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Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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VincentValentine wrote:
Least favorite characters are:
1. :pearl:

Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Machine on the Inside

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Johnny Rotan wrote:
VincentValentine wrote:
Least favorite characters are:
1. :pearl:




........ *hides behind a bunker*

Yew is an expert in playing tag!
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Objection! That was objectionable!

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10. :youngmia: Young Mia. I just love how smug she is. Especially when the first trial of T&T is against Payne, whose an absolute idiot.

9. :ayame: Iris. It's quite ridiculous how nice she is. Nice to someone she knows is up to no good? But still, has a good heart, and it creates the twin sisters and being polar opposites.

8. :larry: Larry (AA). What Larry did in 1-4 was immense, and he deserves to be on the list because of it.

7. :shelly: De Killer. Sure you never meet him but he's an honorable killer, and that's always a good thing to have.

6. :franny: Franziska. Would probably be really annoying without the whip, but it's a trait, and it's a pretty good one as well. Everyone is scared of the whip.

5. :delilah-hair: Dahlia. You've got respect how truly evil she is. Sure, she hides behind her charm and looks, but she actually has a character. That's only really annoying if they are characterless ala April May.

4. :udgy: Udgy. So clueless, yet very funny. Can be a bit annoying at times and tends to agree with the prosecution a fair bit, but we always win the case anyway, so it doesn't matter.

3. :phoenix: Phoenix. Mainly because he is the magnet for everyone's abuse. Top notch Attorney though.

2. :eh?: Gumshoe. Is actually really helpful, and you can't help but feel sorry for him.

1. :godot: Godot. Just plain awesome. Comes out with some great lines.

Least Favourite:

10. :yuusaku: Ron. The case is over, all sorted, but he just wants to make my job that bit harder by insisting that they arrest. He had a reason, but it's still pretty infuriating.

9. :yogi: Yogi. The fact that he is always falling asleep and the animation for him waking is an annoying one, he so deserves to be on this list.

8. :cards: Max. Is so stupid and full of himself, he at first thinks that the police arresting him is a joke. Because that's what police do.

7. :pearl: Pearl. Yeah. Don't like her. Her whole Phoenix and Maya thing gets very old very fast and she doesn't really offer anything useful to the game, other than an excuse to call Mia.

6. :grossburg: Grossberg. Pessimistic and doesn't seem to realise that talking about exploding buttocks all the time is rather off putting.

5. :payne: Payne. Useless prosecutor, and has the most annoying "OBJECTION!" out of everyone.

4. :sawit: Sahwit. For the fact that he absolutely will not stay still, and has the most flawed testimony ever (albeit, he should since it's the first ever case).

3. :redd: Redd. Yes, we get it, you are an arrogant bastard. Get over yourself.

2. :wendy: Oldbag. Does she not shut up? Really don't like how she is always bias against the suspect. The fool.

1. :april: April May. Ugh. Can't stand her. Typical woman hiding behind her charms and she doesn't even have a personality to make up for it. Also has the worst character design in the entire series imo.

Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

sup sup sup.

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1. :haha: Seriously! How could you not love him and his obvious hate for Klavier? ALAJSKD. Oh lordy, I mean seriously. Seriously. You can't tell me you didn't LOL to yourself when he was like TELL KLAVIER I SAID "HI", OH YEAH. AND "SCREW YOU". I loved this guy hardcore -- and he was so confident up on that stand. Ffft. Oh yeah. His penis hair was hilarious for me to watch him stroke on stand. I dunno why you all hate him so much. I think he's great.
2. :psycho-matt: Just because he pulled a Primal Fear on my ass and I totally didn't see it coming.
3. :ema: She's just ten bags of awesome. Snackoo'd a thousand times, and I really didn't mind. Also, great backstory. It makes me genuinely like her as a character because she's so well-rounded.
4. :doodle: I loved her. The nail polish thing was so ingenious and she was like "oh yeah, i was the forger....and?"
5. :karate: G-MAN. YO. SUP. YO YO YO. IMMA OG. He...just made me laugh everytime he talked. And like...he stood up for Alita despite the fact she obviously was framing/TRYING TO MAKE SURE HE DIED. Which gets mad props, yo.
6. :neil: It broke my heart watching him die OVER AND OVER AND OVER in that damn case. He deserved more story other than, y'know, dying.
7. :Kristoph-hair: Over. Nine. Thousand. I laughed so hard. And that weird...skull...scar thingie was just way too cool for words.
10. :radio: Does this really need an explanation? Seriously. 8|

Least Favourites.
10. :bellboy: Horny bastard.
9. :grossburg: Sorry, nothing against fat people. I just hate...annoying fat people.
8. :edgy: I don't like this guy because well, YOU THE FANFICTION WRITERS. Mentally scarred, thanks guy.
7. :hair-flip: I hate. Your. Damn. Objection. YOU OLD DOUCHEBAG.
8. :maggy: Never really ever liked her. Her style just didn't FIT with everyone elses.
7. :darke: Never saw you, but HATEHATEHATE. Poar Neil!
5. :zenitora: The skin tone....I was like...WOAH. SUNBURNT? WOAH. SCARY.
4. :damon: HA HA HA HA. STFU, DOUCHEBAG. 8|
3. :foam: Because I thought you had rabies for like, three seconds there.
2. :hotti: Epic. Creeper. With his crack addiction and his molestion habits.

Brb, dodging bulletz.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Loves to stare...

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Meh, I don't think these will necessarily go in order of importance, but anyways.

Top 10 Favorites:

-Phoenix Wright
-Damon Gant
-Franziska von Karma
-Klavier Gavin
-Pearly Fey
-Maximillion Galactica
-Misty Fey

10 Least Favorites:

-Larry Butz
-Maya Fey
-Lana Skye
-Ema Skye (in AJ)
-Viola Cadaverini
-Dr Hotti
-Dahlia Hawthorne
-Morgan Fey
-Kristoph Gavin
-Ini Miney
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Meh - I'll do some as well ^_^

Spoiler: top 10 favourite's
1.) :doodle: - you know what my reasons are for liking this character
2.) :garyuu: - I like his style and his look after the mental breakdown makes me lol so hard.
3.) :ayame: - I love innocence and she's pretty damn cute as well.
4.) :godot: - me and coffee make this guy one of my favourite's. Plus he's badass :).
5.) :kyouya: - yay for utter coolness and being a rock God.
6.) :pearly: - Only her cute apperance is what makes me still like her :)
7.) :chinami: - favourite. evilest. bitch. EVER!!
8.) :damon: - *insert raep joke here*
9.) :udgy: - gotta love his gullbility.
10.) :odoroki: - can't think of why I like him ;/.

