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Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title

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Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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They don't :c

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win wrote:

If what you mean is "who should PM the details", the answer is "You".
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title

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DeMatador wrote:
win wrote:

If what you mean is "who should PM the details", the answer is "You".

Oh. lol. ok
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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prosecution ace

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plz forget this post was made i am still thinking out the details for my trial
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's Time

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I'm wondering if this still can be used to propose trials
Credits to PandaPrinzessin and Midnight Jasper for the sig and avi
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Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title

El Capitan

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Case Number: CR-21

Crime: Manslaughter

Victims:1) Charles DuPartage, Ambassador to Uncaro
2) Mackenzie Forlong, Mafia Don and Casino Owner
3) Eyrton Royhart, Undercover cop
4) Linus Treccolo, Blackjack deal and mobster

Defendant: Umbario Recon, Waiter and mobster

Autopsy Report: DuPartage and Forlong died from multiple shots from an automatic firearm. Died between 11:21 and 11:22 PM

Royhart died from a single powerful hit from a blunt object. Was stuck over four times with the same object after death. Died at 11:25 PM

Treccolo died from a single stab wound to the jugular vein. Died at 12:02 AM.

Reason for Suspicion: Recon was away from his post and found near Treccolo's death place around the time of the murder.

Location: Twilight Aces Casino and Hotel. Forlong Conference Room, Elevator 7, and the Boiler Room.

Witnesses: A blackjack dealer, a security guard, mob consigliere, a mobster, and 2 tourists.
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's Time

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((I'm quitting on my last trial))
The Turnabout in Rouge
Victim: Iris Hawthorne and Trucy Wright- Iris was a gifted courtesan in the Moulin Rouge. Dubbed as "The Greatest Spectacle" along with Trucy Wright, her partner in crime
Prosecutor: Miles Edgeworth
Defense Attorney: Klavier Gavin (myself)
Aide: Vera Misham- Drew Misham's artist daughter who fell in love with Klavier and supported him after the Turnabout Succession Trial
Lead Detective: Dick Gumshoe
Judge: "Joe Udgey" :udgy:
Defendant: Regina Berry - She was one of the last people left in the Moulin Rouge when the police arrived.
Phoenix Wright -Manager of the Moulin Rouge
April May -One of the courtesans in the Rouge
Wocky Kitaki - A regular at the Rouge
Rhoda Teneiro- A Courtesan at the Rouge.
Shi-Long Lang - The Designer of the play "Once in a Lifetime"
Penny Nichols- Technical staff of the Play
Jake Marshall- A prestigious regular in the Moulin Rouge
Maya Fey- An Actress in the Play

*Moulin Rouge, Montmarte District, Paris, France. September 23 12:00 AM Rainy night*
"Please, h-h-have mercy on us"
"We're, just, a team"
"You two disgust me."
*gun clicks*
"You should've never stayed together!"
*opens knife*
"But, it...was for the play"
"It's more than just a play..."
"It was my feelings you hurt"
*Knife stab*

Regina walks in and sees two figures finishing the murder
One figure knocks her out and the other places her fingerprints on both the weapons and drops them near the bodies. The two run off into the night as the police arrived

Attorney's Badge- This may be weird but, I'm doing it for justice of my former loves.
Apollo's Bracelet- Allows me to "check out" nervousness in any individual
Iris and Trucy's autopsy report- Both died due to gunshot and Stabbing to the chest respectively at the same time, 12:00 AM
Colt.45 Revolver- Murder weapon. Has Regina's fingerprints all over
Butterfly Knife- Murder weapon. Has Regina's fingerprints all over
Payment slips- The earnings of each courtesan in the Rouge
Admiration Letter- A little "commentary" from Wocky to Iris
"Once in a Lifetime" Script- The Script to the in-progress play
Sandbag- collapsed Sandbag that wrecked the floor during the set-up of the play
High heels- Heels belonging to Ms. Wright
Lipstick- Smudged by Ms. May's DNA
Blackmail letter- Letter to Phoenix regarding the "reaction" to the play
Broken Elephant Statue- Has drops of blood from both victims.
Love Letter- Letter from Ms. May to the two of the victims saying how she loves them.
Noose- Used by Ms. Nichols to attempt suicide.
Credits to PandaPrinzessin and Midnight Jasper for the sig and avi
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Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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Captain Hair!

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I just got a crazy idea for a trial while I was trying to fall asleep last night. To be honest, I don't really expect this idea to be approved, but I figured it's worth throwing it out there.

The name of the trial is Turnabout Improv, and the gimmick is that nothing is predetermined. The available roles are those of the judge, defense attorney, prosecuting attorney, defendant, and at least four witnesses. However, each person must make everything up as they go along. This case will have no investigation phase.

In the signup thread, the first person to join must be the defendant. They will post some general information about themself and the charges they are faced with.

After the defendant has signed up, all other parts will become available. At this point, all people who are interested will PM me requesting the part they want. If they are a witness, they must also post their relationship to the defendant and the case. By doing signups through PMing, nobody will know who the culprit is, except for myself and the culprit. This means it is up to the judge to render a verdict, who may get the decision wrong.

Each participant will not know each other's role until the trial starts. Naturally, I will be PMing people with necessary information as it arises, such as the names of the witnesses the attorneys must call.

So, there's my crazy idea, which I doubt will be approved. If this cannot be posted in the Trials section, then can I post it in the General Roleplay section instead?
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title

I'm back, and sexier than ever

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Trial: Turnabout Passworded
Crime: Locked Room Murder

Description: A Young buisnessman, in charge of a smalltime company, who were going bigtime, as they whiped out one of their main rivals, but he was killed, before it could happen, in a classic, "Locked room" murder in his office.
Victim data: James Smith; Aged 21: The victim was a young buisnessman, in charge of a small ISP (Internet Service Provider) company

Suspect data: Adam Jensen; Aged 29; The suspect was older than the victim, he was in charge of a rival ISP company, that went bust, it's supsected that he did it in revenge, he often gets Deus Ex jokes made about him, he looks like he was in a fight.

