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Ode to my Turnabout Ch.1 (MayaxEdgeworth)Topic%20Title
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a/n: Contains some spoilers from the end of PW:Jfa. One or two from PW: 3 from what I could gather, but not much. I didn't follow the ending of number 2 on this fic all the way. Just read and you'll find out if you finished number 2. Enjoy.

Title: Ode to my Turnabout

Author: LadyKynia(Me)

Rating: PG (For laters chapters with slight intimacy)

Genre: General/Romance

Status: Incomplete

Pairings: Maya/Edgeworth

Summary: Edgeworth is still debating on whether it was a good idea to come back and prosecute. While he had put out an ad for an assistant he never thought he’d wind up with a hyperactive spirit medium.

Chapter One

It had been quite a long day. Edgeworth had been at the precinct nearly all day, as he’s been getting things straightened out with the whole Matt Engarde scenario. Detective Gumshoe was all right thankfully, seeing as he had gotten into a wreck when he was trying to deliver crucial evidence to the case. He had no more than a few scratches and a bump on the head. It’s been perhaps three days, since the incident now already.

Edgeworth hasn’t heard much from Phoenix. Well, he supposed he was recovering from the trial as it was one of the most difficult ones he’s ever had to do with so much evidence piled up against one person. Knowing the man was guilty, but knowing he couldn’t do a thing about it. He did feel quite sorry for Phoenix. Though that wasn’t his concern at the moment.

“Now, where is it...” Miles Edgeworth said to himself, as he’d glance out the window of his red sports car he was driving.

It wasn’t long before he reached his desired destination. Detective Gumshoe had informed him of a lovely French restaurant that had recently opened up. Well, that’s all the good detective could tell him, as from what he heard it was quite expensive. One plate was probably more than the detective pay check.

The sleek cherry sports car would park in front of the building. Miles Edgeworth would exit the car and look at the large and in his opinion, very glorified pink and yellow sign that read “Tres Bien”. Well, he hoped it was very well, from how the restaurant was named. He’d open the front door and proceed to walk in. Though, he was quite surprised by the scenery inside.

“This Is not at all what I expected...”
Pink curtains, pink chairs, flowery wall paper, pink ribbons. One would assume that the owner here likes the color pink, plus the owner must be a woman for everything to be so...feminine. He hung his coat on the near by pink rack. Well, despite the very loud colors, the restaurant had some style to it. He walked up to the counter where a magenta register was station and also a young girl. Though it seemed like she was sleeping. He could see why there wasn’t next to any customers here if the help was sleeping.

“Ahem...” A clearing of his throat was made, to hopefully catch her attention, but to no avail. He’d clear it again, but she’s continue to snooze. Edgeworth was getting a bit agitated, now before he’d slam a hand down on the counter.

“Eeek ”

The girl gave a shriek at the rude awakening she just received. It take her a moment to realize she had dozed off on the job.

“O...oh Welcome to Tres Bien where everything is Tres Bien How can I help you today ?” She said, putting on her best smile, though she would yawn during the introduction.

“Yes, well I would like a table for one.” Edgeworth said.

“Wow, a customer. Didn’t think anyone else would come.” She said a little surprised.

“...anyone else?” He raised an eyebrow.

Edgeworth then suddenly focus on the young girl, as he’d notice he’d seen her somewhere before. It didn’t come to mind at first until he caught a glimpse of her name tag that read, “Maya.”

“Maya... Maya Fey...?” He looked at her, as her name began to jog his memory.

“That’s right.” She rubbed what was left of sleepiness off her eyes as she focused on the man, “But how do you know my whole na–Oh It’s you Mr. Edgeworth ” She’d blurt out in surprise. “I didn’t know you come to eat here.”

“I don’t. It’s actually my first time here, but the question would be what are ‘you’ doing here?” He would ask in curiosity.

“Well, I work part-time here. Seeing, as I’ve been almost gone for three for work, my boss didn’t mind.” Maya nodded.