Spoiler: Least favourite's
1.) :maya: - Sure your cute an all..... but seriously - I wish you'd grow up for once.
2.) :wellington: - me and arrogant pricks don't mix too well ;/.
3.) :sassy: - get a better attitude and stop eating too much :@.
4.) :sadshoe: - When will he ever stop pestering people?
5.) :yuusaku: - No questions asked.
6.) :uh: - you can already guess why I hate him.
7.) :meekins: - I wish he'd stop screamimg in that megaphone of his ;/.
8.) :oldbag: - I wish she'd shut up for once and stop stalking Edgeworth you creep!!!
9.) :egg: - Just god damn ANNOYING!!
10 :seeds: - That embarrassed face makes me want to snap my DS in two.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Ive decided to rewrite my least favourites.

1. :kyouya:
2. :phoenix:
3. :pearl:
4. :mina:
5. :edgeworth:
6. :odoroki: (he ruined phoenix wright forever!! I HATE HIM HATE HIM HATE HIM)
7. :agent-Smith: (Paradox?)
8. :notes:
9. :sassy:
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

Just a random passerby

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Spoiler: most liked
Honorable mentions to Shoe, who is awesome,and Leon, who was killed for something he didn't have control.
10. Trucy. I feel sorry for her.
9. 8. 7. 6. and 5. are Furio Matt Gant Manfred and Kristoph
I like them because they are really good villans, their evil plans are brillant, and I like their characters. (Luke's is better)
4. Detective Gumshoe- I don't see how anyone can hate him, he puts his money, job, and even his life to help you. You'd either have to be heartless, or be
/Furio/Kirstoph/Daryan or a Gramarye to hate him.
3. Phoenix- Anyone who can put up with everything he's went through, all the abuse he's been through (Might as well call him Phoenix Wright Abused Attorney),not to mention putting up with people like Larry, Lotta, and Oldbag, (and even Worthy, Maya Pearl, 'Ziska, Trucy and Apollo have there annoying moments )
2. Luke Atmey. ZVARRI!
1. Apollo Justice- All the Apollo haters make me like him even more. CHORDS OF STEEL

Spoiler: Most Hated
Honorable mentions goes to Robert Hammond and Marvin Grossberg, for their respectives roles in DL-6 and the aftermath, (and Grossberg's butt talks,) Drew Misham for using his daughter for profit, Morgan Fey for being a lousy parent, and Kane Bullard for being Kane Bullard
10. Lotta Hart- Go away, and take Brushel with you
9. Benjamin Woodman- YOU SUCK.
8. Mekritis- He choked Altia with a lamp post, lied about Wocky's condition(even though I don't like him), hit Phoenix with a car, and stole Eldoon's surgery career and customers. Dick.
7. Frank Sahwit- Incompentense at it's finest.
6. Regina Berry. How can someone be so dumb.
5. Director Hotti/Hickfield. Everyone has already said why.
4. Sal Manella. Stop staring and drooling at Maya, you sick freak. He's sicker than Hotti, Ben, Jean Armstrong and Wesley Stickler. 3. Lamorir-I don't care for her singing, and I will never forgive her for abandoning Apollo.
2. Zak Gramarye. He hid the page that caused Phoenix to lose his badge for a very stupid reason. And showed very little remorse for Phoenix afterwards. I just can't forgive that. Also don't like it that he gets really angry because he lost a game of Poker and he hit someone with a bottle to cover up his part of the cheating.
1. Magnifi Gramarye- He blackmailed his students to become magicians because of an accidental death of his daughter who was actually still alive. Magnifi will always be the King of Jerks to me.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: 10 favorite
10) :odoroki: - I think he's a little bit cool. I dunno.

9) :adrian: - I like her. She was a big help in Matt Engarde's case.

8) :udgy: - Big ol' Judge ^^

7) :ema: - I think she's funny... Very useful, scientificly speaking XD

6) :minuki: - I really like her. She's funny and I really like her tricks too. The magic
pants and that stuff...

5) :chinami: - Damn! I like her!

4) :phoenix: - Well... He's a bit boring sometimes, but he's funny and cool... I dunno.

3) :yuusaku:

2) :javado:

1) :youngmia:

Spoiler: 10 least characters
10) :grey:

9) :igarashi:

8) :hotti:

7) :zenitora:

6) :maggy:

5) :larry:

4) :eh?:

3) :wellington:

2) :egg:

1) :garyuu:

Thanks Vickinator for the amazing sig!
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Call me Ishmael.

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Spoiler: Favourite
1. :franny: - She's hot, she's an anti-hero, she has blue hair, her personality is also deep.
2. :eh?: - Who doesn't love Gumshoe? He's a bit annoying but you still can't hate him. He's so helpful and pwnable.
3. :phoenix: - True, he's a bit generic and a bit thick, but come on, he's still our Phoenix effin' Wright.
4. :yuusaku: - He has weird hair. He's a master thief. He's in an adorable canon pairing. He's also fun. What's not to like?
5. :maya: - She's so fun to have around and cheerful. She's also smarter than she looks.
6. :ayame: - Yeah, I like Iris, and I don't care if you hate her because of how she "stole Phoenix from Edgeworth". D8< She's just so ... sickly sweet.
7. :ditz: - She was a bit annoying at first, but her backstory was so touching ;_;
8. :angel: - Her testimony was a pain in the arse but she is a good person at heart. The lunch boxes quirk is cute. ^-^
9. :takita: - I loved his backstory, his (English) name and how soft he's on the inside. GS4 had some great minor characters.
10. :edgeworth: - He's a British prosecutor who wears pink clothes and a cravat. That's so badass.

Spoiler: Least favourite
1. Every Gramarye ever - Because of that comic.
2. Not sure, really... I'll do this one when I have time. XD
3. :pencil: - Predictable villain, also a jerk.
4. :sal: - Do not want.
5. :hotti: - "Pervert" is a pretty old and unfunny gimmick.
6. :kyouya: - I disliked him and his attitude. It felt like the writers couldn't decide if he was a good guy or not.
7. :hobohodo: - He makes me depressed. D:
8. :redd: - Asshole. He was a decent early villain though. He also gave up too early.
9. :ben: - Again, I can't say I hate him, but it just doesn't feel right with a stuttering character in a visual novel.
10. :lotta: - I don't really hate her, but she's a bit annoying at times...

