Court Records

Your least favorite PW pairings
Page 4 of 50

Author:  Dannichu [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

SilverZephyr wrote:
Sorry about the double postage, but it's been a while, so.

My PhoenixFranziska rant, as I said I would write earlier (please keep in mind that I don't know anything about GS3, so if anything I say here contradicts something in GS3 feel free to point it out):

Spoiler: GS1 and 2
How anybody can suggest that Phoenix and Franziska could possibly become a couple is beyond me. They LOATHE eath other. On Franziska's side, she basically blames him for the death/downfall of her entire family. She has been raised, from birth, to believe that winning and perfection are of utmost importance and if she fails at either that she is worthless. He utterly crushed this. He indirectly sent her father to his execution. Then he defeated her entire family and "drove" her brother to "suicide." Of course she hates him. I'm not trying to badmouth Phoenix here, I'm just saying that this is how she views him.

As for Phoenix, he states multiple times that people like Franziska disgust him. He flat-out says that he despises everything she stands for. She is selfish and prosecutes only for her family legacy and win-record, and he hates this. He also makes it very clear that he has no intention of giving her the benefit of the doubt and does not think she will ever change. This is evident at the end of JFA, when she is shocked that he doesn't care that his win record is ruined. She asks him how he can possibly be happy for losing. He dismisses her and responds that she will never understand. Franziska cannot learn how to live for others instead of herself from Phoenix because it is very obvious that he does not CARE if she changes, does not think it is possible, and has no intention of associating with her and trying to teach her the right path. Thus, anybody who can not help Franziska grow and become more mature is in my opinion a very bad match for her. It also shows he doesn't really care about her, making him a worse match.

However, there are a couple instances that can be interpreted as them showing compassion for each other. Neither of these scenes, in my interpretation of them, had anything to do with them caring about each other. Of course, it's subject to interpretation, and we can't say what they really intended, I'm just stating why I, personally, don't think these two instances are enough to make up for their obvious hatred for each other.

1. Phoenix brings her flowers in the hospital--My interpretation of this depends on the fact that de Killer told Phoenix that it was for Phoenix's sake that he shot Franziska. Phoenix, therefore, probably felt responsible for what happened to her and wanted to make it up to her. I thought it was a sort of "I'm sorry" gesture, not a "I'm in love with you" gesture. And of course, any concern he showed that she was shot was only natural--You don't need to be in love with a person to care that they got shot. I'd like to think Phoenix is a nice enough guy to visit somebody in the hospital when they get shot, regardless of who the somebody is.

2. She keeps his picture at the end--To be honest, when I played through this scene it never even crossed my mind that her keeping the card had anything to do with Phoenix at all. In the scene before this, she had been about to give up. She had been going to stop being a prosecutor and based on some things she said I wouldn't have even been surprised if she'd considered killing herself. However, by the end she'd decided to continue on. When she says she's going to keep the card so that she can give it back to Phoenix when she meets him in court again, I think the important part is that she's saying she's going to return and continue prosecuting. I thought it showed character development that she was going to continue on despite the fact that she was not perfect. In my opinion, this character development is cheapened when you say that she only kept the card because she loved Phoenix.

Of course, like I said, this is merely my interpretation, but I don't think my interpretation is any less likely than two people who obviously hate each other deciding they're in love.
A few other things to consider:
-In the second case, after Phoenix wins the trial, he rubs it in Franziska's face. Because of this, she whips him so hard that he falls unconcious. I think it's pretty sick to say that she hurt a guy until he fainted if she was in love with him :/
-In JFA overall, Phoenix does not have any sympathy for Franziska or try to understand her. He obviously does not care that she was raised by Manfred to believe, from birth, that if she was not perfect then she was not worthy of living. Phoenix does not try to understand what goes on in Franziska's life, as he just does not care about her in general.

