Court Records

Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilers*
Page 373 of 427

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Hahaha. They're great together.

Sir T.A.G... <3
Editing away tooo so it doesn't sound like I'm having a convo with myself. [...]To keep myself on topic: Godot, rawr. :D Googled Foxy. Wooow, she's foxy.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

I see. Living up to her name.

Speaking of Sir T.A.G, I did a little collage of my drawings of them. Image (Ignore the poor paint-editing) For context, Timmari has gotten drunk with Drunkworth and is imitating his temple tapping, Gress is annoyed because Drunkworth doesn't understand neither logic nor chess-rules, Atipha is just amused. Their looks are WG-approved (since he was the one who first dreamed up Gress' and Atipha's respective looks)

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Gress looks like a weird version of Hammond and Edgeworth,while AtiphAA (lol) looks like a mixture of Datz and Archie. TIMMARI,on the other hand,looks....drunk. And also female.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Yaay! :D T.A.Gether at last. :edgey:

He certainly is drunk.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Southern Corn wrote:
Gress looks like a weird version of Hammond and Edgeworth,while AtiphAA (lol) looks like a mixture of Datz and Archie. TIMMARI,on the other hand,looks....drunk. And also female.

Duly noted. I'm pleased with how they turned out, at least. (Or rather, they turned out precisely as intended, but I think they are fine. He does have a little Datz to him, now that you mention it. Might be the eyes.)

Yaay! :D T.A.Gether at last. :edgey:


Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Duly noted. I'm pleased with how they turned out, at least.

They're awesome. :3

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Thankya :D I poured my heart and soul into this so I'm glad someone appreciates it xD

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

And I'm sure Sir T.A.G appreciates it too! They're probably flattered. x3

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Yaay :edgey: "Did I really look that drunk at the time, though...? ;)" "Yes, Vernessa. You did." "...Alright, then. Anyone ever told you that you resemble our great Lawd and saviour? :3" "As long as I don't look like our great lawd and saviour's son."

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Hahah! x3
Going for Miles wrote:
"As long as I don't look like our great lawd and saviour's son."

"Nah... Can't say you do, but..." *tilts head* " should try putting on a cravat even so!"
"There are things you don't joke about, Vernessa, and that's one of them."

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

I'm tempted to draw Gress in Edgeworth's clothes now, but I agree, there are things one shouldn't joke about and I respect him too much xD Oh, dream-characters. #accidentalfanfiction

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Ahahah! xD Yeah, that would be fun, but... Yes.
Dream-characters... <3 #noregrets

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Indeed. Although I realize now SC might have meant he resembled DD/SoJ- Miles Edgeworth... Thing is was first going to make his coat beige but thought it would resemble Gregory's too much, especially since both wear glasses, so that's where my mind was xD Luckily Edgey is sober (at work, at the very least) by then and hopefully stopped playing "logic" "chess", so it should be okay.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Man,imagine another trio of our OCs together. Maybe Polecat/Tania,ZZZ,and...Po Pe? I think that could work? PCTZZZPP!

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

A trio of four! :D That combination sounds... equally funny and creepy as heck. PoPoPeTaZuZaZu... no, that sounds like what Drunkworth would say when falling down stairs.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Thing is was first going to make his coat beige but thought it would resemble Gregory's too much, especially since both wear glasses, so that's where my mind was xD

Haha! :D
Luckily Edgey is sober (at work, at the very least) by then and hopefully stopped playing "logic" "chess", so it should be okay.

*nods* About a decade later Gress realizes that Edgeworth isn't that bad... when he's sober. And tossed away that idea of "logic" "chess".
Southern Corn wrote:
Man,imagine another trio of our OCs together. Maybe Polecat/Tania,ZZZ,and...Po Pe? I think that could work? PCTZZZPP!

What an unusual gang. The way you wrote "Polecat/Tania" made it sound as if they were one and the same, haha.
GfM wrote:
A trio of four! :D That combination sounds... equally funny and creepy as heck. PoPoPeTaZuZaZu

Agreed, haha. And what a tongue-twister!