“Three days...” He muttered to himself, before he looked at her a little in shock, “Why are you working? You should be resting. You were nearly starved for three day when you were kidnapped.”

“Well, yeah, but I help Nick to pay some of his bills. You know to help out with the firm.” She stated, as she move from behind the counter and began to lead him to a empty table.

Edgeworth sat down in the pink, yet soft chair, “Well, don’t over exert yourself it could be dangerous.” He spoke, as he picked up the menu; eyes skimming over the list. This menu was quite amazing not to mention the prices, but it’s not as if he couldn’t afford it. Though twenty dollars for a cup of tea is a bit much for anyone. “I believe I’ll have the Brochettes de poulet au romarin and one glass of Velours de Fraise.” He said with such a fluent pronunciation of the foods as he handed Maya the menu.

The dark headed girl would look at him with some confusion on her face. Maya rubbed the back of her head shyly as a nervous laugh came from her. Edgeworth looked at her with a steady gaze, as he could only know what was wrong.

“You haven’t the faintest idea what I ordered do you?” He asked, as he rubbed his index finger along his temple.

“Well,, no.” She shook her head.

“How...can you work here when you don’t know any kind of french?” He would ask in a stern voice, making her flinch.

“Well, I only work here part time. Usually I’m working the register, but I’m the only one working the evening shift.” She twiddled her fingers looking down in embarrassed.

Miles gave a sigh, as he guess he was being a little hard on her, “I ordered Rosemary Chicken Skewers and a glass of Strawberry purée, Cointreau and Rosé wine. There it’s in simple english for you.”

The girl looked relieved before she would write down the order on a pad. It would happen to be a Steel Samurai notepad at that too, before she’d run off to the back to give the order to Mr. Hondobou.

“What a strange girl...” He said, as he watched her run off to the kitchen.

Edgeworth did wonder why he kept her around. Well, he suppose she meant something to Phoenix seeing that he’d do anything to get her back. Even wipe the slate of a man who was guilty as all the evidence and common sense would show. Wright even put his reputation on the line for her. He’d never thought he’d do something like that. Well, maybe it would it was Wright after all.

He was always trying to fight for what was right. Defending people right to the very end, but he didn’t think he would choose to try and get a not guilty verdict for this man that used Maya as insurance to make sure he got off scot free. Edgeworth leaned back in his chair for a moment wondering if he’d ever do something like that or could for that matter.
“Here’s your food Mr. Edgeworth ” The cheerful voice would say, as she took the plate from her tray and placed it in front of him, along with his drink. The plate was just as frilly as the decorations of the restaurant, but thankfully he could drink from a plain slender crystal wine glass.

“Thank you.” He nodded his head, before he’d unroll the silverware out of the white and pink napkin that was next to his plate as he’d folded the fabric neatly and set in his lap. Despite the overly decorated place, the food did look quite delicious and smell very good too. Even though they were skewers, he’d use the fine silverware to cut around it as he’d begin to eat the flavorful seasoned meat as he’d savor every bite.

“Hmm, exquisite...” He said to himself, as he’d open his eyes only to meet with a pair of dark ones. It nearly startled him that Maya had been staring at him the whole time, with her elbows on the table with her hands resting on her chin.

“Do you find me eating interesting?” He asked, a little annoyed he couldn’t just enjoy his dinner in peace.

“Kind of. You have really proper manners, Mr. Edgeworth.” Maya smiled.

“Well, I should think everyone should have proper table manners.” He’d blink momentarily, as the thought of Detective Gumshoe slurping down his noodles for lunch played in his head. “Well...maybe not ‘everyone’...” Correcting himself.

“Well, I mean REAL proper. Even more proper than Nick.” Maya wagged her finger at him.

“Well, that I’m not surprised by.” He said, taking his napkin as he dab the corner of his mouth. “Just how I was raised. To have proper manners and etiquette.”

