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Turnabout The Tables *PART 3 IS PARTLY UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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My first fanfic.
Title: Turnabout the Tables
Author: Pearl Fey (me) :pearl:
Rating: PG - May contain slight swearing later on in part 2 onwards
Genre: Usual PW game/Romance
Status: Unfinished
Pairing...: Marissa/Edgeworth
Summary: Just after PW JFA some minor spoilers I thinks...

Marissa is a new character I made up last night:
Image TA-DAAAAAHHHH! Credit to Mast3r Riku I love him so muchly for this...
Name: Marissa Hargreaves
Age: 23
Occupation: Prosecutor/Actress
Misc Facts: Engaged to Edgeworth, she is a very kind woman who can be two faced when in court. She is friends with Franziska Von Karma. She became a prosecutor at 20. Very popular, yet mysterious, tends not to talk much about herself.
Family: Parents died in car crash a year ago. Other than that... none.


*Riiinggg* *Riiinggg*

Phoenix: Hello? Wright & Co. Law Offices.

Maya: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!!!!!!!!!!

Phoenix: Maya, what? I'm kinda busy you know. Anyway, aren't you meant to be in training?!

Maya:It's my break... Silly!!! (Tone of her voice goes lower into a more depressive voice) She...she...Edgeworth...

Phoenix: Spit it out Maya!!

Maya: Edgeworth's fiance Marissa is in a coma!

Phoenix: OK...WHAT???! EDGEWORTH HAS A FIANCE???!!! (Phoenix's jaw drops)

Maya: YES NICK! I only just found out myself... But that's not the point, she's a victim of a serial murder!

Phoenix: But she isn't dead!

Maya: But she was almost killed by a serial killer who murdered 11 other people!

Phoenix: Eleven?

Maya: Yes Nick! Jeez...

Phoenix: What's her name again...? Marissa...

Maya: Marissa Hargreaves.

Phoenix: Hmmm... (Suddenly realizes)Isn't she a prosecutor? And an actress, in Big films?

Maya: Yes Nick... You are slow today...

Phoenix: What hospital is she at?

Maya:Hotti Clinic...

Phoenix cut her off. He grabbed his coat and ran out of the Law Office's door.


As soon as he arrived at Hotti Clinic, news reporter, photographers all were crowded around the front entrance. Phoenix pushed and shoved to the front of the mob.

???: Ah...! Mr Wright! You can come in...
Phoenix's arm was dragged through the door, followed by the rest of him. He looked up to see a familiar face, Director Hotti.

Hotti: Well, what brings you here Mr Wright...?

Phoenix: I have come to see Ms Hargreaves.

Hotti: Ah... she's HOT!! She's in the first room on the left... (starts to drool)
Phoenix ran to to room, he opened the door nervously. Inside was Marissa lying down on a bed, her brown hair was spread out like a halo. There were so many machines attached to her, like heart monitor, drips etc. Edgeworth was there too, sitting down on a chair next to her, holding her hand. He looked as is he'd been crying.

Phoenix: Edgeworth...

Edgeworth: (looks up)"Wright," (stands up), I guess you heard then. (looks at Marissa)

Phoenix: Edgeworth... what happened?

Edgeworth: Marissa,(tears well in his eyes), she went out of the Prosecutor's office and into a shop after work. Then... then... the murderer entered the shop and killed everyone in there, but, she's still holding on...

Phoenix: Edgeworth, why didn't you tell anyone about your marriage?
Phoenix thought it was best to change the subject, he didn't want Edgeworth to cry.

Edgeworth: We didn't want the cameras, news reporters on our backs, since she is a film star and I disappeared for a year.

Phoenix: Ah... so who "did" it?

Edgeworth:A man, who knows Marissa, James Carridge. A police Officer, also, I have decided that I will be prosecuting.

Phoenix: Wha...what?

Edgeworth: You heard me Wright. I am prosecuting. I want him dead Wright! He killed 11 people and almost my fiance. He needs to be dead for what he's done!

Phoenix: (looks shocked)I thought you now believed in the truth...?

Edgeworth: Why should I? He may have taken Marissa away from me. That to me is unforgivable!!

Phoenix:(jaw drops)But he could be innocent...!

Edgeworth: You want to challenge me Wright...?


Edgeworth: Then stay off my case Wright! This has got nothing to do with your foolish babble!!!