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

PoPoPeTaZuZaZu is ultimate now. Sir TAG is nothing compared to them.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Hmm, I'm very fond of TAG and they seem highly cabable, that being said, though... Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! (with arguments and laaahgick logic, of course)

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil



I do think they should come up with a better name,though. Maybe Popope,Tazu,and Zazu? Or maybe just PPTZ. Short for Polecat,PoPe,Tania,and 3Z. Also short for POWERPOINTZ

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Hmm, I'm very fond of TAG and they seem highly cabable, that being said, though... Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! (with arguments and laaahgick logic, of course)

Agreed. Sir T.A.G are wonderful and capable, but that being said - go, go, go!

Logic... I think the T.A.Gs will win. Gress is a genius after all.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

But does Gress the geniGress stand a chance against the Poletwins,the mastermind/ calculating Zuka,plus A FREAKING GHOST SPOOKY POPE?! I think not. But that's what we'll have to see,eh? Sweet dreams guys,and Dream Safely™

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

To be continued! ...maybe. Thankyoou, and you too.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

The Myhsway-siblings aren't twins, though. But otherwise... intriguing. Sleep well, you!

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Is there any proof they aren't? If not,then I'll have Myhsway. Don't let the bed bugs bite,Samuel!

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

The celebration was for Anthony only, that's proof enough for me since I'm very sure my subconscious would have said that it was her birthday as well if so. He wouldn't forget about Tania in his tweet either (since he just tagged her, didn't mention anything about her birthday).

Will try not to, if they do I'll bite back.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Your Subbu has an eye for detail,my friend.

And yes,that's how you do it! Fight fire with fire! MWAHAHAHAHR

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Also. When Timmari had realized he was in love with Nahyuta, he asked his fellow investigator mates for advice on how to tell him. They were at the office. (It's a fairly casual office with a sofa and a desk with a computer and a black office chair) Mainly whether to do it via textmessage or e-mail, Atipha said it depended on whether he wanted the love declaration to come across as ("come across" being the key words since the message would probably take as much time and effort and be pretty much the same whether he wrote it on phone or computer) spontaneous or well thought out. He adviced against saying it in person as it might put too much pressure on Nahyuta instead of giving him time to process and think of a reply. Timmari eventually settled on e-mail, and I vaguely recall something like "(...) thing is, I'm in love with you (...)" or something to that effect. Hopefully sending the e-mail went better for him than for Gress in an older dream of mine, because "this is pretty important" for Timmari.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Going for Miles wrote:
Also. When Timmari had realized he was in love with Nahyuta, he asked his fellow investigator mates for advice on how to tell him.

Ohh, I've been thinking about that subject - how the two of them declared their love to one another. How cute that he asked the other taggies. :3
(It's a fairly casual office with a sofa and a desk with a computer and a black office chair)

Sounds chill. :)
Mainly whether to do it via textmessage or e-mail, Atipha said it depended on whether he wanted the love declaration to come across as ("come across" being the key words since the message would probably take as much time and effort and be pretty much the same whether he wrote it on phone or computer) spontaneous or well thought out.

Ah, interesting advice.
He adviced against saying it in person as it might put too much pressure on Nahyuta instead of giving him time to process and think of a reply.

Hm, I say, that's clever. :pearl: (Even though I can imagine Timmari being quiiite nervous waiting for a reply, haha.)
Timmari eventually settled on e-mail, and I vaguely recall something like "(...) thing is, I'm in love with you (...)" or something to that effect.

Darling!! :acro:
Hopefully sending the e-mail went better for him than for Gress in an older dream of mine, because "this is pretty important" for Timmari.