Reason for suspicion: The caretaker, and one of the Customer Support workers saw Adam walk into the office, with a knife in his hands, they tried to go inside the room, but it was A homeless guy also saw the suspect jump through the window, into a skip, to avoid unlocking the door.
Evidence List

* Autopsy report: James Smith. Time of death: Around 9:40 PM. Cause of death: Stabbed in stomach, and several bruises, suggesting a fight prior death.
* Butterfly knife, custom made for Adam Jensen, the suspect, found in the victim's stomach
* Torn piece of victim's jacket, likely torn in a struggle.
* Broken window: A window was broken, it was locked, so the killer had to have smashed ito get out
* Glass shards: Glass from the window, the blood is neither the victim's, nor the killer's
Note: This is all of the evidence found by police, and they'll try to cover up the fact about the shards, the defense can find more evidence, or get statements.

Defense attorney: (Can be OC)
Defense assistant: (me) Hunter Trick; Age 28; An experienced Defense Attorney who has handled many cases, and is here for the Defense's second case.
Prosecutor: (Can be OC)
Judge: Good ol' Greybeard from the AA games
Detective: (Can be OC)
Witness #1: David Everfield; Age 59; The caretaker, was with the Customer Support worker and they saw the suspect with the weapon
Witness #2: Jack Kelling; Age 19; The Customer Support worker, he was the with the Caretaker when the suspect was seen with the weapon, he's nervous, and he clams up if you push him too hard.
Witness #3: Billie Lawrence; Age 49; The homeless guy who saw the suspect smash the window, and dive into the skip, he will not talk, unless you give him money.
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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They don't :c

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Alright, sorry for not replying to anything in... three months. Oh wow, I'm a terrible mod! :D

Huge post incoming!

Razor2010 wrote:
I'm wondering if this still can be used to propose trials

Yes it can!

Arbento wrote:
Case Number: CR-21

Crime: Manslaughter

Victims:1) Charles DuPartage, Ambassador to Uncaro
2) Mackenzie Forlong, Mafia Don and Casino Owner
3) Eyrton Royhart, Undercover cop
4) Linus Treccolo, Blackjack deal and mobster

Defendant: Umbario Recon, Waiter and mobster

Autopsy Report: DuPartage and Forlong died from multiple shots from an automatic firearm. Died between 11:21 and 11:22 PM

Royhart died from a single powerful hit from a blunt object. Was stuck over four times with the same object after death. Died at 11:25 PM

Treccolo died from a single stab wound to the jugular vein. Died at 12:02 AM.

Reason for Suspicion: Recon was away from his post and found near Treccolo's death place around the time of the murder.

Location: Twilight Aces Casino and Hotel. Forlong Conference Room, Elevator 7, and the Boiler Room.

Witnesses: A blackjack dealer, a security guard, mob consigliere, a mobster, and 2 tourists.

I would normally ask you for more details, but it's clear you have everything planned out. You have permission to start your trial. It's formally approved and has been added to the Court Docket list. You may create a recruitment thread on the Trials section, and after you've filled all roles, start a thread for it on the Court House.

Just a couple of things:

1) Make sure to let your trial participants know in your recruitment thread about the identity of the judge and defense and prosecuting attorneys. Let them know whether they need to use characters from the games, or they can use their own Original Characters (OCs), or they need to stick to your characters, or if they are free to choose one of the above.

2) It is reccomended that, after you've filled all roles, you PM your trial participants about their character's hidden involvement in the case. You may let them know what their characters did, what they saw, what motives their actions, any of those details. Or, of course, you can let their imagination run rampant and have them imagine all those points, but that's always a risk you're taking.

3) We usually give trials names, would it be too much of a bother if I asked you to create one for yours? It may sound silly, but it makes everything sound so much more Ace Attorney-ish around here. You can use your trial number, CR-21, or not, as you prefer, but a name is kind of a must. If you have any problems with this, you can PM me about it, and we can discuss it.

Other than that, good luck :)

Razor2010 wrote:
((I'm quitting on my last trial))
The Turnabout in Rouge
Victim: Iris Hawthorne and Trucy Wright- Iris was a gifted courtesan in the Moulin Rouge. Dubbed as "The Greatest Spectacle" along with Trucy Wright, her partner in crime
Prosecutor: Miles Edgeworth
Defense Attorney: Klavier Gavin (myself)
Aide: Vera Misham- Drew Misham's artist daughter who fell in love with Klavier and supported him after the Turnabout Succession Trial
Lead Detective: Dick Gumshoe
Judge: "Joe Udgey" :udgy:
Defendant: Regina Berry - She was one of the last people left in the Moulin Rouge when the police arrived.
Phoenix Wright -Manager of the Moulin Rouge
April May -One of the courtesans in the Rouge
Wocky Kitaki - A regular at the Rouge
Rhoda Teneiro- A Courtesan at the Rouge.
Shi-Long Lang - The Designer of the play "Once in a Lifetime"
Penny Nichols- Technical staff of the Play
Jake Marshall- A prestigious regular in the Moulin Rouge
Maya Fey- An Actress in the Play

*Moulin Rouge, Montmarte District, Paris, France. September 23 12:00 AM Rainy night*
"Please, h-h-have mercy on us"
"We're, just, a team"
"You two disgust me."
*gun clicks*
"You should've never stayed together!"
*opens knife*
"But, it...was for the play"
"It's more than just a play..."
"It was my feelings you hurt"
*Knife stab*

Regina walks in and sees two figures finishing the murder
One figure knocks her out and the other places her fingerprints on both the weapons and drops them near the bodies. The two run off into the night as the police arrived

Attorney's Badge- This may be weird but, I'm doing it for justice of my former loves.
Apollo's Bracelet- Allows me to "check out" nervousness in any individual
Iris and Trucy's autopsy report- Both died due to gunshot and Stabbing to the chest respectively at the same time, 12:00 AM
Colt.45 Revolver- Murder weapon. Has Regina's fingerprints all over
Butterfly Knife- Murder weapon. Has Regina's fingerprints all over
Payment slips- The earnings of each courtesan in the Rouge
Admiration Letter- A little "commentary" from Wocky to Iris
"Once in a Lifetime" Script- The Script to the in-progress play
Sandbag- collapsed Sandbag that wrecked the floor during the set-up of the play
High heels- Heels belonging to Ms. Wright
Lipstick- Smudged by Ms. May's DNA
Blackmail letter- Letter to Phoenix regarding the "reaction" to the play
Broken Elephant Statue- Has drops of blood from both victims.
Love Letter- Letter from Ms. May to the two of the victims saying how she loves them.
Noose- Used by Ms. Nichols to attempt suicide.