Phoenix: ... I'll be leaving now. (( Boy, Edgeworth is severely pissed!))

Phoenix ran out of the door and all the way back to the law offices... This trial, is going to be one heck of a roller coaster.

**End Of Part One**

Last edited by Pearl Fey on Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:28 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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**Part Two**


Phoenix: Maya, this isn't the time
(he was in the Law offices, watching the news updates on the case on TV)

Maya: Why... what happened?

Phoenix: Edgeworth went berserk on me, because he wants the defendant dead...!!!

Maya: OK... Edgeworth has gone psycho... but remember! This is his love of his life...! He'll be distraught if she goes...

Phoenix: I know, but... that's it! I'm going down to the detention centre to speak to the defendant...!

Maya: Niiiiii...
(Phoenix cuts her off, mid sentence)*beep*


???: Is this Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: (looks up)Yes, it is Mr. Carridge.

A tall muscular man in Police Uniform appeared behind the bullet proof glass.

Carridge: Ack...!!!!!!!!! You have to help me!

Phoenix: Huh...?

Carridge: I didn't kill those people...! I swear on my Police Badge, sir!

Phoenix: So wait, you still don't have a lawyer?! The trial's tomorrow!

Carridge: No-one will take my case, sir! Will you take it...?!

Phoenix: (( He looks deperate, I don't want to let him down either.)) OK I will.

Carridge: Th-th-THANK YOU SIR!!!!!!! (Tears well in his eyes)

Phoenix: OK... can I ask you some questions?!

Carridge: OK!

Phoenix: So, what exactly happened?

Carridge: I was on my afternoon patrol,sir! When I saw 12 bodies in a shop! I ran in and immediately there was a pool of blood surrounding me! I called for back-up and ambulances as soon as possible! Next, a witness came forward saying that I killed them...!

Phoenix: So, the witness got you into trouble?!

Carridge: Yessir!

Phoenix:... But if you didn't do it then that means... the witness committed the murder!

Carridge: I think he did!

Phoenix: Who is this witness?!

Carridge: I think it's the shop owner... I think I heard the scruffy detective talking about him...

Phoenix: ((Scruffy Detective?! I think that's Gumshoe somehow...!))Is there any evidence against you?

Carridge: The only other thing is that the finger prints on the knife and the gun were wiped off. And glove fibres were found on the gun, which matched mine!

Phoenix: ((Crap! He didn't do it but...)) Hang on...! Wouldn't there be CCTV footage, since it was a shop!?

Carridge: It was cut out 5 minutes before the killings happened...

Phoenix: ((That isn't just a massive coincidence! That means...)) Where's the crime scene?!

Carridge: The general store, just around the corner.

Phoenix: ((I think I have enough information to go with now... I need to check the scene, there might just be a vital clue!! Why couldn't this be a simple trial? And why do I get the strangest feeling I will loose this trial?!))


Detectives were everywhere, running about for clues.

???: Hey! It's that Phoenix Wright guy, pal!

Phoenix: ((Well, at least he got my name right for once)) Detective Gumshoe!

Gumshoe: Er... pal, what are you doing here?!

Phoenix: Well, I'm on this case too!

Gumshoe: Wha...What?!!!!?? Edgeworth is going to kill me.

Phoenix: Why? Is he here?

Gumshoe: No, but I have to give him regular updates on my phone. He's serious about winning y'know.

Phoenix: I knew that already. Did you know about him and Marissa?!

Gumshoe:... Yeah...

Phoenix: (Eyes pop out of skull in shock) How come, I didn't know?!

Gumshoe: Well, only I did, pal. You know, I think I've told you this about 1000 times but... we are good friends, and plus, Marissa is a good friend of mine too, pal!

Phoenix: Well, that explains a lot. Do you have any evidence?!

Gumshoe: Well, pal, a lot.... But, you can't have it...

Phoenix: Why not?!

Gumshoe: I'll be breaking promises to Edgeworth. He Told me: "If any defense lawyer asks you for evidence, don't give it to them! This is one trial that I won't loose. I will get Carridge guilty whether it's the last thing I'll ever do!"

Phoenix: (sighs) (( Trust Edgeworth, always trying to give himself advantages.)) But, I need the evidence for the trial!

Gumshoe:Sorry, pal...

Phoenix: ((An idea just struck me, I hope it works)) How did the 11 people die anyway?

Gumshoe: Well, pal, one bullet, each, from a pistol.

