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Re: A Series of PW Events.Topic%20Title
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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Ah, yes, I remember you! :D Thanks for commenting. ^_^

Spoiler: Youtube: You Just Got Phoenix'd Part 3
"Oh, hey!" Phoenix exclaimed, looking at the computer. "Somebody put up a video reply to my videos! Let's watch it!" Maya smiled and acted excited, but she knew what was coming. Phoenix would not want to make another video after watching this...
Oldbag's voice emulated from behind the camera.
"Edgey-poo~" Edgeworth cringed upon hearing that nickname for him.
"I my love for you," she said, setting down the camera. Edgeworth looked horrified.
"Ummm...I beg your pardon, Ms. Oldbag?" he asked, trying really hard to sound calm.
"Let me make this more clear," she answered, stepping in really close to Edgeworth and bringing her lips close to his ear. Very romantically, she whispered, "You just got Phoenix'd", and the video ended with her kissing the very confused, very horrified Miles Edgeworth on the cheek. When the video ended, Phoenix's eyes were as wide as dinner plates.
"M-Maya...I'm not sure I can make videos anymore if nut-jobs like that will use it all out of context and...and do things like that!" Phoenix stammered exasperatedly. Maya felt satisfied, but at the same time, a little guilty. She had convinced Oldbag to make that video by saying she'd make Edgeworth spend 24-hours with her if she did. It was a promise she shuddered to think of keeping.
"Well, don't make a decision yet, Nick! Look at the comments first," Maya said. Phoenix started reading the comments...

And now for a little interactive fun! I ask you, who hopefully just read this part and the rest of this short fanfiction to tell me: if you saw the videos mentioned in the previous parts, then the one in this one, well...what would your comment be?
Avatar drawn by MC_Kitten, edited by Slezak
Re: A Series of PW Events.Topic%20Title
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You’re so small in such a big world...

Gender: Female

Location: In front of the computer, where else?

Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:25 am

Posts: 1720

Huh. No comments at all? Okay. I can work with that, I guess...

Spoiler: Youtube: You Just Got Phoenix'd Part 4
Phoenix stared at the comments. And stared. And stared. He felt like he had been there for a month and nineteen days. Still, there were no comments whatsoever to the video. How was he supposed to feel about that? Were people so disgusted that they couldn't even bring themselves to type as much?
"I'm sorry, Nick..." Maya said. Phoenix shook his head.
"It's not your fault. That old woman is just crazy, that's all," he responded. Maya wanted to tell him it was, in fact, her fault, but looking at his sad little face, she decided not to do it. Maybe he'd figure it out himself, some other time. He was Phoenix Wright, after all.
"So, what are you gonna do?" she asked.
"Well, I'm going to get off the computer and scrub the toilet, first off," he answered, closing Youtube.
"What about your videos?"
"I'm not making any more, like I already said," he replied. "I guess I'll just have to try my hand at writing fanfictions." Maya gaped as Phoenix casually went to the bathroom to clean the toilet. She really hoped he was a better writer than video maker...and that she wouldn't have to intervene again.

There you have it.
Avatar drawn by MC_Kitten, edited by Slezak
Re: A Series of PW Events.Topic%20Title
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You’re so small in such a big world...

Gender: Female

Location: In front of the computer, where else?

Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:25 am

Posts: 1720

Happy day before Mother's Day! I shall put up a short soon, but first, I think I've gypped you all when it comes to updating my actual stories. Hopefully, this update will help you all forgive me? Maybe?