PM me the real details on the murder, such as who committed the crime, why they did it, and why the defendant is being accused.

Phoenix Minamimoto wrote:
I just got a crazy idea for a trial while I was trying to fall asleep last night. To be honest, I don't really expect this idea to be approved, but I figured it's worth throwing it out there.

The name of the trial is Turnabout Improv, and the gimmick is that nothing is predetermined. The available roles are those of the judge, defense attorney, prosecuting attorney, defendant, and at least four witnesses. However, each person must make everything up as they go along. This case will have no investigation phase.

In the signup thread, the first person to join must be the defendant. They will post some general information about themself and the charges they are faced with.

After the defendant has signed up, all other parts will become available. At this point, all people who are interested will PM me requesting the part they want. If they are a witness, they must also post their relationship to the defendant and the case. By doing signups through PMing, nobody will know who the culprit is, except for myself and the culprit. This means it is up to the judge to render a verdict, who may get the decision wrong.

Each participant will not know each other's role until the trial starts. Naturally, I will be PMing people with necessary information as it arises, such as the names of the witnesses the attorneys must call.

So, there's my crazy idea, which I doubt will be approved. If this cannot be posted in the Trials section, then can I post it in the General Roleplay section instead?

...You know what? The Trials section is quite dormant, and I feel liberal today. Your trial is approved. I believe it has a lot of potential, and could end up being a very interesting trial. It's also the kind of fresh new ideas the board needs, so let's see. You know the procedure: Create a recruitment thread in the Trials board, and once all roles have been filled, proceed to the Court House.

I'm pretty sure you considered this, but just in case, be aware: This idea may fuel one of the most original fan-trials ever, but it could also severely backfire, and create a bad precedent for any potential future improvised cases. In short, this is the first improv-case on C-R... but it could also be the last one. On this matter I reccomend that you make advertise your trial as much as the rules permit (your avatar, your signature, a thread in Press Conference, PMing regular (or not so much) RPers, be creative!), and, as evil as it may sound and feel, that you be as selective as possible with who you accept into the trial. I think you understand why, so I don't need to explain it.

Ghost Trick Fan wrote:
Trial: Turnabout Passworded
Crime: Locked Room Murder

Description: A Young buisnessman, in charge of a smalltime company, who were going bigtime, as they whiped out one of their main rivals, but he was killed, before it could happen, in a classic, "Locked room" murder in his office.
Victim data: James Smith; Aged 21: The victim was a young buisnessman, in charge of a small ISP (Internet Service Provider) company

Suspect data: Adam Jensen; Aged 29; The suspect was older than the victim, he was in charge of a rival ISP company, that went bust, it's supsected that he did it in revenge, he often gets Deus Ex jokes made about him, he looks like he was in a fight.

Reason for suspicion: The caretaker, and one of the Customer Support workers saw Adam walk into the office, with a knife in his hands, they tried to go inside the room, but it was A homeless guy also saw the suspect jump through the window, into a skip, to avoid unlocking the door.
Evidence List

* Autopsy report: James Smith. Time of death: Around 9:40 PM. Cause of death: Stabbed in stomach, and several bruises, suggesting a fight prior death.
* Butterfly knife, custom made for Adam Jensen, the suspect, found in the victim's stomach
* Torn piece of victim's jacket, likely torn in a struggle.
* Broken window: A window was broken, it was locked, so the killer had to have smashed ito get out
* Glass shards: Glass from the window, the blood is neither the victim's, nor the killer's
Note: This is all of the evidence found by police, and they'll try to cover up the fact about the shards, the defense can find more evidence, or get statements.

Defense attorney: (Can be OC)
Defense assistant: (me) Hunter Trick; Age 28; An experienced Defense Attorney who has handled many cases, and is here for the Defense's second case.
Prosecutor: (Can be OC)
Judge: Good ol' Greybeard from the AA games
Detective: (Can be OC)
Witness #1: David Everfield; Age 59; The caretaker, was with the Customer Support worker and they saw the suspect with the weapon
Witness #2: Jack Kelling; Age 19; The Customer Support worker, he was the with the Caretaker when the suspect was seen with the weapon, he's nervous, and he clams up if you push him too hard.
Witness #3: Billie Lawrence; Age 49; The homeless guy who saw the suspect smash the window, and dive into the skip, he will not talk, unless you give him money.

PM me the real details on the murder (who did it, why and why the defendant is pinned to the crime, and everything you believe needs to be told).

Alright, that would be all. Anyone else who would like to request a trial, feel free to do so! I'll try to pay much more attention to this thread from now on, since it's, you know, my job and everything :P
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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apparently I still exist

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Posts: 31

I have no idea if this thread is still useful, it's been 2 years since I was last here.

But since the last post 2 months ago said it could, I'm going to give it a shot.

Case: SR-76 (aka Turnabout Zero)