Wife: sparkleranger78, daughter: feedmechocolate247

Last edited by Marche Tobaye on Wed May 27, 2009 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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1. :franny:
2. :maya:
3. :iris:
4. :dahlia:
5. :godot:
6. :pearl:
7. :edgeworth:
8. :sadshoe:
9. :knock-knock:
10. :luke-side:

Urm... the only character I actually hate is Morgan Fey. *shot*
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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You've been hit by, a smooth prosecutor

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I've updated my lists:

1 :pearl:
2 :franny:
3 :maya:
4 :ayame:
5 :godot: / :javado:
6 :mia:
7 :phoenix:
8 :edgeworth:
9 (2 way tie) :minuki: and :uramidn:
10 (2 way tie again) :kyouya: and :sassy:

Least fav'

1 :chef:
2 :moe-laugh:
3 :hotti:
4 :redd:
5 :tea:
6 :punch-ben:
7 :egg:
8 :study:
9: :oldbag:
10: :aliahands:
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I think I'll go and give my list a little update. I don't think it'll do any good.... but I'll try :ayame:.


1.) :doodle: (My title will make the obvious known).
2.) :ayame:
3.) :pearly:
4.) :that-b-word:
5.) :gant-clap:.
6.) :godot:
7.) :edgy:.
8.) :maya:.
9.) :mia:.
10.) :hobohodo:

Least Favourites:

1.) :Maki:
2.) :sassy:. (when they pair her with Apollo).
3.) :payne: (I'm so gonna get killed for this).
4.) :karate: (especially when they pair him with Vera or Pearly ;/).
5.) :larry: (gonna get killed for it).
6.) :sadshoe:
7.) :redd:
8.) :minuki:
9.) :franny:
10.) :grossburg:
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Well, I would add some Apollo Justice characters, but I think I'll just do that some other time. For now it will just be Phoenix Wright characters.


10. :tea: Morgan Fey - She played a key part for some certain cases and makes a interesting villian. I also like her hair and kimono.

9. :ini: Ini Miney/Mimi Miney - A character with decent plot and backstory, along with funny quirks.

8. :zenitora: Don Tigre - Hes a tough guy that I can't help but to laugh at. Of course, its even funnier when he acts all sweet and nervous around Viola.

7. :scientific: Ema Skye - I love her obsession for science and her weird quirks. Plus, I want her goggles and buttons (8

6. :eh?: Dick Gumshoe - Though he doesn't really have any backstory, you have to love his cluelessness. He’s a good guy and usually can end up saving the day.

5. :wave: Maya Fey - She was my first favorite female character in Ace Attorney. I love her upbeat personality and funny conversations between Phoenix. Even though she can be a little useless and in trouble, she’s strong willed and does the right thing.

4. :franny: Franziska von Karma - Franzy was my second favorite female character because I thought she was one of the only characters that could get away with they're icy attitude. When given the chance, she can be rather funny and...well.. Somewhat kind to others? It only happens a few times...

3. :godot: Godot - I find his coffee obsession funny and his odd rambling. He also has a good back story and has a unique look. Plus, its fun to pretend his visor is a laser canon....

2. :edgy: Miles Edgeworth - Ahh...yes... The Edgeworth. Though his 'emo' attitude can be a little irritating at times, I like his back story and progression through the series. He provides some laughs and his reactions are absurdly funny. In the end, he comes out as a decent guy.

1. :phoenix: Phoenix Wright - He is the main character. Not only that but he’s a good person and usually has a funny or witty remarks up his sleeve. Mostly sarcastic.

Least Favorites

10. :lotta: Lotta Hart - Why must you have an accent?? Stop lying too! )8

9. :yogi: Yanni Yogi - Fall asleep in my court one more time and I'm going to punch you!!

8. :acro: Acro - Stop crying. I have no sympathy for you.

7. :meekins: Mike Meekins - Dude! Stop spazzing out and set down the megaphone!

6. :april: April May - I don't like you. I hate your name. Bleh.

5. :luke-side: Luke Atmey - I didn't really like him and I didn't want to look at him...

4. :chef: Jean Armstrong - Just go home and enjoy your rose petal bubble bath, Fool!! Bleeeeh!!

3. :grossburg: Grossburg - Please... Just stop talking.

2. :larry: Larry Butz - Sorry fans, I just can't stand him.

1. --- ???
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Chief Oldbagger

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Here's my view on the matter, in no order.

10. :grey: - He's hilarious
9. :larry: - You've got to feel sorry for him, a bit.
8. :yuusaku: - CINNAMON HAIR.
7. :acro: - D: Poor Acro
6. :study: - He's an awesome panty snatcher
5. :maggy: - She's a loveable character.
4. :eh?: - Same reason as Maggey
3. :phoenix: and :maya: - They tie here. Like them both.
2. :karate: - Guy is wack, yo.
1. :ben:, :igarashi: and :wendy: - For the LULZ.

Least Favourites
I haven't got 10, and I don't really hate any of these people...
:kyouya: - Shouldn't have been a main character
:angel: - B**** for no reason.
:jake: - I don't care about you. Go away.
:lana: - Psst... Become interesting and I'll care.
Credits to Nadindi for both the avvie and sig!

Two week break!
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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1. :phoenix: just awesome
2. :edgeworth: hilarious!
4. :godot:
5. :gant:
6. :redd: he's such a pimp
7. :zenitora: he's such a badass
8. :larry:
9. :beef:
10. :udgy:

least favorite
1. :hotti: eww...
2. :chinami: evil!!!
3. :sawit: stupid.
4. :cards:
5. :grey think:
6. :lotta-smug: what the hell does "reckgiven" mean???
7. :flowsers: that big, fake, french, loser....
8. :morgan:
9. :odoroki:
I don't really have a tenth...
made by Burninator!
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

Just a random passerby

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Updating both of my lists.
Others: Gumshoe, Edgeworth, Gregory, Fransizka, Diego, Mia, Maya, Pearl, Young Ema, Dahlia, Daryan, Vera, Desiree, Altia, Viola, Juan, Valerie, Wellington, and Udgey. Sorry for the big list, just wanted to list all the other people I like.
10. Valant Gramarye
9. Furio Tigre
8. Trucy
7. Matt Engarde
6. Kristoph Gavin
5. Damon Gant
4. Manfred Von Karma
3. Phoenix Wright Lawyer and AJ Versions
2. ZVARRI! Luke Atmey
1. Apollo "Chords of Steel" Justice.
Spoiler: HATED
Others: Lotta, Oldhag, Stickler, Armstrong, Kudo, Ini, April, Grossberg, and Iris
10. tie-Robert Hammond, Pal Merkatis, and Kane Bullard
9. Spark Brushel
8. Regina Berry
7. Lamorir
6. Benjamin Woodman
5. Frank Saw It
4. Director Hotti/Hickfield
3. Sal Manella
2. Zak the Jerk
1. Magnifi Gramarye the Terrible
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Welcome have a :cookie: is TRADEMARED!