Given their interactions in-game, I think any relationship between the two of them would overall be one big abusing mess of whipping and insults. I think it would be very, very hard for these two to understand each other, let alone fall in love, and it would obviously not be a healthy relationship. I just do not see them getting together, ever.

Anyway, that's just my take on the matter.

SilverZephyr WINS. Hardcore.

I don't like the pairings between main characters that just seem weird to me; this basically includes:

Miles x Franziska
Phoenix x Franziska
Miles x Maya
Phoenix x Maya
Phoenix x Mia
Gumshoe x Franziska

I find it very difficult to imagine Maya in a relationship with anyone. She's a really sweet character, one I love to pieces, but her emotional immaturity makes it very hard to think of anyone really suitable. The two main males are not only physically much older than her, but the fact she acts much younger than she is makes any kind of romantic relationship between them unlikely. And, to me, kinda creepy.

Franziska with Miles and Nick has been commented on lots before and I don't have anything to add, really. I just agree. I don't like Fran and Gumshoe together because I can't imagine them working out as a couple at all.
First off is the huge age difference: Fran's 18 while Gumshoe is... over 30, if memory serves.
Secondly, if Gumshoe romantically likes someone, he makes it clearly obvious (i.e. Maggey). Even if he has a large amount of respect for someone, he isn't afraid to tell them (Miles and Phoenix). But he doensn't do anything for Franziska; past calling her "sir" and fearing her whip, he doesn't seem to like her as a person at all and sees her more as an object to be feared that someone he is attracted to.

Franziska doesn't seem to like Gumshoe, either. People read into "Scruffy" being a pet name, but I think it just shows Fran's low opinion of him; she's a 'perfect' prosecutor and is angry at having such an incompetant workforce working under her. Obviously the police back in Germany were very good at what they did (no matter how good she was, your average 13-year-old does not have a perfect win record), so coming over to America and having the person in charge of the investigation slip over in the snow during the second case would, I think, make her far more angry towards him than endeared.

I haven't played GS3, so the only knowledge I have of Mia is from case 1 of AA and the times when Maya or Pearl channel her.
Aside from being, well, dead, I find it really hard to see Phoenix and Mia together in a romantic relationship. Phoenix clearly looks up to her and Mia sees him as her pupil, but I fail to see anything that would indicate their relationship is anything more than that. Aside from Mia gatting annoyed at Nick a lot when he's an idiot in court, or Nick getting exasperated when Mia is being (INSANELY) cryptic with her hints, I can't really think of any real evidence to support this, but I can't really remember any Mia-ish lines. I need to play the first game again.

And, while they're funny for crack-ness, I'm not a major supporter of totally off-the-wall couples. They're good for O.o value, but I do like reading longer fics with a developed relationship between two people that work together... and I really can't see that every happening between Trilo and Larry, for example.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Wed May 02, 2007 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

While I agree with the VAST majority of what you said, Dannichu, I do think that Gumshoe at least cares for Friska in his own Gumshoe way. When she gets shot and you talk to him about her, he mentions how the real wound is to her pride, and is all "Frankly... I worry about her, pal."

Not enough to build a romance on given everything else you just said, but I thought that was adorable.

Author:  Croik [ Wed May 02, 2007 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Dannichu wrote:
And, while they're funny for crack-ness, I'm not a major supporter of totally off-the-wall couples. They're good for O.o value, but I do like reading longer fics with a developed relationship between two people that work together... and I really can't see that every happening between Trilo and Larry, for example.

Slightly OT~

Though I don't invest in "crack pairings" either, I think there's a lot you can do by pairing characters that *don't* already have an established relationship in canon, or have one that's very loose. Like, say, Neil/Mia. As a prosecutor and a defense attorney chances are pretty high that they would have known each other. Not that I necessarily support that pairing, but I can see how someone might be able to do interesting things with it.

Or Gant/Karma, for that matter. They don't have any working relationship defined by canon but they had to have interacted sometime before 1-4. Developing a blank spot in canon is half the fun. Gant

But then you get Matt / Shoe and that's just silly.

