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KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Welcome to the Trial Everyone!

Everyone has been PMed and should know what they've seen, I'll let everyone work out their specific tesatimonies and such when the time comes. Only I and the killer know all the important details of the case, and I encourage all of you to let the RP grow as it progresses and not share information, let the surprising things be surprising, etc.

All of the basic RP rules apply! Here are some other rules.

-Keep your posts detailed, I'll let you use your judgement depending on the situation, but as a general rule, let's keep it to around a paragraph at minimum. I don't need a book if you're just responding, but I also don't want a one-liner.

-Keep active! I will not hesitate to replace you if you fall inactive and don't warn me ahead of time. If you don't post in three days without telling me before hand, I'll send you a warning, if you don't respond or post for four days after that, I will remove you.

I know these may seem harsh but they're only so everyone gets to keep RPing and have fun! Enjoy the RP everyone!

Here's how Investigation: Day 1 is going to work. Every character will start out in a specific location. In order to keep some order I'm going to number the locations and if necessary give a short description. When you post, preface all your posts with your location. Feel free to move about as you see fit but keep it real (no Defendants leaving the Detention Center to go to Wright Anything Agemcy Etc.).


1) Wright Anything Agency

-Trucy and Apollo will start here.

It's an average day at the Anything Agency, this is where Apollo and Trucy will begin the RP. How the two hear about the crime and decide to speak with the defendant is up to the RPers playing Trucy and Apollo

2) Detention Center

-Dee Leigh will start here.

Dee won't have much to do until Apollo and Trucy show up, she's in her holding cell waiting to speak with a lawyer about her case. Dee is not expected to post until they show up (but she may).

3) iLounge

-Frank Wintflya, Renee Tulcar, and Ema Skye will start here.

None of the staff or few customers have been allowed to leave the iLounge until they have recieved police permission. Ema Skye is commencing her investigation and will soon move to the actual crime scene. Renee is trying to maintain some semblence of order in this chaos, and Frank is going on a little shaken but as if nothing has happened.

4) iLounge Private Lounge No. 3

The crime scene. Overturned furniture, broken glass and in overall disarray. A solitary glass of wine is standing on a table near the door. The lounge is in a complex of lounges three stories above the main iLounge floor. Anyone is allowed to use a private lounge as long as they aren't occupied.

5) iLounge Duty-Free Shop

-Gus Windle begins here.

A somewhat large and opulent duty free shop, near department store size, customers mill through here even after the crime has been comitted, Gus can move freely between here and the main lounge areas.

6) Prosecutor's Office - High Prosecutor's Boardroom

-Katrina Rainsford and Anton Kruger begin here.

A somewhat simple boardroom where high prosecutor's meet to discuss and distribute new cases. A meeting will be taking place when Katrina and Anton first post, it is where Katrina recieves tha case.

Now, everyone (except the judge), will begin at the same times so everyone can RP, it will be somewhat chaotic at first, but make sure you preface your post with your location so everyone will know what's going on. When Day 1 is complete, I'll archive evrything by location and post them. I'll do my best to keep everything in order, as for the RPers, to not get confused: keep WHO you're interacting with, and WHERE you are in order and everything should be fine!

Have fun everyone!
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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((Alright, my big Justice debut. Here... comes... JUSTICE!))

Location: Wright Anything Agency, Apollo Justice's room

Date: December 15th

Time: 10:00 AM


(Another cold morning...)

Apollo slowly sat up in his bed and let out another yawn as his yet-to-be-gelled-hair drooped over his eyes. It was going to be yet another boring day full of paperwork and trying not to fall asleep. All the excitment from the Misham case had died down and he'd lost a bit of his popularity. He hadn't had a case since.

(Sigh... well, might as well make the most out of it...)

He got out of bed and went through the normal routine. He gelled his hair, brushed his teeth, the usual. Now to just change into his usual attire and begin the day. He walked over to his closet, opened the door, and...

"...Oh, you've got to be kidding me..."

A few minutes later, he stepped out of his room... dressed in a Magician's garb. Red Cape, Top Hat, the works.


