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Love TurnaboutTopic%20Title
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Four is Death

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Title: Love Turnabout
Author: Sirius Fey
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Courtroom Drama
Status: Incomplete
Pairing: Saria/Sutwil
Summary: Saria is shot during a toast. Then Sutwil becomes the prosecutor. Phoenix defends a man he saw shooting her. But as love and death walk hand in hand, one decides to end it.

Phoenix read his letter over carefully. As did Maya and Pearl. It was a letter from Sutwil. It had arrived the day after the trial of State Vs Water. It read;

"If you are reading this (and if it has your name on it) then please come to Vikia Beach. We will be waiting. signed by Sutwil Fey"

Of course, itwas addressed to each of them. One each actually. He'd written all their names on each one very clearly. On the bottom of Phoenix's he'd found a small word. 'Idiotproof'. It was tiny-minute writing, and only one Phoenix's. Phoenix normally would have expected something, but he didn't. He expected Sutwil felt the sudden urge to scribble it down. Pearl had a little bit added on to hers.

"It says 'Bring Hats'" said Pearl, who didn't understand it. To be honest, nobody did.

A few days later, Phoenix, Maya and Pearl turned up at Vikia Beach. A populaur resort. Why Sutwil would be there... He didn't know, but he was sure it was important. Maya and Pearl had brought hats, but Phoenix had not seen the need. At the front door, Sutwil and Saria were waiting, each holidng a top hat.
"Ah, welcome." said Sutwil (he hadn't seen them since the trial). Sutwil had changed slightly, but not majorly. Saria, on the other hand, looked thinner. Phoenix put it down to Sutwil's way with clothes.His cloak, was really an embroidation of pockets. Phoenix had not forgotten the 'metal bra'. (Oh, if you want to know what happened, Sutwil had tried to sell a metal bra to Maya. Phoenix cuaght him and cut the deal off). Sutwil (while being a genius at most things) could do wonders with clothes. Enough about the reasons that Sutwil was insane/special.
Saria said a few words. "When your inside, make sure to put your hats on."
Everyone went inside, and did so. Surprisingly, everyone was wearing top hats. The one on Pearl fell down over her eyes. Phoenix felt foolish, not having a hat.
"I see everyone has hats on!" said Sutwil, not noticing Phoenix. "So, onward we go!"
Sutwil and Saria led the way onto a balcony, with five chairs, and one circulaur table. The door was solid oak. As Saria went through, a gloved hand took her hat off. Mr. Hand. Sutwil's pet machine. Sutwil went through, Mr. Hand took his hat. The hats were thrown onto a specially made rack. Maya went in, her hat went off. Pearl went through, and had to jump to make the machine take her hat off. When Phoenix went through, the hand grabbed his hair. And started pulling it off. PHoenix was too heavy, and the hand could not stop, Then a dart said through, smashing into the wood of Mr. Hand's arm. The hand stopped. Sutwil was holding a blowpipe. Apprantely, the bullet had gone through it. Phoenix's hair now had a quiff, which he pushed down with his hand. Phoenix then went to his seat, which was easy to spot. Probably because there was a huge sgn saying 'PHOENIX' on it. Everybody else's was smaller, Phoenix noticed.
"Now, before we get to the food, which has been compensated for by me, I would like to announce something." said Sutwil, raising his glass. Everyone did likewise.
"I, Sutwil fey, am going to..." he began, but was cut off. By someone running in through the doors. Karuma! Phoenix remembered the face. The defense attonrey that he had met shortly before Lucas Biyang's trial. Then, Karuma lifted a loaded gun, and fired. Saria, who had been looking staright at the door (being opposite from it) was the person it hit. It went into her chest, knocking her off her seat. The seat smashed, not used to the force that caused Saria to fall back. The wood splintered into part of her left ear. As soon as it hit her, Sutwil snapped. Only one person had seen Sutwil become truly angry. One time, in Kurain Village, one of the mediums had playfully punched Saria on the shoulder. Sutwil had then hit that medium in the face hard. Pearl had been nearby, therefore seeing it. If he punched someone when they playfully punched Saria's shoulder... He was likely to kill Karuma. The familiar jade ring smashed throught the air, knocking Karuma unconsuius, and then breaking his nose. Sutwil grabbed his knife, charged acroos the room, and shoved his knofe directly into Karuma's eye. It was likely to blind him, if it didn't crush the eye into a bloody pulp. Then, Sutwil turned around... and saw Saria's blood coming out of a wound. Bleeding meant alive. Sutwil went across the room, being very careful. He reckoned that Saria had lost one and a hlaf litres of blood... She was nearly dead. Sutwil quickly put a plan together. Pulling a kit out of one of hsi pockets, he removed the bullet from her chest with forceps. If he surtured her now, she probably wouldn't live. He quickly worked out a plan. It was simple: Find a way to get blood from his body. Among other things, one of the things sutwil looked for in a female was the same blood type. so the blood would be compatible. Saria and Sutwil ahppened to be AB blood types. sutwil needed to get blood from his body into hers. He get a scalpel, and thrusted it into his arm. It was not going to kill him, it would merely cause blood to come out. So now he had to find a way to transport his blood. Sadly, there was nothing in his kit for this situation His blowpipe had a few cracked ends, so that was useless. He hunted around, glancing across the room, looking for something... Then he found it. Pearl's drink had a straw in it. He grabbed said straw, and put it into his arm on one end, and the other went into Saria wound. Sutwil felt quite faint, but saw colour return to Saria's cheek. He then pulled the starw out, and surtured all wounds. She was safe... Then Sutwil passed out.
Re: Love TurnaboutTopic%20Title
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Four is Death

