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Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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((Here's a hint: You already know it's an illusion, so nothing is real.
You already know that there is something blocking off the characters leaving, so there is a force being used against them.
You already know why you went to the schoolhouse in the first place.
You already know the enemy is trying to stall out until the satellite hits and it's game-over.
You already know most of what Eve can do and that she is responsible-- but do you know how? She only has one power, remember. Also, considering how the meteor-summon was forced away intentionally, that should also give a big hint.

Don't get caught up on the smaller details, just think about where she would want to be if she wanted to keep you trapped without fail. (And keep in mind the structure of the building, between when Nadine and Saile/Flux entered and when they were revealed to the other, as well as the extent of her power).

This is about all I can give away without just spoiling it. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go over previous posts if you still feel stuck.))
Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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Nadine, you know how it tried to make us fight one another?

Falost paused, and continued without an answer.

We can assume that everything in this house is an illusion.

Falost slammed a nearby wall, watching the force of his attack cause the wall to cave in a little, and then revert back to it's original shape.

We need to find the source.

I am everywhere there is suffering.

The blizzard turned even more violent, the entire storm was focusing on the Demigod.

I thrive on the pain of the weak, I breathe in their broken dreams and exhale the mourns of the forgotten.

Kaamos suddenly pounced from the storm, stabbing the Demigod with a wicked spear of the blackest obsidian. It's broad blade was held tightly to the wooden pole by the veins of those who created him. The pole itself was spirally wound in what appeared to be and was; human skin. Arabic symbols were carved in the slits along the pole where skin was not found.
Translated; they read,
We are bound not by despair, but by those who end it.

He tore away at the Demigod's body, stabbing his spear in and out of the body.

Eventually, the glow from the body faded and the god shrunk in size until it had body of a young man.

The storm faded, and Kaamos was gone.

The now mortal Demigod stood up, the only thing that was ripped away was is power.
"I will not allow this angel to make a mockery of me!" he hissed, picking up the chain that he had fallen in the battle.

In the clearing snow, a distraught mother screams.
"Who did this to my daughter!?!?!"
she holds a pistol in her hand, A .45 revolver. Much too powerful for a woman of her stature to fire correctly.
She sees a man in the field, holding a long chain with a spiked ball at the end of it, and on the ball was...
Blood, and blonde hair.

She does not hesitate, she utters not even a single word. She fires at the man, (who at that point was merely 15 feet away)
and watches his head disappear just like her daughters did.

She finds no peace in revenge...

She cries harder, and points the barrel of the gun into her mouth.


She wakes with her daughter in her arms, completely restored.
An angel, (like that of a small child with a aura of pureness about her) had just taken her hands off of both her and her daughters forehead.

She sleeps again.

She may or may not have woken up.
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((I have completed Prof. Layton TCV & TPB. But when you say illusion, do you mean it's completely fake? I haven't seen Eve's powers to a large extent. I took a break from CR just as they were introduced. Speaking of which, what happened to the two others that were RPing here when I left? Migoto and darkharry? And Domaya, what are you thinking exactly? Me=you, remember?))
Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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Apollo72 wrote:
((I have completed Prof. Layton TCV & TPB. But when you say illusion, do you mean it's completely fake? I haven't seen Eve's powers to a large extent. I took a break from CR just as they were introduced. Speaking of which, what happened to the two others that were RPing here when I left? Migoto and darkharry? And Domaya, what are you thinking exactly? Me=you, remember?))

((Saile is thinking that the power source has to be inside the building. the roof was attacked directly, the room appears to be empty so where else could someone be hiding in a building?))

Is there a basement here. Saile's half of the mind asked Flux.
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Everything impossible. What if there is no basement? Or a school? Maybe we can find this person if we just look hard and ignore all else. This building does not exist. That's my theory at least. Think about it. If one person had the power to create all this then they wouldn't waste it on lame attacks. They'd put it to use! They are stalling. Let's go find them.

Falost repeated this aloud and thought.

How do we negate a mirage?
Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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Oh, Mr. Moffat, you card you.

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((Well, I suppose I've been neglecting this long enough. Condensed for reader's sake, different topics are separated by double indents.
Spoiler: OOC
First, I want to apologize for not responding for a few weeks, and then for making this so difficult on you.

I was waiting for a response from Nadindi or Lida, but it's too much to ask for, when I haven't given enough to play upon, to hold expectations for others. Probably something like having expectations while I fail to meet the expectations of others.

