Court Records

Your least favorite PW pairings
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Author:  Agent Orion [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Riku wrote:
I'm gonna be bold and respectfully say that I don't like :phoenix: x :edgy:.

Reason? When presented with a lot of the "subtext" some of the more insistent fans use to promote this pairing, I lol'd. It just isn't believable to me.

I agree, they came off as just good friends to me. :nick:

Author:  Skuly [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I only like :ack: / :maya:

Author:  Connor?! [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Morinozuka Takashi wrote:
Granted, some people don't like any pairings in the series since they're not canon at all and that's understandable, Khaan!. *nods* least.. I hope that's why you don't like any pairings. O.o

No, I just don't like any because none of them interest me or have anything to back them up :/. Some of them are good for fanarts, though.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

SkuLy wrote:
I only like :ack: / :maya:

And that's a least favorite for mine. :D

Kha~n, what do you mean evidence? Because I can certainly find support for couples. Some are even canon :P

Author:  Morinozuka Takashi [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

SkuLy wrote:
I only like :ack: / :maya:

Nice to know. But that should go to a "favorite pairing" thread.
Because this is least favorite.

Sorry, that happens to be mine. D=

Author:  Snowy [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

My least favourite is Nick/Maya.

I think it's because, in my eyes, I've always seen them as a big brother and little sister sort of thing, putting them in a romantic relationship doesn't feel right. I think their sibling-esque relationship is adorable, but try and push it any further and I don't think it really works. But I'm not really hugely into pairings, so if it became canon I doubt I would really care.

Not like the creator would make anything canon. HIs technique of dangling hints in front of our eyes works well enough and if he finalizes anything he's just asking to loose a few fans xP

Author:  Chinese Infantry [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Well, I guess you could eliminate it as all other pairings are his least favorite. But then again, that includes the canon ones too.

khaaan: Umm, how about Yuusaku and Mareka being married and in a happy relationship. Is that enough to at least back that one up? However, if you don't like any pairings, that perfectly fine, mate!

Author:  Concerned Citizen [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

:edgeworth: / :franny:

Yick...hate that pairing.

Author:  Connor?! [ Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Chinese Infantry wrote:
khaaan: Umm, how about Yuusaku and Mareka being married and in a happy relationship. Is that enough to at least back that one up? However, if you don't like any pairings, that perfectly fine, mate!

Well, I haven't played the third game... but if they're canonically married then yeah it's enough to back it up.

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
Kha~n, what do you mean evidence? Because I can certainly find support for couples. Some are even canon :P

Evidence as in, well, something to back up their relationship. I just don't see many hints, sub-text, whatever to support most pairings- and most of the ones people bring up are contrived :/

Author:  Morinozuka Takashi [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

:javado: / :youngmia: ..
I know.. They were canon and all that.
But to me?
Just like
:phoenix: / :ayame:
's case, it's one of those pairings that's in the past and just.. wouldn't work out and be same anymore. Unfortunate, yes.

I personally never was into those kinda pairings. ._.
But would I have loved these parings if they were still able to be together? Yes. Well, at least :javado: / :youngmia:.

Author:  Brandon Strong [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I detest Maya/Phoenix. It feels like incest to me—which i guess some people can go for, but it is the one form of relationship that I have zero tolerance for.

Author:  Chinese Infantry [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings that you mention it, you do have a point, Mori...

@Brandon: Wouldn't that make you detest Edgeworth/Franny even more...

Author:  Morinozuka Takashi [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Since Mia's dead. What's Godot got left now? ...I think his time was up. Tragic on his end, it was. And I felt kinda bad for him. His love being dead and all... All he could do was blame Phoenix. .__. But I don't mind seeing fanfics or doujins of when they both were still young and together and all. I really did wish they could still be together... *nods*

I never was much of a fan of Edgeworth/Franny... But I'd so love them if they both messed with Phoenix... *plugs up nosebleed. It's another Phoenix/Maya... only sophisticated and mature. And REAL possible incest. Thought of Fran having his kids... *shivers* No. Just no. A lot of the E/F fans LOVE to use the airport scene as their lame reason to love the pairing so much. >.>

Author:  Chinese Infantry [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Oi oi oi, Mori, if you don't like the pairing, that's cool, but if others like it because of the airport scene, no need to nail 'em because of it. (I used to be an Edgeworth/Franny fan. Not so much anymore (Technically not incest by blood, but since they were raised as brother and sister, that could get to people. Plus I like Friskian better)

Author:  musouka [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Morinozuka Takashi wrote:
:javado: / :youngmia: ..
I know.. They were canon and all that.
But to me?
Just like
:phoenix: / :ayame:
's case, it's one of those pairings that's in the past and just.. wouldn't work out and be same anymore. Unfortunate, yes.