-Pistol Added to Court Records-

-Autopsy Added to records-

Phoenix: But Marissa didn't have a bullet in her, did she?!

Gumshoe: Oh-ho-ho, nope, pal. She was attacked with a knife.

-Knife added to Court Records-

-Marissa's Medical Report Added-

Gumshoe: Wait... I just told you some of the evidence, pal! That isn't fair, tricking a poor detective like me (sniffs). But since I've told you most of it, you may as well know about all of it... just don't tell Edgeworth... OK?

-Fibre added to court records-

-Autopsy updated-

-Floor Plan of General store added to Court Records-

-CCTV footage added to Court Records-

-Mobile Phone added to Court Records-

Phoenix: ... Oh!? Gumshoe?! Why is there CCTV footage here?! Didn't it cut out?!

Gumshoe: Yeah, this is what happened just before it cut out... Oh and...

Phoenix: Oh and what Gumshoe?!

Gumshoe: Never mind...

Phoenix: Tell me Gumshoe?!!!!

Gumshoe: OK!!!! But don't tell anyone you know about this?! OK?! ...the witness had a grudge against one of the victims.

Phoenix: Which one...?

Gumshoe: Marissa...

**End of Part 2**

Last edited by Pearl Fey on Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART TWO IS NOW UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Hmmm....My review....A few things seem a little rushed. Of course, that could be because it's in script form. Like the concept but a few things could be tweaked.
1: Where is Maya?
2: The Edgeworth and Nick conversation could have been a bit longer.
3: Phoenix just left the detention center. You would think he'd maybe ask for a few more details, like if he saw the murderer, and at least leave with an, "OK, I'll go check out the crime scene now."
4: Gumshoe is usually pretty stingy when it comes to evidence. Also, why did Gumshoe of all people be the only one to know of the relationship? And, when Phoenix gets the evidence, maybe you should let him check it out for a little while before getting onto the questions. And the grudge part, that isn't really something Gumshoe would just pop out with.
5:A few grammer mistakes here and there, but not that many.
Also, the "PM me if you can think up a better title" thing won't work unless we know the entire storyline. Here's a tip: make the title have something to do with the storyline, just like in the game (excluding 3-5. It wasn't really that magnificent.) I don't know if tables have to do with a major part but...
....Wow, I suddenly feel like a jerk.
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART TWO IS NOW UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title

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eliasbloodmoon wrote:
Hmmm....My review....A few things seem a little rushed. Of course, that could be because it's in script form. Like the concept but a few things could be tweaked.
1: Where is Maya?
2: The Edgeworth and Nick conversation could have been a bit longer.
3: Phoenix just left the detention center. You would think he'd maybe ask for a few more details, like if he saw the murderer, and at least leave with an, "OK, I'll go check out the crime scene now."
4: Gumshoe is usually pretty stingy when it comes to evidence. Also, why did Gumshoe of all people be the only one to know of the relationship? And, when Phoenix gets the evidence, maybe you should let him check it out for a little while before getting onto the questions. And the grudge part, that isn't really something Gumshoe would just pop out with.
5:A few grammer mistakes here and there, but not that many.
Also, the "PM me if you can think up a better title" thing won't work unless we know the entire storyline. Here's a tip: make the title have something to do with the storyline, just like in the game (excluding 3-5. It wasn't really that magnificent.) I don't know if tables have to do with a major part but...
....Wow, I suddenly feel like a jerk.

Honestly, I have to say that I agree with most of the points that Elias brought up. Its odd for Maya to not be with Nick about 99% of the time unless there's a good reason. I suggest you either create a reason as to why she's not there, or just stick her in. The conversation between Nick and Edgeworth was a little short, but not too bad considering most people don't really want to sit around and talk when they're as pissed off as Edgeworth is. They'd rather just take action. Usually Gumshoe doesn't just hand over evidence like that. He usually needs to be tricked or persuaded. Other than that, you're off to a good start and its an interesting story so far.
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eliasbloodmoon wrote:
Hmmm....My review....A few things seem a little rushed. Of course, that could be because it's in script form. Like the concept but a few things could be tweaked.
1: Where is Maya?
2: The Edgeworth and Nick conversation could have been a bit longer.
3: Phoenix just left the detention center. You would think he'd maybe ask for a few more details, like if he saw the murderer, and at least leave with an, "OK, I'll go check out the crime scene now."
4: Gumshoe is usually pretty stingy when it comes to evidence. Also, why did Gumshoe of all people be the only one to know of the relationship? And, when Phoenix gets the evidence, maybe you should let him check it out for a little while before getting onto the questions. And the grudge part, that isn't really something Gumshoe would just pop out with.
5:A few grammer mistakes here and there, but not that many.
Also, the "PM me if you can think up a better title" thing won't work unless we know the entire storyline. Here's a tip: make the title have something to do with the storyline, just like in the game (excluding 3-5. It wasn't really that magnificent.) I don't know if tables have to do with a major part but...
....Wow, I suddenly feel like a jerk.