I came across something amazing during the 'hiatus', however. My concept of Eve is actually not unique, albeit my original idea. An entity that, enshrouded in a veil of mystery and wearing an ornate gown and metallic visor over her head, uses music and sound as a force-- influencing and changing body and mind --beyond the normal scope of what mere sound-waves should be able to do.
That is the general description for a being dubbed "Mulian" from an anime called RahXephon. *headdesk*

I only just discovered this anime ever existed, and yet the comparisons to my Eve are nearly identical to the beings, give or take a few, more-than-aesthetic details. I've found that, even before I knew of it, several ideas I had planned up were already in use in various movies or entertainment programs. I won't name them all, but I am finding it harder and harder to keep my ideas free of being a target to be labeled as copied ideas.
Do I find this discouraging? No.
Ironic as hell? Yes. Moving on~

This is the part you will want to read if you want something actually RELATED to the plot of this story.
I've been trying to give a puzzle that has no clear answer. To that end, it's put the RP into an awkward position, where the odds of losing are much larger than it should be. To that end, I'm giving you another clue, and an answer

Eve is the source. She aims to wait, in her vortex of distorted senses and time, until the satellite comes crashing down and the Land Erasure operation destroys everybody. Your character's know she is the key, but not where she hides. She could very well hide anywhere she wants, and even leave the area if she so chose-- but she cannot. She is tied down by two factors, the first being the very first sentence of this paragraph.

The second is something you will have to discover on your own, but should be made apparent shortly. All that remains is where she is: remember the setup of how this all started, and consider, for a moment, where the best location to hide would be if she wanted a direct line of sight with those she wishes to torment. In fairness, here is a link that would give you a big clue as to what you seek.

Now, just remember that her only power is in the songs she sings and the noise that emanates from her. Covering your ears or muting what is heard won't stop something so all-encompassing, so all-penetrating as waves of noise... but there is something. A clue to it, is that Walt has already discovered the answer, even if he doesn't know it.

That should help considerably. It's up to you guys to solve this puzzle, and help keep this alive through my brash aspirations.))

Nadine's light flames made the shadow-children scatter, retreating from the light and heat. Their eyes reflected the flames, full of intention and silent meaning.
Impatiently, a few inched closer, or rounded the fire to continue on their path toward the two. The creatures were determined to reach Nadine and Flail.



Insho wrote:
The foot smashed down, clearly jarring Adam. His eyes were still clamped shut.
The tiny crystal claws that arced into his flesh were slowly growing, spreading out and reaching for each other to reseal his body in their cold protection. There was no wasted time, as he quickly stepped forward and sent his arm flying backhanded toward Walt.

Suddenly unbalanced, he wavered, the strike too short from reaching Walt. Adam's face stirred, like an unsettled dreamer. The crystal-clad body stepped back uneasily, his arm held out where he swung from his side.

Running like a reflection across a choppy surface, the image of the red eye traveled across the broken crystal spread.
Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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Falost noticed that the children reacted very badly to the fire.

And suddenly it dawned on him.

Nadine, we need to make it as hot as we can in here.
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((I can't even begin to apologise for my absence here. I've been having all of my GCSE's recently, which are important for me to get into further education. I've nearly finished with those, my last being this Friday, but it's still no excuse for my having neglected this thread.

I don't even know just how many RPs I'm in right now, both over CR, Formspring and Email, so I've just needed to find the time aside from revision as well as manage to get into character deeply enough for a decent post.

Again, I'm very sorry.))

Turning to the disembodied shape of Saile and Flux, Nadine nodded, having also noticed the averse reaction to her flames. She raised her hands but paused, turning to the shape beside her.

Will you be able to withstand the heat?

It was a somehow known fact that she could survive fire, it being the basis of her powers, but she wasn't sure if Falost could survive such heat. But if this was all an illusion, there was a slim chance that they might. It was a dangerous game.
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Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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Oh, Mr. Moffat, you card you.

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((All is forgiven, all is forgiven! Don't worry about anything, all that matters is things are good on your end and that you are back.))
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((What Insho said. I'm rather terrified of the time when I'll have to do my GCSEs! So yeah, best of luck for the rest of them!))
Falost responded immediately.

Don't worry about that! We'll be fine! We can do absolutely anything we want; we already have on numerous occasions! Now burn them at the stake! Atomic Hellfire Supernova!

