Court Records

Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?
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Author:  DarkenedWings [ Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I often get emotionally attached to games/books/etc, but PW never actually got me crying until the end of JFA, and I finally broke down.

Spoiler: JFA End
Edgeworth's talk with Franziska, and her subsequent reaction was what finally got me. And the card at the very end.

1-4 almost got me, and I almost lost it a few times during 2-4, too.

Spoiler: 2-4
Phoenix angsting over Maya's kidnapping really kind of hit me hard.

I'm a sucker for Edgeworth and Phoenix's interactions.

Author:  ReikaiDemon [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Terry Fawles ;_;

Author:  ... [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

no but hearing the music makes me want to hit capcom because they make the games (or translate) so slowly.

Author:  ParrotMan01 [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I've never cried over a video game, except for this one time when I was playing Chrono Trigger with Frog's sidequest. The only time I should have cried was when Aerith was killed. I haven't played all of the Phoenix Wright games so I'm not sure which moment will send in tears.

Author:  KingMobUK [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I've just played 3:4 and while I didn't cry over it it did actually upset me. I'm leaving 3:5 for a bit as I didn't feel like playing on afterwards :(

I haven't actually cried over any of the games I don't think but I do get quite involved in them, espacially 1:4, 1:5 to a certain degree because I could see what was coming and it was frustrating me that I couldn't stop it and 2:4 was quite emotional all round I thought. I certainly swore a lot playing that one.

Author:  Iced [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Lol, no?

I've never really cried to anything not real.

Not even sad movies. Yeah I feel sad, but I don't cry. :yuusaku:

Author:  KingMobUK [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I never used to but I'm getting old now and turning into my Mum, who is quite weepy over fiction :)

Author:  fancy_clafre [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

JFA did at one of Phoenix's angsty moments over Edgeworth.

Author:  syckls [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I haven't really come close to crying in this series, so I'll take a hint from the topic creator and list the really emotional parts that I noticed.

Spoiler: 1-4
The worst I felt in this case was for Yanni Yogi. Because Robert Hammond in his blindness had to get a not guilty verdict no matter what it took, Yanni lost everything and 15 years of his life.
Spoiler: 1-5
When the case was pointing at Ema as Neil's killer, I felt bad for her but worse for Lana because everything she suffered for was falling apart.
Spoiler: 2-4
That whole case is an emotional roller coaster, and my personal favorite. High notes are the end of the first trial day, the discovery of Matt Engarde's true personality, and the ENTIRE last trial day as you are forced to pull dirty tricks, just like Edgeworth and Von Karma, to keep the client you know is guilty from being convicted.
Spoiler: 3-3
Great, emotional ending and hope for Gumshoe and Maggey. Oh yeah, and I felt pretty bad for Viola.
Spoiler: 3-4
Probably the biggest emotional impact on me was right here. When you consider that Dahlia had convinced a man so easily swayed as Terry to kill himself, sealing his lips permanently, if he should ever lose faith in her, toying with his emotions solely for her own benefit, you are struck with the true extent of her evil. And, of course, the desire to GET THAT BITCH.
Spoiler: 3-5
I probably would have been driven to tears when Dahlia said that Maya had killed herself, if it were not for the fact that I figured out the instant she took the stand that Maya was channeling her. Duh.

Author:  TotalSpaceshipGuy3 [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I've never cried playing an Ace Attorney game. Well, tears of anguish from pulling my hair out, maybe, but not tears of sadness.

Although, I was very touched by
Spoiler: Case 2-4
the reunion of Maya, Phoenix and Pearl

as well as
Spoiler: Case 3-2
the reunion of Maya and Mia.

And I was crushed when
Spoiler: Case 3-3
Viola started crying.

Author:  BowBowHead [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Terry Fawles says it all... :sadshoe: (Hey that rhymed!)

Author:  DefenseNeverRests [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

In 1-4 when
When Maya was leaving :acro:

Author:  MercuryKitten [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

1-4 made me bawl. My mother started freaking out and was like "WHAT'S WRONG" and all I could reply was "....pooredgeyD:*

Author:  grim_tales [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

DefenseNeverRests wrote:
In 1-4 when
When Maya was leaving :acro:

I admit I got a lump in my throat then. :( For all her childishness and irritating reverse psychology I had grown to love Maya over the course of those cases :(

Author:  Yokusa [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?


Spoiler: PW:AA
1-2: the end of the case when Nick and Maya are shaking hands and Mia spirit watches onand she says something like "Phoenix..I will always be with you" so touching T~T


2-4 bad ending the mental picture of Phoenix being emotionally broken and never seeing maya again is a tear-jerk on it's own...then Add Steel Samurai ballard = me making the new Amazon river

Author:  grim_tales [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

The choice of music in 2-4's bad ending made it go from plain sad to almost heartbreaking, IMO.

Author:  Yokusa [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

grim_tales wrote:
The choice of music in 2-4's bad ending made it go from plain sad to almost heartbreaking, IMO.

Agreed T~T

Author:  DefenseNeverRests [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I did tear up when
Maya left the note on the back of Celeste's pictue in the wine cellar

Author:  fancy_clafre [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I haven't done 2-4's bad ending, I just wanted to get it over with.