Author:  Wrestler Hatman [ Wed May 02, 2007 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
While I agree with the VAST majority of what you said, Dannichu, I do think that Gumshoe at least cares for Friska in his own Gumshoe way. When she gets shot and you talk to him about her, he mentions how the real wound is to her pride, and is all "Frankly... I worry about her, pal."

I think this is a non-sexual double-entendre : He worries about her because of her current state of mind, and he worries about her complete being. Kinda like : "There's something wrong with her beyond the current situation."

But Gumshoe's awesome like that.

Author:  Danbo Daxter [ Wed May 02, 2007 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Slightly off topic, but can someone explain what a "shipper" is? I keep seeing the term being thrown around here, but I have no idea what it means aside the traditional definition of an exporter of goods.

Author:  hyacynth [ Wed May 02, 2007 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Danbo Daxter wrote:
Slightly off topic, but can someone explain what a "shipper" is? I keep seeing the term being thrown around here, but I have no idea what it means aside the traditional definition of an exporter of goods.

The word refers to a fan of a particular fictional (usually perceived) relationship. I first encountered the term in X-Files fandom, but I'm reasonably certain it's been around for longer than that.

Author:  musouka [ Wed May 02, 2007 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

"Shipper" is a slang term for a person that's a big fan of a particular romantic relationship.

Example: "musouka is a Phoenix/Edgeworth shipper" Sal

Author:  Dannichu [ Wed May 02, 2007 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

And then you can take the boat imagery and totally run with it... as seen in the Harry Potter fandom (the pairing is, for example, the S.S. HarryDraco, and when someone new joins, everyone says welcome aboard! and... HP fans are odd like that).

I love how different fandoms have different ways of expressing couples they like. For example, the Final Fantasy-ish "nameshmushing", where you take two characters names and shmush them together to name a pairing, for example Yuffentine, Squinoa, Aurikku and so on.
Or Pokemon, where you pick a common trait between characters and stick "-shipping" on the end; Pokeshipping, Rocketshipping, Gymshipping, et cetera.
Or, going back to HP, where you've reached the point where you don't even need to think up a name and just use intials; HGRW, HPGW... yeah.

PW pairing names are much more fun and original, though.

Originality with pairings is something I really like and appreciate; I absolutely love reading a really good fanfic with two characters that I'd never even considered being together before, especially when it means the author has to take time to flesh out a slighly undeveloped character within canon and give them a full personality, backstory, family and so on.
I don't mind, really, as long as it works. Which, as Croik mentioned, probably won't ever happen between Matt and Shoe.

Author:  Melaris [ Wed May 02, 2007 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Ack Edgy

Author:  Nego [ Wed May 02, 2007 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Phoenix x Edgy - I've never really understood why those two should be considered as lovers. Yes, I do understand that it might sound a little gay when Phoenix is talking about Miles affecting his career choice. But really, they don't have much in common. And now I know I'm going to get some angry letters when I say this, but I still say it: Miles is too selfish for Nick to like him in that kind of way.

Lotta Hart x anyone - Now, I know that this may not be proposed by anyone, but I just couldn't stand if that girl got someone from the PW universe. I like that character in general, but I find Lotta a bit too annoying to be in love with, for example, Phoenix or Miles.

By the way, no one objecting to my avatar?

Author:  musouka [ Wed May 02, 2007 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Nego wrote:
Miles is too selfish for Nick to like him in that kind of way.

Hmm, really? Of the two, I always considered Phoenix to be the more selfish one by far. Miles can get a little wrapped up in himself when one of his weaknesses are poked, but Phoenix is very inwardly focused on a day to day basis.

Author:  Dannichu [ Wed May 02, 2007 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Are you kidding? Your avatar is cute.