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Spoiler: Favrouites
1 : :garyuu: For an Evil i guy i think his Awesome!
2: :godot: Used to be my number 1 before AJ came out. He Is EPIC!!! I love his Saying's (even though i don't understand half od them)
3: Young Mia - Got to love the confidence !
4: :kyouya: - I love this guy!! And air guitar that makes sound TELL ME YOUR SECRET
5: :ema: - Dunno why but i like her!
6: :minuki: - adorable and young trucy is mega cute!!
7: :karma: - Possibly one of the best crafted villans in the game
8: :eh?: - I always feel sorry for gumshoe.
9: :hobohodo: - In his hobo form i feel sad for him.
10: :pencil: - Your only here because i love you hair.

Spoiler: Hated
1: :yogi: - Damn you annoying old man with your annoying animations!
2: :payne: - I hate more and more and his objection drives me nuts.
3: :hotti: - i was playing JFA in hospital an i got almos freaked out.
4: Older Mia - your older version sucks and never says anything useful.
5: :damon: - your stare creeps me out and i resetted my ds 4 times beacuase i thought it crashed,
6: :maggy: - You depress me, We are unluckly somtimes GET OVER IT!!
7: :edgeworth: - I liked you in T&T but in the other games your just too emo for me
8: :pearl: - I hear one more "lovey dovey" speech i will SCREAM
9: :odoroki: - Sorry your just not as good as phoenix,
10 :chef: - Just no, go away.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Top 10 faves;

1. Edgey
2. Wakana
3. Gant
4. Pearl
5. Nick
6. Daryan
7. Gummy
8. Apollo
9. Maya
10. Larry

Top 10 hated;

1. Iris
2. Iris
3. Iris
4. Iris
5. Iris
6. Iris
7. Iris
8. Iris
9. Sal
10. Meekins
Imagesee how it withers before my flower of justiceImage


Last edited by Louise on Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Top 10 favorite females
1. Franziska
2. Maya
3. Wakana
4. Trucy
5. Dahlia
6. Ema
7. Alita
8. April
9. Ini
10. Pearl

1. Edgeworth
2. Gant
3. Gumshoe
4. Klavier
5. Phoenix
6. Godot
7. Apollo
8. Larry
9. Luke
10. Wocky

Least favs
1. Morgan
2. Frank
3. Redd
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ooh this is a fun topic!

My Favorites!
11) :javado: I like Diego in his younger days. I prefer him in these colors!(just had to put him on here!)
10) :youngmia: Young Mia. Oh man I'm in love!
9) :pearl: I don't understand all this hate for Pearly! She's so cute and innocent!
8) :franny: I for one LOVE franny! Ooh I love her!
7) :sassy: ooh. Ema. You've grown up into a beautiful girl. I love science just because of you!
6) :minuki: I just think she's so pretty, and her innocence is so funny.
5) :ayame: Oh Iris. I just love Feenris. But I love PXM too! aggh!!
4) :maya: She's just so bubbly and sweet, and just her and Phoenix. :] I love a girl that can eat :]
3) :edgy: oh Edgeworth. You are just Darn you with your intensity and awesome stature. Darn you.
2) :odoroki: I just grew to love this guy! He needs more love, and I love his determination and just how awesome he is!
1) :phoenix: He's just so awesome. I mean he's the main guy anyway! What not to love?!(hope he comes back..)
honorable mentions::larry: :jake: :trapcardcoffee: :adrian-crunch: :eh?:

Least Favorites!
10) :snap: It's not like that I don't like the's just...ehh.
9) :cards: The guy could be a bit less of a jerk. come on.
8) :zaviaar: too annoying...
7) :pencil: Too arrogant, and just don't like him personally.
6) :tea: too obessed about being jealous over Maya's mother, and showing "too much love" for Pearl.
5) :alita-2: ehhh just nevr really liked her character.
4) :wellington: such a waste of a character really. well to me at least.
3) :moe-laugh: sorry guys. I was just so annoyed by Moe.
2) :oldbag: ooh. Anyone find her as annoying as I do?!?
1) :psycho-matt: too evil. Hate this guy!!
Honorable mentions:note:Did not put the baddest of the bad villians such as Von Karma, or Gant(they are too awesome) :meekins: :hotti: :grey: :sawit:

And extra top 10!! My top ten Ace Attorney WOMEN!
10) :lotta-smug: there's just something about Lotta...I know wierd huh?
9) :veil: Hottest older woman ever!
8) :minuki: She's so pretty, blue works well with her.
7) :mareka: that red jumpsuit is so hot.
6) :adrian: I just love a woman with glasses.
5) :no-no: don't look at me like that Franny. I know your only #5, but your still amazing!!
4) :sassy: I love her sassy new personality, and her love for snackoos.
3) :youngmia: oh man. Her milkshakes definitely bring all the boys to the yard. lol
2) :maya: imagine what she looks like older! I just love her.
1) :ayame: sorry to the rest, but her blush just destroys me.
Honorable mentions: :lana: :two-faced:(she's my 11th) :google: :pealshock: :sparkly-maggey:

Thanks to RandomJibberish for the sig!
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Goodie this topic is active again (i've updated mine, but i didn't want to be the one that necromanced the topic :redd: ):

Spoiler: fav's
1: :pearly: :pearl:
2: :ayame:
3: :franny:
4: :maya:
5: :godot:
6: :that-b-word:
7: :phoenix:
8: :keylady:
9: :rock'n:
10: :minuki:

extra 5

11: :mia:
12: :uramidn:
13: :zenitora:
14: :ema:
15: Image

Spoiler: least fav'
1: :chef: :chef: :chef: :chef:
2: :egg:
3: :redd:
4: :damon:
5: :study:
6: :hotti:
7: :grossburg:
8: :morgan:
9: :sal:
10: :oldbag:

again extra 5

11: :haha:
12: :devasque:
13: :Maki:
14: :yogi:
15: Zak (Will we ever see a smiley of him?)

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These are in no particular order.

