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Prodigical Turnabout (Complete) Please commentTopic%20Title
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Four is Death

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Title: Prodigical Turnabout
Author: Sirius Fey
Rating: PG-13 (Violence)
Genre:Courtroom Drama
Status: Finished
Summary: After someone threatens to kill Maya, Sutwil rushes to her defense. He then ends up the suspect of the case surronding his death. But, as the case progresses, a shadow appears...

It was quite a scene. Maya and Pearl's were clamouring of Will Powers, who had just landed himself a contract with Global Studios, again, as the Titanium Samurai. Sutwil and Phoneix were taking advantage of the time to talk.

"Still concerned Phoenix?" asked Sutwil, who was (for some reason) putting Mr. Hand in a jug of water. He had hardly changed over the past fortnight. He was still weating his cloak, over his altered channeling costume. His title of 'Prodigy' still stood.
"About what?"
"Hotti's operaition."
Phoenix shuddered. One week after the trial with Pearl, the mental patient pretending to be Director Hotti had attempted to have a sex-change operaition performed on Franziska Von Karma. The millisecond she was in the operating room, she grabbed her whip, and nearly killed him. He was then attacked by the courts, who demanded a trial. Guess who the prosecutor was? Von Karma. He was found guilty (and as soon as his wounds healed) he was sent to prison for 3 months. "No, nothing happened, after all"
"Good point."
Will Powers then had to say goodbye (he had to get up early the next morning).Will Powers left the apartment. Phoenix looked at his watch. 10:30PM. Pearl should get to bed. But then, the door opened. At the same monment, the lights went out. The door shut, and there were footsteps in the room. Then, Phoenix heard muffled screaming, and more footsteps. Then the lights came back on. There was a black haired man, with a gun in his hand, with his finger on the trigger. It was pointing at Maya, who was struggling, pinned to his side with his arm. It looked grim.

"Make one move, and she's dead." said the dark-haired man.
"Who are you? asked Phoenix
"I am Mark Jones." he said
Then, there was a faint wizzing sound, and a long starnd og blonde coloured hair swung into the air, level with Phoenix's skull. There was a starnge, jade ring on it. It collided with Mark's face, smashing his nose to bits. There was blood everywhere. Sutwil yanked the hair back, and it was quickly noticed that the blonde was a highlight, and it had come out of his hair. Sutwil then proceeded to kcick Mark in the chest causing him to fall into thye other room and made him let go of Maya. Sutwil then proceeded to follow, and the door shut behind him. It locked staright away. Phoenix tried to find the key, but couldn't. Then he resorted to getting Maya to smash the door in. It gave in.

In the room, Mark was gone. And Sutwil had his haid in the air, the hair falling over his face. Phoenix looked out the window. He saw the splatter of MArk's body. He had been knocked out of the window. Phoenix then turned to look at Sutwil. He quickly noticed the dark red stain on his channeling costume.

Last edited by Allan's Aokage on Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Prodigical TurnaboutTopic%20Title
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Four is Death

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The police where there quickly. After establishing that no one but Sutwil was in the crime scene, they let them go. But, Sutwil was taken in for murder. He cooperated very well. As his Channeling Costume was evidence, he asked if he could change, after he had been searched. They didn't find a weapon.

The next morning, Phoenix woke up, and went staright to the Detnetion Center, leaving a note for Maya and Pearl in the office. In the Detention Center, Sutwil looked quite relaxed.

"Phoenix." he said, nodding. His now natural way of greeting people was saying thier name, and a nod.
"Did you do it?" asked Phonix, getting staright down to business.
"No. He jumped."
"It was suicide?"
"Of course. I only hit him once. and you saw that."
"Hang on... what about the thing you hit him with?" askked Phoenix
"Oh, this?" he said, putting his hand in his hair and pulling out the ring. It was purple, and was securely tied to a long, blonde highlight.
"Yes, that. What is it?"
"This is a jade ring. I use it as a weapon. It responds to the movements of my head, and as it is in the middle of my hiar, it hardly ever hurts me. Another point is that when it is going up, it tends to bring my hair with it. So I tend to Swing it, and then shake my head."
"It is very strong..."
"Very dangerous as well. As you saw, it smashed his nose to pieces."
Phoenix had enough info for now.
"OK, I'm going to go to look at the alley were he fell." announced Phoenix
"I have some more informaition for you. I know who the prosecutor on this case is." replied Sutwil, icily.
"Who is it?" came the evantual response.
"Saria Field." said Sutwil, with a barely concealed smile
"Never heard of her." said Phoenix immediately.
"She'll explain herself when you see her. Take this pass. It will get you into her office."

-Pass added to the Court Record-

Phoneix went to the Prosecutor's office. He went into Saria Field's office.