Nick and Miles have loads in common, though. Moreso than they have with anyone else in the game, actually. They both work with law and in terms of job stress and such, they understand each other better than anyone else can.
Phoenix loves everyone. He hangs out with Maya all day long and doesn't get annoyed with her selfishness (he acknowledges it; "Mr. Nick would walk across miles of hot coals for Mystic Maya!" "That would be ever single time we work a case together...", but doesn't mind it), so I think he's perfectly capable of accepting and caring for Miles, warts and all.

Agreed on Lotta, though. I can't think of anyone she could go with at all O.o

Author:  musouka [ Wed May 02, 2007 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

The problem with what Phoenix and Edgeworth have in common is that it's mainly centered around their jobs. It's child's play to get them to talk about "what it means to be a lawyer", but harder to imagine them talking about more mundane matters that would be necessary in a relationship. Also, most of their shared past is very sensitive for Edgeworth, so it's difficult to use that as common ground.

It's not insurmountable, but it should be taken into consideration. Just one of the many hurdles they have if you want to put them in a relationship...

Author:  Phoenix_fan [ Wed May 02, 2007 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

GO NIXXIxEDGY!!! (I likes it.)
I dissagree on what I said before, I don't mind any pairings as long as it isn't Phoenix/Maya. Sorry all, but I think they are more 'brother/sister'

Author:  Nego [ Wed May 02, 2007 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

musouka wrote:
Nego wrote:
Miles is too selfish for Nick to like him in that kind of way.

Hmm, really? Of the two, I always considered Phoenix to be the more selfish one by far. Miles can get a little wrapped up in himself when one of his weaknesses are poked, but Phoenix is very inwardly focused on a day to day basis.

Yeah, I do feel that. For some reason Miles seems too cocky and all his animations looks that way too.
Now, when we look at these animations, it seems that Miles has more selfish animations than Phoenix. For example, Edgeworth has nothing that would be like this:

[Insert hotlinked animation here Zenitora ]

But hey, this is just what I think. I like both characters a lot, but Edgeworth reminds me of a very selfish friend of mine.

Dannichu wrote:
Are you kidding? Your avatar is cute.

Nick and Miles have loads in common, though. Moreso than they have with anyone else in the game, actually. They both work with law and in terms of job stress and such, they understand each other better than anyone else can.
Phoenix loves everyone. He hangs out with Maya all day long and doesn't get annoyed with her selfishness (he acknowledges it; "Mr. Nick would walk across miles of hot coals for Mystic Maya!" "That would be ever single time we work a case together...", but doesn't mind it), so I think he's perfectly capable of accepting and caring for Miles, warts and all.

I was just surprised no one in this thread hadn't mentioned anything about Maya Fey x Ema ...

Ok, ok. I know they have something in common, like the law business, but still they are like they were from different worlds. I mean, Edgeworth is much more self reliant than Phoenix and Phoenix relies more on intuition and the belief of his client's innocense. Miles, on the other hand, is more rational and tries to think inside the box.
Umm... Phoenix loves everyone? Even the criminals? (Yeah, I know that was a bad example.) I remember in JFA Phoenix saying that "it's good that Miles isn't here anymore." I know it may mean it's good that he isn't in the court anymore. But still, if it meant that, it still means they are rivals at work and that makes the love between them pretty impossible. After all, I don't think I would love someone who was my rival at work.

Author:  musouka [ Wed May 02, 2007 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Nego wrote:
Yeah, I do feel that. For some reason Miles seems too cocky and all his animations looks that way too.

But being cocky isn't the same as being selfish...

Nego wrote:
I remember in JFA Phoenix saying that "it's good that Miles isn't here anymore." I know it may mean it's good that he isn't in the court anymore. But still, if it meant that, it still means they are rivals at work and that makes the love between them pretty impossible. After all, I don't think I would love someone who was my rival at work.

I think you perhaps misread Phoenix's emotional state. He was angry and bitter at Miles for leaving him. JFA was about reaffirming the bond the two have in court, and proving that they go beyond mere rivals. They're partners in searching for the truth.

Author:  Nego [ Wed May 02, 2007 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

musouka wrote:
But being cocky isn't the same as being selfish...