Crime: Manslaughter

Defense Attorney: Open
Prosecutor: :franny: , but if someone REALLY wants to use their OC, I can make amends.
Victim: Candice Kelvin, 35, prosecutor.
The Ice Queen of the Court (actual title given by fellow attorneys), a cold and calculating woman who boasted a ruthless disposition and a swath of guilty verdicts that put her right on the tracks of von Karma. Rubbed shoulders with him and Franziska in the past. Proving that opposites attract, she was Fahrenheit's fiancé until a few months ago, when they broke up for unconfirmed reasons. Was found dead in an icebox, her abdomen torn apart by an ice pick.
Defendant: Daimon Fahrenheit, 24, disbarred attorney.
A fiery-tempered and headstrong defense attorney with a comically short fuse. Is constantly pissed off about his imprisonment, Meia's imprisonment, his disbarment and pretty much anything. Easy to set off in impressive displays of incoherent rage. Was engaged to Kelvin at some point, but broke up with her a few months ago. Started dating Meia Culpa not long after. Rides a motorbike and is a bit of a pyromaniac, with the habit of burning things to dispose of them.
Judge: :udgy:
The Judge, the one and only. Has reached a zen state and become immortal. Despite this, he seems the same old Judge.
Detective: Open
Meia Culpa, 19, waitress, prisoner
-A shy girl who worked at a lakeside restaurant (the Samurai Chalet) on Gourd Lake. Was arrested and tried for the multiple homicides perpetrated by the Gould Lake Greyhound and was found guilty. Escaped imprisonment and fled to search for Fahrenheit at Gourd Lake. Witnessed Fahrenheit murder Kelvin and hide her in the icebox, but refused to testify about it until pressed. Madly in love with Fahrenheit, will do anything for him.
Schwarz Weissmann, 39, Chief of Police
-After Gant was convicted, Weissmann was appointed the new chief. A calm and collected man, very professional and dedicated to his job. Despite this, the Gourd Lake Greyhound case is making him start to break down, to the point of making his normally gray hair start to turn white. Once Culpa escaped imprisonment, he chased her in desperation, and was near the crime scene when Kelvin was murdered. Broke a fight between her and Fahrenheit shortly before her death. Of German ancestry, may have a bit of an accent.
Telma Fahrenheit, 44, policewoman
-Daimon's mother. An overbearing woman very protective of her son. Understandably outraged by her son's conviction. Considers both Culpa and Kelvin to be "hussies" after her son's "purity". Was patrolling the area looking for Culpa around the time of the murder.
2 open

Murder weapon: Ice pick

Reason for suspicion: Fahrenheit and Kelvin had a... rocky relationship, and witnesses saw the two get in a fight shortly before Kelvin's death. The fact that both of them were facing each other in Meia Culpa's trial doesn't help. Fahrenheit's zippo lighter was found in the crime scene. He was also found out to be strong enough to swing the murder weapon (mostly) effortlessly.


Attorney/Prosecutor's Badge - It's your badge! Wear it proudly or keep it in your pocket, it proves you are an upholder of law! And that's great!
Ice Pick - The murder weapon. Has no prints, but is splattered with the victim's blood. Stupidly large, not everyone can lift it.
Icebox - Where Kelvin's body was found. Is positively drenched in blood, all the victim's, of course.
Autopsy Report - Kelvin's. Died at 4:56 PM of massive abdominal trauma. Several organs ruptured or torn apart.
AW-10 Report- A resume of the Gourd Lake Greyhound case.
- Defendant: Meia Culpa
- Crime: Multiple homicide
- Defense attorney: Daimon Fahrenheit
- Prosecutor: Candice Kelvin
- Victims:
-- Deid Mann, Jr.
-- Wesley Stickler
-- Patrick Roules
-- Susan O'Donnell
-- Charles Desmond
-- Raol Culpa
- Verdict: Guilty of all charges
Zippo Lighter - Found near the crime scene. Belongs to Daimon Fahrenheit.


For the last 5 months, the entire city of Tokyofornia, Japamerica has been terrorized by a serial killer dubbed "the Gourd Lake Greyhound", called that way for the place it lurks around and its reputation for "chasing his victims till death". A few weeks ago, a young woman was tried and found guilty of being the Greyhound. However, she was able to escape soon after. Meeting up with the attorney that defended her, who is also her boyfriend, and being confronted by his ex, who is also the prosecutor that convicted her, she has a mental breakdown and passes out.

Once she wakes up, the prosecutor's dead. And the defense attorney is just about the only person around who could have done it.

Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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Prolific Writer

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Alright, let me take a stab at this.

Spirit's Turnabout

Date: June 30th, 2027

Crime: Murder and use of forbidden powers

Judge: Ami Fey :ami:

Defendant (played by me): Sister Ember of Hazakura Temple

Victim: Sister Myst of Hazakura Temple

Defense Attorney: Can be OC

Prosecutor: Can be OC


Sister Iris Hawthorne :ayame:

Dahlia Hawthorne :delilah-hair:

Terry Fawles :onamida:

Dr. Turner Grey :grey:

Jury (Optional): Various victims from the past Phoenix Wright games, with the exceptions of the spirits who claim to have seen the deed.


It is a quiet summer evening at Hazakura Temple. Two young Kurain nuns enter the Inner Temple to train while Sister Iris supervises them. Both had just been inducted into the sisterhood the month prior, and are grateful for the opportunity.

However, after the training is over, Sister Iris discovers Sister Myst to be dead. It would be easy to suspect that she died from the intense environment she had to train in, but her yukata is ripped and torn, indicating a sign of a struggle. What's more, the two nuns were alone in the chamber, with Iris guarding outside. And the most surprising of all is the fact that besides the struggle and Sister Myst's unnaturally pale skin, her body is completely intact.

Before Iris can call the police, and otherworldly power takes Sister Ember before a tribunal of spirits. For practicing dark magic and using it to kill a fellow nun, she is to be tried by the spirit world. If found guilty, she will most likely be sentenced to an existence in-between life and death.

The great founder of the Kurain Channeling Technique, Ami Fey, now calls forth for a defense attorney and a prosecutor (note: They don't have to be dead, but it would help) to preside over the trial. Who will answer her call, and whose side holds the truth? The fate in young Ember lies in their hands...
Some call me eccentric. I call myself creative.
My Fanfiction
My Fan Trial, Spirit's Turnabout
Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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They don't :c

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Goetia wrote:
I have no idea if this thread is still useful, it's been 2 years since I was last here.

But since the last post 2 months ago said it could, I'm going to give it a shot.