"Hello, Mr Wright." came a female voice.
"Hello. How did you know my name?" said Phoenix in return
"Two reasons. Number One, you have been on TV in court twice, number two, only one person, my lover, has the pass, and he said he would give it to you."
"Wait... Sutwil is your lover?" said Phoenic, mostly in shock.
"Yes. That is why he knows that I am on this case."
She then came out from behind her desk for the first time. She wear a long, green dress, and she wore a shawl (although it looked more like a transparent scarf) around her neck (some of it fluttered out), and two more on her wrist (Which again came out). Her hair was long and white, which faded into a light pink.
"Can I have some informaition about you?" asked Phoenix.
She didn't sepak, just handed him a small envelope.

-Envelope added to the Court Record-

"Mr Wright. Can I have the pass you got from Sutwil?"
"Ok." said Phoenix.

-Pass given to Saria-

"Mr Wright, I am not like any other prosecutor. That you will see tomorrow." said Saria.
"OK..." came Phoenix's reply.

Phoenix left. He went to his office. The note was gone. No doubt Pearl and MAya had taken it.

Phoenix took advantage of the time to open the envelope. Inside was informaition about Saria, which was added to the Court Record. But there was also a slip. It read

"Bullet bone."

Phoenix read it in surprise.

-Saria's profile added to the court record (see below)-
-Note added to the court record-

Saria's profile

Saria Field
Age: 18
Occupaition: Prosecutor
Misc Facts: Claims to be unlike any prosecutor. Plays the violin, the flute and the Ocarina. Claims to be engaged to Sutwil.
Friends and Family: Engaged to Sutwil. Gets on reasonaly well with the Feys and Phoenix.

Phoenix went down into the alley next to his office. The ploice were hard at work, looking for evidence. Not there was any to be found. There was evidence to show that he'd fallen from the window, but there wasn't much to suggest that he'd done it. In fact, all there was to suggest he was the murderer was that the window was closed when they went into the room, and it had been smashed when Mark had jumped out of the window. But they were hoping for a break through. Phoenix saw Gumshoe and he called him over. Gumshoe was (apparentely) waiting for him.

"Pal, look at the crime scene and body all you want." he said, more or less staright away.
"Erm... dare I ask why?" said Phoenix, who did NOT expect this.
"Two reasons. One, the body is hardly evidence. It got smashed on a metal grid staricase on the way done, so his body is hardly enough to show that he had been pushed. Secondly, the prosecutor told me to give you permission."
"Hang on... Saria... Give me permission?" he thought, but out loud he said " Saria Field give me permission to search the scene?"
"Yep. She's a different prosecutor. Never seen someone so angry at winning a trial." he said, grinning.
"Wait... Angry at WINNING?" asked Phoenix, who was astounded. By 'not like any other', Phoenix had thought she had meant she was another perfectionist.
"Yeah. She's also really kind. In fact, I have enough for CANS OF BEANS! She's giving me a huge raise."
"Oh." said Pheonix. He had just got his phycological barriers ready for a perfectionist at the trial, and they had just been bowled over by Gumshoe. Saria Field... Obviosly there was more to this prosecutor then met the eye.
"Well, off you go, pal. Investigate all you want! Oh, and I have to give you the autopsy report."

It read:
Name: Mark Jones
Cause of Death: Falling from a window
Time of Death: Approximately 10:34

"Thank you, Detective."

-Autopsy Report added to the Court Record-

Phoenix went near the body. There were two things he noticed. FIrst of all, the victim hand (and blood) were hiding a knife. Also, he noticed a small hole in one of the victim's shoulder blades. Phoenix quickly removed the bullet.

-Knife added to the court record-
-Bullet added to the court Record-

Phoenix couldn't believe he'd found these before the police knew about them. He looked at the note. 'Bullet Bone'. It was a clue to where the bullet was. He discarded the note, and left. Phoenix knew visiting hours were over, so Pearl and Maya should be at the office. And they were. Pearl was giggling about something, and Maya was in hyterics.

Well, he knew that much from the alley, but when he went up, he truly knew everything was insane. They were apprantely laughing at a card left on Phoenix's desk. On it, there was a photograph (of Sutwil) with a block of writing next to it. The writing was:

Age: 14
President of the Gay and Lesbian allaince

Phoenix laughed as well.

The next day...

For one of the first times (other then his first trial and when he had amnesia) he was nervous. Maya was going to be called in as a witness, as well as Saria being the prosecutor. He really did not know what to expect. It was curios. Was the prosecution going to makeher lie, or make her tell the truth. It was all unknown. Sutwil, on the other hand, was quite relaxed. If you hadn't known better, you would think Sutwil was the attorney, and Phoenix the defendant... again.

When court began, Phoenix knew he was on his own. Sutwil was the defendant, he wouldn't be able to help him. Maya was a witness, she couldn't make a testimony then. Pearl... he didn't know why she wasn't there. Then, the judge's gavel rang out, signalling the beginning of court. Saria was right across from him, wearing more or less the same clothes as she was wearing yesterday.