“Wow. Kind of reminds me of Pearly, she’s only eight, but she has manners almost like you. Plus, she likes things being neat and organized.”

“That’s a good characteristic to have, but try not to let others deprive her as a child.” He said solemnly, as he would take a few sips from his glass.

Maya tilted her head a bit as confusion ran across her face.

“Nevermind. Well, I believe I’m done now. It was quite good for an overpriced meal.” He gave a light shrug of his shoulders. “Tell the chef the meal was truly french cuisine.”

“Heh, I bet Mr. Kaoru will be overjoyed to hear that.” Maya grinned, as she began to clear the table.

“Mister?” Edgeworth looked at her puzzled.

“Yep ” She pointed over to the wall where a picture frame of a man dressed in pink attire with a strange hair do and beard hung. “That’s the owner of the restaurant.”

Edgeworth eye twitched a little at the picture as he couldn’t believe someone like that own this place. Well, by looking at him you could believe he did with that attire. “On second thought, I’ll just send a thank you note.” Edgeworth folded his arms, as maybe he didn’t want to meet the owner.

“Heh, nice move. Let me take this these back and get ready to leave myself. It’s already closing time and my shift is over.” Maya said, as took the tray back into the kitchen.

Edgeworth got up from his seat, as he’d take out his wallet to place $250 on the table. He pushed his chair under the table, as he went to the door. Maya would walk out from the back wearing her purple shawl over her shoulders.

“Goodnight, Mr. Hondobou ” She yelled to the back.

“Chéri de Goodnight ” A feminine yet deep voice would answer back.

Edgeworth held the door open for her in a polite manner, before he’d exit himself.

It was fairly cool outside, as there was a nice gust of wind blowing outside. The planted tree near the side walk would sway back and forth as the leaves would rustle against one another.

“Well, I’m pooped for tonight. I better get back to the office.” Her arms stretched above her head. “Well, goodnight Mr. Edgeworth.” She gave a friendly wave to him as she began to walk off.

“Isn’t someone coming to pick you up?” Edgeworth asked, as his curiosity was getting the best of him tonight.

“Oh nope. I’m walking. Nick doesn’t have a car, plus the buses don’t run at this time of night I don’t believe.” Her finger rubbed along her chin gently.

Before he knew it he would suddenly ask her without thinking, “Need a ride then? I don’t think a young lady like yourself should be walking out at this time of night.”

“Really? In your car?” Her mouth dropped in a awe expression.
“Well, it is the only one I have.”

Without warning the girl began to squeal out, much to Edgeworth’s surprise. “I can’t believe I actually get to ride in a fancy car ”

The prosecutor blinked as he was a little dumbfounded by the girls excitement. It wasn’t that big of a deal, now was it?

Maya wasted no time running around the car to the passenger door as she opened it and plopped herself into the fine plush leather seat. She didn’t think Miles Edgeworth of all people would let her ride in his car, much less offer. It looked like it was still new, even it had that new car smell inside as well or maybe he just doesn’t drive it that much perhaps?

Edgworth got in and shut the door as he’d put his seatbelt on. The key would turn in the ignition, as the car would give a powerful ‘vroom’ sound before humming down to a purr. The car would pull out from it’s parking spot and into the street, before it would speed off down the empty street. Maya was nothing but giddy the whole time he drove. Commenting on how soft and smooth the leather seats were in the car. Then somehow the conversation would change from his car to hamburgers and then about the Steel Samurai show. He’d just give a nod or a ‘hmm’ response.

It wasn’t long before the car would slow down and come to a complete halt in front of the building for Wright & Co firm.

“Well, here we are.” He said.

“Thank you very much for the ride Mr. Edgeworth, I really appreciate it.” She smiled.

“Think nothing of it. Shall I walk you to the door?” He turned his head looking at her.

Maya looked at him a little flustered from his question. “N-n-no. That’s all right, I can get to the door myself. Thanks again for the lift Mr. Edgeworth.”