Spoiler: Faves (Males)
1 :phoenix:
2 :edgeworth:
3 :odoroki:
4 :takita:
5 :godot:
6 :zenitora:
7 :ron-jazz:
8 :eh?:
9 :gant-jazz:
10 :rock'n:

Spoiler: Non Faves (Males)
1 :sawit:
2 :yogi:
3 :redd:
4 :moe-laugh:
5 :punch-ben:
6 :acro:
7 :seeds:
8 :Brush-Sniff:
9 :study:
10 :Kristoph-hair:

Spoiler: Faves (Females)
1 :maya:
2 :april:
3 :notes:
4 :pearl:
5 :adrian:
6 :franny:
7 :youngmia:
8 :ayame:
9 :doodle:
10 :minuki:

Spoiler: Non Faves (Females) (Could only think of 5)
1 :lotta-angry:
2 :tea:
3 :ditz:
4 :that-b-word:
5 :minas:

The rest of the characters I'm neutral towards.

Last edited by nekonohime on Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Let's see here...

Spoiler: Faves
From 10-4, everyone's kinda the same to me...
10. :eh?:
9. :yummy: only older Ema
8. :minuki:
7. :odoroki:
6. :youngmia:
5. :pearly:
4. :franny:
3. :maya: She's funny and can be as dumb as a doorknob sometimes, but she never stops believing in others and never gives up.
2. :godot: AWESOOOOME!! XD
1. :phoenix: He's the star of the game!! I love his sarcasm and how wimpy he is :D

Spoiler: Least faves
10. :ayame:
9. :ditz:
8. :meekins:
7. :igarashi:
6. :wendy:
5. :tea:
4. :flowsers: , :moe-laugh:
3. :psycho-matt:, :hotti:
2. :redd: ,
1. :karma:


Last edited by silentxfilmstar on Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A beautiful world indeed.

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I'm changing my list.
Spoiler: favorite
10. :phoenix: Main character blah blah
9. :lana: A serious female character...for once
8. Bruce Goodman, all in all a "good man" haha.
7. :jake: Cowboy or COWBOY *shot*
6. :kyouya: I don't find him annoying, and its refreshing to have someone who isn't out to get you.
5. :chinami: As a villian, she rocks.
4. :neil2: A gifted prosecutor, and valant person. Plus he's a cowboy.
3. :minuki: Adorable and I'll leave it at that.
2. :edgeworth: A good prosecutor, nuff said.
1. :odoroki: > :phoenix:

Spoiler: least favorite
10. :maya: meh, kinda annoying, didn't hesitate to chose "guilty" in 2-4
9. :sawit: Who are you again?
8. :redd: Oh you people and your poor character designs
7. :hobohodo: Please let Apollo have his own darn game. If you would quit grandstanding he could do something on his own.
6. :larry: Annoying.
5. :igarashi: More annoying.
4. :oldbag: Most annoying.
3 :meekins: Correction, this is most annoying.
2. :chef: Horrible steryotype of homosexuals and the french.
1. :egg: Hello horrendous character design, bad catchphrase, and annoying mannerisms.
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Spoiler: Wall Of Text - Favorites
1. Matt Engarde. As if this wasn't obvious by my icon. I love how he has two sides to himself, one sweet and ditzy, and the other driven to homicidal insanity by jealousy and a Mello-worthy inferiority complex. He's heartless and calculating, a puppet-master and two-faced liar, and most of all, he's nearly able to pull off his entire scheme. Why I love Engarde so much probably stems from the fact that I love everyone in 2-4, or maybe that he has so many little character nuances that aren't explored... or his amazing breakdown, perhaps?

2. Machi Tobaye and Daryan Crescend. TIE.

Daryan is a laid-back rocker who seems like he's got his whole life planned out until he risks it all to save a terminally ill boy. Go ahead. Tell me he was only in it for the money. I won't listen. Maybe it's just denial, but I think that if he had given a motive himself, the case could have tugged our heartstrings to breaking.

Machi Tobaye, the most adorable little defendant...
He risked his life helping a man he didn't know. He did this to save a boy he didn't know. Why he needed the money (widely speculated to be for Lamiroir's operation) is unknown. All of this lands him in an American detention center, where he doesn't speak the language well, and he's just been told that Romien is dead and they think he killed him.
He lies for many reasons, but mostly to keep from being "picked up by the Borginian police". These are people so paranoid that they would confiscate candy at airports, and would send a man to his death for smuggling a cure. True, it's also a poison, but if Borginia oversaw the refinement process... Anyway, Machi's life is on the line, and he can either admit to smuggling, or pray that Daryan comes through for him and wins over the crowd with their tragic story. Daryan tries to pin the blame on him in a desperate attempt, and there's nothing left to do but own up to a deadly crime. But when his lawyer says he can't overlook a crime...

God, the more I write... Basically, they take an adorable little orphan with too much trust and shatter his life. He'll never be trusted again, (or seen again, most likely!) and for all we know, he was deported to Borginia. An American trial won't help in the crime was in Borginia, under Borginian law.


3. Klavier Gavin. I don't understand the hate.

Klavier had his life torn apart in the name of justice, and he hides this behind his showy flair. His older brother who he admired and trusted, and wanted to BE, turned out to be a murderous psychopath. His best friend was found guilty of smuggling and murder. He found out that he cost an innocent man his job, and therefore his livelihood. Somehow, Klavier manages to stand strong and gives up his band to focus on the truth, no matter how painful. I think that takes a lot of strength, and I'm looking forward to seeing Klavier in a sequel as the weight of his past settles on his shoulders... but at the same time, I don't want to see him break.

4. Ini/Mimi Miney. We never get to see the true self of either girl, which I regret. Ini seems like a bubbly teenager who loves the occult, but dies tragically in an accident. Mimi, through incidents brought on by the "boss from hell", has to take on the identity of her dead sister and live as her. Tearing herself apart every day, knowing that she caused her sister's death, had to be painful in ways unimaginable. To top it all off, just when she thought she was safe, her boss came back TO CHANNEL HER.

5. Vera Misham. Agoraphobic yet trusting little girl is used for evil by a paranoid criminal. Said girl inadvertantly plays a role in the downfall of her favorite group of magicians, causes the death of her father, and ruins a young lawyer's life. Vera has one of the most depressing stories, and it is told in only one case. Vera herself is a masterpiece.

6. Valant Gramarye. Not as insane as Matt Engarde, but far easier to pity. I love Valant for too many reasons to list, but I do wish they had made him seem less... erm... shallow. All that for a girl? It may have been love at first sight, yet it made him seem a bit less human. Still loveable enough for the list, saved by the bunnies.

7. Dahlia Hawthorne. Brilliantly evil, but somehow just not as loved as Engarde. I loved how heartless she was on the surface, possibly led to her crimes by a life of neglect and warring parents. However, her past and amazing exorcism couldn't rank her above Flippy McDrunkard and his flying motorcycle.