"We are here for the trial of Fey VS State (my, we're having a lot of these lately). said thr Judge "Are the counselers ready?"
"Yes, Your Honour." said Phoenix, who was now biting his tounge.
"Yes, Your Honour." came the response from Saria's mouth. Another difference. Nothing added, changed, or different. Normally, that would of meant nothing to Phoenix, but his guard was smashed to bits already.
"The prosecution's opening statement?" asked the Judge.
"The prosecution is here to prove who murdered Mark Jones. Before I continue, I may say, that the defendant is my lover. However, this means nothing to the case. I am not going to let him (if he is guilty) escape from punishment. As for as evidence, goes, we have very little. In fact, what we do have is from testimony. According to witnesses at the scene (which includes the defense attorney), Sutwil Fey and Mark Jones were in the same room. Motive was that the victim had burst into the office of the defense attorney. Jones then went to grab an employee (who was a cousin of the employee). After Jones had attempted to kill her, Sutwil attacked him, causing him to drop the gun in his hand, and knocked him into the next room. Sutwil followed, and the door then locked shut behind them. After 5 minutes in the room, several witnesses got into the room, to find the victim out the window. The only person in the room at the time was Sutwil Fey."
"My... Oh my..." said the Judge at a loss for words.
"Normally, Your Honour, I would call a member of the ploice department to the stand. But I already have given a case summary, and I do not want to waste time. So, the prosecution calls his first witness, Maya Fey to the stand!"
"Here we go." said Phoenix, who was quaking in his shoes.
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Four is Death

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"Witness, please state your name and profession." Saria was doing this by the book. Phoenix knew that if Saria did anything out of the ordanairy, it would be hard to spot.
"Maya Fey, I am an employee of Wright and Co. Law Offices and a Spirit Medium." said Maya.
"OK, please giver your testimony as to what happened before defendant went into the other room." Saria probably had more then one testimony prepared, considering that she was being very precise with her words.
"OK" cam the reply
"We're dead. Soooo dead." thought Phoenix.


"We had just finished tlaking to Will Powers, when a starge man burst in"
"He grabbed me by the neck"
"At the time, all the lights were off"
"Then, they came back on, and I saw Sutwil..."
"Attacking the man, which broke his nose"
"Then, the man let go of me and and fell into the other room."
"Sutwil followed him"

"Th-th-this is very decisive!" said the Judge, as soon as it ended. "We know that the only two people in the room were the defendant and the victim, and this proves it beyond a doubt. I can issue a ruling now!"
"What-No WAY!" said Phoenix, out loud
"Your Honour... Stop living in a fantasy world. The defense has yet to cross-examine, and this is hardly 'decisive'. A ruling is impossible at this point." said Saria, making each of her points known. Phoenix knew that if it had been Von Karma, the judge would have issued it by now.
"Your Honour, I will begin my cross-examinaition." said Phoenix, taking advantage of the oppurtunity.
"Very well, Mr Wright." said the Judge, who was a bit shaken up by Saria's command.


Phoenix pressed her on Sutwil following MArk into the room, and Maya said that maybe he wanted revenge. Phoenix was looking at the Court Record, and saw the Note still there. He thought he had thrown it away. But then he remembered. In the card that Sutwil had left on Phoenix's desk, there was a dupliate of the note. But this one had something on the other side. On it was the words 'Revenge Knife'. Phoenix then got an idea.


Phoenix showed the court the knife.

"Members of the court, may I direct your attention to this knife?" said Phoenix
"Mr. Wright, may I remind you that you have to have a way to prove how significant something is to make it evidence?" said Saria. She had knwon this would come up.
"I found this in the victim's hands. There is clear blood on it. I propose this ISN'T the victim's blood!"


"Mr. Wright, if you think this ISN'T the victim's blood, I ask a question. Actually, two. I do not want solid proof, but I want to know who's blood is on here. Who do you think it is?"


"I presume it is Sutwil's blood! That's right! In the room, Sutwil was attacked!" said Phoenix
"Very well, Phoenix. But now I want my second question to be answered. Can I have that knife?" Saria had most definetely known this would happen
"Simple. I can run blood tests during the next recess."
"OK." said Phoenix, and he threw the knife over.
"Now, I think it is time for the rece..." said the Judge. But he didn't get to finish the sentence


"I am not finished yet!" shouted Saria. Again, she was doing things a normal prosecutor would not do. A prosecutor (after a blow to thier case) would normally press for a recess. But she wasn't. " I have one more testimony to hear, then I will call for a recess. Is that understood, Your Honour?"
"Erm... Yes, yes, of course." said the Judge. Saria was causing huge problems with other people's phycoligical make-ups.
"Miss Fey, could you please testify as to what happened when you went into the room?" asked Saria, who was still very confident about the trial, despite the fact that she was almost in the gutter as far as her Guilty verdict was concerned.
"Yes." said Maya (who was behaving in court, Phoenix noticed)


"In the room, all I ould focus on was Sutwil"
"He had a large, dark-red stain on his clothes, but nothing else..."
"Was strange, as far as I could see."