For a second, tongues of flame whipped around Falost before converging into him again. Without warning, the fire and the flames erupted out of him with the force of a dying star. It was amazingly bright. it went from red to orange to yellow to white. After the heat reached it's highest point, the white flames began to reach out to the edges of the room. Falost looked to Nadine, motioning for her to bring up the temperature.
Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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((Had to do a bit of research on this. Turns out sound travels faster the hotter air is. Go figure.))
((Nothing more I can add to Walt vs. Adam, so quoted materials.))
Insho wrote:
Insho wrote:
The foot smashed down, clearly jarring Adam. His eyes were still clamped shut.
The tiny crystal claws that arced into his flesh were slowly growing, spreading out and reaching for each other to reseal his body in their cold protection. There was no wasted time, as he quickly stepped forward and sent his arm flying backhanded toward Walt.

Suddenly unbalanced, he wavered, the strike too short from reaching Walt. Adam's face stirred, like an unsettled dreamer. The crystal-clad body stepped back uneasily, his arm held out where he swung from his side.

Running like a reflection across a choppy surface, the image of the red eye traveled across the broken crystal spread.


The licking flames and blinding heat filled the room. Engulfing the shades, they let out short cries, before, one by one, flitting out like a flame on a candle.

Preparing countermeasures. Estimating proper angle of trajectory--
Estimated air-cooldown versus travel-speed ratio--
Estimating probability of redirecting heat--
Targeting subject "Walt"...

Starting barrier reforming ma--@#%!@&^%61@F61s!^f
............connection destabilized.
Massive feedback detected.
Massive feedback buildup detected.
Unit MARTYR-001 connection cut.
Starting recovery, time needed: 1.2387 Seconds...


Eve saw her illusions fade within the fiery blaze. The flames and heat washed through her like water, not touching her, not even noticed by her. Yet, with what little conscious thought she had left within her shattered mind, something clicked.
She saw the faces of the children, widen in shock and fear.
Their eyes turn dull as they simply vanished.

And something clicked. And clicked. And clicked again, and again, every time in every millisecond she saw the illusory faces flicker out of being. And in the last instant of the last shade disappearing, something snapped, and the reins that led her severed.


A heavy, deep rumbling came from the far side of the room, across from Nadine and Falost. The structure of the house shifted, the ceiling and walls rising up higher and higher and the sides became narrower.

The thick vibrations rumbling through the floors started to increase in pitch, rising from the deepest, most inaudible sounds, growing louder the higher it reached. As the tone rose, the sound became clearer, until the shrieking cry shook the very air.

A burning dress appeared at the far end of the room, bright red turning burnt black. A ghostly silhouette appeared within it, head pulled skyward and arms as far back as they could move. The blazing dress quickly dissolving as the cacophony increased, the noise reaching such levels as to start tearing pieces off.
The scream itself was completely primal, full of rage and terror. Emotions so powerful, so blindly consuming, it was as if the empty space was flooding with it.

((Lets see if we can keep the tempo up before I get 'washed out to sea' once more. ^^'))
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((Psssst! I've made my first roleplay in over a year! It's called Assassin's Creed: Vengeance. Look at my sig.))
Falost move forward a few steps, shielding his eyes.
I think somebody needs to just cool off! Seriously, get a grip!
He was overly confused and had a hell of a headache. The blazing funeral pyre in the room's centre didn't help much either.
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Almost gasping with the sheer volume of the cry that reverberated around the suddenly impossibly tall building, Nadine was grateful for the disappearance of the children, but this new twist was agony for her ears. Only seeing one possible course of action, and not even knowing the potential outcome, she gestured to create a fireball that grew in size, heating the room even more than it already was whilst sending it on a slow journey towards the terrifying figure in red flames.
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Falost frowned at Nadine's expression. He pulled out a couple of foam pellets from his ears, flinching as the sound hit him. Hard. He decided to mirror whatever Nadine did and cast a thick blast of blazing, amber fire. He simply couldn't control the power of these attacks, however, and eventually one of his legs gave out as his ray of light began to fade and flicker.

AAarGHhhH! noOO! WHy CAn'T I conTroL THIS?! wHAT. IS. haPPENinG. to. ME!? AAAAAAGGGggghhhhhh...!

A wave of spectral light emitted from Saile as Flux pixlated into existence; the near-human teen sprawling onto the floor.