Case: SR-76 (aka Turnabout Zero)

Crime: Manslaughter

Defense Attorney: Open
Prosecutor: :franny: , but if someone REALLY wants to use their OC, I can make amends.
Victim: Candice Kelvin, 35, prosecutor.
The Ice Queen of the Court (actual title given by fellow attorneys), a cold and calculating woman who boasted a ruthless disposition and a swath of guilty verdicts that put her right on the tracks of von Karma. Rubbed shoulders with him and Franziska in the past. Proving that opposites attract, she was Fahrenheit's fiancé until a few months ago, when they broke up for unconfirmed reasons. Was found dead in an icebox, her abdomen torn apart by an ice pick.
Defendant: Daimon Fahrenheit, 24, disbarred attorney.
A fiery-tempered and headstrong defense attorney with a comically short fuse. Is constantly pissed off about his imprisonment, Meia's imprisonment, his disbarment and pretty much anything. Easy to set off in impressive displays of incoherent rage. Was engaged to Kelvin at some point, but broke up with her a few months ago. Started dating Meia Culpa not long after. Rides a motorbike and is a bit of a pyromaniac, with the habit of burning things to dispose of them.
Judge: :udgy:
The Judge, the one and only. Has reached a zen state and become immortal. Despite this, he seems the same old Judge.
Detective: Open
Meia Culpa, 19, waitress, prisoner
-A shy girl who worked at a lakeside restaurant (the Samurai Chalet) on Gourd Lake. Was arrested and tried for the multiple homicides perpetrated by the Gould Lake Greyhound and was found guilty. Escaped imprisonment and fled to search for Fahrenheit at Gourd Lake. Witnessed Fahrenheit murder Kelvin and hide her in the icebox, but refused to testify about it until pressed. Madly in love with Fahrenheit, will do anything for him.
Schwarz Weissmann, 39, Chief of Police
-After Gant was convicted, Weissmann was appointed the new chief. A calm and collected man, very professional and dedicated to his job. Despite this, the Gourd Lake Greyhound case is making him start to break down, to the point of making his normally gray hair start to turn white. Once Culpa escaped imprisonment, he chased her in desperation, and was near the crime scene when Kelvin was murdered. Broke a fight between her and Fahrenheit shortly before her death. Of German ancestry, may have a bit of an accent.
Telma Fahrenheit, 44, policewoman
-Daimon's mother. An overbearing woman very protective of her son. Understandably outraged by her son's conviction. Considers both Culpa and Kelvin to be "hussies" after her son's "purity". Was patrolling the area looking for Culpa around the time of the murder.
2 open

Murder weapon: Ice pick

Reason for suspicion: Fahrenheit and Kelvin had a... rocky relationship, and witnesses saw the two get in a fight shortly before Kelvin's death. The fact that both of them were facing each other in Meia Culpa's trial doesn't help. Fahrenheit's zippo lighter was found in the crime scene. He was also found out to be strong enough to swing the murder weapon (mostly) effortlessly.


Attorney/Prosecutor's Badge - It's your badge! Wear it proudly or keep it in your pocket, it proves you are an upholder of law! And that's great!
Ice Pick - The murder weapon. Has no prints, but is splattered with the victim's blood. Stupidly large, not everyone can lift it.
Icebox - Where Kelvin's body was found. Is positively drenched in blood, all the victim's, of course.
Autopsy Report - Kelvin's. Died at 4:56 PM of massive abdominal trauma. Several organs ruptured or torn apart.
AW-10 Report- A resume of the Gourd Lake Greyhound case.
- Defendant: Meia Culpa
- Crime: Multiple homicide
- Defense attorney: Daimon Fahrenheit
- Prosecutor: Candice Kelvin
- Victims:
-- Deid Mann, Jr.
-- Wesley Stickler
-- Patrick Roules
-- Susan O'Donnell
-- Charles Desmond
-- Raol Culpa
- Verdict: Guilty of all charges
Zippo Lighter - Found near the crime scene. Belongs to Daimon Fahrenheit.


For the last 5 months, the entire city of Tokyofornia, Japamerica has been terrorized by a serial killer dubbed "the Gourd Lake Greyhound", called that way for the place it lurks around and its reputation for "chasing his victims till death". A few weeks ago, a young woman was tried and found guilty of being the Greyhound. However, she was able to escape soon after. Meeting up with the attorney that defended her, who is also her boyfriend, and being confronted by his ex, who is also the prosecutor that convicted her, she has a mental breakdown and passes out.

Once she wakes up, the prosecutor's dead. And the defense attorney is just about the only person around who could have done it.

Sounds good enough, and the forum needs trials. You're approved, you may open a thread for applications.

Little_Thief wrote:
Alright, let me take a stab at this.

Spirit's Turnabout

Date: June 30th, 2027

Crime: Murder and use of forbidden powers

Judge: Ami Fey :ami:

Defendant (played by me): Sister Ember of Hazakura Temple

Victim: Sister Myst of Hazakura Temple

Defense Attorney: Can be OC

Prosecutor: Can be OC


Sister Iris Hawthorne :ayame:

Dahlia Hawthorne :delilah-hair:

Terry Fawles :onamida:

Dr. Turner Grey :grey:

Jury (Optional): Various victims from the past Phoenix Wright games, with the exceptions of the spirits who claim to have seen the deed.


It is a quiet summer evening at Hazakura Temple. Two young Kurain nuns enter the Inner Temple to train while Sister Iris supervises them. Both had just been inducted into the sisterhood the month prior, and are grateful for the opportunity.

However, after the training is over, Sister Iris discovers Sister Myst to be dead. It would be easy to suspect that she died from the intense environment she had to train in, but her yukata is ripped and torn, indicating a sign of a struggle. What's more, the two nuns were alone in the chamber, with Iris guarding outside. And the most surprising of all is the fact that besides the struggle and Sister Myst's unnaturally pale skin, her body is completely intact.

Before Iris can call the police, and otherworldly power takes Sister Ember before a tribunal of spirits. For practicing dark magic and using it to kill a fellow nun, she is to be tried by the spirit world. If found guilty, she will most likely be sentenced to an existence in-between life and death.

The great founder of the Kurain Channeling Technique, Ami Fey, now calls forth for a defense attorney and a prosecutor (note: They don't have to be dead, but it would help) to preside over the trial. Who will answer her call, and whose side holds the truth? The fate in young Ember lies in their hands...

Your trial has been added to the Docket. As in, it's been approved, and you may start applications in a new thread. Good luck (:
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Too bad. Waluigi Time.

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Forget it.

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Magical isn't it?

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Case: The Twisting Turnabout

Crime: Kidnapping, Murder, Arson

Defense Attorney: Any

Victim: Kidnapping: Jim Inai, Murder: Jim Inai (?)