"This testimony reflects on what has happened in the room, but leaves one mystery. And that one mystery, the defense may solve." said Saria, who knew where this was going to lead to.
"I will now begin my cross-examinaiton." said Phoenix, who noticed the expression on Saria's face. The expression of victory.


Phoenix knew exactly what to do. Phoenix waited until the last statement, and then...


Phoenix presented the knife. Well, he got Saria to present it.

"Can I ask the court a question?" asked Phoenix
"If you don't mean this one, yes, you can." said Saria, with a slight note of sarcasm in her voice.
"Does pushing someone out of a window cause large red stains of blood to appear on your clothes?"

The court started talking.
"No, it doesn't."
"That lawyer, he's simply bloomin' marvelous."
"Up yours!"

Then, the court heard something. Music. A flute. Someone had the nerve to be playing the flute. And it was Saria. Saria was blowing into her flute, trying to get the court's attention. It worked. When she finally stopped, she then said a few words.

"Mr. Wright, you have found it. The secret. I will now call a 20-miute recess. I have to try some DNA tests."

"Very well. Court is adjourned!" said the Judge.

Phoenix knew that he had proven one thing. HE could at least stop Sutwil getting the death sentence. He needed to prove it was suicide.

On the other side of the Courtroom, Saria had already had it worked out. It was only a mtter of tiem until Phoenix caught on to it...
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Four is Death

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In the defendant's lobby, Sutwil wasn't smiling any more.

"Phoenix, your knocking apart the suicide theory." he said.
"Sutwil, for once I don't think this was suicide." said Phoenix
"How could it not be? He stabed me, and then shot..."
"Hang on... He SHOT you?"
"Yes. In the arm. I have the bullet as evidence."

-Bullet 2 added to the Court Record-

"But... if he stabbed you... that means he must of been close... what about Gunpowder burn?" asked Phoenix
"Good point... I didn't think about it..." said Sutwil, clearly interested. And then, Pearl came in.

"Pearl." Phoenix had knwon that Sutwil would say that. he didn't have to look at him to know that he'd nodded.
"Mr. Nick... Sutwil..." she said, out of breath. Phoenix guessed that she'd run all the way from the office.

"Court will reconceive shortly. Will the defense and defendant please come into the courtroom." said the bailiff. Pearl, while walking into the courtroom, channeled Mia. As soon as they got to the desk (a few minutes before the prosecutor) Mia looked throught the Court Record. The court was talking, and before the judge could pound his gavel, Saria was by her desk, playing the flute... again.

"Your Honour, I believe I have something to present to the court. I present the knife, complete with blood test results." she said, controlling the situation

-Knife updated in the Court Record-

"Mr Wright did a marvellous job. He was right, after all. The blood belonged to Sutwil. However, there is one thing bothering me. First, if Sutwil had been stabbed, he could not of pushed Mark Jones out the window. DOes the defnese have an thoughts on this?"

Phoenix thought about it hard. Mia said to him "I know there's one piece of evidence that might help your case...". Mia knew, as well as Phoenix that if they couldn't get the Judge to think that it was possible that it could of been justified self defense, the trial was over.


Phoenix presented the bullet from MArk's body.

"If Sutwil would have shot this, we would have found a gun, but no such thing has been found. I got this bullet from the victim's body. This means that there was a third person, the person who had fired this gun!" said Phoenix. If this theory stood, Sutwil was in the safe zone. But, then, Phoenix heard music. Not from a flute this time. He looked ascross the courtroom, and saw Saria playing a violin. Phoenix was getting annoyed by the music. She was playing it so she could get people to pay attention, and she would definetely get her points across that way.

"Phoenix Wright... You really are something. You have proved that a gun was fired. Big deal. I have a proposition. What if Sutwil was holding the gun? That makes it murder... if anything you have just placed more doubt on your client's innocence.

"Wha... NO WAY!" said Phoenix, who was not expecting this. Did she WANT Sutwil dead?

"Present proof. Give us proof that Sutwil did not fire the shot." she said, with a knowledge behind her eyes. She knew exactly which piece of evidence would dispell doubt from it.

"Phoenix." said Mia, next to him. "You can't prove it wasn't Sutwil, as we can't fingerprint evidence we don't have. So we need to think outside the box. As much concern I have for this, I am more concerned about this prosecutor. I have a feeling she knows which piece of evidence you should present."

Phoenix thought about it, then it hit him. "Maybe she's trying to make sure there is no way you can bring this case back up. She's cutting all the loose ends. And I know how to."