Author:  KingMobUK [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

It's on You Tube if you don't want to play the whole case again.

Author:  Aijiru [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Not exactly crying, but two moments who made me feel really sad were the bad ending on 2-4 (yes, you know it's not the real ending, but still... great music there, too) and the end of 3-5...

Spoiler: 3-5 ending, huge spoilers here
... both Godot's motive to kill Misty Fey and Maya not wanting to cry (even knowing her mother died) just so Pearl won't feel worse... I have to admit on that moment I had tears on my eyes.

Strange enough, Maya leaving did not impress me the first time I played, in fact I think I missed her more when I replayed the game. But I knew she was back on 2-1, so...

Author:  Whodi [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I don't get weepy over games, but 3-4 and 3-5 had me genuinely depressed the day after I played them.


Spoiler: 2-3
I just want to see what's under your wheelchair. :acro:

Author:  The Sandwich [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Whodi wrote:
Spoiler: 2-3
I just want to see what's under your wheelchair. :acro:

The innuendo in that made me lol.

Author:  illuminise [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Never. >>

I usually get excited while playing AA, not teary. Screamed the house down in 2-4 when Edgey came back. >>;'

Did get tears in my eyes from laughing at Oldbag though.

Author:  Paste [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I cried my freakin' eyes out at the end of 2-4... it was just such a good ending... :larry:

I guess I'm just a big baby. XP

Author:  Strategydom [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

At the end of 1-4, when there's that picture that Lotta takes. With Mia's ghost on the left, I had a little cry.

Also when Acro confessed in 2-3.

Author:  TheeGoblin [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I've also had tears of laughter few times

Author:  Gozu [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I cried during the fourth case. It was very emotional and powerful. Poor Edgey :larry:

I also cried at the very end of all three games. I loved them so much; I was really sad when they were over... especially the end of GS2. I thought that that was the most powerful of the three.

Author:  VGK [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Nope. The only game that has and probably ever will make me "nearly" cry is Mother 3 (specifically the last few hours or so).

Masterpiece of a game, that one.

Author:  Wrestlemania [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I make it a point to cry at the end of each game.

Spoiler: the end of T&T
Why? Cuz Godot says that's okay, and I'm not gonna give any back-talk to a guy with a coffee mug and a visor.

Btw, the previous line IS a referance to case 3-5. And since it comes out 2morrow, hell, I might as well start quoting him.

Author:  KingMobUK [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I think you should spoiler tag that actually as it's potentially quite a biggie.

Author:  Wrestlemania [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Meh, I guess I should, no prob, ese!

Author:  echo3571 [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I only ever really cry when I laugh REALLY hard
I did feel touched by some parts, but I didn't cry at any point. I did feel sad but I a no a cry :P

Author:  Keruri [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I cry a lot.

I cried when I first saw Matt in a mixture of "OMG CUTE" and "SO COOL".
I also cried when I first saw the real Matt. Again, "SO COOL".

I cried in 1-4 when Polly said "don't forget the DL-6 incident!". There was something else such as that in 1-5 or 2-4 that just made me gasp and go "oh my gosh....", but I can't remember it at the moment.

I cried when Edgeworth
came back
Yay. XD

Author:  shineslikegold [ Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Spoiler: 2-4
Pretty much any scene with Maya being trapped. And def. at the points in the trial when Phoenix slammed his head on the desk because he was so screwed over the whole situation

Author:  Officer 1BDI [ Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

shineslikegold wrote:
Spoiler: 2-4
Pretty much any scene with Maya being trapped. And def. at the points in the trial when Phoenix slammed his head on the desk because he was so screwed over the whole situation

Spoiler: In Response...
Oh man. When the first day of the trial ended and it cut to Phoenix just standing there with his head buried in his hands, I almost lost it. It didn't help that I hadn't touched the walkthough at all and I thought that I'd somehow lost the game right then and there.

Author:  Quandtuniverse [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Now that I've played PW3, I can say that case 3-5 also distressed me a LOT. (For some reason 3-4 didn't affect me at all. I just didn't like it, I guess o_O )

Edit: I'm not playing any of the games, but listening to the PW3 orchestrated epilogue theme, and I'm just about ready to burst into tears :larry:

Author:  Atsime [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

I never cried. Ever. There was only one part where I wanted to cry, but didn't.

Spoiler: End of 3-5
The part when Godot admits he killed Misty Fey and was chasing a fantasy, I felt very touched, and that had to be his most wisest saying EVER (beside the 'cry when it's all over thing'.
Also, the credits. When everyone talked and stuff. I realized it was the end of the PW trilogy.. :sob:

Oh well, bring on Apollo!!

Author:  piggyhoho [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

Well after all 4 games...
The only place I kinda wanted to cry was when...

Spoiler: Case 1-4
Phoenix talked about how the whole class was against him for stealing money and only Larry and Miles stood up for him. And now he's doing the same for hime...that was what made me fall for NaruMitsu. XDXD

And seriously? I only held back my tears cause I was in a public place...(I actually cry quite easily. But I am not gonna start balling over a game in public XD)

Author:  Trabztress [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ever a time when you cried when playing PW:AA?

No. Never.

I'm ice cold.

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