Judge: Judge (AA-AJ)


Jim Inai (Age 23): Victim of kidnapping. Current whereabouts unknown, suspected to be murder victim.

Ary Inai (Age 15): Sister of the kidnapped. Was there the night her brother was taken from their home. She's a very excitable person and doesn't take to talking to strangers.

Jan Inai (Age 18): Brother of the kidnapped. Worked with the victim(?) at family-owned jewelry store. He's head-strong, rash, and not exactly cooperative. Highly competitive with anyone he meets.

Wakar Inai (Age 54): Father of the kidnapped. Disappeared shortly before the victim was kidnapped. Current whereabouts unknown.

Megan Inai (Age 49): Mother of the kidnapped. Distraught after losing husband and now the victim. She never leaves her home. Very subdued and quiet at the moment, but usually vibrant and high-spirited. She's very polite when speaking.

Aiden Doet (Age 35): Best friend of the victim(?). Suspected kidnapper and murderer. He was found with the remains of a cadaver in the burned down remains of the Inai jewelry store. He constantly reminds people that he didn't do it and is very vocal about it, to an annoying degree. He's very very in the red financially.

Pal Meraktis (AJ, Case 2): Runs the Meraktis Clinic. Arrogant and cocky of his ability as a doctor. His malpractice rap sheet is as long as Mt. Everest is tall.

Ley Deback (Age 28): Prosecutor of the case. Very laid-back in his methods. He finds court to be relaxing... now if only he could stay awake... zzzzzzz.....

Motive for Murder: Suspected kidnapping gone awry.
Cause of Death: Asphyxiation

Locations: Inai Jewelers, Inai Residence, Detention Center, Meraktis Clinic, Police Station

Circumstances Surronding the Case: The victim, Jim Inai was kidnapped from his home 2 nights before the Inai jewelry store was set on fire. Remnants of fabric match those the victim was wearing on the day he was kidnapped. Defendant was found inside the store along with the burnt corpse. He denies guilt, but doesn't say why he was there that night.

Evidence as of Day One Investigation:

Defense Side:

Attorney's Badge: A lawyer's badge. Proof of attorney-ship.

Autopsy Report: Victim found in store died of asphyxiation. No soot found in lungs. Some lacerations on the body, but nothing fatal.

Jan's Testimony: Jan recalls he heard his brother talking to Aiden one the phone, but he sounded strange...

Aiden's Testimony: Was called to the store at night by Jim. Aiden's unsure of the reasons.

Prosecution Side:

Attorney's Badge: A lawyer's badge. Proof of attorney-ship.

Autopsy Report: Victim found in store died of asphyxiation. No soot found in lungs. Some lacerations on the body, but nothing fatal.

Crime Scene Photo #1: Burned victim is on the floor, amidst broken glass. Perfectly dead center on the floor.

Security Footage: Taken by security camera from front of the store. (Frame 1)Shows Jim Inai and defendant entering store. (Frame 2)Shows defendant leaving store, with victim yelling at him. No sound available. (Frame 3)Both reenter store. (Frame 4) Video Tampered With. (Frame 5)Fire starts afterwards.

Aiden's Receipts: Defendant's financial statements. Shows he's in the red.
Retired from the RP Section

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Maya and Nick recently worked on a simple theft charge with only one witness: an eleven year old boy. During their investigation, the boy is killed by a bullet to the forehead. Later in their investigation, while there are several witnesses, a gun goes off in Maya's knapsack and shoots her in the foot. The ballistic markings match the bullet that killed the boy, and the gun belongs to Gumshoe. He claims she must have stolen it, and she is put on trial, but quickly found to have a solid alibi; a video tape from the detention center proves she was there at the moment the crime occurred. The moment the Judge (younger) is about to declare a guilty verdict, the earth tremors and the lights go out, and he is shot and killed by Franziska von Karma's gun from the Prosecution stand.
Franzy is now on trial for murder. The truth behind this case includes the identity of the real murderer of the first one, and it is completely planned out.
The cast of characters includes:
The regular Judge,
Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney,
Maya, optional sidekick,
Franziska von Karma, defendant,
Miles Edgeworth, Prosecuting Attorney
Pearls, his optional sidekick (She's ten here, and likes to make-believe prosecuting! Miles can't say no)
Dick Gumshoe, as usual the investigator and witness
The evidence includes:
A security tape from the detention center which shows Maya and Nick talking to their client
Franziska's gun, which has only her fingerprints which are nearly smeared off, shot only once
Gumshoe's gun, only shot twice, one bullet killed the boy and one shot Maya's foot
Bullet #1, the one which killed the boy
Bullet #2, the one which shot Maya's foot
Bullet #3, the one which killed the Judge

Eagerly awaiting your response,
anouncethetruth :maya:
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I'm really new here so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I don't have a case proposal, but this seemed like the place to discuss RP events and making up cases. I didn't want to make a new thread (whether here or in Present Evidence, which is misc. stuff) because I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble... but I might get in trouble for using this thread in this way! I'm sorry!
But I had a question for case coordinators, the people who plan and write out all of the complex details. Where do you start? How do you get the ball rolling? How much do you allow each character to know? How do you keep the RP on track?
I've wanted to do an Ace Attorney roleplay for a very long time, but every time I seem to sit down and think about it, I can't really understand how some people create such great environments.

Sorry again if this is in the wrong place... if this thread is still active, especially.
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When punching won't work, use the TRUTH!

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Right, so, I'm new here, and I'm a bot confused by a couple things. Like, is it at all possible for me to have a trial RP with multiple cases? Also, are trials RPs made to be like Ace Attorney Investigations allowed, or only courtroom trials in the rest of the AA series? I apologize if these are stupid questions, I just want to be safe rather than sorry..
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Crime: Murder
Alternate Choice: Justified Self Defense (also murder...)
Bullet Found in victim's body
Bullet Found in the hotel room of a famous director who witnessed the crime (ten points if you can guess what hotel)
Bullet Found by the defense attorney long before the trial (explained in detail if needed)
Weapon found in the hands of the defendant at the time of arrest. (a pistol made as a movie prop)

Note: Ballistic Markings of both bullets match those of the pistol found in the hands of the defendant at the time of arrest.
Note 2: The Bullet found in the hotel room is a blank, while the one found in the victims body is a live round. (don't ask me how they figure this one out, this is PW logic we're running on after all...)
Note 3: The Ballistic Markings on the bullet found long before the trial match the pistol presented as evidence.