I. Am. NOT. Fainting. Again!

Struggling to remain conscious, Flux Medicus got onto his feet, turning in what he thought was Saile's direction.

Carrot? No. Mirror? No. Ice cold bucket of water? Wait.

Flux racked his brains, trying to sort his memories from Saile's and place them in order correctly. He remembered after a short moment of silence, smiling.

Saile! Nadine! Plan. Okay. This; who's this? This is...bad? I think we need to understand a few things:
1.) This person here has strengths and weaknesses. Once we can understand these and how they think, we can attack in synchronisation and cut them down to size.
3.) No, wait a minute...2.) These things, mirages, are not fully real. Understand that, because when the weaknesses are exploited (e.g. heat), the mirages' physical form wavers.
3.) No, 1.) No, 3.) Uh, yeah. The meteor. It's coming down now. NOW! We need to destroy the structure that prevents teleporting as our last act of our plan.
4.) Hubris! Walt! Where the hell are they?! Ugh..! We need them and any other help we can get to take down the thing that nicked my NeoKatana. I got that from an awesome guy at Disneyland Resort Tokyo in the year 2521. Year of the fig. Weird year. Thoughts? On things other than figs, I mean.
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The Real Human Being

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Saile shook his clouded head, trying to get up.

Nadine, they-

He was cut off by how powerful the screams were getting.

Saile changed his form to a snake, one without the ability to hear.

He saw the blazing dress and slithered toward it as fast as he could.
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((Assassin's Creed? ANYBODY?! This sig took ages! PLEASE?!? I mean, uh...))
Flux smiled and shrugged.
TimeBenders and SpaceBenders have the strongest ears our side of the Vexar Quadrant. It's cool. Anyway. While you're all still reeling, I'm going to play Doodle Jump.
Flux whipped a 64GB iPhone 4G out of a hidden pocket and tilted the device several times before falling to the ground. He picked himself up and decided to play Assassin's Creed 2: Discovery instead. He hated the archers; this was proved by his continous yelling at them.
((No, seriously. Has anyone noticed that on AC2D, if you're hanging from a ledge and a soldier is above you - they don't notice anything. Unless they're an archer. Those buggers just stand on your fingers! *Goes off to rant*))
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Eyes open, it's the final day.

Even in this hell of a planet, in a shit hole that is the solar system there are those who call their choices "justice".

"Dead man walking"

Voices echo on the walls of Somnus.

The prisoner; Prisoner 18234500-22 is led to the end of a long hallway.
His buddies (if he had any) would have called him Double O Twenty-Two, they might have been sad he was going.

The walls down the hall turn black the deeper in you go, giving you the feeling of walking into the abyss.

D0D2 (the name the guards gave to him) watches as he passes other cells.
In every one is a mirror, but his reflection is distorted by the lack of light.
The walls grow blacker, as does the mind of D0D2.

Small voices buzz in the air.

"Insignificant people with petty opinions, Useless."

The guard stops talking, jerking D0D2 to stand straighter.

"Don't worry, you can fidget all you want when we get there!"

The hallway stops, and they meet a large metal door.

"This is where doctor Killjoy kept his most favorite toys back in the day, We're going to treat you real nice!"

Prisoner 18234500-22 attempts to look at the man behind him; the one who spoke.
"What do you mean? Killjoy isn't real"


The prisoner lurches forward, a billy club has just struck his head and blood starts to leak out.

The door gets fuzzy, and Prisoner 18234500-22 closes his eyes.

((Yes, I know this isn't The Day That Never Comes, but it's still in my character's continuity!))
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The Real Human Being

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((I look back at the two years spent making a story.
I enjoyed it immensely, My greatest work. A story made with friends.
Not everything went my way, but I liked the story even more for it. Now, before what would have been our last chapter of the first book can even end; the writers vanish.

The story starts to rot, it's mothers and fathers abandon it.

People die, as do stories. No matter how much we try to escape the fact we all fall to the same place.
Dust to dust, from whence we came. ))


Ubrig sat at his throne, one made of the branches of the tree of life.
He grips his fingers, and prays to a long dead God.

The Silver City, one of purity and light; the most holy of places flashes in his mind.
He imagines he can see his wife, born of his body and from the Dust of Eden.
He took the curse, and let his wife go free.

They had both sinned, when only one sin was possible.

When his wife's death drew near, Adam begged for her to be forgiven.
She was forgiven, at the cost of eternal punishment for Adam.