Well, English isn't my native language, so I blame that.
I think you perhaps misread Phoenix's emotional state. He was angry and bitter at Miles for leaving him. JFA was about reaffirming the bond the two have in court, and proving that they go beyond mere rivals. They're partners in searching for the truth.

Maybe. Or then I just don't remember. I have a terrible memory Larry .
I know they are partners in searching for the truth, but still I take them as enemies as they don't actually do teamwork. I mean that they don't face the facts together outside the court. They are still enemies in court at some level as they both try to destroy each others arguments. Even if that was to find out the truth.

Author:  Raelle [ Wed May 02, 2007 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Nego wrote:
I take them as enemies as they don't actually do teamwork. I mean that they don't face the facts together outside the court. They are still enemies in court at some level as they both try to destroy each others arguments. Even if that was to find out the truth.

That's fair, but I don't think that's how Phoenix and Edgeworth see it.

Author:  MoronSonOfBoron [ Wed May 02, 2007 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Morinozuka Takashi wrote:
And this one I forgot as well. o.o:
Wacky Edgy / Ema

In recent memory, you're the only other person I can recall who even mentions them. Pity it's in this particular context, for you are now my mortal enemy. No, I'm not whipping you or anything, I'll leave that to your Fran-tasies.


I can't argue your non-existent reasoning, but I am obligated to defend Skyeworth thus: Ema is the ultimate embodiment of fangirl affection, canon no less, and as a character mirrors my own - and I imagine others' - aspirations to becoming not just a part of the PW universe, but part of something greater. Miles promotes Ema's growth and progress simply by existing and serving as something of a role model aside from her own sister, Lana.

Out of all the characters, Ema is also the only one who displays a genuine, respectful interest for Miles and his professional/personal life. In my mind, not even Phoenix or the von Karmas come close to this potential for intimacy - Franziska lacks compassion, and ol' Saint Nick regards him as an enigma, an otherworldly figure and ultimately unapproachable on a personal level.

Ema has the potential to realize the truth: Miles doesn't ask for love. At the same time, she can freely give it to him, and with her developed level of patience and understanding he could very well end up reciprocating those feelings. Theirs is a sophisticated, low-key romance, but one that I could see blossoming on the first day of Case 1-5's investigation.

++ Older Emax Edgy -- A Love For Justice! (Click sig for cuteness)


...And personally, I don't think shipping Ka-Whip with anyone works. She may not be obsessed about her perfection any more, but she's still a cold-hearted Missle when it comes to people. Frankly, the development between her and Adrian is weak, especially since a psychologically ill older woman is the right person to introduce little Franny to a whole new world of love, sunshine and rainbows. (No typos there)

That and I like to imagine Fran as a real heart-breaker.
Ka-Whipx NO ONE -- Love 'em, Lash 'em, and Leave 'em!

Author:  musouka [ Wed May 02, 2007 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Ema's perspective on Edgeworth is completely unrealistic. It's played for laughs. She respects him, but she has no idea who he really is or what he's really like. She's created a mental image of him in her head that doesn't have much of anything to do with reality.

Take, for example, her first look into Edgeworth's office. This is where he works, it's a sign of who he is and his interests. And what does she say about it? "Whoever's office this is, he must be a real stuck-up jerk!"

That is her impression of Edgeworth without Edgeworth himself entering the equation. Her opinion of his workspace. When he comes in and explains that it's his office, then it's suddenly different. But it's not the office that changes, it's merely who it belongs to. She changes her opinion of the office to fit with her mental image of the man she has a schoolgirl crush on. (Even though her initial impression is probably more accurate.)

Same way with that joke about him being an "outdoorsman". She likes that mental image, so she attributes it to Edgeworth without even stopping to think if it makes SENSE with what she knows of him as a person. Because she doesn't know him. I'm not sure she's even particularly interested in knowing him.