Finger Prints A: Found on the left side of the pistol's grip, these prints match Wrights
Finger Prints B: Found on the bullet that was found inside the victim's body, these do NOT match Wrights.
Finger Prints C: Found on the right side of the pistol's grip, these don't match Wrights but closely resemble them.
Finger Prints D: Found on the bullet that was found by the defendant's attorney long before the trial.

Victim: Miles Edgeworth?
(It's actually not him but it's strongly implied)

Defense Attorney: Maxwell Fey (My OC)
Defendant: Phoenix Wright
Prosecution: Franzeska Von Karma
Judge: An OC (preferably female, can be played/made by anyone)
Director Sal Manila (Dooods, cause why n0t?)
Author Swill (OC can be played/made by anyone)
Meloney: A Bell Hop/Check-in girl at the hotel that the defense attorney was staying at on the day of the murder.(oc can be played/made by anyone)

Detective: Gumshoe, because I just love the guy (no homo XD)
Aide: Maya fey, Pearl fey (Pearl Used to channel Mia...Maya because well, "you know" ... )
Jury: N/A
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Can someone link to the perfect example of a fan trial?
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In Justice We Trust

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To my knowledge, no fan trial has ever been completed. As such, there currently is no perfect example.
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Is there a fan trial that had a great start?
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Pretty much every fan trial starts off well. I have my own hypothesis based on two trials of mine that died as to why it never lasts. I'll have to look into other people's trials if I want to make it anything more than a hypothesis, though. Additional "investigators" are welcome, of course.
I'll always love you, Max.
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I've run a full-length investigation/trial in a chatroom. It took hours and hours and hours, but it worked out great. I played all the witnesses and the judge. I've also participated in successful trials on the Phoenixwright_Trials site.

Why don't CR trials ever succeed? My current guess is that the following factors all come into play on the GM and player sides.

Writer/GM Issues:

* Too many factors are left open. The GM thinks that leaving some aspect of the trial, such as witness testimonies, in the hands of players will decrease their work and share the load. This is not true; it makes the GM's job harder. Instead of planning for a specific set of facts and contradictions, the GM must create backup plans for all the following cases:

1) A witness drops in mid-trial and needs to be replaced.
2) A non-killer witness player unintentionally creates a contradiction with the killer's actual method, and the players latch onto it with all their might, believing it to be relevant.
3) A witness player departs from the planned script.
4) A witness player misunderstands the scenario and unintentionally confuses the rest of the players with an unclear description.
5) Two witnesses each craft testimonies that are solid on their own, but are mutually exclusive, and there's no in-game way to settle which is true.

* Pacing and goals are left unclear. Investigators are allowed to either

1) Flounder around until they've found JUST THE RIGHT CLUES.
or 2) Proceed without finding necessary clues.

* In the trial, the evidence is obviously slanted towards one side of the case. It is impossible for one side to win if both sides play well. The Prosecutor can simply refuse to call certain witnesses, or can break the defense's claims even if the defense is correct. The defense can prove their client's innocence even if they haven't solved it. And so on.

* The writer/GM loses interest or gets discouraged.

* The writer follows CR precedent and tries to do a combination investigation/trial when it's easier to just start with the trial. Investigations are a nightmare to run well.

Player issues:

* Players don't realize how much work is involved in keeping up with the case and making deductions.

* Players don't communicate sufficiently with the mods.

* Players want bigger roles in the story than the mod planned for, and there's no in-character reason for a given character not to suddenly try to solve the crime.

* Players are just plain unpredictable, and make theories that the mod never planned for.


I think the way to deal with these problems is threefold:

1) Plan ahead in great detail.

2) Be prepared to scrap large chunks of that plan and improvise when it collapses.

3) Make expectations clear at every stage, and do not keep players in the game who fail weekly (or more frequent) activity checks.

4) Stop trying to run cases with more than six players, a large number of whom have interlocking testimonies. The GM should be prepared, at the very least, to "take over" a witness at any time. Replacement players for witnesses are not usually practical.
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Well, this is gonna be my first case on court records, so please don't be mad if I forget stuff.

Turnabout On Ice

Defendant: :butzthumbs: Larry Butz, now an ice skater :D

Defense Attorney: :grossberg: Marvin Grossberg

Prosecution Attorney : :franny: Franziska von Karma

Witness 1: :maggey: Maggey Byrde, who happened to watch the murder on ice.

Witness 2: :damon: Damon Gant, who mentored Larry in the ways of iceskating XD

Witness 3: :redd: Redd White, who happened to be with Damon at the time, because he was a friend of his.

Detective and Cops: :eh?: :meekins: :gregory: Detective Gumshoe, Officer Meekins and Officer Edgeworth (Gregory Edgeworth)

Victim: :ron: Ron DeLite, a novice ice-skater.

The murder happened at 5:15 PM at the Ice Skater's Practice Rink during practice. Ron and Larry were doing a pair skate, when apparently Larry clonked Ron over the head after practice.


White is the murderer, the restroom was right next to the break area, and White drilled a hole to the break area, killed Ron, and knocked out Larry so he would get amnesia. He put a gun in a KO'd Larry's hand to make it look like he shot Ron. Then, disguised as a wall fixer man (XD) he started to fix the wall, and make it look like nothing happen, then changing into regular clothes in the restroom.

Is this good enough?
This is my signature. Once I get used to this site 'n' stuff, I will put something else here, I guess.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Generation 27. The next time you see this copy and paste this onto your sig and add 1 to the Generation. Social Experiment.

Brooo you don't mess with Wocky Kitaki

"Hey hey are you my dawg? Bark at me if you're my dawg"
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Most of it's fine. I wouldn't advise spoiling the details of the crime, though. Make sure you've got a plan for how the case is going to go--and make sure you have alternative plans ready should your player(s) do something other than what the original plan dictates.
I'll always love you, Max.
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Question: The RPs here are strictly Trial ones? Investigation and Detective work on trial breaks is not possible? :jake:
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Investigation and detective work is allowed.
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Case: Turn about Show

Crime: Murder

Disc: Famous Actor Lisa Vanron was in the middle of a play performance when suddenly she falls of the stage and dies.

