a woman at least twice. Too perfect for them most of the time.

He had sex twice? Once for Franziska but Edgey was adopted. Manfred seems like the type to use and then throw away. What was the occassion for the second? (He wanted to keep his perfect sex record afloat? lol)

Author:  electronicmaji [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
electronicmaji wrote:
Most straight women tend to use other women as pillars of strength....frankly I fail to see your point!


Adrian has a mental disorder where she needs somebody to rely on.

After Celeste (her original pillar) killed herself, Adrian did -not- latch on to anybody else for two years. Then, two years later, it was Franziska--even when, at the same time, she had Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth there as possibles. But she chose Franziska, who was arguably the least helpful to her.

Plus, she hates "male pride" as she says.

If you're determined to believe that Adrian is straight I can't convince you, but I think she's soundly gay. Hell, being around Matt and Juan for two years would turn anybody off men for good >_>

I dont care if shes gay! SHES MINE DAMNIT! MINE!!! And If I have to kidnap her and lock her in my basement she will be mine!

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Mantriox wrote:
CantFaketheFunk wrote:
:karma: - Had sex with a woman at least twice. Too perfect for them most of the time.

He had sex twice? Once for Franziska but Edgey was adopted. Manfred seems like the type to use and then throw away. What was the occassion for the second? (He wanted to keep his perfect sex record afloat? lol)

He has a granddaughter.

Author:  Arei [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Mantriox wrote:
CantFaketheFunk wrote:
:karma: - Had sex with a woman at least twice. Too perfect for them most of the time.

He had sex twice? Once for Franziska but Edgey was adopted. Manfred seems like the type to use and then throw away. What was the occassion for the second? (He wanted to keep his perfect sex record afloat? lol)

.. Franziska has an older sister xD The one with the daughter, so obviously Manny had gotten around once before xD

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Franzy has an older sister, as VK says in 1-4.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

electronicmaji wrote:

I dont care if shes gay! SHES MINE DAMNIT! MINE!!! And If I have to kidnap her and lock her in my basement she will be mine!

...hokay then. >_>


Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
After Celeste (her original pillar) killed herself, Adrian did -not- latch on to anybody else for two years. Then, two years later, it was Franziska--even when, at the same time, she had Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth there as possibles. But she chose Franziska, who was arguably the least helpful to her.

...Well, Franzy also wasn't trying to get Adrian convicted of murder or say she didn't care if she died, either.


Author:  Millini [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

RazeTora wrote:
:kyouya: - GIBSEXUAL LOL (points to who gets the joke)

Gibson guitars, right? Now where are my points?


:phoenix: - Straight
:maya: - Burgersexual
:godot: -Coffeesexual and also straight.
:chef: - ...seriously, do I need to tell you?
:keiko: - Robots don't have sexual feelings. Except with other robots.
:hotti: - Disturbing
:odoroki: - Pyrosexual.
:edgy: - Like many people said, asexual.

Author:  musouka [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Wow, truly this thread has made me see the light.

:phoenix: - asexual.
:maya: - asexual.
:godot: - asexual, except for Mia.
:mia: - asexual, except for Diego.
:ayame: - asexual, except for Phoenix.
:damon: - asexual.
:franny: - asexual.
:adrian: - asexual.
:lana: - definitely asexual.
:jake: - asexual.
:sadshoe: - asexual.
:maggy: - asexual.
:edgeworth: - gay.

Author:  Chinese Infantry [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

And just what are you implying, mu?

Author:  RazeTora [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

Millini wrote:
RazeTora wrote:
:kyouya: - GIBSEXUAL LOL (points to who gets the joke)

Gibson guitars, right? Now where are my points?

A winner iz yuo
*throws Chuck E. Cheese tokens*

Author:  Officer 1BDI [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The PW Sexuality Thread

I thought the rule on sexuality in the PW universe was "everyone is bisexual unless otherwise established"? =P

That said, these are the vibes I personally picked up while playing the games:

:phoenix: - Bisexual
:edgeworth: - Asexual (with a preference/exception for :phoenix: )
:maya: - Straight, but uninterested atm
:pearl: - Straight (but she's a bit young to call it, imo)
:youngmia: - Bisexual with a preference for men
:larry: - Straight
:godot: - Straight
:franny: - Bisexual, but with much distain for the foolish fools of both genders (I have no idea where that came from....)
:eh?: - Straight
:maggy: - Straight
:adrian: - Homosexual
:lana: - Bisexual
:yummy: - Straight
:ayame: - Straight
:chinami: - Cold, heartless bitch
:damon: - Omnisexual

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