All the respect and interest in the world can't make up for the fannish impulse to make a person into what you want them to be instead of loving them for who they actually are. That doesn't make Ema a bad person. She's young. It's completely natural. But Edgeworth should be with someone that can accept him warts and all, because whoo boy does he have a lot of them and if you can't handle that then the relationship is doomed from the beginning.

Also, Edgeworth? Does not like vagina.

Author:  Raelle [ Wed May 02, 2007 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Franziska lacks compassion, and ol' Saint Nick regards him as an enigma, an otherworldly figure and ultimately unapproachable on a personal level.

Hmm, I don't think that's quite true for either of them. Franziska is immature, but she cares deeply for Edgeworth; many of the things she does revolves around that, and I don't think it's quite fair to brush that off when it's such a critical part of her character and what motivates her.

And Phoenix? Phoenix is the one who dropped the line "I'm the only one who knows the real him" about Edgeworth, so I would hardly say that Phoenix thinks of Edgeworth as an "enigma".

Author:  combineelite [ Wed May 02, 2007 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Meekins / Adrian No way this is going to happen.

Author:  Super_Chiisu [ Wed May 02, 2007 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

What's with all the Phoenix/Edgey hate? I don't even know you people anymore... Sadshoe

Author:  hyacynth [ Wed May 02, 2007 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Super_Chiisu wrote:
What's with all the Phoenix/Edgey hate? I don't even know you people anymore... Sadshoe

Eh, I've noticed that a lot of excitement over one thing ends up with a lot of backlash over it later. Maybe the Big Gay Lawyer shippers should start our own thread, with blackjack! and hookers!

Okay, pairing I care about enough to dislike: Gregory Edgeworth/Manfred von Karma. I got the impression that Gregory wouldn't give Manfred the time of day outside of court, and that furthermore they only met in court the one time.

That being said, the fanart I've seen for it is hilarious.

Author:  Chinese Infantry [ Thu May 03, 2007 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Super_Chiisu wrote:
What's with all the Phoenix/Edgey hate? I don't even know you people anymore... Sadshoe

Ohh don't even whine, you. Phoenix/Edgeworth seems to be the general OTP for most PW fans, so I don't want to hear any beefing about Phoenix/Edgey hate.

Author:  Kyoji [ Thu May 03, 2007 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

My least favorite pairing? It'd have to be something so disturbing... So I'd have to say... Chinami/Gant. :o

Author:  MoronSonOfBoron [ Thu May 03, 2007 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Edited last post after being bonked for hotlinking. My burning heart of passion clouded my reasoning!

RE: musuoka
It goes beyond her initial impression of Edgeworth, as well. In that very same case, she gets to witness him in court - and see a prosecutor transformed. With her chosen career as a forensic investigator it's only inevitable she will get to see more of him and his work (moreso than Phoenix, since she will essentially work for the same side). Is her career simply a joke? Of course not. Ema possesses not only a dream, but a will to make it real, and if she can become a forensic investigator, why not discover the truth behind Miles? To me this is something that severely lacks in other characters, that is, an actual direction that will majorly intersect with another's.

The reason I call him Saint Nick is because, let's be honest, he's a compassionate and nice guy all around. But being able to see Edgeworth as another human being doesn't mean he has any special feelings for him. All in all I've seen a somewhat professional distance between the two of them. Unlike the case with Ema, Nick may witness Miles' growth, but he's not about to actively participate in it.

musouka wrote:
Also, Edgeworth? Does not like vagina.
But he likes Fran! Dr? Hotti

- - -

I realize I am a bit of an anti-Nick/Edge figure here. As a tribute and offering of peace to all resident slashers, however, I present to you:

Kyle Hyde+ Eh?= Two Dicks Are Better Than One!

