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I just want you to know that I changed the thread because I found a very similar one about Zak, but actually the opposite...
I was thinking about the end of Apollo Justice, and I found myself with a great doubt!
Why did Krissy kill Zak?
As far as I understood, it was to keep him from telling everybody that Kristoph had ordered the forgery, BUT HOW DID HE KNOW?
After all, the only one that should have known is Vera Misham, who didn't tell anyone about it, except Phoenix after he was taken his badge. Then, did Zak actually know who did it? Or Kristoph THOUGHT that Zak knew and killed him to play safe? I think that Kristoph should have killed Phoenix instead, because it was HIM who knew, and Kristoph could have known that thanks to his spying the Mishams!
I hope you can clear this up for me!
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1.) Wouldn't it be because Zak had the real page from the diary all along? And I may be wrong on this, but when Phoenix meets Zak again after seven long years, doesn't Phoenix say something about 'telling' him that Zak could have given him the page 7 years ago so that he wouldn't lose his badge? If he did - then it'd be pretty simple to notice that Kristoph forged. And if I remember something else, didn't Zak "test" Kristoph in a game of poker to percieve him?

2.) Brushl was close to Zak no? And it'd not be difficult for him to gather dirt on the forgery and on 'who' did the deed right? And if Brushl knew, then I'm assuming that he'd probably tell Zak during the 7 years). And if Kristoph is the one keeping tabs on those involed, then that'd make him wanna kill Zak not pointless :nick:.

3.) For all we could know, maybe Kristoph really was planning on killing Phoenix if he 'wasn't' convicted. It's obvious knowledge that he suspected Kristoph being behind it, but he never had evidence to prove it. Now - imagine if in 4-1, Olga was convicted instead of Kristoph, Phoenix walks free (since people don't wanna listen to a hobo lol), this would give Kristoph the time he needed to kill Phoenix and not get caught no? Yet as to why he never killed him earlier, I don't know.... other than to guess that he didn't kill him so that things wouldn't get supicious.

And it's a no brainer as to why he killed Zak. Though his motive was never proven (because he had 5 black Psyche-Locks), it'd be because of revenge. Remember; Zak suddenly 'wanted' to play poker with Kristoph. He lost - get's dismissed - has a grudge against Zak (and then higher for Phoenix because he beats Zak in poker and get's hired instead).

I think that answers all of your questions no? Sorry I couldn't answer them in more detail, haven't played AJ long enough to 'remember' all the stuff that happened. If anyone else wants to answer this, feel free to (as I think I answered the questinod wrongly or have no idea what I am talking about :hobolaugh:).
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Actually, Kristoph killed for revenge. It was a HUGE case, and Zak dangled fame & fortune in front of him then yanked it away because he needed a good person to look after Trucy if things went awry, which they did. Zak did say he can tell what sort of person someone is by playing poker. Then Kristoph wanted to kill him for the same reason he was turned away in the first place: he's a nutter. When rigging the trial to get him a guilty didn't work, he just decided to brain him with a bottle the next time they met.
Andrew McPhee wrote:
didn't Zak "test" Kristoph in a game of poker to percieve him?

It wasn't to perceive him per se, because Zak can't perceive. He wasn't looking at the chips or the cards, but his opponent. He was indeed testing them to see what type of person they were.
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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His motive also has to do with the fact that if Zak told Phoenix that Kristoph used to be his lawyer, it connects Kristoph to the case in a way that he never was before. It was never documented that Kristoph was Zak's lawyer for that short time that he ordered the forgery, thus he was probably never questioned by the police, never even fully suspected by Phoenix himself. Proving a link between Kristoph and the case could potentially allow for it to be reopened, the last thing he wanted.

As for killing Phoenix, I personally don't think this was ever Kristoph's intention. They were "friends" for seven years--there were probably opportunities for Kristoph to kill him all along if that's what he wanted, but as far as we know he never attempted it. Killing Phoenix after the trial (assuming Olga was arrested) would only raise suspicion, and wouldn't be necessary unless Kristoph knew that Phoenix had proof against him. Phoenix didn't get that proof until later, and might not have at all if not for Kristoph being in jail.
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Kristoph wanted revenge on Phoenix after Zak told him that he found a lawyer who is better than him. So, he ruined the Gavin vs. Gavin fight and fame and glory for either one of them. And Kristoph created a perfect plan, period.

However, Kristoph wanted himself to get the glory instead of his glimmerous brother, Klavier. :ema: That is where the fake evidence came in.

I can explain Kristoph's entire plan. It's so simple to understand (difficult to accomplish), so elegant, so perfect.
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Painting by Denerop

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Hmm... Yeah, I think you guys explained very well. I was thinking about feeling hurt by the poker thing, but there are quite a lot of motives:
1) Losing a huge case
2) Losing the chance to face his brother
3) Feeling outbested by Phoenix
4) Feeling insulted by Zak
5) Afraid of Zak telling Phoenix he was his lawyer

Now it's much clearer to me. Thanks guys!
Perfect? I think :hobohodo: wants a word with you.
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