Court Records

Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilers*
Page 362 of 427

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Reindeers are better than beads.

And liquor is quicker.
He probably likes Apollo's bracelet as well :3

Mm! :3 And
Spoiler: 6-5
Yuty's tattoo. :edgey:

Aha! Collaboration again, then :D

Yessie! :D
Spoiler: 6-5
Hee hee. Good on them. That's the spirit, said the spirit.

Spoiler: 6-5
Thought about that too, haha. That's the spirit, said the spirit with a taste for spirits.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

What's better than reindeers?


Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Managed to get some hour of sleep before. Some dreams:

Yuty wrote his name in the snow. He was bored and was waiting for someone. I do believe it was Timmari. He didn't wear any gloves or such, and I thought "goddamnit to hell, I freeze just by looking at him, isn't his fingertip like ice now? He should write 'Yuty' instead of 'Nahyuta'."

I dreamed something about Datz, I'm quite certain. Might have been something about his new tattoos that Polecat admired in a dream GfM had.

Something about how comfortable and cheered up one would feel in Anthony's company, and the same thing with Timmari's company.

Timmari ate Ben & Jerry's. Phish food. It looked nice, he was sitting in a couch just chilling. I woke up and thought "damn, I want Ben & Jerry's Phish food", a bit disappointed. Then I remembered that I have that kind of ice cream at home. Bought it in a haze. I'm not disappointed anymore.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

I freeze just by looking at him, isn't his fingertip like ice now?

But he's an ice cold bitch!

I dreamed something about Datz, I'm quite certain. Might have been something about his new tattoos that Polecat admired in a dream GfM had.


Timmari ate Ben & Jerry's. Phish food. It looked nice, he was sitting in a couch just chilling.

How chill. *istryingnottomentiontheb/&/jjokeimadeonce*

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
But he's an ice cold bitch!

True. xD Hm, the thought of him writing his name in the snow is pretty cute. Hi, Nahyuta.
How chill. *istryingnottomentiontheb/&/jjokeimadeonce*

*can'tthinkoftimmariandb/&/jwithoutthinkingaboutthatjoke* *mightevenhavethoughtaboutitin-dream*

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Yes. Maybe he does have a gleeful side to him. :)

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

One day we'll see him running around naked in the mountain again.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

WaitingforGodot wrote:
GfM dreamed that Yuty put two affectionate notes in a book Timmari was reading, where the first one said You're incredible.

"You're incredible, Timmari," Nahyuta said.

Southern Corn wrote:
On the way home,I was talking to a guy about DD,which apparently hadn't come yet,but SoJ did?

Dang leaks.

Anyway,we were talking about themes and such ,like Ema and Maya and Apollo and their remixed themes. I also remember someone saying dank

Here is where we would call Brami and her dank expert Briammonde for the memes... I miss her now. :sadshoe:

Going for Miles wrote:
Spoiler: 6-5
At the Nahmari-wedding while Nahyuta and Dhurke were drinking with Timmari, Apollo, Polecat and Gress, either Nahyuta or Dhurke said "a dragon never yields" as a joke to theother one, might have been in regards to the drinking.

Crouching Polecat, Drunken Dragon.

Nahyuta: So, how do you suggest we go on talking about this?
Apollo: With our fists!! *raises fists* >:( :-P xD
Nahyuta: Oh yeah?! *raises fists* >:0 :-P xD

With how often Apollo's hands are fists, he would.

Going for Miles wrote:
Beads are better

Reindeers are better than beads.

Goodness. I don't know how Yuty would have brought reindeer upon Apollo's head, but at least Apollo can get a new friend?

WaitingforGodot wrote:
And liquor is quicker.

And slicker.

WaitingforGodot wrote:
I woke up and thought "damn, I want Ben & Jerry's Phish food", a bit disappointed. Then I remembered that I have that kind of ice cream at home. Bought it in a haze. I'm not disappointed anymore.

Phish food?