8. Ron DeLite. Isn't he adorable? I can relate to the being ignored... I love how he's an obsessive little fanboy, and best of all, he's got LEIA HAIR. Machi took a leaf out of the right book. Shy little swirly-haired boys with frills are fangirl bait. PLEEEEASE don't forget him~

9. Penny Nichols. Fangirl working on the job of her dreams. She's a great little side character, in my opinion, and I wish she had been developed more.

10. Viola Cadaverini. Awesome name, great story, but the fact that she was so delusional for love made me dislike her a bit. Thus, only number 10.

Spoiler: Short List, Least Faves
1. Zak Gramarye. JERK. Peachifruit's comics just made me dislike him more. Magnifi ties for BIGGEST JERK.

2. Regina Berry. Sparklier and more bland than Edward Cullen. Pinker and girlier than April May. THAT is Regina Berry. The innocence that was supposed to be endearing made me want to drop a brick on her.

3. Morgan Fey. GOOD SIR. That is all.

4. Trilo Quist, NOT BEN. I get that he represents a suppressed side of Ben. I would like that side to STAY that way.

5. Lotta Hart. She gives people from the south (does Virginia count as the south anymore? Oh well, I have family in West VA.) a bad name. Plus, her "oh, so it was just a rumor" dialogue in 2-4 had me ripping my hair out.

6. Sal Manella. Replace everything he says with "|-| 3 /\/ 7 /-\ 1" and the plot will be no different. He gives us otaku geeks a bad name.

7. Misty Fey. Reasons already stated. Why did she have to go and leave MORGAN in charge?!

8. Older! Mia Fey. Would it kill you to give me a hint?!

9. Spark Brushel. Funny, but the creepy factor outweighs it.

10. Thalassa Gramarye. She abandoned Apollo, came back to Troupe Gramarye, and married ZAK. Later drops Machi like a hot potato.

Biased I am, and biased I'll be, go ahead and OBJECT if you please.
Proud creator of a universe where Daryan's hair controls his mind...
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Favorites are Ema, Edgeworth (best character development without overt character development), Gant (best Big Bad), Luke (funniest case villain), Maya, Klavier, Mia (especially in her triumphant mode), the Judge (I think he basically MAKES the court scenes work), and Phoenix.

I liked Moe, but not enough for the top ten.

Least favorite: Oldbag (wasted potential with cheap writing), Hotti, Jean (one long, weak joke), Acro (really bad timing to pull the heartstrings, after a case like that), and Vera (written transparently to pander to the protective instincts of players; completely blank otherwise).
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DramaticaXIV2 wrote:
6. :odoroki: (he ruined phoenix wright forever!! I HATE HIM HATE HIM HATE HIM)

Okay, first of all, he didn't ruin Phoenix Wright. It was Kristoph. If you mean the series, then that's even more stupid! The Phoenix Wright trilogy is over and Apollo Justice is the start of a new-
DramaticaXIV2 wrote:

Well damn.
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Best.) :spit: / :haykitten: (Godot on this remark: Heh, the best character deserves the best number.)
2.) :wacky-edgy: (Edgeworth: I object to you ranking me as number two!)
3.) :rock'n: (Not too sure what he'd say as I haven't trail'd against him yet.)
4.) :accordion-head: / :Maskdemaske: (Ron: Pleeeease! I don't wanna be your favorite witness!!!!!)
5.) :Hoboright: (Older Phoenix: So the ruggedness is cool, huh? Yep. I don't shave too much.)
6.) :zenny: (Tigre: Youse should put me on da top! If ya don't, youse is gonna be gutted!)
7.) :hair-flip: (3rd-gen Payne: *hairflip* Just like that old guy from Kill Bill, I imagine.
8.) :sadshoe: (Gumshoe: I can't believe you find me that cool, pal!)
9.) :uramidn: (Viola: Cookie? [Me: No thanks...])
10.) :yogi: (Yogi: I knew I'd be up here somewhere... Ayup.)

Worst.) :fire: (Dahlia: You'll regret that decision soon enough.)
2.) :tea: (Morgan: I see my hair is a source of difficulty for you... mhmmm.)
3.) :violin: (Kristoph: Well, something of this nature is to be expected.)
4.) :sal: (Sal: What! How do you NOT like the great Sal Manella???? |_0S3|2 ! [Loser, for those who don't 733t])
5.) :wellington: (Wellington: Well I'd expect a low-class peon like you to not see true brilliance. I think th...........)
6.) :redd-is-white: (White: Nooooooo! The humanity!)
7.) :headbang: (vonKarma: Even if I AM in the worst section, I should still be number 1!)
8.) :ditz: (Ini: Did I, like, win?)
9.) :pearl-blush: (Pearl: B-but why? [Me: For the same reason I put that smilie])
10.) :polly: (Polly: Squawk!!! *dies* [Me: I just didn't like him as a witness....])

This was hard for nine and ten on both sides. I myself know where all of the characters stand on my listings, but those are the ones who immediately come to mind.
Not mentioned faves:
Daryan, Will Powers, Victor Kudo, Franziska vonKarma.
Not mentioned I want deads:
Wendy Old bag, Apollo pre-Turnabout Trump, April May.
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1) :draw: I replayed my second-least favorite case just for you. <3
2) :odoroki: An awesome confidence pose, CHORDS OF STEEL, and hair that responds to emotions? LUFF.
3) :rock'n: I could go into it, but I'm trying to keep things brief.
4) :maya: Please stay as the hilarious burger-loving ditz you are.
5) :pencil: He's pleasantly arrogant. He isn't one of those I'm-better-than-you types, and his hair has so much potential in physical comedy.
6) :edgeworth: I suppose it's not really him, but his interactions with others.
7) :onamida: Words can't explain how much your life sucks. I feel sorry for you.
8) :minuki: Magic panties. 'Nuff said.
9) :udgy: Is an explanation really necessary?
10) :varanbaran: A magnificent man of many muses. Must I maintain this monologue?

1) :spit: Please find a legitimate reson to hate someone.
2) :wellington: DIE.
3) :maggy: Same as #1.
4) :enguard: I get it, I'm between a rock and a hard place. Stop making me feel bad for your amusement and SHARE SOME OF THAT BRANDY!
5) :yogi: You could have at least made taking you down the least bit fun.
...I can't think of anyone else.
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Armstrong, Grossberg, Brushel, Oldbag, Zak, Magnifi, Stickler...
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

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VeryHappyTaffy wrote:
Armstrong, Grossberg, Brushel, Oldbag, Zak, Magnifi, Stickler...