Spoiler: Poems Galore Part 36
Edgeworth tried to appear relaxed as he went into the prosecutor's lobby. Fortunately, Maya was focused on talking to Phoenix in the Defense's Lobby just before the trial after she had kept needling Edgeworth about why he seemed so agitated. He couldn't bring himself to tell her about Pearl just yet, but he knew he'd have to at some point. But before doing that, he had to make sure Franziska know what she was doing. Ordinarily, he wouldn't be concerned, but this wasn't about his life, or even Phoenix's. He knocked on the door once, and, of course, the one time was all he needed.
"Enter!" Franziska ordered. Edgeworth walked in. The prosecutor glared at him. "What do you want, Miles Edgeworth?"
"I just wanted to make sure you remembered the plan," he said.
"Well, of course I remember the plan, uncharacteristically foolish as it is. A Von Karma is perfect in every way, you know," came Franziska's response.
"I see," Edgeworth said with a bow. "Thank you for helping me, Franziska. I will take my leave now." And with that, he left and entered the Defense's Lobby. Maya and Phoenix were still talking. Maya looked up excitedly, then looked away sadly. Edgeworth couldn't help but feel awkward and unwanted.
"I apologize for intruding," he apologized curtly. Maya looked back up at him.
"You're not intruding at all, Miley! I was just hoping you were Pearly...I'm worried about her. I mean, I didn't ask about her yesterday because she likes to run around and be alone for times like this, but...I thought she'd be here by now. She wouldn't miss this even if she had to run here..." Maya said worriedly. Phoenix nodded.
"Yeah, that is a little odd...Edgeworth? Why are you looking so pale?" the spiky-haired former attorney asked. Edgeworth hadn't even realized that he was getting paler as Maya spoke of Pearl, nor that his fists were clenched and he was trembling slightly, until Phoenix brought it up.
"It's nothing that concerns you, Wright," Edgeworth replied with a glare. There was nothing Phoenix could do, anyway. It was better that he didn't know what was at stake. But Edgeworth couldn't well keep Maya in the dark. Maybe she'd have some advice, or see a way channeling can help, or...something. He looked to Phoenix. "I request to speak to Maya alone, if that's okay with you." He looked to the bailiff. "Unless there isn't enough time."
"Of course I don't mind," Phoenix said a little too quickly. Call Edgeworth crazy, but it seemed like the guy wanted to be alone for a minute.
"You have five minutes, Mr. Edgeworth. Make it quick," the bailiff responded with a salute. Edgeworth led Maya to a secluded area somewhere in the building, wherever that was.
"What's wrong, Miley?" Maya asked as soon as they got there. Edgeworth let out a sigh.
"Maya, I have not been truthful to you." He furrowed his brow. "I mean, I've been keeping something from you." He cleared his throat. "Maya, Pearl is not absent by choice. She..." He had to draw himself up to finish the sentence. "She's been kidnapped."
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" came Maya's shocked response. "B-but...but...Who would want to take Pearly?" She looked away, and Edgeworth was quite sure she was holding back tears, trying not to show him how scared she was. Edgeworth pursed his lips. He had to tell her, but it was getting harder for him by the second.
"Shelley DeKiller," he managed out. Maya grew even paler than Edgeworth at the news, her eyes widened, and she even looked a little green. Of course she did. The news probably brought up very unpleasant memories for her. "Maya..."
"H-how do we get her back?!" Maya squeaked. Poor girl...Edgeworth grit his teeth. It was better she knew all of this now. In court, he wouldn't have time to tell her anything.
"Well, his condition is that I throw Wright's case..."
"Wh-why would he do that?" Maya was very close to tears at this point.
"My guess is that his client intervened and has his fingerprints all over the crime scene. If Wright gets off, then his client will be found guilty," Edgeworth responded. With Maya getting hysterical right in front of him, it was a lot easier to keep his composure than it was before.
" this is why you didn't investigate were planning on throwing the case..." Maya stammered.
"No, Maya. I was planning on letting Shelley think I was doing his bidding so I could keep Pearl alive, but I have no intention of throwing the case."
"Then you'll let Pearly die?! How could you, Miley?!" Maya screamed furiously. Edgeworth winced, pretty sure Maya was on the verge of hitting him.
"I have no intention of letting Pearl die, either," Edgeworth answered calmly.
"So, have a plan?" The hopeful expression on Maya's face would kill Edgeworth if his plan went awry. He could only hope it would work.
"Yes, I have a plan," Edgeworth replied. Maya smiled.
"Then I trust you, Miley! You're always so smart!" she said while clapping her hands. Edgeworth wanted to tell her he, in fact, wasn't, but there was no point in arguing now. There wasn't enough time for it. "I'll help however I can!" And, with that, she rushed back into the lobby. Edgeworth wanted to tell her that, even though there was pressure on him, it was Franziska and Gumshoe who would be doing all the work actually saving the girl. All the magenta-clad prosecutor-turned-defense-attorney-for-this-case could do was buy time at this point. Had he had more time, he would've checked up on Gumshoe, but since he didn't...he walked back into the lobby to see Phoenix force a smile.
"What were you guys talking about? Is something wrong?" he wondered.
"Of course not, Wright. We were just discussing defense strategies for your case," Edgeworth answered. Maya smiled wider.
"Exactly! We're going to kick some Von Karma butt!" she exclaimed excitedly.
"It's time for the trial to start," the bailiff said. Edgeworth nodded.
"Indeed. Let's do this." And with that, the gang filed into the courtroom.