Author:  Morinozuka Takashi [ Thu May 03, 2007 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I dunno... I just never got into Ema / Edgeworth .... Was I supposed to? Oops. I just never found it cute. Oh noes. I'm so heartless. lawl. =P
It seemed like a school-girl crush to me. And it was hard to take Ema seriously. at least up until court, that is.. I only saw her as a Maya #2 up until that point.
And I don't see her mentioning Edgeworth or anything in GS4, either. Perhaps it was only a child-crush that she out grew? She's actually much tolerable now that she's not fangirling over Edgeworth. =P

Super_Chiisu wrote:
What's with all the Phoenix/Edgey hate? I don't even know you people anymore... Sadshoe

Aw. Don't worry about it. *pets*
Didn't you get the memo? While Phoenix/Edgeworth is pretty popular amost the slash fans, it is also one of the most HATED pairings in the fandom. Some used to like it but got tired of it, as well. o.o Hell, even some slash fans hate it with a passion and prefer somthing like.... Edgeworth/Gumshoe. I don't prefer it THAT much, but I do prefer it over Edgeworth/Maya ANY DAY. XP

And it's the only pairing that (well, mostly) het fans ever complain about. over-rated... rivals.. nothing in common.. you can name any reasons they come up with. SO yes, I think it's safe to say it's also most hated. After all, you should SEE some of the het fans' reactions to see non-Phoenix/Edgey fanart or fanficiton.. they're in fangirl or fanboy bliss. I've seen that sort of reaction more than once in Deviant art. =p

But yeah... I guess it's just too "vanilla" for some's peoples' tastes.. and that's fine. I guess more vanilla for me. =P Even though I'm more of a chocolate lover than vanilla, but whatever. you get the point.

Author:  Nonsense [ Thu May 03, 2007 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings


Author:  Raelle [ Thu May 03, 2007 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

MoronSonOfBoron wrote:
It goes beyond her initial impression of Edgeworth, as well. In that very same case, she gets to witness him in court - and see a prosecutor transformed.

Perhaps. Though, I think I'd like to see some indication in the script that Ema pays any particular attention to Edgeworth, his growth, and signs that her immature fantasy view of him actually did evolve throughout the course of the case, rather than speculation. Not saying it doesn't exist - I'd just like to see it.

But being able to see Edgeworth as another human being doesn't mean he has any special feelings for him.

"I'm the only one who knows the real Edgeworth"? "Words aren't enough to express how I feel"? Choosing his career for Edgeworth?

All in all I've seen a somewhat professional distance between the two of them.

Phoenix feeling personally betrayed by Edgeworth's disappearance to the point not being able to stand hearing his name?

Spoiler: GS3
Edgeworth chartering a jet the second Phoenix needed his help, and calling him an "irreplaceable friend"?

Unlike the case with Ema, Nick may witness Miles' growth, but he's not about to actively participate in it.

Considering Miles gives Phoenix all the credit for saving him in JfA, and Phoenix decided to become a lawyer in the first place to help Edgeworth, I don't think either agrees with you on this one.

Author:  Morinozuka Takashi [ Thu May 03, 2007 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

You're my hero, too. *___*

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Thu May 03, 2007 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Raelle is everybody's hero.


Author:  jamar [ Tue May 08, 2007 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Kyouya / Older Ema -I just don't think it works (and I'm basing this on a fan-translation I played of 4-2, so it's not just personalities I've created for them). Also, I felt that she belonged better with Hobohodo (from case 1-5 I thought that her whole thing with Edgy came from fangirlism rather than actual love of any sort- she seemed pretty good with Phoenix . So it's a logical progression- Phoenix / Ema --> Hobohodo / Older Ema )

Author:  HyperSomnia [ Thu May 10, 2007 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I didnt know somany people hated Phoenix / Maya Fey
Personaly I think it's kinda cute, Maya might be immature at times but she is a teenage girl. It is kinda clich'e but I can see them together eventuly. (So can Larry, Pearl and Shelly)

Edgy / Maya Fey Could also work.

Well on to my least favorite pairings...

Anybody / Pearl
She's 8 years old, thats not even funny.