Mr. Takumi won the Nobel Peace Prize for his works in the field of Arts and Humanities. :will: Apparently, Phoenix and Edgeworth were there somehow and they all posed for the cameras.
And then Nick did something and Edgey got mad at him again. I dun remember what, but it seems he may have embarrassed them on stage, though Mr. Takumi didn't mind. He just chuckled. It may have played out like a manzai duet.
There was also an overview of the history of the AA series from its humble beginnings to now. I felt so proud... even though I didn't actually attend the conference.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
"You're incredible, Timmari," Nahyuta said.

They're incredible.
Here is where we would call Brami and her dank expert Briammonde for the memes... I miss her now. :sadshoe:

So do I. :sadshoe:
Crouching Polecat, Drunken Dragon.

Heck yes. xD
And slicker.

That too.
Phish food?

Chocolate ice cream with marshmallow swirls, caramel swirls and chocolate pieces shaped like fish. But I'm disappointed again, because I'm too tired to eat.
Mr. Takumi won the Nobel Peace Prize for his works in the field of Arts and Humanities. :will:

Congrats, Takumi daahling.
Apparently, Phoenix and Edgeworth were there somehow and they all posed for the cameras.

And then Nick did something and Edgey got mad at him again.

Phoenix, stop doing something.
I dun remember what, but it seems he may have embarrassed them on stage, though Mr. Takumi didn't mind. He just chuckled.

What a chill dude. :3

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Crouching Polecat, Drunken Dragon.

Sure, he did help the rebels, after all...

With how often Apollo's hands are fists, he would.

He does a lot of talking with them, yes. Like when he was talking to Phoenix after 4-1.

Mr. Takumi won the Nobel Peace Prize for his works in the field of Arts and Humanities. :will:

Finally! :will:

Apparently, Phoenix and Edgeworth were there somehow and they all posed for the cameras.


And then Nick did something and Edgey got mad at him again. I dun remember what, but it seems he may have embarrassed them on stage, though Mr. Takumi didn't mind. He just chuckled.

Ahaha. Should've seen that one coming. Takumi must be so proud.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
He does a lot of talking with them, yes. Like when he was talking to Phoenix after 4-1.


Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

WaitingforGodot wrote:
Chocolate ice cream with marshmallow swirls, caramel swirls and chocolate pieces shaped like fish. But I'm disappointed again, because I'm too tired to eat.

Aw. It sounds delicious. Perhaps some warming coffee can helping with that fatigue? It goes well with ice cream.

Phoenix, stop doing something.

Especially on stage with Edgeworth. You keep embarrassing yourself, him, and the stage crew somehow.

Going for Miles wrote:
With how often Apollo's hands are fists, he would.

He does a lot of talking with them, yes. Like when he was talking to Phoenix after 4-1.

It might have even been a Shoryuken, but Phoenix just shrugs off hits from cars like nothing.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Aw. It sounds delicious. Perhaps some warming coffee can helping with that fatigue? It goes well with ice cream.

Mhm, it is! And yes, that's true, hehe. :)
Especially on stage with Edgeworth. You keep embarrassing yourself, him, and the stage crew somehow.

Exactly. Ah, at least dear ol' Takumi didn't mind.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Perhaps some warming coffee can helping with that fatigue?

I like how you ordinate coffee left and right. Coffee is good for the soul.

It might have even been a Shoryuken, but Phoenix just shrugs off hits from cars like nothing.

The only thing that can get to him is a bridge.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Perhaps some warming coffee can helping with that fatigue?

I like how you ordinate coffee left and right. Coffee is good for the soul.

Seconded. :edgey:
The only thing that can get to him is a bridge.


Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Perhaps some warming coffee can helping with that fatigue?

I like how you ordinate coffee left and right. Coffee is good for the soul.

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Get mad. Throw coffee in life's face and demand to see life's manager. Demand that they show evidence that these lemons have any factual basis in truth. And if they can't, throw more coffee. If they can, take a drink and do a spittake. And then brew a fresh pot.

But yea, it is good for the soul. Just make sure to take it in moderation and it's best to be taken in the morning. I find that by the afternoon or evening fatigue, it doesn't help as much and can even affect when you go to sleep.

WaitingforGodot wrote:
The only thing that can get to him is a bridge.