Spoiler: Twilight, The Musical Part 19
"While I was with Jasper and Alice, I knew I had to make my escape. So, I did it without problem, and here I am," Maya said sadly. "I kinda hoped that Alice would have a vision of me escaping so she could help, but, of course, that's too convenient for the plot and all that."
"It'll be okay, Master Mystic Maya!" Pearl shouted.
"I'd never given much thought into how I would die. I mean, you know, being sixteen and all, I thought it wouldn't happen so soon. I also was pretty sure it wouldn't involve vampires, but here we are," Maya continued.
"You won't die!" Pearl wailed. Maya entered the dance studio that was apparently abandoned for some reason.
"The dance studio's abandoned. ...Wait, why was I taking dance lessons, anyway? Aren't I enough of a klutz that I'd trip all over myself? Wow, Mom. Talk about enforcing my low self-esteem," Maya said.
"Why, hello, Sweet cheeks," Larry greeted with a smirk. "You're here to rescue your mommy, right?"
"Actually, when I start thinking about how awful her parenting is, I don't want to save her anymore," Maya answered.
"Oh...well, I never had her, anyway. And now, you're mine to kill nice and slow. I'm going to enjoy this." He licked his lips and started closing the distance between himself and Maya. All was going according to plan...until there was interference.
"NO!" Pearl screamed, charging on stage and punching Larry as hard as she could.
"Ow! That hurts! What did I do wrong?!" Larry wailed, his eyes full of tears.
"You will not touch Master Mystic Maya!" Pearl exclaimed.
"Erm...Would you prefer if I ate you instead?" Larry asked, only for Pearl to stamp on his foot. "Ow!"
"Pearly, this is all make-believe. It's not true," Maya replied. "You can stop hurting him now."
"B-but, he wanted to kill you!"
"Ummm...Pearls, Maya wasn't in any danger," Phoenix tried to explain. Pearl glared up at him.
"You were going to let her die! I'm not speaking to you, Mr. Nick!" She turned away from him and crossed her arms.
"So much for this present," Phoenix mumbled.
"You should've gone with the jewelry," Edgeworth whispered.
"Pearly, you want the story to end, right?" Maya asked.
"Erm...yes," Pearl answered nervously.
"Then sit back down and let us finish the play, okay?"
"...Sure, Mystic Maya, but if any of these guys touch you, I will be mad!" Pearl replied before sitting back down in her seat.
"Okay, then. Action," Adrian Andrews said. Larry looked at Maya.
"Erm...right! So, like, I was saying that I wanted to kill you and stuff, but, erm...on second thought, when I look into your eyes, I can't kill you, dude!" Larry announced, giving Maya a thumbs-up sign. "So, like, I think I'll become a vampire hermit who will never bother anyone again and never return. And, you know, socialize with other hermits and stuff. So, yeah.
I'mma goin' away~
Goin' away~
I know you don't really care~
Since I'll be out of your hair~
Out of your haaair~
But I want yooou to knooow~
I liked your butt~
Your butt~" Maya wrinkled her nose and Larry stopped singing.
"Erm, yeah. Anyway, peace," he said and walked out. As he did, Phoenix barged in.
"I'm here to save you, Bella!" he shouted, then looked around. "...But you're not in any danger. Huh. This is awkward."
"I know," Maya said with a smile, walking up to Phoenix and kissing him on the cheek. Then, she and Phoenix locked eyes and lips. As they kissed passionately, Pearl applauded with tears streaming down her face.
"It's so beautiful!" she squealed. Phoenix pulled away with a smile.
"And thus Twilight is over~
But there are more books~
We will do the rest of them~
If Pearls is okaaaay with it~" He looked to Pearl.
"Y-yes! Yes! Please continue!" she cheered with a blushing.
"And sooo what will haaaappen neeeeeeeeeeeext~?" Phoenix concluded in the song, before finishing kissing Maya.

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