((Woot. Hope I got Apollo right. Sorry if it might be too long. Just wanted to make a good start.))


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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"Good morning Polly! No need to shout! You'll wake Daddy! He always needs his sleep!" Trucy said with a silly grin on her face. She got herself a glass of milk, "Wanna drink some milk Polly?" Trucy asked grabbing another cup. "Any new cases yet?" asked Trucy.
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Apollo blinked. "Oh, uh... sure." He took the empty glass from Trucy's hand and poured himself a glass. "Nope, no new ones yet. It's been a while. Never thought I'd have to say this, but I'd welcome some more work." He sat down at a chair and sighed as he took a sip of his milk.

(...Wait a minute...)

"H-hey!" He put down the glass and stood up. "Don't try and change the subject! What did you do with my clothes!?"


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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(Okay, it's time for me to make me RP debut on these forums :godot: )
Location: Outside the iFly Duty-Free Shop

Date: December 15th

Time: 9:00 AM

Gus mopped his brow with the back of his hand after a tense questioning with a few members of the police. After what he'd seen a couple of hours ago, that image wasn't going to come out of his head anytime soon.
He continued trying to get on with tasks around the store. Inventory, welcoming customers etc. But he still was hard at thought. He continually thought to himself:
(What business idea can I take from the scene outside today? The 'iWitnessed a murder' lapelle pin? Or the 'iFly from a window' novelty mug?")

(Ooooh, was it good? I hope it was good :pearl: )
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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Captain Hair!

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Location: iLounge

Frank Wintflya paced back and forth nervously. "How could something like this happen?!" he thought to himself. He tried to block the incident out of his mind, but to no avail. As Frank watched the detective investigate the scene, he knew that there was no denying it; this was the real deal. He let out a deep sigh, then continued to walk in circles as he tried to think of something to take his mind off of the situation.

((This is my first time roleplaying, so feel free to correct me if I do anything wrong. I probably won't post anything else for a while until Apollo comes to investigate the iLounge.))
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*Location: Wright Anything Agency*

Apollo continued to tear the agency apart, making it more of a mess then it already was.

"Come on! Where did you put my clothes!? If I stay dressed like this, there's no way I'll- AAAH!" He was interuppted when he slipped on a remote, turning on the TV.

"A murder occured this morning at the IFly Airlines-" *CLICK*

Apollo quickly turned off the TV. "There. Now as I was saying-"

(Sorry for not posting. I was waiting for Sparkle to post. Come ooooonnn, Trucy.)


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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"What did I do? I took liberty and washing your clothes! A clean shirt is a happy shirt!" Trucy said with a big grin. She turned to the TV and heard about the murder. "Murder!? Polly? What should we do?" Trucy said with a big frown on her face. "Lets get moving!"
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"Woah, woah, woah. Wait a minute. We just heard about it! We don't even know the name of who was-"

"Ms. Denise "Dee" Leigh was arrested for the murder of her ex-boyfriend, Conner Coarse who was apparently cheating on the accused while with her. Considering the circumstances, it is unlikely it could have been anyone else."

Apollo blinked and stared at the TV. "...Didn't I just turn that off? ...A-anyway, I guess I could check it out, but... do you really think anybody would hire a lawyer dressed as a magician?" He actually stopped and pondered that for a second. "...Actually, nevermind. You probably do." He let out a sigh.

" ...Fine, you probably won't let me win anytime soon. Let's give it a shot."


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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"Right! Let's head to the detention center! And don't I'm not an amateur magician!" Trucy clicked her pouch and out came Mr. Hat. "We'll win this case dahling!" Mr. Hat said. Trucy put Mr. Hat away. "Let's go Polly! If we can't find the truth, I'll pull them outta my Magic Panties!"
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"Alright, alright! We'll go!"

(Okay, let's see... the defendant is probably at the Detention Center. I'll head over and get some more details.) Apollo walked towards the door... until he saw his reflection in the mirror. He forgot he still looked like a magician.