1) Maya comes in later; more training of course (will add to fanfic)
2) Well, would you want to talk when you're upset?
3) I will add. I'm kinda strapped for time dude :)
4)OK I will change
5) Huh? I will proof read again.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART TWO IS NOW UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Well, I read the edit, and it's more detailed, and I like it better. You still had one grammer mistake I noticed though.
"Carridge: Ack You have to help me!" should be more like "Ack! You have to help me!"
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART TWO IS NOW UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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eliasbloodmoon wrote:
Well, I read the edit, and it's more detailed, and I like it better. You still had one grammer mistake I noticed though.
"Carridge: Ack You have to help me!" should be more like "Ack! You have to help me!"

OK Mr Picky, It's done now...!
Adding Part three now...
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART TWO IS NOW UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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Part Three

*Evidence List/Court Records*

Autopsy: All 11 dead were killed with a pistol, around 6-5pm.

Marissa's Medical Report: In a coma, it is possible she might wake up soon. Major wounds in neck and head.

Knife: Found Wedged into Marissa's neck. No finger prints. 16cm long.

Mobile Phone: Marissa's, seems she was talking on just before she was attacked, to Edgeworth.

CCTV footage: Just before the CCTV cut out. Contents are of just before the killings... an unknown person is speaking to another on it.

Floor Plan of General Store: Shows the plan.

Fibre: found on gun, very similar to Carridge's glove fibres.

Pistol: No, finger prints, fired 11 times. An officer's pistol.

-August 20 - 9:37am-
-District Court-
-Defendant Lobby No. 2-

Carridge: Mr Wright! You're here!

Phoenix had only just into the lobby when he was confronted by James.

Phoenix: Yes?

Carridge: Good luck for both our sakes...

???: Mr Nick!

Phoenix: Pearls! Is that you?

Pearl: Yes Mr Nick, I ran all of the way here, Maya said she couldn't come. I think she misses you incredibly so.

Phoenix ((She ran all the way here?! AGAIN???!!!!)) (Blushes) Er...uh...

Pearl: Mr Nick!? Isn't it that man? Mr Edgeworth?!

Phoenix: ((Edgeworth?!))

Edgeworth: (walks over to Phoenix) Wright, you don't want to do this...

Phoenix: I do Edgeworth, he is innocent and you know it!!!

Edgeworth: Then, who do you propose the real killer is??

Phoenix: From what I've been told... the witness...

Edgeworth: So Gumshoe told you... (Edgeworth storms out of the lobby)

Bailiff: Will the defnese and his client please proceed into the court room?

???: Good luck, Wright...

Phoenix: Mia???!

- August 20th 10:00am -
- District Court -
- Courtroom No. 2 -

(The jury chatters. Suddenly the judge's gavel pounds the desk. The jury become silent...)

Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of James Carridge.

Phoenix: The defense is ready, your honor.

Edgeworth: The prosecution is ready, your honor.

Judge: ... Will the prosecution state their opening statement?

Edgeworth: Ahem, between 5-6pm two days ago, the defendant was clearly seen by a witness, killing 11 people and putting another into a coma! Evidence today will back-up the theory of this.

Judge: Thank you, Mr Edgeworth. Now what is some of this evidence??

Edgeworth: For starters, the pistol used to kill 11 people had fibres which are very similar to the defendant's gloves' fibres. Also, the pistol is a police officer's pistol as well.

- Pistol Updated -

Judge: Hmmm... Mr Edgeworth, you may call your first witness to the stand.

Edgeworth: The prosecution calls Detective Gumshoe to the stand!

Phoenix: ((Only Gumshoe first, I better find a contradiction, and fast, before the whole court sides with Edgeworth!))

(Gumshoe waddles up to the stand)

Edgeworth: Witness! Please state your name and occupation to the court!