Haha, naturally it was the first thing that crossed my mind when I read the word "e-mail". Pretty important indeed.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil


Today's dream was all about DGS2 baby

Spoiler: Spoilers for both DGS games lol
Jezail did nothing wrong. She personally confessed to me that she didn't kill anyone (also apparently in my dream she killed Asougi too?). I even sort of believed her but somehow she died on the second case of DGS2 instead of DGS. She actually boarded the ship back home and I was in the same compartment as her to keep an eye on her. I kept trying to do something but was constantly interrupted. After a whole I got bored of her and went to see Asougi and his family. Oh,right,btw Asougi came back to life in case one or something

I went and played cards with them,though the sailor who was basically the replacement of Hosonoga disagreed. Suddenly we figured out that the guy most likely to kill Jezail was ASOUGI'S BROTHER (who was just a recolour of Megundal)! And that wasn't even the biggest twist. It was that HE HAD ALREADY KILLED JEZAIL BY THE TIME WE FIGURED IT OUT WHAT

So we had an on ship funeral for her,and we didn't give ASOUGI'S brother away. Then everyone parted ways and I went to my summer resort and had fun. My favourite part was when I was running on top of a moving train. My least favourite part was when I was trapped in the kitchen with a bunch of animals. Also I appeared in their exclusive newspaper and gave them a lower rating than I meant to. Then I went back TO HOME SWEET HOME UHUUUUUUUUUUNGGHHH

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

WG: Yup! I agree with Atipha, though. Hopefully he and Gress could support Timmari while he was waiting x)
*stands behind the computer chair* -Come oooon! Answer hiiim! :D
-This is pretty nerve-wrecking for me too ;s

SC: Yaaay! Hope it was a nice dream, since I can't read it x)

Probably because I was thinking about the last dream I wrote down while going to sleep, I had a dozing off-one where Timmari and Nahyuta were on a date/just chillin', not very far into their relationship. First they were on a beach and some kids I think was playing some game which involved a lot of projectiles flying around. Nahyuta wanted to protect Timmari from accidentally getting hit by something so he held him in his arms which developed into a very intimate and tight hug (the first or one of the first of the kind they had had at the time). Stickfigure was a little indecisive about outfits and location (sitting on a wall, wearing pajamases?) but the geist of it remained the same.

WG said Atipha looked a little like this: ôò

I read a text that said "[...] a pollo x''D (...)" I read it together as apollo which got hilarious in whatever the context was.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

It was...kinda nice,I guess.

A pollo's a big chicken yo 8)

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Yes, and an Apollo is a teeny tiny chicken. :will: But I think both "a" and "pollo" meant something entirely different in the dream.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Southern Corn wrote:

Good riddance, bastards. :o
Going for Miles wrote:
WG: Yup! I agree with Atipha, though.

Mhm, so do I.
Hopefully he and Gress could support Timmari while he was waiting x)
*stands behind the computer chair* -Come oooon! Answer hiiim! :D
-This is pretty nerve-wrecking for me too ;s

Aww, that's adorable. x3
Meanwhile: *Yuty-smile*
Probably because I was thinking about the last dream I wrote down while going to sleep, I had a dozing off-one where Timmari and Nahyuta were on a date/just chillin', not very far into their relationship.

Neat. :D
First they were on a beach

Aw, how ch...
and some kids

...go away.
so he held him in his arms which developed into a very intimate and tight hug (the first or one of the first of the kind they had had at the time).

Ohhh! :edgey:
WG said Atipha looked a little like this: ôò

Can't really see it, but he probably looked very much like that after meeting Drunkworth for the first time. And Gress like this: ôó
I read a text that said "[...] a pollo x''D (...)" I read it together as apollo which got hilarious in whatever the context was.

Tsk. xD


Datz was on the run pre-SoJ, and he was hiding from the authorities. Said authorities went into people he knew's homes to check for him but they didn't find him. Because he was out on the street.

Retinz when he gets nice compliments about his work: :3

Atipha's got a friend named Satcha. The dream said that he was jewish.

Atipha's daughter wants to be a lesbian, because her maternal aunt is one and she highly admires her, so she wants to be just like her when she grows up.

Yuty licking Timmari's back.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

What,is Yuty licking the back of Tim? Or has the event of Yuty licking Tim returned? I'm a confuzzled now

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

He was licking the back of Timmari.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Well sounds like Tim spilt some ice cream there ;)

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Haha! I wouldn't put it past him to accidentally spill ice cream on his back. But no, this situation was a romantic one.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Is licking someone's back romantic?

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

Apparently Timmari and Yuty think it is! I don't think the back licking was a big part of their romantic shenanigans, though. I think Timmy found it cozy.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoil

They should get a pet dog for that :3

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