Wait are those your favorites? :udgy:


Spoiler: 10 Favorite characters
10) :inspect: Because he influenced my speech patterns.
9) :godot: ........he'd be a bit higher up if his objection didn't scare me.... :payne:
8) :kyouya: Don't know must be his theme music..... =P
7) :franny: Because she's hilarious but I don't think I'd like her in real life.......
6) :ayame: Because she looks pretty............yeah I'm one of THOSE people....
5) :adrian-crunch: Just this's epic.....
3) :yummy: Because I took this online quiz and it says I'm most like her. Even though I have a B- in science....
2) :ron-jazz: I can totally see myself in him, except I'm more perverted and he has fancy cinnamon roll hair...
1) :edgy: I like his accent.....and no I'm not a yaoi don't have to be to think he's cool...

Spoiler: 5 least favorite characters because I can't think of 10......
5) :devasque: People should not smoke.
4) :sal: Because he reminds me of one of my cousins...
3) :pencileraser: Because he gave me disturbing thoughts........
2) :chef: Because he is DISGUSTING. Seriously, he also made me stop paying attention in French Class. :edgeworth:
1) MOE he does not even deserve a smiley on this list, he made me have to restart Case 2-3 all over again with his penalty for pressing. :zenitora:

Life's a Happy Song when there's someone by your side to sing along!
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1- Phoenix Wright (Hobo)
2- Matt Engarde
3- Kristoph Gavin
4- Godot
5- Franziska Von Karma

1- Apollo Justice
2- The Fucking Clown from JFA
3- The Gramaryes
4- Sal Manella
5- Klavier Gavin
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Favorites (no order)
- Maya :maya:
- Trucy :sillytrucy:
- Edgeworth :think:
- Phoenix :phoenix:
- Dahlia :that-b-word:
- Iris :ayame:
- Franziska :no-no:
- Adrian :adrian:
- Ema :notes:
- Pearl :pearl:

Least Favorites (no order)
- Brushel :Brush-Sniff:
- Armstrong :flowsers:
- Moe :moe:
- April :may:
- Victor :seeds:
- Daryan :pencileraser:

I can't think of all 10 for least. XP
Phoenix/Maya Day: Sept. 5th. ♥
Phoenix/Iris Day: September 12th. ♥
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Spoiler: Favorites
Honerable Mention: :larry:, :yuusaku:, :bellboy:, :shoe:, :eh?: , :phoenix: ,:punch-ben:, :varan:, :godot:, :cards:, and :shelly:.

10) :takita: I think he's on of the funniest characters. Especially since he described Atlia as "foine".

9) :meekins: I honestly think he's in my top ten because he's so prone to bad luck. Getting demoted all the time and getting his clothes caught in things. Reminds me a bit of myself.

8) :agent-Smith: He's so cute and adorable I wanna' pick him up and take him home. <3

7) :pencil: I think his hair is mostly the reason. It looks like a penis! How hilarious is that. But I also do think he's kinda hot......And after the case was over he looked so sad. I felt bad for him. D8

6) :aiga: ZVARRI!!! (That's totally a good reason~)

5) :odoroki: Just like Machi he's really adorable. Every animaton of him in court is really cute. Especially the forehead poking.

4) :wellington: My reasons are not valid. Maybe the fact that he said he's legally blind and he's sort of hot.

3) :kyouya: Just like his brother, Klavier is really hot. But he's so cool and a little bit unbreakable in court. Making him number three.

2) :garyuu: The fact that he's really insane, hot, and paints his nails (LIKE A REAL MAN!!) not only makes him number two. But my favorite character in AJ.

1) :matt: Good lord I love Matt. *_* At first I just liked him cuz' he was really hot. But then when I found out he was evil I about died. I swear I wanted to scream. It's my like for the evil characters. It's rare that I like a "good" chacter.I guess it's just the two sides of him. One being all innocesnt and the other being completely bastardy. It's amazing. He almost pulled it off too.

Spoiler: Least Favorites
Honerable Mention: :pearl: and :chinami:.

10) :chef: He's was scary. ;.;

9) :keiko: I honestly think when they named her that they couldn't think of a name. So they made her name a palandrome.

8) :takao: Read above.

7) :mina: Do I even need to explain this one? What she did to Wocky was terrible. She's a huge bitch. Nuff' said.

6) :regina: Too....many....sparkles....

5) :franny: The whipping was annoying. Just because she wanted to keep her record perfect doesn't mean that she had to whip people.

4) :karma: He ruined Edgey's life. I think Edworth would be a teeney bit happier if von Karma could just get over himself.

3) :hotti: He's a creepy pervert.

2) :sal: I wish he would quit giving a molester face to Maya. It's hella creepy.

1) :bro: I really wanted to punch him in the face. LISTEN TO WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY BEFORE YOU DECLARE A VERDICT!


Last edited by Ice-Ice on Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

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10. :youngmia: Young Mia > Older/Dead Mia
9. :ayame: Too much Iris hate makes me sad.
8. :godot: So... cool.
7. :maggy: Lovable, but not as much as Gumshoe.
6. :yummy: Sudden age increase actually worked quite well.
5. :hobohodo: So laid back it's awesome.
4. :whip: Another underrated character.
3. :edgeworth: All because of the character development.
2. :varanbaran: Reminds me of John Cleese.
1. :sadshoe: See number 7.

Least favourites:
10. Lamiroir
9. Wocky Kitaki
8. Victor Kudos
7. Richard Wellington
6. Jean Armstrong
5. Sal Manella
4. Winston Payne
3. Wendy Oldbag
2. Director Hotti
1. Wesley Stickler

Last edited by JingoJingle on Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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The Twisted Samurai

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Here are my lists

SPECIAL FAV: :yani-fist: Because he´s an interesting and funny char
1. :godot: / :javado: Do I really need to explain?
2. :ema: she´s cute
3. :ayame: she cute , too
4. :wall-bang: he´s freakin´cool
5. :coffee: he´s phoenix so .. .
6. :think: it´s edgey so . . .
7. :accordion-head: I love the way he talks NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!PLEASE DON´T RAPE MEEEEE!
8. :odoroki: it´s apollo so . . .
9. :udgy: I love his OOOOO! expression
10 :tennis:
Spoiler: About Dennis Little GK SPOLER!
I dunno why Probably because I think his Jacket thingy is cool

I hate

1. :flowsers:
2. :seeds: (1+2 spoiled me 3-3)
3. :ditz: (I hate her dance)
4. :moe-laugh: (He and his jokes SUCK)
5. :punch-ben: Because Trilo is a bastard and Ben is pathetic
6. :Max-Cry: (because he´s a GAYLORD)
7. :uh: Because he destroyed Phoenix and his theme is UGLY :beef:
8. :Kristoph-hair: (^ except the theme part)
9. :raygun: because she´s an old bag
10. :payne: :hair-flip: :Because he´s pathetic and he lost only his hair when he took the poison
"The hammer that strikes too fast has no time to aim."