He would never be with Eve,
he would never see the light.
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Re: Doomsday RP (join at any time)Topic%20Title
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Oh, Mr. Moffat, you card you.

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((Don't be so hopeless. I'd never let this story die-- think of it as a coma.
This is all my fault, as I'm the daddy in control of the child here, so lemme try and get this to the end of my "chapter" before my internet dies and I procrastinate once more
I've been waiting for Lida to post-- as the massive details to the truth are wrapped around Adam --but since she's taking forever (by choice or hindrance) I have no option to leave Walt and Adam's fight to the side for now.

I will double post when I can think up something worth writing in-story, but for the moment, I'll just spoil it for you: Heat, fire, et al will not hurt Eve. If you have forgotten, she pulled two tricks in the past, the first was disrupting brainwaves to become invisible, the second, disrupt her body to become intangible.

You can bet that when the satellite (which I have now put on a 'Only counts down when you look at it' Timer) hits, she will die with the rest-- the question is, why? Look to Adam-- he has been entwined in something unexplained, but there were instances where it was thrown off. Look to those details, as well as the information when she also used the intangible trick before, and you'll have your answer (It's not the fire itself, but "fire with fire" is the premise).

Now stop being so dramatic-- I told you before to PM me if I'm not doing my job, I NEED constant reminders/motivation-- and get to killing my character already so we can restart the thread.))
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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((Eeeeek! Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorryyyyy!!! I've explained (maybe not clearly enough) that I am sick and it is hard for me to post...But I will try to do it now anyway. Now to quote the quoted materials!))

Insho wrote:
((Had to do a bit of research on this. Turns out sound travels faster the hotter air is. Go figure.))
((Nothing more I can add to Walt vs. Adam, so quoted materials.))
Insho wrote:
Insho wrote:
The foot smashed down, clearly jarring Adam. His eyes were still clamped shut.
The tiny crystal claws that arced into his flesh were slowly growing, spreading out and reaching for each other to reseal his body in their cold protection. There was no wasted time, as he quickly stepped forward and sent his arm flying backhanded toward Walt.

Suddenly unbalanced, he wavered, the strike too short from reaching Walt. Adam's face stirred, like an unsettled dreamer. The crystal-clad body stepped back uneasily, his arm held out where he swung from his side.

Running like a reflection across a choppy surface, the image of the red eye traveled across the broken crystal spread.

Walt ducked to avoid the oncoming slap, only to realize such an action was unnecessary as Adam wavered, then stepped back, arm still outstretched. He noticed the image of the red eye traveling across the broken crystal.
The armor will keep reforming unless...
Walt heard a tortured scream coming from the schoolhouse. Nadine? No, that definitely wasn't her, but...That was where he should be, helping Nadine, Saile, and Flux, not wasting time angsting about killing someone.
...I don't want to do it, but then again, this is for the greater good. Walt charged straight at Adam, but just before he could strike, Walt dove underground, under the sand. Then, he jumped back out right behind Adam, touching his armor and changing the chemical composition so it would be a bomb. The armor itself would explode, and he could see no way Adam would be able to survive that. Without any time to lose, Walt ran straight toward the schoolhouse, not even checking to make sure his idea worked.

((Hope I wasn't GMing too much, there. Will edit if necessary.))
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((Works perfectly fine, although I gotta say, it's quite cruel-- I'll have to ask later if you did this for progress, or if it was something Walt would have done in his past.))

The closer Walt got to the schoolhouse the louder the scream became, and the world became all the more twisted.
The buildings surrounding started to shift and twist, elongating, some even warping to the point of melting upwards-- dribbling into the sky like falling globs of candle wax.

Adam tried to pursue, but as the vile scream tore over him, the crystal armor froze. Within seconds, the recovering armor became overcome with mad growth. The red eye vanished as the armor lost it's shape, jumping out in short spires and consuming the form of Adam underneath. The shapeless crystal thing continued to reach outwards, in a mad dance.
Adam snapped his eyes open. "Evie--"

The force of the explosion tore at the ground and flung shards of earth in all directions. The space surrounding it was blurred, and hanging in the air was countless number of earthen-fragments, the last few pieces thrown by the 'bomb'. Slowly, the blur faded inwardly, and as like a shrinking sphere, the rubble was allowed upon it's skyward path, raining down shortly thereafter.

Three shapes flew from the dress, each bound for one of the three people in the room.