Well, that's true, but
Spoiler: GS3
Seeing as how BOTH Mia and Godot are dead, it's not like either of them is really pairable with anyone else...

Author:  Arcticwaters [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

musouka wrote:
Well, that's true, but
Spoiler: GS3
Seeing as how BOTH Mia and Godot are dead, it's not like either of them is really pairable with anyone else...

Godot dies? Or do you mean Kaminogi? Cause I've been wondering if Godot dies, but I can't find anything that says so, so I though I'd ask ^^;

I've yet to come across a PW pairing I dislike or hate, it's mostly a matter of not supporting them or not caring. However, my thoughts on some:

:javado: / :youngmia:
Something about this just doesn't sit right with me. I have NOTHING AGAINST IT at all really, I'm aware it was canon, and I'm sure they were a fine couple. However, when I first found out about it, I'd fallen head long into Phoenix/Mia, too much to let go of it. My very first impression of Kami/Mia was like "... WTF? No... 0_o" and I've yet to shake that off.

However, that's the closest I get to disliking a couple. I'm not fond of Phoenix/Maya, I just don't support them, however, I wouldn't care if they'd gotten together (not like I'd use it in my fanon anyway). Something about Phoenix/Franziska bothers me, and although I'm fine with it, I think Phoenix/Edgeworth is way over done, and I don't think either of them are gay anyway (Bi? Maybe, who knows.) Any other couple is just... whatever I guess...

Author:  Brandon Strong [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Chinese Infantry wrote: that you mention it, you do have a point, Mori...

@Brandon: Wouldn't that make you detest Edgeworth/Franny even more...

In my opinion, Phoenix treats Maya much more like a younger sibling then Edgeworth does Franziska. I dont mind the Edgeworth/Franziska thing too much either because Franziska looks alot older then maya does—maybe its more the fact that Maya looks so un-matured? I dunno...hell, I dont even like Maya that much. She gets herslf wrapped up in all sorts of problematic situations, gets somewhat annoying. (But I loved 2-4)

Author:  Croik [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I think it's the fact that Edgeworth and Franziska refer to each other as brother and sister that really turn me off to it.

It's one thing for us to look at Phoenix/Maya and speculate on whether they think of each other as brother/sister, or something less familial (bordering on romantic). But we KNOW Edgey and Franny think of each other that way.

Unless you want to stretch the theory to "they only call each other brother/sister because they're secretly hiding how they really feel." an unarguable point, so I won't. :shoe:

Author:  Brandon Strong [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Croik, I dont get your sig. Sorry, Im a bit slow on the uptake, could you enlighten me?

Author:  n3m3sis42 [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CantFaketheFunk wrote:
I can't speak for anyone else, but with very few exceptions, it's not "Personality == GAAAAY."

It's "Personality = good matchup with person X regardless of gender."

Well, except that you have to admit that it's sort of tempting to see anyone who wears a PINK SUIT as gaaaaay, just a little bit. Right? :edgy:

Author:  n3m3sis42 [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Hmmm, pairings I don't like:

:pearl: / anyone - She's 8! I know that sometimes people write her as a grown-up, but it still kind of squicks me even then. I guess it's just the fact that even if you imagine her in the future, you are still basing sexual fantasies on someone who is currently 8. Not saying this makes anyone a bad person or a pedo or any of that; it just doesn't work for me.

I sort of also have the same problem with any pairings that include :maya: or :ema:. I get that young men find girls who are "too young" sexually attractive, but both of them seem young even for their age to me, so it still feels like an "adult-man plus child" pairing. Plus, I think Ema is annoying and don't exactly understand all the Ema-love I see in this fandom, which doesn't help.

:franny: / :nick: and :franny: / :edgeworth: - you can pretty much quote all the reasons everyone else has used for not liking these pairings.