(...Okay, correction. I'll get some details IF I can convince her I'm a lawyer...)

*Location: Detention Center*

Apollo let his face sink into his palm. He was doing that a lot today. "I can't believe I'm actually meeting a potential client like this..." He wouldn't even dare to try and count how many stares he got on the way over here.


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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"Stand up, Polly!" Trucy said, "Your client doesn't want a negative looking attorney!" Trucy scanned the room looking for the defendant, but could only hear voices, "Perhaps she's in questioning?"
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"Gah. Stupid police, trying to bully me. Who do they think they are?" Dee growled, exiting the questing room, slamming the door behind her. Not noticing the two magicians standing outside the glass wall, she continued her rant, while adjusting her hat. "I'm a pilot dammit, not a murderer." She spotted a chair and sat down, too wrapped up in her fiery air conflict to notice the attorney standing right in front of her.
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Apollo awkwardly looked around as Dee's angry words flew through the air. (I'm... starting to think this wasn't a good idea.) He finally decided to speak up.

"Uh... excuse me?"


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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"Graaaa, what do you want!" Dee snapped and looked up. "Oh. I'm sorry, I thought you were one of those guards." She paused, looking at Apollo. "But... uh... I guess you aren't. She adjusted her cap once again to make herself seem more professional. "How may I help you, sir?"
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"Graaaa, what do you want!"

Apollo instantly jumped back at the sudden outburst. "BWUA! I-I'm sorry! I'm just, uh, just..."

Thankfully, Dee calmed down quickly and suprisingly appeared more polite. (Talk about a split personality...) He cleared his throat.

"Uh, hello, Ms. Leigh. I'm, uh... Apollo Justice..." He took one more look at his attire. "...Attorney at Law."


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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((Could we do an activity check on the RPer who's playing Renee Tulcar, please? It'll limit what I can do as Ema if I don't have both the witnesses there DX

Oh, and I'm loving your Trucy-Apollo interaction, Sparkle and TWW <3))

Location: iLounge

It always had to be a murder, didn't it? Ema Skye delved into her half-empty bag of Snackoos and allowed herself a brief daydream about investigating a burglary or some mild vandalism, perhaps with a nice new bottle of Luminol and maybe a pina colada (hey, this was her daydream after all)....

But until such time as this became reality- and here Ema had to admit that didn't seem likely- she was sequestered in the iLounge to keep a close watch on the two witnesses in the case.

She checked her watch and wondered idly if Apollo and little Trucy would be taking this case. The two were always good for a laugh.

Still, she considered, as she munched another Snackoo, at least the fop wouldn't be prosecuting...

Time to begin investigation, Detective Skye.
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Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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PandaPrinzessin wrote:
((Could we do an activity check on the RPer who's playing Renee Tulcar, please? It'll limit what I can do as Ema if I don't have both the witnesses there DX ))

[I'm here Panda - I was under the assumption that characters such Tulcar don't appear till they're introduced when Apollo and Trucy investigate the scene. I guess not. XD ]

Location: iLounge

Raven hair puled into a neat bun. Check.
Clean, pressed uniform. Check.
iFly scarf. Check.
White, latex gloves. Check.

Renée Tulcar was ready for a day of work. Everything about her was perfect and everything had been perfect until poor Mr. Conner had been murdered! She breathed in heavily as her eyes gazed around the destroyed room. She flinched at the state and felt a migraine coming on.

Keep calm, Renée. You can clean this mess up.

She gave a small nod to herself and went to pull out her trusty bottle of Windex only to catch the Detective in her peripheral vision. Renée frowned. The Detective would probably be more than annoyed with her if she cleaned up and disturbed the crime scene. But then again...

A smirk swept across her face for a split second. That...t-treacherous snake had killed Mr. Conner, one of her personal clients! If she cleaned up, she'd ruin any chance of her being found guilty for his murder.
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"How you can help?! YOU'RE the one who needs help! And we are here to help you!" Trucy shouted, hoping that they can take the case. "Please let us defend you! And tell us what happened at iLounge." Trucy pleaded. She whispered to Apollo, "The rest is up to you!" ((I'm going to be gone for three days, so just letting you know.))
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Oh hai n00b, please GTFO.