The first stopped behind Flux, her body drenched in blood from open wounds. Her eyesockets were hollowed out, gaping, stomach-churning holes, still freshly inflicted. With a feral snarl, she grabbed for his arms, and bit hard into his shoulder.

The second, her naked form littered with scars and bruises, crawled along the ground, pouncing after the snake that was Saile. She tried to press herself overtop him, smother him with her own body.

The third. Her head was covered in a mask of endless red eyes, each trying to force themselves over the others. She passed through the fireball as if it water, and stopped just in front of Nadine. She opened her mouth, and a wave of noise barreled forth, so forceful it was almost a solid torrent.

((What symbolism~?))
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Flux was startled by the movement, flinching and lashing out as he was bit. He felt a knee find it's mark and yelled in raw pain from the bite.
AAGH! Oh, you cheeky little - THUNDAGA!
Flicking a wrist in the Eyeless' direction, arcs of glowing energy pulsed outwards from it, encompassing the corpse-like creature.
Fire, yeah? Brilliant idea, that was!
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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((It's a bit of both. Oh, by the way, I'm leaving Monday and will be gone for about a week. If anyone wants to take over Walt while I'm gone, feel free.))

"Evie--" An explosion interrupted Adam's final thoughts. Walt couldn't believe he just did that. Why turn the armor into a bomb? Didn't he pride himself on knowing all the ways to kill someone with hardly a wave of a hand? And yet he just picked among the worst. He couldn't believe he did that as the rubble rained down. He also couldn't believe he hadn't stopped; he was still running as he thought. He was in front of the schoolhouse before he knew it, Eve's scream ringing in his ears. He put his hand on the door, but didn't open it yet. What if he opened the door to see that Flux, Nadine, and Saile were already...? He shook his head to clear it, then looked up at the sky. There was no time to think; that thing was going to come down soon. He had to make sure everyone would be safe...He raised his hand to cast a summoning charm and bring Hubris over, then thought better of it. Whenever Eve screamed, Hubris seemed to react adversely to it...Maybe he was far enough away right now that he couldn't hear it.
I'll bring him over after I take care of Eve, Walt thought. He took a deep breath, then walked into the schoolhouse, casting a muffling charm on himself before he did so.

((Walt is in da building!))
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((WOOO! Hell, yeah!))
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Saile felt the weight on his back, he shifted to a liquidus state and let the body fall through him, hitting the floor.


He could feel his head being pulled back, and what felt like a crown being placed on him, it exposed the top part of his head but kept a metal band around his temples.

He couldn't open his eyes, or he didn't have any eyes to open, he couldn't tell.
His entire body was numb, but he could still feel the men forcing his arms into straps.

"an electric chair"

"No it's something a lot better"

A small prick in his arm and the prisoner regained the ability to move.
As he opened his eyes he saw a prison guard walk away with a syringe.

"a little bit of neurotoxin always make is easier, but I want you awake while you die."
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Oh, Mr. Moffat, you card you.

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((I've got no word from Nadindi. Does this bode poorly?))

The thing held tightly to Flux, it's grasp further tightening and bit strengthening as the magic afflicted it. It felt no pain-- or showed no signs of it, at least, as the relentless huffing and snarling continued, unwavered.

The ruined woman clutched blindly for Saile, reaching all over his liquid state, repeatedly trying to rub it across herself, almost obsessively.

The piercing cry of the third ran rampant all across the room, shattering bits of rock and stone around her. All other noise started to become consumed...


The world that Walt entered was not the same that his comrades witnessed. Color was drained, and mostly everything had a ghostly appearance to it. His allies were solid, but three ghostly shapes moved around them, amorphously flitting and fading.

Although he had protected himself from the noise, something still filled the airwaves. A thickness, sending ripples through the air, rode along the sound. It buffeted Walt, and everybody, like stinging needles by the thousands, sending jarring jolts from all around the body straight to the head.
Right into the skull...