"Mr. Wright, save your chit-chat for later!" said the Judge. "If you can't prove that Sutwil Fey didn't shoot Mark Jones, you have failed to prove your points."

Phoenix thought about it... then...


Phoenix presented Bullet 2.

"Mr. Wright. This is no time for games... I will have to penalize you." said the Judge.

"W-w-WHAT!?" Phoenix shouted. He knew that was the only way to prove that it wasn't Sutwil... where had he gone wrong...?


"Your Honour. I apoligze for your negligence. It is foolish to you... But this does prove it. This bullet came from Sutwil Fey's arm. The ballistic markings match the other bullet." said Saria, who was very calm... But left the courtroom in shock. She had just forced her way out of a victory. She had refused a Guilty verdict. Phoenix now knew what she had meant by 'A different type of prosecutor'.

"Your Honour? I propose that we postbone the trial until tomorrow. After all, this 'unexpected' development has ruined any chance of a finished arguement today." said Saria, with a slight tone of sarcasm on the word 'unexpected'.
"Erm.. Yes, yes. We postbone the trial until tomorrow morning!" said the Judge, brining his gavel down.

In the lobby, Sutwil was relatively pleased. " I have another day to live... And I should have the rest of my life. Phoenix, the suicide theory was the best one. You should have gone for it." he said, with slight irratation in his voice.
"Sutwil, you know none of the evidence supports that theory. If Phoenix had gone for that, you wouldn't have this day." said Mia, returing his tone of voice.
"Hmph." said Sutwil, noying the offices behind him. He went away freely, and in fact, kicked the officers to be more cruel and faster. Phoenix knew that the people at the Detention Center would be happier if Sutwil didn't get arrested again. He was easily the only prisoner who said the people there were too kind. Normally, they said that the people there wanted to be released. Sutwil said that the places where he slept in the past were better then the Detention Center. But, enough about the unstability of Sutwil, back to the lobby. As soon as Sutwil left, an unexpected person came into the lobby, a person whoknew the place to go for Phoenix.

"Hello, Mr Wright." said Saria, who happened to eb the peson who had just walked in. a half-grin was on her face, and she looked happy, happy at missing a loss. Something most other prosecutor's would kill to avoid.
"Hello, Ms. Field." said Mia, who was not prepared in the slightest for what was going to happen next. Even though Saria had not been addressing her, it was obvious that the pair know each other.
"Hello to you too, Ms. Fey. Even though your dead." she said, the half-grin gone, replaced by a full one. It was not smug, thoough, it was obvious that it held much knowledge.
"And you explain me being here, how...?" asked Mia, who had not been expecting that comment in the slightest.
"Simple. You get murdered by blackmailer Redd White, and from the on, you supply Phoenix Wright with informaition (and may I add, spectaculaur job with the finding of Maya Fey, with the rescue that she had. Rather nice), throught the Kurain Channeling technique, either throught your younger sister, Maya Fey, or your even younger cousin, Pearl Fey."
Mia was clearly shocked. Not many people were that observant. Then again, Saria Field was not most people.
"As late as it is, I would like to talk to you, Mr Wright." Saria said. It was clear that she was not going to be wasting time. As you know, if Sutwil didn't kill him... Another person it must be. And it could only be from one place. Go to your office. There is at least one clue there. And, the police are not heavily invovled with this. In fact, only four people are coming. Me, Detective Gumshoe, someone from forensics, and someone to help with the arrest. But, I am holding this off until you have found what you need. So I am giving you... Ooh, as long as you need." she gave Phoenix a transeiver.
"What is this for?" Phoenix asked.
"I have a similar one. As soom as you are finished, we will come to the place... Oh, I know where it is, ut I am giving you a head-start, Mr. Wright." she then said. And as soon as she finished, she turned around and left. Phoenix turned to Mia... and found that she wasn't there. Instead, Pearl was there, waiting for Phoenix to leave. He then proceeded to do so.
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Four is Death

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In Phoenix's office, he thought aboput what had been said. There was a 'clue' in his office... But what was this clue? Phoenix went to the window that showed the opposite Gatewater hotel. The window was smashed to pieces, as it had been closed on the night of the murder... And MArk Jones had fallen out of there. Then, Pearl started pulling at his sleeve, and calling his name.

"Mr. Nick... Look!" she said, pointing at the top-right corner of the window, and then the top-left. Both had holes in them. With cracks surronding. Phoenix could only guess that someone had shot a bullet throught them. So... That means the gunman... was in Gatewater hotel! And not only that, he knew that whoever was in the room opposite must of been the ones who done it!... Phoenix quickly took a photo. Then he remembered Saria. How did she know... How did she know...