The girl opened the door as she’d get out. Edgeworth watched her leave as he’d see the long strands of ebony hair follow behind her as the door shut. The slender figure skipped up the steps towards the door before she disappeared into the building. The prosecutor lingered for a moment, as his eyes would move from the door and up to the sign near the third floor where ‘Wright & Co.” was placed. The powerful engine of the sportscar started up as it would rev up a few times before the car was gone in no time. Leaving nothing more than a trail of dust behind.

A/N: Did you enjoy it? I love this game and story line for it. Just had to write this one up. Updating Threads of Memory been without internet for a long time.
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Last edited by LadyK on Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Ode to my Turnabout Ch.1 (MayaxEdgeworth)Topic%20Title
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Yeah, I'm totally watching you.

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The premise itself isn't that bad, but you seem to have this most unliterary habit of describing things in the conditional future tense (he would say; she would ask, he'd open, she'd rub her head, etc.) instead of the past tense (he said; she asked; he opened; she rubbed her head, etc.). This makes it sound like you're "speculating" the story in your head, instead of laying out events as they occured. If you do not learn to overcome this issue (try reading some other fanfictions/books and actively noting how the writers use their verbs if you need help), then the decent story will not save you from a blitz of negative reviews. So sorry, mademoiselle. :chef:
And don't you n00bs forget it! (comic courtesy of Brevity.)
Re: Ode to my Turnabout Ch.1 (MayaxEdgeworth)Topic%20Title
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Me likey bouncy!

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DSL-69 wrote:
The premise itself isn't that bad, but you seem to have this most unliterary habit of describing things in the conditional future tense (he would say; she would ask, he'd open, she'd rub her head, etc.) instead of the past tense (he said; she asked; he opened; she rubbed her head, etc.). This makes it sound like you're "speculating" the story in your head, instead of laying out events as they occured. If you do not learn to overcome this issue (try reading some other fanfictions/books and actively noting how the writers use their verbs if you need help), then the decent story will not save you from a blitz of negative reviews. So sorry, mademoiselle. :chef:

Probably, it is one of my problems. Just never had it pointed out. Hmm, I understand I'll update it a little to make some changes then.
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Re: Ode to my Turnabout Ch.1 (MayaxEdgeworth)Topic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Without warning the girl began to squeal out, much to Edgeworth’s surprise. “I can’t believe I actually get to ride in a fancy car!”
Best. Line. Ever.
I thought this was a great fan fic. Heck, I only found to reasons to not like it.
1:The same reason DLS-69 pointed out.
2:I'm a PhoenixXMaya fan. This is A EdgeyXMaya fic. Those two don't exactly exist together, unless you combine them.
THose aside, I loved it.
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Ode to my Turnabout Ch.1 (MayaxEdgeworth)Topic%20Title

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I agree. Although I'm a Phoenix/Maya fan, I still found your fic to be enjoyable. And Maya's reaction to Edgeworth's car was just hysterical. =D
Re: Ode to my Turnabout Ch.1 (MayaxEdgeworth)Topic%20Title
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Me likey bouncy!

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eliasbloodmoon wrote:
Without warning the girl began to squeal out, much to Edgeworth’s surprise. “I can’t believe I actually get to ride in a fancy car!”
Best. Line. Ever.
I thought this was a great fan fic. Heck, I only found to reasons to not like it.
1:The same reason DLS-69 pointed out.
2:I'm a PhoenixXMaya fan. This is A EdgeyXMaya fic. Those two don't exactly exist together, unless you combine them.
THose aside, I loved it.

Should be okay now. I fixed it so should be more than decent now.

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Re: Ode to my Turnabout Ch.1 (MayaxEdgeworth)Topic%20Title
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*insert title here*

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Please write more, I really enjoyed this!

Honestly though, I'm torn between supporting Phoenix/Maya or Edgey/Maya.. they're both so darn cute.
icon by: iconglomerate @ LJ

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