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The day after the attempted murder of Saria, Sutwil left the hospital. He had to have blood put into his body, he'd given most of his away. Saria was hardly in the right condition for it. She was still alive, but the bullet had had some after effects, apparentely. When Sutwil had been discharged, he refused to leave te premises until he'd spoken to Saris. The state had wanted Saria to be the prosecutor for Karuma's trial. The hospital could not guarntee she would be out by then, but no other prosecutor's wanted to do it. So it had to be her.

PHoenix walked into his office, and noticed Pearl wasn't there. Bathroom, he thought instantly. But then he noticed Maya... choking? On a lolly. Not frozen, or the stick would not have been long and white. PHoenix did the obvious thing. Grabbed the stick and opulled it out. He pulled it out quite well... But the bit that was choking her (the lolly itself) stayed in. Phoenix decided to do something Sutwil did to choking people (or so said him and Pearl). He'd forgotten the name (Sutwil called it 'The throw up thingy'), but it involved putting his hand on her stomach (one on top of the other, the other in a fist, then pushing in and up). He'd said it COULD be dangerous. He did all of it, exactly as Sutwil had told him. It worked instantly. She brought up the lolly, and it went behind his desk. Then, before Pheonix could move away, PEarl walked by. Maya and Phoenix noticed her. Pearl went red. PHoenix mouth fell open, and he stepped back. Maya just looked a little shocked. Phoenix could imagine what Sutwil would of said if he's been there.

"Oh, gods."

Pearl just looked shocked. Phoenix, changing the subject, said 'Why don't we visit Saria?" he said, trying to sound calm.
"Yeah, sure." said Maya (Still embarassed)
"Goody, that sounds fun!" said Pearl, jumping up and down.

In the hospital, saria was sitting up, on the bed, meditating. Sutwil used meditating to loosen his bones, and calm himself down. He'd shown Saria how to do it when they'd been to Kuriain Village. Then, the nurse came in. "Miss Saria, you have visitors."
"Ah, very well." said Saria, moving to stand up.
"No, no, no, Miss Saria, you stay in bed." said the nurse, turning to fetch Saria's guests. As soon as she turned around, Saria frowned. She didn't see why she was still here. She should be alright to walk without help. It was not as if she had smashed her legs off with an axe. Then, Phoenix and Co. came in. Phoenix and Co. was Sutwil's often term for Pheonix, Maya and Pearl. He didn't count himself in. As soon as they were in, Saria whispered "Close the curtains." When Phoenix, did so, she sat up, and started walking.
"OK, ask me what you what to ask." shew said, getting to the few points that she could see.
"Do you know who the prosecutor is meant to be tomorrow?" asked Phoenix
"It's supposed to be me." said Saria, with barely a hint of a smile on her face.
"Huh? 'Supposed' to be? What do you means supposed?" asked Maya
"Someone else doesn't want me to do it, but rather, them to do it themselves." said Saria, the hint gone. "Phoenix, will you be the defense attorney for the case?"
"...Probably." said Phoenix
"Very well." Saria said, picking up a pen and paper. She wrote a paragraph, and give it to Phoenix. "That'll get you into Criminal Affairs, you'll need to talk to the detective." She then stopped, taking a sip from a clear-white drink near her.
"What's that?" asked Pearl, who think she knew what it was.
"Before I say, how about a toast?" Said Saria, who had four glasses for no real reason. Other then the fact she expected visitors.
"Erm... OK." said Phoenix, taking one of the three remaining glasses, and passing it around. Soon the three people who did not have glasses did. Then, Saria poured the same ampount into each one, and refilled hers, slightly. then, before they could start the toast, Phoenix put his tounge in the drink to make sure it wasn't anything bad. He tasted wine.

