Court Records

The pairing debate thread!
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Author:  Nearavex [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Can't say, really. Even if it's not confirmed yet, it was definitely hinted at, I believe...? :ron: It's how this kind of stories progress, the girl has a crush, the guy saves her life with a blast...

Either that, or Capcom is pulling off another Iris to vanish somewhere later in the series.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Eww, let's hope not. I'd rather have her vanish... does this make me a bad person? :sadshoe: I just hate romance... :ron:

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

I'd rather too, but perhaps I'm not the right person to reply; I hate romance too.

Author:  TheDoctor [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Eh, I wouldn't mind a cameo or perhaps a mention, but a full blown romantic subplot definitely wouldn't work.

That said, I wouldn't mind if Iris returned, but Maya needs to show up again before that can happen.

Author:  Nearavex [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Nah, even if they went for that relationship, I don't think they would go for romance. They would either make it related to the plot, or just leave it a mention on the side, I think.

Author:  Mr. Onizuka [ Fri Oct 10, 2014 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Well, Capcom isn't well know for their borad inclusion of romance in their games, so I wouldn't worry the games to turn in that direction. I would like some Apollo/Athena, but mostly because I love their characters, the dynamic they have, and the bonding they (supposedly) achieved at the end of the game. I guess it's something similar to me loving Holmes and Watson's characters from the recent movies, just because their character dynamic was funny as hell (just so we are clear, I do not ship them. It's more like a bro-love-hate relationship).

Meh. IF (yup, capital IF) Capcom decided to make any of those pairings canon, I highly doubt they would take much screen time, for the games usually follow a central theme, and a romance subplot would deviate the purpose of the macro-story, in my opinion.

Author:  Mary Faraday [ Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Fist of Justice wrote:
Eww, let's hope not. I'd rather have her vanish... does this make me a bad person? :sadshoe: I just hate romance... :ron:

WaitingforGodot wrote:
I'd rather too, but perhaps I'm not the right person to reply; I hate romance too.

I third that. Who needs romance anyway? :godot:

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Mary Faraday wrote:
Fist of Justice wrote:
Eww, let's hope not. I'd rather have her vanish... does this make me a bad person? :sadshoe: I just hate romance... :ron:

WaitingforGodot wrote:
I'd rather too, but perhaps I'm not the right person to reply; I hate romance too.

I third that. Who needs romance anyway? :godot:

I don't mind romance, just as long as it's done well. Or if it's important to the plot.

Of course, romances for the sake of plot can be just as bad if not done carefully. There's nothing worse than some plot point's existence being dependent on two people getting together while the romance itself is just half-assed or completely unconvincing.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

The thing with romance, in my opinion, is that it's seldom interesting other than for the people involved in it. Which is why I have a hard time seeing why it has to take up space in almost every last piece of media. In that sense Ace Attorney kind of nails it; romance is appearent when it's relevant to the plot (instead of the plot being relevant to the romance). The only pair that's "just there" is Ron and Dessie, and they're cute.

Author:  scarlettpeony [ Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

I don't mind a bit of romance either but I'm in total agreement that it shouldn't dominate what's going on. That is probably one of the oddest things about Apollo. He is undeniably the most "in demand" character in that he has quite a few potential girlfriends with Vera and Juniper. There are people who suggest Athena but I think we need another game before I'd be convinced of it. At this point I think Juniper is more likely to be dropped into the "girlfriend" role, if Ace Attorney chose to go down that path but whether it would work is a different story.

But yeah in terms of real, OTP canon love it's Ron x Dessie forever!

Author:  Going for Miles [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

I have finally made up my mind about Phoenix and Edgeworth. I feel like their relationship is pretty hard to pinpoint because it's so unique, and also because a) deep friendship and b) subtext galore. I see fanart of them snogging and think nothing of it, but the thought of them doing more, and/or having a romantic relationship makes me feel mostly awkward.

What I do think is that they share a special and very strong bond, and that their friendship balances right on the line between platonic and romantic. Right. On. The line.

And that's where it will stay, and maybe they would smooch if overwhelmed by emotions, but that would be an isolated event, and they will stay as "heterosexual life partners" but without the heterosexuality (at least for Edgeworth: I think he's asexual).

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

I really like that theory - I definitely can't see them as romantic partners, not at all - it makes me quite uncomfortable, but that right on the line-thing... Yes, most definitely. I headcanon Edgeworth as asexual as well, as for Phoenix... well, straight, but with a quite platonic crush-like thingie. I really like their relationship, I really like the dynamics.

(Haha, that isolated smooch-thing made me go; ...aww...)

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!



Author:  Going for Miles [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Umm... anyhow...

Phoenix and Edgeworth's relationship is by far my favourite in the series, along with Phoenix' and Maya's bestfriendship, especially the moments where they are precisely on the same wave-length; those are the best.

And I think Klavi's and Apollo's weird relationship is fun too, but there it's very much my interpretation of it (I interpret Apollo as attracted to Klavier, who in turn is charmed and amused by Apollo) that makes it, as opposed to the two friendships above, where it's what's actually being displayed in the games that I love.

Author:  AceAssistant [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

It is the strong opinion of the brosecution that there is a difference between "gay" and "bromance."
Phoenix and Miles share the latter in my opinion.

The brosecution rests, Your Highness. :godot:

Author:  AceAssistant [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Nymeria wrote:
There's nothing worse than some plot point's existence being dependent on two people getting together while the romance itself is just half-assed or completely unconvincing.

You mean like Phoenix X Iris?

(Ducks under desk)

"I lost my pen!"

Author:  luck [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

What plot point's existence was dependent on Phoenix and Iris getting together?

Author:  luck [ Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

In a blatant disregard for the laws of necroposting and doubleposting, I shall revive this thread.

So, I've been replaying GK2 lately and I'm wondering, how come CourtneyxEdgeworth never became a thing (I mean a fandom thing, not a canon thing)? They're very alike and we have a longstanding tradition of shipping protagonists with rivals.
Is because Courtney herself isn't very popular?

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

Maybe because
Spoiler: I2-5
Courtney has a kid? Hes technically adopted,but still

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

^ Watch your spoiler tag.

Even with the fan translation of GK2, it's not a game that has seen as large of an audience as the other games that have been localized. From those that have played it, I hear generally good things about Courtney, but there are more memorable characters from there. Perhaps she and Edgeworth don't have that strong of chemistry in-game to warrant a pairing for them.

It doesn't surprise me that people are still debating pairings for Edgeworth even after his explicit denial of interest in marriage (or romantic partnership) in 6-S, but what do they propose if they no longer can rely on the canon for "evidence"?

Author:  Moddragon22 [ Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The pairing debate thread!

My fave ship is Feenris, but alas, it was not meant to be....

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