Court Records

Double Jeapordy? A quick Kristoph Query with spoilers
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Author:  Pierre [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Double Jeapordy? A quick Kristoph Query with spoilers

Alright so I was thinking back the other day and I recalled the State VS Delite trial.
Now in that Luke Atmey tried to get himself convicted of theft so he wouldn't be convicted of murder.

Would this apply to Kristoph? I mean in case 4-1 he's arrested for murder so how could he possibly be convicted of murder again when he's already serving a sentence? Shouldn't his first verdict grant him immunity to the second like Atmey tried to get?
I think it was called the Double Jeapordy rule or something like that hence the title.

Just to satisfy my own curiosity is it YET ANOTHER plothole in GS4 or am I just looking at it from the wrong angle.

Author:  NinjAngel [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Double Jeapordy? A quick Kristoph Query with spoilers

I haven't played this in a while, but I remember Atmey using the theft as an alibi for murder. I think the Double Jeopardy actually applied to Ron--he was basically proven not guilty of the theft, even though he was guilty. But because he was proven not guilty, he couldn't be tried again for the same crime. This is where the Double Jeopardy comes in--you can't be retried for the same crime.

So, I don't think Kristoph can use DJ, because he was tried for two different crimes--and he couldn't use one as an alibi for the other like Atmey did.

Author:  DigiFaith [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Double Jeapordy? A quick Kristoph Query with spoilers

No, double jeopardy only states that you can't be tried twice for the same crime. Kristoph committed two separate murders, so he can be tried once for each one.

Not that GS4 doesn't have a huge number of plotholes, but miraculously, that isn't one of them. :butzthumbs:

(The reason why Luke couldn't be convicted of both theft and murder was because the theft and the murder both happened at the same time. If he was at Lordly Tailor stealing the urn, then he couldn't have been at KB Security killing Kane Bullard. Unfortunately for him, Phoenix didn't fall for it.)

Author:  Salutation Here [ Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Double Jeapordy? A quick Kristoph Query with spoilers

Double jeopardy came into play with Atmey because it looked like Phoenix didn't have enough evidence to get a conviction. Maya said that they could always go and look for more evidence, but Phoenix pointed out that that wouldn't work because after leaving the stand, Atmey would have double jeopardy kick in and so couldn't be tried for Bullard's death again.

Author:  Seal481 [ Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Double Jeapordy? A quick Kristoph Query with spoilers

You have the rules of Double Jeopardy confused. Just because Kristoph got accused of one murder doesn't mean he could never get accused of any murder ever again. If that were the case the world would be absolute chaos.

DJ means that you can't be tried for the same crime twice. What that really means is that, if you were accused of, say, murdering your best friend and fount not guilty, you could never again be tried for the murder of your best friend in the courts. You could still however, be tried for the murder of any other person that you were accused of murdering.

Author:  Hugtenburg [ Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Double Jeapordy? A quick Kristoph Query with spoilers

And all those who posted above me said the same thing really xDD

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