Location: Detention Center

"Um, good sir I mean no offense, but... you are an attorney? I know the lawyers here are..." Dee paused trying to get the right wording, "Well quirky, but um... that outfit is just a little unprofessional..." Dee paused and thought to herself. Why did I say that, stupid!"What did you say you're name was again?" Dee said trying to move away from her slip up.
Now, the voice of Vex Vulper and head of the Ace Attorney Online Podcast (first episode coming soon)!
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"Ms. Leigh, has any attorney at all decided to take your case, Polly here will help you! He's really good! I promise we can get you a 'Not Guilty.'" Trucy pleaded, she didn't want to walk all the way down there to get turned down, "Polly, she made a remark about your outfit! Are you going to take that? Well, I can't disagree with her, I mean, just look at you!" Trucy joked. She became silent and listened to the sad and depressed atmosphere in the room.
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((Sorry, RPers. Computer broke. I don't know when it'll be fixed and posting on my phone is pretty tedious, so I won't be able to RP for a while. I'll try and get it fixed ASAP, but if needed, feel free to find a replacement Apollo until I get back. Really sorry.))
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My name is Judge.

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((It's alright, keep us updated. Trucy, Dee, and Apollo will not be posting until TWW gets back with his computer, everyone else may continue to build the story at their liberty))
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My name is Judge.

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((As a temporary measure, I'll take up the role of Apollo until TWW is able to return.))

"I-I assure you Miss Leigh, that despite my appearance," he said shooting an angry glance at Trucy, "I am a capable attorney... and I'd like to hear from you what happened. I got a brief understanding of the crime.... it took place at an airport or something I think... but, either way I'd like to hear what you have to say."
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Trucy gave an innocent smile to Apollo, she giggled. Then she put on a serious face, "Polly, why isn't she speaking to us? And the costume does look very good on you!" Trucy inquired, she couldn't take the suspense of the truth. Many things ran around her head despite knowing nothing. So she quietly waited while fidgeting with her fingers.
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Dee let out a loud sigh, "Alright, I'll tell you about the day of the incident." Dee paused for a moment, caught in thought. "Mr. Coarse and I were talking in the lounge when he got agitated at me. Don't wanting to cause a scene, I left a few minutes after to a nearby lounge. When I left he was still arrive. I calmed myself, but soon after I did I was shocked when a loudmouthed detective burst in and arrested me, at which point I was brought here."
Now, the voice of Vex Vulper and head of the Ace Attorney Online Podcast (first episode coming soon)!
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"Why did they arrest you? Was there incriminating evidence?" Trucy questioned while thinking about who the murderer is. "Can I ask you something? Why was he upset? Is it too personal?" Trucy asked trying not to sound rude.
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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Ema spied the air hostess who'd witnessed the murder produce a bottle of Windex and scowled. She didn't like her job, but she'd be damned if she was going to be yelled at by the Chief or Ms. Rainsford for not doing it properly.

"Hey. You. This is a crime scene, not your living room!" she snapped, glad to have something to reprimand somebody for. Ema considered- maybe now would be a good time to interview the witness... at least it would stop her trying to polish anything.