He didn't have his morning coffee, that's why.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Get mad. Throw coffee in life's face and demand to see life's manager. Demand that they show evidence that these lemons have any factual basis in truth. And if they can't, throw more coffee. If they can, take a drink and do a spittake. And then brew a fresh pot.

*takes notes*

But yea, it is good for the soul. Just make sure to take it in moderation and it's best to be taken in the morning. I find that by the afternoon or evening fatigue, it doesn't help as much and can even affect when you go to sleep.

Yeah, but nah. That's very individual - coffee in the morning does jack shit for me, between 11-15 is when coffee works best for me, and I don't find my sleep affected by it. This is an interesting video on that (I'm sorry, but you got me started on coffee xD)

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Get mad. Throw coffee in life's face and demand to see life's manager. Demand that they show evidence that these lemons have any factual basis in truth. And if they can't, throw more coffee. If they can, take a drink and do a spittake. And then brew a fresh pot.

That's very, very wise. Profound. I like it. :butzthumbs: Even wiser than mom's "when you've got a lemon up your arse, make lemonade".
He didn't have his morning coffee, that's why.

So that's the reason. Perhaps that's why I've been such a klutz recently. Not enough morning coffee.
GfM wrote:
Yeah, but nah. That's very individual - coffee in the morning does jack shit for me, between 11-15 is when coffee works best for me, and I don't find my sleep affected by it.

Yah. For me it varies from day to day - a cup of coffee was a good lord and saviour this morning, and sometimes it doesn't do anything at all. And same here, regarding sleep.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Even wiser than mom's "when you've got a lemon up your arse, make lemonade".

So that's what "squeezing the lemon" meant all this time.

Yah. For me it varies from day to day - a cup of coffee was a good lord and saviour this morning, and sometimes it doesn't do anything at all. And same here, regarding sleep.

Ten in the morning is the earliest I'll have my coffee (on the other hand, I'd rather not wake up before 10 either). Afternoon coffee is where it's at for me. Keeps me going for the rest of the day, the part of the day where my brain is the most productive. I had coffee at half past three today, worked like a charm and now it's half past nine and I feel like I could go to sleep now, almost. Then again, I'm not sure how much the caffeine affects me at all, but I like experimenting with different times to have it (heck, I like having coffee, period. But not first thing in the morning).

Edit: So... um. Dreams, was it?

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
So that's what "squeezing the lemon" meant all this time.

Hahah. xD When you're being a whiny bitch just squeeze the lemon. รด.o
Ten in the morning is the earliest I'll have my coffee (on the other hand, I'd rather not wake up before 10 either). Afternoon coffee is where it's at for me. Keeps me going for the rest of the day, the part of the day where my brain is the most productive. I had coffee at half past three today, worked like a charm and now it's half past nine and I feel like I could go to sleep now, almost. Then again, I'm not sure how much the caffeine affects me at all, but I like experimenting with different times to have it (heck, I like having coffee, period. But not first thing in the morning).

I think the best time for me to have coffee is in the late afternoon/early evening, that's when I feel as if my brain is the most productive. It also helps after I've had a nap and feel drowsy after waking up. xD I haven't really experimented with different times myself. When I was addicted to caffeine I almost had a schedule - morning, day, evening. Perhaps I'll try to experiment as well.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

I usually take my coffee in the evening too, usually because I feel like it, rather than because I start to feel sleepy. But since I'm sensitive to caffeine, I can't take much more than a cup on any given day.

In fact, I think I find coffee jokes more addicting than the actual stuff. :p

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Coffee jokes are good as well. :butzthumbs:

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I usually take my coffee in the evening too, usually because I feel like it, rather than because I start to feel sleepy. But since I'm sensitive to caffeine, I can't take much more than a cup on any given day.