Defendant: Co-star John Den was behind Lisa when she fell off the stage with a bloody knife in his hand


Autopsy Report: Death happened around 6:00 pm. Death caused by loss of blood from a cut in the back.

Knife: The Murders weapon. Blood is dried on it and can not be tested.

Photo: Photo of the Victim dead on the floor below the stage.

Photo 2: Photo of the defendant with the murder's weapon in hand


Defendant: John Den (Open): Always a Co-Star, was fighting with the victim before the show began

Defense Attorney: Trees Sapling (ME) A rookie who is ready to begin his career.

Defense Assistant:(Anyone) (Open) More of a guide here to helps Tree get adjusted to his new job. Kinda like Mia in the first game on the first case.

Prosecutor: (Can be Anyone) (Open)

Judge: (Anyone) (Open)

Witness 1: Henry Gone (Open) (May be murderer):
Lisa's old boyfriend. Was backstage during the show

Witness 2: Sarah GoRight (Open) (May be Murderer): Hates Lisa for ruining her acting career. Was acting as one of the villians dumb minions in the show.

Witnesses 3-5: Can be anyone, Only 3 needs to be filled, 4 and 5 can remain blank. (3, Open, 4, Open, 5, Open)
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I can't help but be a little concerned about the three witnesses you haven't planned out.
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General Luigi wrote:
I can't help but be a little concerned about the three witnesses you haven't planned out.

The 3 non-planned witnesses would be planned after the slots are filled. They are their so that if someone wants their own character or a existing character from the games to be in the slot.
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In other words, you have a plan for what role they're going to play in the case?
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General Luigi wrote:
In other words, you have a plan for what role they're going to play in the case?

Yes but they are kinda basic so that they can be easily and quickly changed for what ever character gets put in the role. But how they contribute to the case it planned out for the most part.
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In Justice We Trust

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Okay. You may start a thread for your case. Once you have enough players, let me know so I can make sure everyone's ready for a thread to be placed in the Court House.
I'll always love you, Max.
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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The Questacon Turnabout:
Aaargh! I forgot to put the request post here!

A worker is accused of assaulting a teenager in Canberra's Questacon's Earthquake House and it's up to a young defence attorney to clear his name.

Crowbar Fingerprints
Crime Scene Photo
Medical Report
Piece of Rubble
Spray Paint
Graffiti Photo.

Stephanie Wright, an Ace Attorney - (Attorney, Investigative Team, Trainer)
Maya Fey - The Spirit Medium Master (Investigative Team)
Clay Terran - The defendant for this trial. (Investigative Team)
Luke Triton - Professor Layton's apprentice (Co-counsel, Investigative Team)
Billy - The victim of the assault. (NPC)
Elise - A witness in the assault. (NPC)
The Judge (NPC)
Prosecutor Harden - an arrogant, tough prosecutor. (NPC)
Leon - An evil former lawyer who preferred the only ways there the two sides presented a document and the judge chose what was best.

Stephanie's Pokémon:
L. 80 ARTICUNO (Winter)
Sheer Cold

L. 80 FERALIGATR (Hydrophyl)
Ice Punch
Water Gun

L. 80 SPEAROW (Apollo)
Steel Wing
Drill Peck

L. 80 LAPRAS (Triton)
Hydro Pump
Aurora Beam

L. 80 GROWLITHE (FirePup)
Flare Blitz

L. 80 MEGANIUM (Leafy)
Petal Blizzard
Leech Seed
Dragon Tail

The Rules
1. Anyone can join! :scientific:
2. There is no assigned role, or signing up, but instead you get to play as the attorney or co-counsel during a trial or as a member of the Investigative Team during investigation/adventure or as a Trainer during a Pokémon Battle.
3. You can post to do any number of actions but I must respond to it before you post again. And you have to let three other people post before you can post again. This is so that eveyone can get a turn!
For example:
User 1 posts
I respond
User 2 posts
I respond
User 3 posts
I respond. User 1 can post again.
User 4 posts.
I respond. User 2 can post again.
User 2 posts.
I respond. User 3 can post again.
And so on.
4. In the investigation/adventure, you can't harm or attack another member of your party.
5. Alll Trainers have the suffcient badges so Pokémon can't disobey them.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

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In Justice We Trust

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The inclusion of Pokémon is certainly something I've never seen before. What role do they play in all of this? If you're worried about spoilers, you're free to tell me in a PM.
I'll always love you, Max.
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Pokémon will be used in some puzzles and in battles in the investigation/adventure bit. There will be a few spoilers about the main game. Is there anything more I really need to do to get my post unlocked?
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
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In Justice We Trust

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If the case is going to be open to everyone without any formal sign-up system, how do you plan on managing all the characters, keeping track of who plays whom, and so on?
I'll always love you, Max.
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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This IS an open case. I'm going to check on it at least once every day. If you read my main post, you'll see I'll allow the users to make the characters perform any number of actions and then I'll respond and tell them what happens. I have put a limit of the amount of post a user can make at one time so everyone gets a turn. The players don't have assigned roles, but can play any of the characters I have highlighted as playable at the stage in their post, even if another person has used them. Also, users have to wait until two other users have post until they can post again and after a user has posted everyone else has to wait until I respond by telling them what has occured since they have commanded the characters to perform their actions. Here's the example:

I post storyline and choose three playable characters.
User1: Makes Character1 do actions. User1 can no longer post here again.
I respond (telling them what happened then).
User2: Makes Character1 and Character2 do actions. User2 can no longer post here again.
I respond.
User3: Makes all three do actions. User3 can no longer post here again.
I respond. User1 can post again.
User4: Makes Character3 do actions. User4 can no longer post here again.
I respond. User2 Can post again.
...and so on.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

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Re: Rules and Case Proposal ThreadTopic%20Title
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In Justice We Trust

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All right. This isn't a system I've seen before, but you seem to have a plan. Once you make a main thread to handle such things as OOC conversation and link it to the one in the Court House, I'll unlock the thread you made in the Court House.
I'll always love you, Max.
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