:gant: / anyone - I hate to be a party pooper, but I just don't feel the Gant-love. Also, I dislike these pairing for the same reason some people gave for disliking :matt: pairings--relationships based on mutual trust shouldn't involve people who aren't trustworthy. I guess that means I'd probably accept really hot and sexy non-relationship pairings involving Gant, except that they always seem to involve desk-rape, so now that is totally overdone and not-sexy to me.

:karma: / anyone, but especially :karma: / :edgeworth: - too incest-like and plus, noooooo.

I guess I am just boring, because I really only like the pairings other people find "boring" ( :edgeworth: / :nick: and :mia: / :nick:). They're overdone mostly because at least those characters seem to have some sort of bond in the game, and that's okay with me because it means that pairings can be made believable based on subtext, etc.

Author:  Croik [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

n3m3sis42 wrote:
Also, I dislike these pairing for the same reason some people gave for disliking :matt: pairings--relationships based on mutual trust shouldn't involve people who aren't trustworthy. I guess that means I'd probably accept really hot and sexy non-relationship pairings involving Gant, except that they always seem to involve desk-rape, so now that is totally overdone and not-sexy to me.

I love villain pairings, but I don't go for rape-fic, either. Two people with a lot of power trying to dominate each other is pretty sexy. But if they don't start with *some* level of equality (be it physical or emotional), or if a question about consent is raised, my interest vanishes pretty fast.

So while I love Gant/Karma, I don't like seeing them paired with anyone else. Abuse just isn't my kink. Except...maybe Gant/Lana where they might have had a respect before SL-9. It might be interesting if they'd had something casual beforehand, and everything changed after SL-9...

But straight up "Lana sleeps with Gant because she has no other choice / he forces her" doesn't appeal to me.

Author:  Pearl Fey [ Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Phoenix and Edgey.
No offence, I couldn't honestly see both of them in that position because... well i don't have a reason.
Or... Adrain and Fran

I couldn't see that working out.


Author:  The Shadow [ Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

:edgeworth: / :ka-whip: It's basically certain this is never gonna happen. After all, why would Edgeworth

Court the daughter of the man who killed his father?

Author:  Sabra [ Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I'd have to say that :phoenix: / :edgeworth: is my least favourite.. mostly because I don't see how it could work and how it's *extremely* overdone in the PW fandom. I'm just tired of it, I guess.

:edgeworth: / :franny: is another one that kind of rubs me the wrong way.. like somebody said earlier, we can only speculate Phoenix/Maya's relationship but we know for sure that Edgey thinks of Fran as a little sister.

Author:  Aetheryn [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I move around so much between different pairings that I get confuzzled and my faves/least faves bounce about.

Uh... I can say that I never really cared for :ack: / :maya: for the same reasons that have been mentioned above repeatedly. Nick would probably act serious and Maya with the "HAY, BURGERS!! ROFLCOPTER!!" comments...

Author:  Arcticwaters [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

like somebody said earlier, we can only speculate Phoenix/Maya's relationship but we know for sure that Edgey thinks of Fran as a little sister.

Well, wait, does the game ever say how Edgeworth feels about her? I remember Franziska calling him brother, but Edgeworth never really say anything about it, does he? (I asked my sister since I haven't really played it, and she said no.) Don't we really just have to assume on his part?

I'm not trying to debate or defend it (this isn't the right topic for that), just something I started thinking about, and I probably would have driven myself mad if I didn't mention it ^^;

Author:  SilverZephyr [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Well, he doesn't explicitly CALL her a little sister, but he TREATS her like a little sister. He chides her when she's being immature in the same way that you'd expect the mature older brother too, and he cares a lot about her in a rough, familial sort of way. Also, although he was nine when he moved in, he lived with her for 10 years watching her grow up, so he probably DOES think of her as a little sister.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

The Shadow wrote:
:edgeworth: / :ka-whip: It's basically certain this is never gonna happen. After all, why would Edgeworth

Court the daughter of the man who killed his father?

There's no question Edgeworth loves Franziska dearly and that she's one of hte most important people to him in his life, daughter of his father's murderer or not. But she's a sister to him, and THAT'S why it wouldn't work.