In fact, I think I find coffee jokes more addicting than the actual stuff. :p

Mm, evening coffee is really nice, especially if one can stay up late and then sleep for a loooong time :D

Coffee jokes and coffee references and coffee metaphors, yes... dissolving in the hot water that is life... until they're everywhere, blended together... hm. I find coffee discussions more addicting than the actual stuff, it's hard to stop when someone mentions coffee (I kinda make it a thing not becoming addicted to coffee despite my passion for it. Or because of it. I don't know.). I kinda like how often a thread based on sleeping experiences goes into coffee discussions (which I am never in any way responsible of). What a desorgansied post this became.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Mm, evening coffee is really nice, especially if one can stay up late and then sleep for a loooong time :D

I agree! :D I'm making mysef a cup now, and I took the ice cream out of the freezer. Yay!
Coffee jokes and coffee references and coffee metaphors, yes... dissolving in the hot water that is life... until they're everywhere, blended together...

despite my passion for it.

Your passion for it is inspiring I will have to say. xD
I kinda like how often a thread based on sleeping experiences goes into coffee discussions (which I am never in any way responsible of).

Once again, I agree. ^^ And no, you would never.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

I agree! :D I'm making mysef a cup now, and I took the ice cream out of the freezer. Yay!

Progress! Godot and Timmari are proud of you.


I tried my best! x)

Your passion for it is inspiring I will have to say. xD

Haah. Thank you! :edgey:

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Progress! Godot and Timmari are proud of you.

Progress! Haha, awww... And for that I am happy.
I tried my best! x)

Heheh! It was neat. x)
Haah. Thank you! :edgey:


Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

And so the day is saved, thanks to the power of coffee! :D

Coffee totally belongs in the dream thread. We're just discussing the effects it has on dream cycles. ;)
Well, I suppose there hasn't been a conclusive study correlating the two yet. But it's nice to discuss coffee and dream-itude.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
And so the day is saved, thanks to the power of coffee! :D

Coffee totally belongs in the dream thread. We're just discussing the effects it has on dream cycles. ;)
Well, I suppose there hasn't been a conclusive study correlating the two yet. But it's nice to discuss coffee and dream-itude.

Yihoo! :godot:

Exactly! :D And yes, very nice. Hm, coffee and dreams, like two years ago I would often take naps after having coffee, it worked well for me (then again, not really caffeine-sensitive) and the dreams were often pretty vivid, probably because of the somewhat lighter sleep. :klavier: I especially remember one coffee-induced napdream I had in which Godot said "All the coffee in the world is nothing against a pair of heavy eyelids". On another note, the word "nap" is in my brain associated with Luigi (and I almost called Godot Luigi just now for that reason)

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
And so the day is saved, thanks to the power of coffee! :D

Coffee totally belongs in the dream thread. We're just discussing the effects it has on dream cycles. ;)
Well, I suppose there hasn't been a conclusive study correlating the two yet. But it's nice to discuss coffee and dream-itude.

Heck to the yes! :D
Going for Miles wrote:
Exactly! :D And yes, very nice. Hm, coffee and dreams, like two years ago I would often take naps after having coffee, it worked well for me (then again, not really caffeine-sensitive) and the dreams were often pretty vivid, probably because of the somewhat lighter sleep. :klavier:

Ahh, I should try that sometime! 2015 there was a lot of catnip-catnaps for me, but I don't remember if it had any effect.
I especially remember one coffee-induced napdream I had in which Godot said "All the coffee in the world is nothing against a pair of heavy eyelids".

I remember that one. :D
On another note, the word "nap" is in my brain associated with Luigi

Why? xD Or is it just somthing unexplained?
(and I almost called Godot Luigi just now for that reason)

Pffft! :redd:

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

They're both green and have a reddish counterpart.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Clever. xD

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Ahh, I should try that sometime! 2015 there was a lot of catnip-catnaps for me, but I don't remember if it had any effect.

Ahh, that's right. I feel like I haven't explored catnip to its potential, but maybe it just doesn't have any effect on me. I tried mint tea last... autumn or something? But I don't know if it had any effect either, but it's supposed to give vivid dreams.

I remember that one. :D


Why? xD Or is it just somthing unexplained?

No, there is a reason, and a reason that makes sense! Many years ago, a friend of my sister's dad I think it was got us SNES-games for our home computer, I think I was eleven or so at the time and I found one Mario game called "fun with letters" which was for young kids but I tried it out for the heck of it because it looked silly. It was spelling and stuff. And there was a picture of a sleeping Luigi in one of the minigames, along with the word "nap". And I had never heard the word "nap" before so I asked my mum what it meant because I thought the word itself sounded funny and wanted to know how it related to the snoozing Luigi.