-Photo added to the Court Record-

Phoenix went over to Gatewater hotel, deep in his thoughts. Something was different then the person who had found the holes. He had his mind plagued by doubt. It was all caused by the prosecutor who gave up a win. The different type of prosecutor. The person who knew what had happened already... It was too much. But, nevertheless, Phoenix went to the room, and knocked on it. The person invited them in, quite warmly in fact. The voice, Phoenix noted, was definetely female. In the room, he instantly recognized the room (seeing as it used to belong to April May, an accomplice in the second trial he ever did), but not the person in it. Inside was a young girl, Phoenix guessed her age at 16, wearinga blue cloak, and black clothes underneath. Phoenix thought to himself... "This person... She killed Mark Jones?" He didn't say anything out loud. Then tthe girl started talking.

"Hello, my name is Gale Water, I'm a kind of magician." asked the girl
"Hello, I'm Phoenix Wright, attorney at law." said... Phoenix.
"That little girl's cute, is she your daughter?"
The reactions were quick. Pearl went bright red, and Phoenix started making a sentence.
"What... NO! (How old do I look?)" said Phoenix
"Oh, OK." said Ms. Water, who had lost the perkiness she had started with.
"Can I ask you a question, Ms. Water?"
"OK. As long as it's not personal."
"(Why does she think I'm trying to flirt... Never mind) How many people are in this apartment?" he asked
"One, me." she said
"Then, the area around her went negative, then went into black, then chains and a lock appeared. PHoenix had only one explanaition. Physce-Lock. But he didn't have a Magatama with him... And then noticed Pearl had placed one in his hand.

PHoenix knew he couldn't prove she was not alone in the room... yet. So instead he went downstairs, and, when no one was at the records computer, he brought up the screen, and printed out a list of people who had checked in that day, and which room they checked into. Sure enough, two people had checked into Gale Water's room that day. Gale Water herself, and someone by the name of John Jackson. He went upstairs, ready to break the physce-lock. When he was in her room, again, he got ready to begin


The lock reappeared, when Phoenix showed her the Magatama. The chains followed. Phoenix started asking her questions.

"So you're the only person in this room?" asked Phoenix
"Yes." replyed Ms. Water
"I don't think so."
"Where's your proof?"
"My proof is... this sheet. IT says that two people checked in... To this room!" The lock broke into pieces, and the chains dropped. Phoenix asked her about the other person, she only gave a name. Nothing else. Outside, the transeiver in Phoenix's pocket started beeping. Phoenix put it to his ear.

"Hello, Mr. Wright. Finished your investigaition yet?" said the person on the line, which could only be Saria.
"Yes... and can I ask why Maya still hasn't been let out of the precient?"
"She hasn't come back? Give me a moment." she said. And then Phoenix heard screaming on the other end of the phone. Apparentely, saria had just give one of her detectives a clip on the ear. "We'll bring her with us. When we get there in 5 minutes, she'll be with us."
The line dropped dead. And Phoenix and Pearl did wait 5 minutes. And sure, enough, 301 seconds later the group arrived. As Saria, and her little group went in, Maya stayed out, and was welcomed by Phoenix and Pearl. But, then, things took a turn for the unexpected. For some reason, Adrian Andrews and Franziska Von KArma ran around the corner of the corridor, and then down the stairs near Phoenix. Franziska took a shot (which hit) at Phoenix with her whip. Then, things were more unexpected, as Sutwil turned the corner.

"Hello." he said, slightly out of breath.
"Erm.. Why are you out of Detention?" asked Maya
"Simple. They find me Not Guilty. Nope, they're reworking their case. They are prosecuting someone else. Oh, can I ask a question?"
"OK..." said the three of them. They did not expect the next question.
"Did Franziska Von Karma and Adrian Andrews run by?" Told you they didn't expect it.
"Yes. Can we ask you a question?"
"I would say no, but seeing as I have a new over the exit, yes, go on."
Phoenix pulled out the business card. "are you gay? this card makes it seem like it."
"NO, no, I'm not gay." said Sutwil, grinning.
Pearl, Phoenix and Maya exchanged quizzacal glances,
"I'm Bi!" Said Sutwil, who then jumped down the stairs. It didn't hurt him. Much. Phoenix dound it really strange to know Sutwil now. A few moments later, the plice group came out, with Gale in tow. She was being taken to detention.

At 6:00PM that night, Phoenix saw Sutwil. Maya and Pearl were sleeping, in Maya's apartment. Sutwil was on the pavement, with his feet on the road, deep in thought.

"You were lying earlier, weren't you?" said Phoenix.
"About being Bi? Yeah." said Sutwil "Oh, Saria wanted me to give you a message."
"What is it?" asked Phoenix.
"Go to the preceint." said Sutwil "She didn't say why."
"OK." said Phoenix. As soon as he said that, Sutwil got up, and left. Pheoinx decided to go to the precient.