Last edited by Coffee Prosecutor on Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Look! A doot!

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Oos wrote:
Revising my favorites list~ 8D

Spoiler: oh noes
10. :ditz: We don't get to meet the REAL her, but....the poor thing died in her sister's car accident. And she loves the occult O_O <3

9. :redd: <33 I love Redd. He pwn'd Phoenix in the face. and he's probably Richard's father too but shhh. Plus without him, the series would be lame. Mia would keep bailing Phoenix out.

8. Dustin Prince. Yeah I know, not much info for him and all that crap. But I swear my headcanon says that he and Richard dated.

7. :Mimi: yes <3 She's not only hot, but snarky. And that turns me on XDDDD

6. :mia: MIAAAAAA <33333 I love Mia. She's smart and she has nice tits. X3

5. :that-b-word: I love her ;; She's so cute but deadly. Her story made me sad, too D: And I love her theme song <3

4. :aiga: ZVARRI. He's awesomely eccentric, and he is full of WIN. WIN I SAY.

3. :grey: asdfasdfgasdfg TURNER GREY. Honestly, you people who think he's too negative? Shut your facehole and take a look at Edgeworth. I mean not only is he smart (let's face it. He's a doctor. That means he's smart.), he had to guts to try and use the Kurain Channeling Technique to get the truth from his 'dead nurse'. srsly? Awesome.

2. :bellboy: Eeeeeheeeeeheeee. He's so cute. Everyone finds him creepy but I fail to see how that is so. Yeah he likes April's boobs. What man in that case DIDN'T besides Edgeworth? 8D and he's so eager to help out. krjgkfjkgdjflgf he melted my little heart. I'd hit that. >3

1. :wellington: well gee who saw that one coming. 8D I love him. I loves the Richard. Not only is he fucking sexy and I want to bend him over the witness stand and fuck him with a strapon, but he has the balls to beat the shit out of Phoenix with a fire extinguisher. *I* wanted to do that. Also, the person who said he had dumb hair and a disturbing face? Hell. Go to it. k, thx.

Reading this cracked me up. XD And I'm glad to meet YET ANOTHER Richard fan
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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First it is my top ten
Spoiler: top ten contains spoilers
10 :neil: Not only did he win The King of Prosecutors trophy during the age of von Karma and Edgeworth he also could knock out Joe Darke in a fight, that to me deserves a spot
9 :gant-clap: A clever and sneaky bastard, which is why I like him, not to mention how he passes off as someone who couldn't harm a fly
8 :grey: One of the only victims that we got to know in Phoenix Wright's time, and though he was only with us for a few short scenes he made an impact on me forever
7 :minuki: I like her more than Maya as an assistant and she was one of the few in AJ that I could stand
6 :phoenix: Do I need an explanation
5 :moe: A character that seemed annoying at first but he started to grow on me and also when he was whipped he was pretty funny, not to mention he's a really nice guy
4 :luke-side: I thought that he was quite the character and despite the fact that he was a huge fake he was one hell of a planner
3 :eh?: He has always been the loveable detective and he is heavily against you at first, but when he starts to work with you he really grows on you and you feel sorry for him
2 :adrian: Cold and tough on the outside but all she really wants is a friend, not to mention I loved how she became high-strung and clumsy in T&T
1 :enguard!: He's a two-faced, lying, evil, sociopaths, un-trustworthy and non-trusting son of a bitch, and yet I always love the evil bastard with the reckless indifference to human life as it is, I would like to have lunch with this guy because we could connect on so many levels

Don't judge me on my number 1, I connect with this guy

And now my bottom ten
Spoiler: My bottom ten also contains spoilers
10. :garyuu: Over-ratted as a villian, the game made him look worse than he actually was
9. :ka-whip: Annoying as hell in court, I think she just got on my nerves and tested my patience in court (kinda like the others on this list) Just PUT AWAY THE WHIP
8 :punch-ben: SILK CAPE, SILK HAT, WHITE ROSES GOD, Trilo worked every nerve and fiber in my body and made me want the crush his little wooden head
7 :sassy: Girl you changed waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much for me to still like you, your cold bitchiness is not my forte
6 :hobohodo: Who are you and what have you done with Phoenix Wright, DUDE YOU CHANGED! TO MUCH!!
4. :grossburg: Downright spineless and irratating, how could he appear 3 times
3-way tie :haha:- :acro:- :sawit-mad: All downright horrible villains for the reasons being Daryan=revealed himself to quickly Acro=No planning Sawit=Pathetic cover-up
2. :edgeworth: RIDICULOUSLY OVERRATED all of his moaning and whining like "oh my father's dead" or "oh my career is ruined because I took forged evidence just irritates me. I could go on and on but I will spare you
1. :kyouya: Not only a horrible prosecutor, but I think Capcom took a big fat elephant shit on his "rockstar" personality, and instead of making him the character that most rockstars are, they made him absolutely boring and flat. He could have been at least on the crazy side, and do at least one thing that a real rockstar would do.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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The Not-So-Metaphorical Poet

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Oooh, fun thread. *joins in*


10. :shoe: - Absolutely ADORABLE meow.

9. :ema: - Had a huge crush on her in the first game. Lost much of her cuteness (at least for me) when she got older. v_v

8. :garyuu: - Brims with enigmatic awesomeness, especially when doing his glasses habit.

7. :godot: - Loves coffee just like me, and spits out some of the most poetic lines in the game.

6. :kyouya: - Achtung, baby.

5. :odoroki: - Well-developed character.

4. :adrian: - Overflows with womanly intelligence.

3. :gregory: - Was a great defense attorney who died a horrible death. T_T

2. :udgy: - Always makes a fair decision no matter how warped the trial is.

1. :hobohodo: - Despite losing his job, his lawyerly instincts are still sharp as ever.


10. :igarashi: - Super annoying dirty old man. @_@

9. :zenitora: - Loud as hell, and thus annoying.

8. :meekins: - Put that megaphone down, dammit! Also rather stupid.


6. :payne: - Gay objection sound.

5. :grossburg: - Talks way too much about his hemorrhoids, and is too pessimistic about representing people.

4. :larry: - EMO AIRHEAD. WTF.

3. :jake: - Mouths some of the least-entertaining lines.

2. :franny: - Self-righteous b***h.


Self-made signature. ^_^

inb4 For those who may think otherwise, I'm a guy.
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