They're both green and have a reddish counterpart.

Yes! I made sense! xD

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Ahh, that's right. I feel like I haven't explored catnip to its potential, but maybe it just doesn't have any effect on me. I tried mint tea last... autumn or something? But I don't know if it had any effect either, but it's supposed to give vivid dreams.

You can have some from me, I've got plenty. :-P Ah, at least mint tea is tasty. :D
No, there is a reason, and a reason that makes sense! Many years ago, a friend of my sister's dad I think it was got us SNES-games for our home computer, I think I was eleven or so

I'm not exactly the sharpest tool. "But... if you were eleven our sister wasn't even born yet!" ...nooo. But he existed before she was born.
And there was a picture of a sleeping Luigi in one of the minigames, along with the word "nap". And I had never heard the word "nap" before so I asked my mum what it meant because I thought the word itself sounded funny and wanted to know how it related to the snoozing Luigi.

Aw, that's pretty sweet. :apollo: :kristoph: (I meant the Kris-smiley but heck, let's keep Apollo.)

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

You can have some from me, I've got plenty. :-P

Oh! :D An entire baking tray? (dream-reference)

But he existed before she was born.

Yes. Yes, he did.

Aw, that's pretty sweet. :apollo: :kristoph: (I meant the Kris-smiley but heck, let's keep Apollo.)

Yes! Let's keep him!

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Oh! :D An entire baking tray? (dream-reference)

Haha! If I empty the box on a baking tray and make a thin layer out of it I think it would be covered. xD
Yes! Let's keep him!

Unless he grabs Kris' arm and teleports away along with him.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

:butzthumbs: Never mind that catnip spread out on a baking tray would look pretty suspicious.

Apollo, don-
Aw, that's pretty sweet. (I meant the Kris-smiley but heck, let's keep Apollo.)

Dang it.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

I was a communist
Also we played Mario Party with you guys again, and it was 10, the bad one. Also one of us was Yoda? And in the end I think Toad one by only a couple stars in the last turn. So a classic MP game whooo

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Southern Corn wrote:
Also we played Mario Party with you guys again

and it was 10, the bad one.

Ahh, I don't know which are good and which are bad, so I think I'll trust your judgement?
And in the end I think Toad one by only a couple stars in the last turn.

Ah, little Toad.


Timmari worked at a fast food place (it served sandwiches, so like Subway) when he was a student, to make some extra money. One day he saw a homeless man walk past. Timmari walked up to him and said "hey, you choose a sandwich with your favourite ingredients. It's on me".

Timmari made Atipha laugh so, so much (this was underlined in my notes) once - like "alright, you stop this immediately, it's too much for me to handle". It was just some comment. He didn't mean to be funny, at least not funny enough to make someone have an extreme laughing fit. He does that quite frequently - he says something that is supposed to be mildly amusing at most, perhaps somewhat witty, and the other person just loses it. He's glad to be of amusement.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Ten is the one where everyone goes together. Terrible,except for Bowser party. And in the end it turns out some 20-30 year old Swedish guy named Erik was playing Toad the whole time. So you,Sam.

Hmm,so did this sandwich place serve mango ice cream,by any chance? ;))

Author:  Going for Miles [ Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Wow, there are a lot of Mario Party games.

Oh, Timmari. Oh, oh, oh Timmari darling baby dear <3

I saw on Facebook that Polecat had shared something Klavi had written on Instagram, I think, about feminism and women in regarda to... sex, I gather? Because one paragraph said "But why should I care about that as [male-symbol]--<3-->[male-symbol]? (...) Yuu should care too, puh". I thought it sounded like a Polecat-ish thing to say and figured he had added that paragraph himself, especially since it mentioned being gay and Klavi is, to my understanding, not.The post ended with "Don't be asshats". I also thought that Klavi seemed like the kind of guy who considers childbirth absolute magic and badassery and that people who has given birth ought to be honoured.

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