But, before we pursue Phoenix, I want to look at Sutwil for a while. Sutwil walked down the pavement, still thinking. He walked across the road, and went around the corner. He put his hand in one of his pcokets, and pulled out a scrap of paper, with an address on it. The street name was the same, but the number was from the place further up the road. He went up the road, and looked up. Taking up three houses (and as big as another 2 on top of a normal house) was Ice Age Labs. They specialised in cryogenics. He studied the address again, then went in. Once in, he found the place to be deserted. He jumped over the counter, and went onto the computer. An Administrator had just been on here, and had not logged off. Probably gone to the toilet. He then typed in some numbers, then left. He had typed in a date, and a sum of money. When the administrator came back, he noticed the appointment, and approoved it. Who could not want all that money offered to him? All for 25 years of being cryogenically frozen?

Back to Phoenix. Phoenix had by now, reached the Criminal Affairs Dept. And Saria was waiting for him.

"I know visiting hours are over, but I think you might want to talk to our new suspect." said Saria, who Phoenix was now getting more scared of due to her knowledge of most things that normal people would not have known.
"Why?" asked Phoenix.
"You'll see." she said, crypticly. And so, Phoenix went to the Detention Center. He talked to the magician. She was crying, and very upset.

"I know you think I did it. You think I killed Mark Jones..." she said, in between sobs.
"I don't." said Phoenix.
"W-w-What? " she said, with a little more hope in her voice.
"I think it was the person who was in the room with you."
"John... I think so as well. To be honest, how he checked into my room is a mystery. The only reason I thought I was the only person was because I was the one who booked it. But the records say different." she said, thinking.
"Gale, can I ask you a question?" said Phoenix, finally bringing it down to business.
"Yes..." she said, trialing off slightly.
"Do you want me to be your defense?"
"... Yes, I do." she said, after a bit of thought.
Now that his business was done, Phoenix knew only two problems were left to solve. The knife, and the gun. If he knew the secrets behind them... He had the case in the bag.

Phoenix found Sutwil walking to the Detention Center.
"Hello, Phoenix. I suppose you've talked to Saria?" he said
"Yes, I did." said Phoenix, leaving out the part about talking to Gale.
"Good." said Sutwil, who then passed him.
"Actually... Sutwil, where was the stab directed to?" asked Phoenix.
"Hmm... It was in my chest. It didn't pierce any major organs. Luckily, I carry a small kit for things like that, and removing bullets."
"Yes. For knife stabs, it's a simple case of using a needle to surture the wound. for bullets, forceps and needles to the job."
"Ah." said Phoenix, and he left to rest for tomorrow.

The next day, in the defendant's lobby.

Gale was bitng her nails, a habit which Phoenix knew she had, as she'd told him when she started biting them. Maya was going to be his assistant for this trial. Pearl was going to be watching. phoenix was claming himself down. He's switched clients, now that Sutwil was no longer in the defendant's chair. Then, speak of the devil, sutwil came in, scowling. He talked to Phoenix calmly.

"Why did you change your defense?" he asked.
"Your no longer in the defendant's chair. I am quite confident she didn't do it."
"After all the trouble you went throught to make sure that I got acquited. Defending her will get the fuilty party found Not Guilty, and an innocent person will hang. Is that what you meant by 'I fight for Jusctice'?"
Phoenix paused. And had to consider his answer.
"No. The guilty person will die today." said Phoenix, after a few seconds.
Sutwil scowled and left.
"Court is ready for you, Mr. Wright." said the bailiff.
Maya and Phoenix walked out, into the courtroom, and Gale went into the defendant's chair.
"Court is in session for the trial of State VS Water. Are the counsellers ready?" asked the Judge
"Yes, Your Honour." said phoenix, noticing the prosecutor was Saria again.
"Yes, Your Honour." said the Prosecutor.
"The prosecution's opening statement?"
"I stated what I had to state during yesterday's trial." said Saria, not willimg to repeat herself.
"Erm... Very well." said the Judge.
"The prosecution will call a witness to the stand. I call Sutwil Fey to the stand!"
Sutwil did come up. And, like Saria, wasted nno time. "I am Sutwil Fey, and I am an employee at Wright and Co. Law Offices."
"Very well, Mr. Fey. Begun your testimony." said the Judge.
"I wonder what he will testify about..." said Maya.


"As you well know, I was locked in the room with the victim. The window was shut"
"In the room, I proceeded onto the victim, willing to knock him out."
"However, he then stabbed me in the chest."
"The wound was painful, but not fatal. It had tapped my ribs, wounding me."
"I fell to the floor in pain."
"Then, I heard a gunshot, and I felt intense pain in my shoulder."
"I heard another one, and I looked up."
"The second bullet had hit the victim in the shoulder."
"He staggered back, and fell oout of the closed window, which was weakened by the shots."
"The bullet holes, which there were two of in the window) were in the middle, and top right."

"Hmm... While this witness has not confirmed the identity of the attacker, it is certainly clear that someone shot the pair of them. And the only place that was possible from was Gatewater hotel, from the defendant's room! I can issue a ruling now, but I will allow a cross-examinaition." said the Judge


Phoenix had an idea. He presented the photo of the window against Sutwil's claim of the bullets coming from the middle and top right.