Gumshoe: Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal! I am in charge of homocides down at the precinct, sir!

Edgeworth: Detective Gumshoe... please enlighten the court of the serial killings...

Gumshoe: Yes, sir! The serial killings happened around 5-6pm at Terry&Co. General Stores. The victims were Rachel Harding, Louis McKenzie, Samantha Green, Thomas Cooper, Janice Cooper, Laura Holmes, Harry Cooke, Stephen Unsworth, Maddie Laurenzo and Sasha Canberra. The only survivor is Marissa Hargreaves, but she is in a coma, due the injuries on her head and neck. All of the victims that were killed were shot once in the head by a pistol, mentioned earlier. Marissa was stabbed once in the head and neck, the knife was long enough to reach her neck. Just before she was attacked, she was on her phone.

Judge: Who was she talking to Detective?!

Gumshoe: Er... uh... Mr Edgeworth....

Judge: Mr Edgeworth? This one?! HERE?!

Edgeworth: Hmph... It's true. All I heard just before the murder was screams, gunshots, then, I ran to the scene of the crime, to find detectives and Marissa......

- Phone Updated -

Edgeworth: Now then witness... please testify to the court about the arrest of the defendant.

- The Arrest -

1) It was around 5:45pm.

2) We received a call from the defendant asking for an ambulance and police backup.

3) We got there around 5 minutes later.

4) When we arrived, the defendant looked startled by the bodies.

5) The ambulance crews tried to save the dead, but it didn't work. Marissa had already been taken down to the hospital.

6) Over a period of a day, we found some evidence and a witness came forward.

7) The witness had stated that the defendant did it.

8) Apart from that, there's nothing we've overlooked.

Judge: Mr Wright, your cross examination please.

- The Arrest -

1) It was around 5:45pm.

Phoenix: :holdit: How are you so sure of the time?!

Gumshoe: Well, when we are informed of a case, the time is also given to us...

Edgeworth: :objection: Mr Wright! You are meant to find contradictions! Not to chat with the witness!!!

Judge: Sustained! Relevance, only relevance Mr Wright!

2) We received a call from the defendant asking for an ambulance and police backup.

Phoenix: :holdit: Are you sure it was the defendant???!

Gumshoe: He gave is police code. Which, is quite hard to remember if you aren't the actual person.

3) We got there around 5 minutes later.

Phoenix: :holdit: That was pretty quick!

Gumshoe: Our motto of the month is "Get There Quick!" !!!

Edgeworth: :objection: Mr Wright!!! This is irrelevant! Remember, contradictions!!

4) When we arrived, the defendant looked startled by the bodies.

Phoenix: :holdit: Did he look dazed or...?

Gumshoe: Just startled. Not like a murderer at all!!!

Edgeworth: :objection: Gumshoe! Your personal opinions are not needed...

Gumshoe: ...(sniffs)

Judge: Objection sustained! Detective, please refrain from personal opinions.

5) The ambulance crews tried to save the dead, but it didn't work. Marissa had already been taken down to the hospital.

Phoenix: :holdit: What was her medical condition?

Gumshoe: Fairly serious. But now she is stable.

Edgeworth: ...
6) Over a period of a day, we found some evidence and a witness came forward.

Phoenix: :holdit: Was this the evidence we have already got?!?

Gumshoe: Ayup, pal.

Edgeworth: :objection: Mr Wright! That was obvious!

Phoenix: Urk....! I guess.... so? Anyway, why didn't the witness call the police first?!

Gumshoe: Good question! Ask the witness later!!

7) The witness had stated that the defendant did it.

Phoenix: :holdit: What evidence supports this?!

Gumshoe: The pistol and the fibres. Also the pistol is an officer's one too and the defendant was missing one of his pistols too.

- Pistol Updated -

8) Apart from that, there's nothing we've overlooked.

Phoenix: :objection: Detective Gumshoe!!!??

Gumshoe: What? Pal!!

Phoenix: (presents the tape) Perhaps, you shouldn't of overlooked this?!

Gumshoe:... Huh?!? Er... hehehe...pal! We thought it didn't have anything to do with it.

Phoenix: Well, perhaps, it does! Your Honor, can I?!

Judge: Well, if you think it does have anything to do with this trial... yes... ok then!