"Saria, you do know that Pearl's a minor.... right?" said Phoenix, startled that Saria knew that probably, and furthermore was giving it to Pearl.
"I do." she said, fully expecting the question. Phoenix was forcibly reminded of his last case. She wasn't exactly the most forcible prosecutor around, but she could anticipate exactly what would, and did, happen in the trial. She even worked outwho did it, and lost her temper at the Judge for trying to end the trial early, thus making her one of the only prosecutors Phoenix knew who would turn down a perfect record (her record record was in no ways perfect, and was a healthy win-loss record. Saria herself reckoned only one of the people accused in the trial who had been put to death was in fact innocent. But the Judge had held her in contempt of the court against a rookie defense attorney)
"Isn't this wine?" asked Phoenix.
"Well, not exactly. It is flavoured like wine, but with a lowered alcohol content. It uses things similar to alcohol (which do not damage your liver) to create a similar taste. Something else Sutwil made. He tested it himself. Didn't give it a name, he just tested it. This is the second type. The first one made him vomit after two days. Apparentely it stayed in his stomach. This one has no real drawbacks." explained Saria.
"Ah." said PHoenix, understanding completely (Well, not really).
The four drunk it. TO be honest, Phoenix hated it. PEarl seemed to enjoy it. Maya... Phoenix was still embarassed aboout it, so avoided her completely. Saria sighed. "You'll have to go soon." she said. "I assume your going to the Detention Center."
"Yes, we are." said Phoenix, leaving. Saria sat down on the bed.

In the Detention Center, Karuma was waiting.
"Hello, Mr. Wright." he said.
"Hello, Karuma." said PHoenix.
"And the people next to you?" asked Karuma. Phoenix could detect something... Just something... similar.
"PEearl Fey, and Maya Fey." said Phoenix.
"Very well. I assume you ant to be my defense attorney. If you do, I will allow you to be. After all, why else would you be here?"
"Erm... Yes, yes." said Phoenix. Before anyone could say anything, a familiar cracking could be heard. Franziska's whip. Then, talk of the devil, Franziska walked in. Everyone in the room knew it. Two and two did make four, after all.
"WRIGHT!" shouted Franziska. A record. She HADN'T used his full name. "Why the hell are you here?"
"I'm Karuma's defense attorney tomorrow!" replyed Phoenix.
Franziska looked like she'd been hit with a sledgehammer.
"And why are you here?" asked Phoenix.
"Hmph." Said Franziska, pulling out her whip. She turned around, and left.
KAruma scowled heavily, muttering some words under his breath. To Phoenix, it sounded like "Brat... relate... nnoying..."
Phoenix could see Karuma was more then a BIT upset, so he left the Detention Center. HE wondered what would happen in court... He had no evidence, and knew KAruma had fired a shot. But had his bullet actually hit him? Who knew?

The next day...
In the defendant's lobby, Maya was waiting for him.
"Nick, I wonder if Karuma really is innocent..." said Maya.
"Well, we did see him firing... But maybe somone shot her from behind him. So the shot he fired was a blank." said PHoenix, thinking.
"That's the only way he isn't guilty."
"Court will soon begin. Will the defense please come into the courtroom." said the bailiff.
"YEs, we shall." said PHoenix, and him and MAya went into court.


[Note]The reason for this story having to be stopped continusly is that I don't have the entire day to do it. SO I can only do small bits at a time. That'sw why this is taking so long.
Re: Love TurnaboutTopic%20Title
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Four is Death

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In the courtroom, Phoenix thouhgt about the dream he'd had last night. It was a bunch of images. But each image was burned into his head, so harshly. It was as if... it was a warning. Something to take heed of. He thought about each image...