Author:  Croik [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Arcticwaters wrote:
Well, wait, does the game ever say how Edgeworth feels about her? I remember Franziska calling him brother, but Edgeworth never really say anything about it, does he? (I asked my sister since I haven't really played it, and she said no.) Don't we really just have to assume on his part?

I thought maybe he referred to her as such at some point (not to her face...maybe it's in GS3?). But either way, he has no problem with her calling him brother. And if nothing else, the end of JFA pretty much dictates straight up how he feels. "I'm going to keep going, and if you can't keep up...seeya!" (paraphrased :sawit: ). Which is...certainly not romantic.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Just to reiterate...

Edgey/Fran = DO NOT WANT

Author:  SilverZephyr [ Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

EdgeyxFran DURING the games=one of my most hated pairings.
I think they'd have an interesting dynamic a few years AFTER the game if it's done well and their feelings gradually and believably change, but during the game a relationship is not at all pointed at and somewhat creepy.

Author:  Thorn [ Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I actually used to support Edgeworth/Franziska until I replayed JFA. Then I remembered that she calls him 'little brother'. IMO, that just makes it a little too creepy. But, like SZ said, with some time, something could possibly develop between them later on.

Author:  Arcticwaters [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

SilverZephyr wrote:
EdgeyxFran DURING the games=one of my most hated pairings.
I think they'd have an interesting dynamic a few years AFTER the game if it's done well and their feelings gradually and believably change, but during the game a relationship is not at all pointed at and somewhat creepy.

Yes, I agree. While I don't find it creepy, it wouldn't make sense to ship them during the game. They clearly only view each other as siblings at that point in time, you really can't go around it. There was, what, a five year seperation between them? Their meeting in JFA was the first in a long time. We can assume he left around the time when she was around 12 or 13 (... or, I always assume), and both were too young to even consider feelings (most likely.... Franziska, more liking, if Miles ever did... it probably would have scare him enough to push them far away.)

Author:  Croik [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

The thing that bugs me about the "maybe Edgeworth and Franziska could EVENTUALLY become lovers" is that they currently think of each other as siblings. Unless you want to push them as an incestual couple (which is the author's right), they would have to stop thinking of each other that way before coming to see the other as a potential lover. And I just can't see that happening.

Author:  ImAFoolishFool [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I only know of 3 pairings, but my least favourite is :phoenix: / :edgy:

It just..... doesn't seem right to me. I don't like it :P

Author:  axl99 [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

:gant: + :karma:

Seriously... The thought of two old guys paired together is weird beyond my comprehension.

Author:  SilverZephyr [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

What, so all guys are straight when they hit a certain age? >>
And Gantfred is less about gay romance about more about power struggles.

Anyway. On-topic:
PhoenixMia. Because I hate both of them Because although I considered this when I'd only played case 1-1, their interactions in all later cases kind of killed the pairing for me >>; Her picking on him at crucial moments, being cryptic at crucial moments, teetering between deciding to let him figure things out himself and giving him information that may or may not help...It's just hard for me to swallow if they were in an intimate relationship >>;
They had some sweet moments, but nothing indicative of any sort of romance whatsoever.

Author:  CantFaketheFunk [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

"Mia, do you want anything for your birthday?"

"Can't you figure it out, Wright?"

Author:  Thorn [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I also dislike Phoenix/Mia. During case 1-1, I thought it might be canon at some point (didn't she kind of indirectly ask him out twice?). But after case 2, I honestly thought there were times when she was acting like an annoying child. A good example of this was during case 2-2. She told you about the key, gave you a decent amount of information, but she stopped at a certain point. And then there was her psyche-lock. Phoenix commented that she would never hide anything from him and yet, she did. Honestly, I would have said something like "Your sister is freaking on trial for murder and you're going to play games with me when you know information about the murderer?" But that's just me, and I can be short tempered at times. Anyway, back on topic. Like SZ said, she did toy with him a lot, and when he was badly in need of help, she put him down sometimes. At times, it kind of felt like he was a dog being put on a short leash and she was dangling a steak in front of him. When she was helping you out, I thought she seemed almost bi-polar at times. One moment, she'd be sweet and wanting to help, and the next she was yelling at you (mostly in court). As for sweet moments between the two of them, I honestly don't remember any. Well, my mind is a little clouded seeing as I only slept about 2 hours last night so I apologize if some of that didn't quite make sense.

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