Phoenix / Chimani &/or Phoenix / Ayame
It didnt work out in the game for either couple for obbvious reasons. Chinami was trying to kill him and Ayame was only standing in for Chinami (who Nick had a crush on). He only finds out three years after the fact. Also being like a female monk and devoteing her life to Hazukarain I think might not make Ayame a very eligble bacholerette.

Phoenix / Mia Fey
It just seems kinda insulting of her role as his mentor. 9not to mention the fact she's dead...) Also she had Javado in cannon.

Franziska / Edgeworth
They grew up together and she said herself he is like her little brother.

Gant / Lana
The abuse of power=rape/pedo thing just dosnt work (and is an insult to Gant's awsomeness).

Von Karma / Edgeworth
See above.

Shelly / Joe Darke (before he died)
Actually thats my OTP...
Becuse I like them both on their own and it scares the hell out people.

Author:  Souba [ Thu May 10, 2007 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

All of them.

Pairings are worthless. Trying to romantically link two characters who, more often than not, have little to no romantic interaction in canon is pointless, stupid, and an utter waste of time. Nick

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Thu May 10, 2007 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Souba wrote:
All of them.

Pairings are worthless. Trying to romantically link two characters who, more often than not, have little to no romantic interaction in canon is pointless, stupid, and an utter waste of time. Nick

Well aren't WE grumpy.

(Or, possibly, trying to RP our avatar just with less sociopathy/pedophilia)

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Sun May 13, 2007 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

This may be a spoiler so... SPOILER WARNING!:
Pshhh... / Regina And Ben / Regina They're both just....ew! A 31 year old liking a 16 year old is just disgusting! And Max liking a 16 year old just says he's screwed up in the head.

Author:  Shelly de Killer [ Sun May 13, 2007 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I personally thing all Phoenix Wright couples are wrong.


Well, PW isn't a love story.

Thats why I don't approve of fictional character pairings unless they are intended.

Author:  jamar [ Sun May 13, 2007 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Shelly de Killer wrote:
I personally thing all Phoenix Wright couples are wrong.

Wait- you mean *all* of them or just the non-canon ones? If I remember there are at least 2 instances of canon couplings in Trials and Tribulations (One is a married couple, and the other might as well be one).

Author:  1010 [ Sun May 13, 2007 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

HyperSomnia wrote:
Phoenix / Mia Fey
It just seems kinda insulting of her role as his mentor. 9not to mention the fact she's dead...) Also she had Javado in cannon.

I don't actually consider Mia Fey and Javado cannon and it kind of bothers me when everyone supports them because they're so 'cannon.'

Spoiler: GS3
The only interaction that they've ever had was in 3-4. (I haven't played GS3 yet but I read the summaries.) And Kaminogi was only filling in for Grossberg, her mentor, which makes that interaction just mentor-ish in my opinion. So if you hate Phoenix and Mia and like Mia and Kaminogi it doesn't make any sense to me beause I feel that they have the same type of relationship.

Also, the lack of interaction with this couple annoys me. Everyone playing the game is supposed to support them because they had some awesome relationship, but that isn't fair because you have no idea how the couple even works. And I don't want to ship something, no matter how "cannon" it is if i've only seen them in the same room together once simply as business partners.

And, once again, Mia is dead, Kaminogi is Godot. Not gounng happen. End of story.

MikeMeekinsFan wrote:
This may be a spoiler so... SPOILER WARNING!:
Pshhh... / Regina And Ben / Regina They're both just....ew! A 31 year old liking a 16 year old is just disgusting! And Max liking a 16 year old just says he's screwed up in the head.

Ironicly, it's not the pedo-ness of the relationship that bothers me. (I like big age differenes, actually. xD) It's just that ANYONE who's interested in Regina needs to get their head checked. Seriously, she's a Mary Sue. Every guy falls in love with her, she's blonde-haired-blue-eyed-sparkley-"pretty"-"cute", and she's so GOD DAMN STUPID... Erg.

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