The first image was someone looking up. The sign that he was looking at was blurred. The words couldn't be read. the person was just looking at it. The picture was not very good quality.

The second image was looking at a pod, with a man frozen inside. The pod was discoloured, so the entire person looked blue. They had long hair, a cloak, and boots. Then, the hand moved.

The third image was the one that freaked Phoenix out the most. It was a picture of him and Maya... kissing? phoenix didn't understand it. This was the only photo that he could move around in. But everything else but them was dark, as if there was a spotlight on them. Then, he turned around, and saw two large flares pop into view. They stayed, and roared. Phoenix noted that the Kurain Folding Screen was behind them, illuminated by the fire. And in between the fire... was a person. They was darkened. Only three things stood out. First, there wear two eyes, shining in the light. One gold, one silver. They wear staring straight at Maya, with a dark glint in the eyes. But there was opne more light. A red one. Not an eye, but something different... Entirely different.

"Are you ready, Mr Wright?" asked the Judge, sounding impatient.
"Oh? Oh, yes, your Honour." said PHoenix ("I shouldn't be wandering off to dreamland... I wonder how long they were waiting...") thought Phoenix ("Wha-Gurk!") PHoenix had noticed the prosecutor.
"Very well, Mr. Wright. Mr. Fey, your opening statement?" said the Judge
Phoenix knew who the prosecutor was, but his brain kept on denying the possibility. How could it be... Sutwil? It was him, and he had combed his (Very long) red hair. The hair was in sections, coming down, and looked like a bunch of long talons coming down his face. Phoenix wouldn't be surprised if today was the first day he'd ever combed his hair. It was never neat, resulting in a large mess of hiar coming down his back. Normally, Sutwil used an edited heart desgin on top of his hair (By edited, what I mean is that it looked more omnious then cute), but today it wasn't. Phoenix shook himself, knwoing he had to keep a record of the trial.

"The prosecution is here in place of Ms. Saria Field, who's wound stopped her from particiapting in this trial. I, Sutwil Fey, am taking her place." said Sutwil, full of confidence.
"The court acknowledges the prosecution" said the Judge, who had not been expecting this person to be prosecuting. He had been looking forward to a nice, stress-free session, as it normally was with Ms. Field. The Judge loved hearing the music she played, and as she learned new songs, the Judge was the first to listen to them in court. She was like therapy, for Sue's sake. She was only ever angry when she thought he declared the wrong verdict, and even then she would still play her music. Oh, how he loved that music. If the Judge knew what was going to happoen in this trial, he would have signed up for therapy on the spot.
"Of course, I am well-versed in this case." said Sutwil, and nobody doubted him. He had two black bags under his eyes becuase of lack of sleep. Phoenix thought that Sutwil had been up all night, studying the case. "We had several witnesses to the crime.... Such as myslef, and the defense and his assistant. As not one of us can testify, we will call the victim, and if need be, another witness. As the accounts are very similar, I am hoping that only one of these witnesses will be necasary." he finished.
"Nick, did you hear that? I wonder who the witness is..." said Maya, deep in thought. Phoenix racked his brain. Nobody else had witnesses the murder... Well, he was sure of it.
"After I have given a small summary myself, I will calll Detective Harry Fowl to the stand." said Sutwil. Phoenix had never heard of Harry Fowl. "My breif summary. During a toast, the defendant burst into the room and fired a shot at the defendant. She wouild have died if a blood trasnplant had not been given immeditely."
"But... the nearest hospital was 2 miles away... How is she still alive?" asked the Judge, who thought the prosecution was making more serious then it seemed.
"Simple. A willing donor put blood straight into her body." said Sutwil. who had been expecting this.
"Oh, really? That person must of been a saint. Who was it?" asked the Judge, keen to know.
"Why, myself, of course." said Sutwil, with a small smirk on his face.
"Oh, I see.... Hang on! YOU were the donor?" asked the Judge, clearly in shock. This was the first unexpected thing that had happened that day.
"I was indeed. Enough talk on that. I call Harry Fowl to the stand!" said Sutwil.