(A T.V. is rolled in by the bailiff, he places the tape in, everyone watches intently, On the tape itself, there is no shopkeeper, just lots of people, including the victims and Marissa)

Judge: So, Mr Wright! Is there anything suspicious?!

Phoenix: Well, there's no shopkeeper...

Edgeworth: :objection: But, the shopkeeper could have been in the storeroom...

Phoenix: But WHAT was he doing in there?!

Edgeworth: Unloading supplies, what else?!

Phoenix: Nope! He was cutting the security tape!

Judge: AH!!!!

Phoenix: Therefore...! The witness is the...

Judge: ...Murderer... I see!

(The tape cuts out, you can't see anything bu the sound is still on)




More screams



???: Rats...

A voice...

???: Help... M-M-Miles, please! Urrrr...

???: This is your payback, Ms Hargreaves...

The tape goes dead of all sound...

-Tape Updated-

Judge: !!!

Phoenix: !!!

Edgeworth: !!!

Mia: !!! Wright! This is proof!

Phoenix: Of what?!

Mia: The killer! The voice! It isn't... the defendant!

Phoenix: !!! You are right!

Judge: Well... this is unexpected...

Phoenix: :holdit: You Honor!!

Judge: Yes Mr Wright?!

Phoenix: This proves one thing!!!

Judge: What!?????

Phoenix: That Mr Carridge is NOT the killer!!! The voice! It's too low to be his!!!

Judge: Again! You are right!

Edgeworth: Tsk Tsk... Maybe The defendant knew he couldn't cut out the sound? So, instead of using his own voice, he used another?

Judge: Hmmm... This is possible, yet, it could be impossible. This is confusing.

Phoenix: :objection: Mr Edgeworth?! His voice, the accent isn't similar to his... His accent, is more, slang like.

Edgeworth: ... True.

Phoenix: ((I can't believe it! He actually agrees with me!))

Mia: ((You provided the truth, Wright, now for the final blow))

Phoenix: ((What?!))

Mia: ((The killer! He didn't deliberately want to stab her!))

Phoenix: ((Is that really a final blow?!))

Mia: ((Well, listen closely, there's a click, and... "rats..."))

Phoenix ((!! Yeah!)) Your honor?!

Judge: Yes Mr Wright?!

Phoenix: The killer, he didn't plan to kill Marissa with a knife!!

Last edited by Pearl Fey on Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:12 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART TWO IS NOW UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Pearl Fey wrote:
OK Mr Picky, It's done now...!

Well excuse me princess! Sorry, I just had to say that. ANyways, sorry for being so picky. I just pointed it out really. Well, I read part three, and I love how it's going.
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART 3 IS PARTLY UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title

THE Objection

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Only one problem with part three...Jury? I thought the trials were by Udgy's desicion?
Option one: Give up.
Option two: Scream at the top of my lungs.

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Housuke Odoroki wrote:
Only one problem with part three...Jury? I thought the trials were by Udgy's desicion?

Jury are still there. Ugdy still decides the case wether you actually know. xP
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART 3 IS PARTLY UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

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It's got a good story line so far, but there was somthing bugging me in Part 2. When Phoenix is getting all that evidence- this is just a suggestion, but you might want to have Gumshoe give in a little detail about each peice of the evidence before he does in court. You might just confuse poor little Phoenix there. ^^

I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART 3 IS PARTLY UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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Four is Death

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This is really good.

And the best title I have seen.
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Sirius Fey wrote:
This is really good.

And the best title I have seen.

Thank you, At the moment i haven't written anymore because of projects, I will update tuesday onwards.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART 3 IS PARTLY UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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Four is Death

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Pearl Fey wrote:
Sirius Fey wrote:
This is really good.

And the best title I have seen.

Thank you, At the moment i haven't written anymore because of projects, I will update tuesday onwards.
I wrote all of my Part 3 today.

As far as my adivce goes, I say that you should make a small archive (With the next one or two bits in it) so you don't have to keep writing.
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So??? I have two projects to hand in...
WHY AM I ON HERE THEN?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!111??!?!?!?
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART 3 IS PARTLY UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

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Phoenix: Oh and what Gumshoe?!
I think it should be more like:
Phoenix: "Oh and-...?" what Gumshoe?!

Just a wee little suggestion.
I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.
Re: Turnabout The Tables *PART 3 IS PARTLY UP! Comments Helpful*Topic%20Title
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Four is Death

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I just read Part 3.

Absolutely brilliant.
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