A fourth figure, shrouded by a thick 'swarm' of a churning, empty air, stood furthest away from them all. It's immaculate shape led no clue as to if it were human or not, but it stood sentinel over the room-- of which the walls had, too, been rendered (or revealed, rather) into nothing more than additional clusters of thick, churning air.
Eve's world, stripped of sound, now lay bare before Walt. Bare, but not without remaining secrets.
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Flux growled angrily. The creature didn't seem to feel any pain, as such the methods Flux had used in the past would not work.
Get. Off. ME!
Flux realised that the creature was still a mirage to some extent. There had to be something powering it. And there was a figure, right in the centre of the room. It wasn't attacking. Somehow, it had to be giving power to the abomination clung to Flux's face. The boy focused all his energy.
As the culmination of Flux's abilities became a physical thing, he twisted it into a dark, chaotic, polar inverse. And launched it towards the figure. But Flux wasn't a complete idiot. He used the energies to channel the being's power back to him. Compare this to reaching into the malevolence and pulling out it's lifeforce.
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Oh, Mr. Moffat, you card you.

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Two things occurred, when Flux attacked.

The first, is that the thing gripping him reared back, before lunging a bite into his neck.

The second; what he tapped into, and attempted to draw power from, reacted violently.

What occurred could only be compared to as a flow of water: at first, it was just one wellspring, but another source forced itself into the flow, quickly enveloping the first before completely replacing it. If the first was like a stream, this 'second source' was that of a waterfall, large and endless, crashing down with all it's force to flatten those that stand before it.

'Repelling hacker. Running [IP_Spike.exe]...'

Almost turning the control around, this "second source" all but forced itself upon Flux, sending vile, caustic energy at him, as to molest and overwhelm him with his own actions.

And Eve remained untouched.

Spoiler: Quick explanation of "spike" with links
A "spike" is a computer term, meaning when a device goes over 100% power. Fiction (spy movies, etc.) have it that you can somehow use a program to counter-hack somebody trying to hack into a computer, and spike their device, effectively breaking it via overloading.

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Clever. But two can play at that game. Haha!
Flux modified his attack so that the flow he was creating (the reaching in and pulling out motion) became a circle. He caused the energy spike to envelop not only him, but the source as well. Because if he was going down, the source was going down with him. He finally added in a virus. If this this thought like a computer, it would respond as such. Then Flux quickly attached a second virus, to confuse the antivirus program and buy time.
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((*emerges from the murky depths* I just thought I should explain myself a little here. I have been reading these updates, so rest assured I shall never be completely dead from the RP, even if I'm wordlessly lurking. In the unlikely event that I ever decide to abandon this, I'll say so. ^^; I've had a complete and utter block on this RP recently, but I think it's safe to say that I think I've overcome that. I have no other explanations, and can only apologise for being an ass.))

The moment the figure in front of her opened its mouth, Nadine only had enough time to clamp her hands over her ears before the barrage of sound hurtled forth. The thin shelter of her hands did little to nothing in muffling the torrent of sound, but Nadine kept them over her ears as a sort of pathetic comfort.

She was at the point where she felt as if the battle was essentially lost - anything that her or her comrades threw at this illusion was countered by something just as seemingly impossible to be rid of. The morale of the situation was rock bottom. Her fire powers, one of the few things that actually gave her any usefulness to the group, were ineffective. As if to test her theory, she sent another hopeless fireball to the figure in front of her, knuckles white around her unrelenting grip on her dagger. 

In a sudden surge of desperation, Nadine hurtled herself immediately after the fireball, unable to even see if it had had effect or not, slicing blindly at the air where she judged the figure still must be. 
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Oh, Mr. Moffat, you card you.

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((Haha, I never should have doubted you. ^^))

The fireball was dispersed by the force of the onslaught before it could reach its target, but when Nadine came at her passed through the image of the woman. 'She' gave little resistance, nearly intangible, but had a caustic effect to touch, inflicting what felt like light physical blows and nausea upon Nadine as she passed through it.

It had no physical form. Briefly, it even disappeared, before reforming again, still facing away.


Digital signatures detected. Scanning...

Viruses detected: Quantity - 2;
Threat Analysis Index - 0.5, 1; minimal threat;
Creating Quarantine, Backups saved, Restore Point Saved;

Detected circuit;
Threat level: minimal--
[IP_Spark.exe] run:>//options/defaults: increasing energy flow from .0021% to .098%.

Creating siphon...

This seemingly omnipresent force continued to change the rules, altering the tide of battle and taking advantage of it's link to Flux with relative ease. With no effort, it received the flow of energy, and proceeded to dish out a dangerously larger amount in return, with little intention of going easy upon it's attacker.

[color=#00FFFF]Subject detected as organic lifefo...
...unknown DNA inde...
...Analyzing... nknown organis...