"Mr. Fey. It is impossible for the bullet's to be in the middle." said Phoenix
"Oh, yes? And why's that?"
"Two reasons. One; the defendant fell throught the indow. Most of the middle was in pieces. Secondly; I have a photo of the window here. It shows two bullet holes, but in the top right and top left!"
"Gargh..." said Sutwil, losing his composure.
"Mr Wright... Find a more powerful fault. So sutwil Fey got mixed up and said the middle? What does that prove?" asked Saria.
"Oof..." said Phoenix. She did not even consider what it had done... But neither could Phoenix.
Maya said "Why did she stop you carrying on...?"
Phoenix had found another contradiction, after Sutwil altered his testimony about the bullet holes. He presented the photo to Sutwil again, when he said he fell to the ground.
"Sutwil Fey... You couldn't of fallen to the floor."
"And why's that?"
"You see, the bullet hole was in the top right corner. But if you were crouching... There is no way that bullet could of hit you! And also, I have another fault in yout testimony! The bullet that hit you hit your arm, not your shoulder!"
"GARGHODGAR!" said Sutwil, his personality flipping for a moment.
"I have them now!" said Phoenix.


"PHOENIX WRIGHT!" Saria lost her composure, then recovered it "You may have proved this testimony wrong in places, but nothing more! We have another testimony ready! Sutwil, before Mr Wright broke into the room, saw the face of the person wielding the gun!"
"W-huh- WHAT?" shouted Phoenix.
"I will begin my testomony." said Sutwil


"I didn't see the face clearly..."
"But I now one thing."
"The person I saw had blue eyes, and long hair."
"That was all my eyes would take in before the person fled."
"The person was looking down into the alley."

"W-w-w-w-WHAT?" said Phoenix, shocked. It all fitte in. the desription could match..."
"But, as Ms. Water's said, John Jackson has long hair and blue eyes." said Maya, giving encouaragement,


When Sutwil started talking about the blue eyes, Phoenix presented Gale's profile.


"Sutwil Fey, what colour are the defendant's eyes?"
"They're blue... Aren't they?" said Sutwil, barely confident.
"No, in fact, they're green."
"What- NO!" said Sutwil, catching on.
"You see what I'm getting at. The person Sutwil saw had blue eyes, but the defendant has green."
"Mr. Wright, where are you going with this?"
"Where I am going is simple! The person the witness saw was NOT Ms. WATER!"
Saria smiled. And then laughed. It was a starge, unearthly laugh. And no one was used to it. Nobody laughed in court. But, here was Saria Field, alughing all her stress away. "Your Honour, I am willing to call a recess."
"Yes, yes, that's quite accpetable. A 20- minute recess!"

In the defendant's lobby, Gale was very happy. She was still alive. The case was solid, but she was still alive. Pearl had come down quite quickly. Before they could start talking, Sutwil came into the room, with a scowl on his face.
"Phoenix, what are you doing? You know it! Your client's guilty, and your defending her! INNOCENT PEOPLE WILL DIE!"
Nobody had anything to say to that. This was the second time Sutwil had lost his composure. After that, he stormed out. Nobody tryed to start conversiation after that. Nobody dared.

Back in the courtroom, Phoenix knew what he had to do. He simply had to prove that Mr Jack Johnson had shot Mr Jones out the indow and that was that.

"Phoenix Wright..." said Saria "I want you to give me one piece of absolute proof that somone else could have shot sutwil Fey and Mark Jones."


Phoenix presented the record for the people who had come in. He pointed to Jack Johnson. He had come into Ms. Water's apartment. That was enough proof for it.

"Very well, Mr Wright. I have one more peice of evidence. A video of the room. It clearly shows the defendant sleeping on her bed the entire time. While someone else entereed the room, and out on a wig. That person then shot throught the window." said Saria. "Your Honour, the defense has proven the defendant Not Guilty."
"That's perfectly true..." said the Judge "I dinf the defendant..."


The court was cheering.
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Four is Death

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In the lobby, Gale was thanking Phoenix.

"Thank you, thank, thank you, thank you, Mr. Wright!"
Maya had gone to buy some tickets for Pearl (who went with her) to get back to Kurain VIllage.
Sutwil... God Knows. He'd just left half-way throught the trial. When he left the defendant's lobby, he'd left the building.
Saria was in the prosecutions lobby.

While Phoenix was celebrating that night, Dutwil was glued to a monitor in a libary. He was hacking into Ice Age Labs. He set up the details of his agreement, and divided his moeny into it. Soon, the Administrator was going to be quite rich.

The next day, Sutwil met with Saria. He gave her something. Saria smiled, and nodded. Then, Sutwil went outside, and started writing some letters.
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