"Hm. While we're all stuck here, I'd like to hear your account of the murder, Ms. Tulcar." she stated, pulling out a notebook and pencil.
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"He was angry because..." Dee paused and looked down, "I didn't get him a refill on his drink fast enough. That's all." Quickly adjusting her posture, Dee regained her composure and said, "As for evidence, I wouldn't know. The police just dragged me here and started questioning me."
Now, the voice of Vex Vulper and head of the Ace Attorney Online Podcast (first episode coming soon)!
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Trucy frowned, she shrugged at Apollo and whispered to him, "Is it just me, or is that victim pushy? Over drinks too! Maybe she's lying." Then Trucy peeped from her whispering, "Ms. Leigh, he really did get mad over drinks? Sounds suspicious to me." Then Trucy gave an odd look to Apollo, he was deep in thought. Trucy wanted to know what he was thinking, "Polly, what's going on inside that noggin of yours? You can tell us." Then Trucy started to think too. "Ms. Leigh, is that all? Isn't there anymore information? And does that security guard just do nothing but stare all day at the wall?!" Trucy realized she went overboard with the last question, so she took a deep breath.
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Dee looked at this magician girl, curling her eyebrows and becoming all the more agitated. "Yes Miss, that is all I know, and as for the security comment, I wouldn't know about them I am a pilot. All I know is, that stupid women really annoyed me arresting me without any reason."
Now, the voice of Vex Vulper and head of the Ace Attorney Online Podcast (first episode coming soon)!
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Trucy grinned a silly one, she had a hunch. She giggled to herself. "Ms. Leigh, did the woman who arrested you have a lab coat and some snacks with a little ponytail?" Trucy gave a wink to Apollo. She was happy. But the atmosphere in the detention center was gloomy and sad. Trucy stopped laughing and giggling. Then an awkward silence arose onto the scene of the detention center.
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Apolo awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "You... might want tone down the hyperactivity, Trucy." This visit wasn't very helpful. He learned a bit, but something seemed off and he just couldn't put his finger on it.



((I'm back! My computer is still down and it's gonna stay like that for a while. But I'll just RP on my phone. Time for the turnabout to return... about!))
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"!!!" Trucy heard the noise. "Wh-wh-what was that?" Trucy clutched on Apollo with a tight grip. "Is there a ghost?" Trucy was sweating as she thought about the loud noise. "I don't believe in ghosts. Ghosts aren't real!" Trucy whispered to herself in a shaky tone. Trucy worried.
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Apollo leaned back in discomfort as Trucy gripped him. "C-calm down! It's probably no-"


(There it is again! What's- ah!)

Apollo looked down as he felt a large amount of pressure tightening and twisting around his wrist. "It's my bracelet... it's reacting to something!" he whispered.
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"No way! I don't believe it! Polly, you do have stronger senses than I do! But, we don't have evidence that she IS lying!" Trucy whispered to Apollo in a shocked voice. "Let's check out the scene of the crime then find out what she's hiding!" Trucy suggested in an eager voice, "Ms. Leigh, we bid you farewell."
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(Oh, don't discuss this kind of stuff with me. Not like I'm the lawyer or anything.)

"Uh... y-yeah." he quickly stuttered. "We're going to go take a look at the crime scene and gather more information. Thanks for considering me, Ms. Leigh. I'll try my best!"

(Alright, time to see what we can find out at the crime scene. ... I kind of hope Ema isn't there. She'll never let me forget this) He took one last look at his costume and sighed.

"... Alright, Trucy. Let's go!"
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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Trucy grinned with eagerness, "I'm right behind you!" Trucy notified as she power walked out of the gray and dull detention center. She saw Ms. Leigh sitting at the visitor's room, being assisted by a guard. Trucy warned Apollo, "Ms. Leigh told me that Detective Skye arrested her, so don't be too let down when you see that it's her leading the case."
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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"Actually, she only mentioned a "loudmouth detective"." He stopped and thought about that for a moment. "...Okay, nevermind. That probably means it's her."

*Location: iLounge*

Apollo groaned as he buried his face into his hands for probably the 100th time today. "I can't believe it took HALF AN HOUR to convince that guard to let us in! Maybe if I actually LOOKED like a lawyer, we wouldn't have had a problem!" he almost shouted. He shot one more mad glance at Trucy. Today wasn't his day.
Re: KL-31: Turnabout Departure (Investigation Day 1)Topic%20Title
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Trucy pretended to cry, "*sniffles* You don't like your outfit? Just kidding, I bet he knew that we were professionals!" Trucy giggled. "Polly! Stand up straight and stop putting your face into your hands! Be confident! Maybe Detective Skye will boost your confidence! Anyway, let's look for clues! I know there is something that'll help!" Trucy said.
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