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Hm. Nice try. But you should always have a Plan B! Wait. Actually, I think we're on Plan D by now.
Flux shifted the flow once more. He made it so that the energy flow was now a direct link flowing only from the computer to him. But then he changed it. He shifted his end of the link directly to the things that were, presumably, attempting to suck out his brains, scream everybody to death and...what? Flux didn't really get what the third was trying to acheive. Then, finally, he grabbed the one on his head and gave it a good punch in the nose.
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The liquid Saile started to smear on the girl's body.
Any other time a girl rubbing herself on me would be fine, but oh no I get the apeshit crazy one! Saile thought to himself.
He formed an arm, lifting the girl up and continuing to make her rise as the arm turned into a stone pillar. It crushed the girl and pinned her on the ceiling.
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With Flux sending the loop to away from himself, it suddenly vanished altogether.

Hacker signal lost... contact restored to MARTYR UNIT-001...
Continuing restoration-- ERROR//: Progress has been lost;
Restarting Restoration.......

The punch hit her squarely, and the impact splashed some of the blood lining her face onto Flux. She did not flinch, and instead twisted around, grappling her legs around Flux's middle to free her hands, which she used to grab his arm. Again, she reared back-- as if a snake ready for the strike --teeth gnashing as she lunged for the underside of Flux's wrist.


Gore and viscera quickly fell through the gaps as she was flattened, and with a scream, the girl was crushed. Yet, what horrid remnants of her quickly-disposed body there were did not remain as such for long. As they traveled back to the ground, they lost their form, and black ooze struck the floor all around the pillar.

Figures rose from the muck, small and child-like faces once again innocently gazing around the room, their bodies stickily and made of that same shadowy substance. The shadow-children, 10 in all.


The frozen tundra did nothing to deter the oncoming vehicles, as they rode across the icy plains. Their treads gripping the ground easily, the caravan made easy progress to their destination.

The 'cars' stopped several yards from the dead bear, whose corpse hadn't even begun rigor mortis.

"Gamma 12 to South Cap Outpost. We have found the target at the last given coordinates; confirmed dead, no tracking signal."
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((I'm still stuck, so I've got nothing to say regarding the RP yet. But, on the other hand, the CR Marriage and Adoption Centre is active again! Yay!))
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Saile pulled back his arm, changing it's shape to that of a wickedly curved blade.
He swiped all around himself in a circle, attempting to kill the shadow children.

A story, words that inspire the imagination.
In all things, there are stories. We make our own, not knowing how much we influence anothers' story.
And how much they influence ours.

The memories are the ties that bind, and all stories are one.

The birds flew in the endless sky, stopping when it occured to them that a new face was in their home.
A small child, with hair so blonde it was almost white, and a dress that was whiter than snow. She sat under a tree, she couldn't have been anymore than 12.
It was no new occurence that a child was lost here, but none other than her had ever looked so content.

They perched on a branch above her, bright colorful birds.
She looked up and raised her hand.

A small crow, who had been watching the girl from a distance swooped in, landing on her finger.
It stared at her, and she at it.
She closed her hand slowly, making the crow re-perch on her shoulder.

She touched it's head with her own, peering into it's mind.

Prisoner 18234500-22 grips his chair, he hears a machine start to whir behind him.
He still can't see, and his skin is still slightly numb and he can't tell if he something over his eyes.
But he could feel the crown they had put on him.
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((Oh, wait, I do!))
Flux only had one hand free, so his instant reaction was to grab the creature's face and start pushing it back. before the creature could move, Flux whipped his hand down to the thing's neck and snapped it with a sickening crunch. Finally, he gripped one of it's feet and wrenched the thing of of him. He noticed that Saile's creature had turned into creatures of shadow. Flux blasted the demon with a flexing stream of light; he hoped it would at least hold them off for a while.
((Does anyone here like Halo? Thinking of roleplaying it.))

EDIT: Does anybody remember the start of 2009 when I uploaded those 'Doomsday Couple' certificates? Well, tada!



It might not be as good as your works, Nadindi, but I'm getting there.
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((So guys, I'm sorry to do this but I really don't see this storyline going anywhere.
I personally think what we should do is lock this and create Doomsday Part II.

And sometime later on in the story we finish this story as a "flashback" while continuing the new one.

Doomsday Part II will work if we get more people into it.))
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((Really, this all depends on Insho replying. PM him, give it a bit longer. Oh, and what did you think of my certificates?))
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