The officer was very thin, very slim, and about average height. His head was too big for his body, and he had bleached blonde hair. His grey eyes darted around as he came up to the stand. The police uniform looked very big on him. Phoenix expected that the force didn't make uniforms for people like this.
"Witness, your name and profession for the Court please." said Sutwil.
Fowl cracked his knuckles. "Harry fowl, sir, in officer in the Homicide department in the office, sir."
"Very well." sad Sutwil, shuddering at the knuckle cracking. Phoenix knew that Sutwil hated people cracking their knuckles. There were betterways to hurt your fingers. "Please give an overview to the Court, then give evidence for the arrest reasons.
Fowl cracked them again. "Yessir!"
"The defendant was shot below the heart."
"If it were 8 cm higher, it would of been fatal."
"When we were on the scene, we found the defendant, the victim..."
"And the prosecution were out cold."

"Very well." said the Judge "Mr. Wirght, your cross examinaition, if you will.

1) "The victim was shot below the heart"
"How far below the heart?" asked Phoenix.


"Honestly, Wright. He's about to tell you that. So be patient!" said Sutwil, mocking him.
"Mmph..." said Phoenix, restraining himself.
2) "If it were 8 cm higher, it would of been fatal."


"..." said Phoenix. ((Damn, I've forgotten my question!)) he thought
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Phoenix Wright, ask questions, stop wasting the court's time. NOW!" ordered Sutwil.
"Yes, sir." said Phoenix, playing along.
3) "When we were on the scene, we found the defendant, the victim..."


"Odd. I could've sworn the prosecution was out cold, as well..." said Phoenix, getting the upper hand.


...Or not. "Honestly, Wright. You have no patience, or memory." said Sutwil, taking as many sjots as possible at Phoenix. He was probably angry that Phoenix had taken on Saria's 'murderer'.
4) And the prosecution were on the floor, out cold.


"Then, maybe it could of been a set-up?" suggested Phoenix
"Nah, dude." said Fowl, tackling Phoenix's question himself. "That, dude, is impossible. Since, like, dude, there were so many non-dude, dude, ya following, witnesses, yeah, dude, so, like, that, my dudey friend is impossible, dude."
Phoenix heard the Judge's gavel come down.
"We have a grasp of what happened. We just need evidence, and for the prosecution to call it's first witness."said the Judge
"Your Honour, the prosecution presents the bullet and the gun used in the murder. With ballistic markings and the defndant's fingerprints, of course." said Sutwil, showing them to the Court.

-Bullet added to the Court Record-
-Pistol added to the Court Record-

"The prosecution rests... for now. In the meantime, I call my next witness." said Sutwil, getting ready to unveil the witness to the court. "I call... Ms. Saria Field to the stand!" cried Sutwil, finally.

[Announcement] This won't get anymore real updates until the summer holidays. Hopefully, by then, I'll have a spell checker that works.
Re: Love TurnaboutTopic%20Title
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Four is Death

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"Witness, your name ad profession for the court." said Sutwil, who was looking to be more annyoing then any other prosecutor Phoenix had gone against before.
"Sarai Field, prosecutor." said the wtness, Saria. She was elanign on the stand a bit, Phoenix noted. The bullet was putting her in slight pain, even thought it had been removed.
"Very well." said Sutwil. Phoenix noted that his voice had slight gentleness in it. Phoenix knew why. After all Saria and Sutwil were lovers. Despite Sutwil's little 'overeaction' to private bits. "May the witness please testify as to what happened."
"Yes, I will." said Saria. Between the pair of them, they could easily run the court.
"Oh, god." thought Phoenix "Saria's hard to crack as the prosecution. If she lies on the stand, then we're cooked. We won't be able to crack her testimony unless we are very good."
"But, then again, we are Nick!" said Maya, perky as always.

"When I was shot, I was sitting down, on a wooden chair."
"When the bulle hit me, I went backwards from the force, as did the chair."
"Upon hitting the gorund, the chair broke into splinters."
"Unconsienceness was immediate."
"I awoke when sutwil Fe passed out.
"I lost too mcuh blood, so he give me some of his. He gave about 1 litre."
"I had lost 1.5, so the amount given to me was enought to kepp me alive."
"However, before I fell unconsciense, I did see the face of my shooter."
"It was Karuma. Without a doubt."

"I see no room for questioning." said the Judge.
"Nick, did you hear that?" said Maya, starting to panic. "If there's no room for questioning, we can't cross examine!"
"Eep." said Phoenix. It was all his brain could muster.
"Mr. Wright. Unless you see a contradiction now, I'm afraid I will not let you cross examine." said the Judge
"..." said Phoenix, thinking. "No, Your honour. I see no contradiction."
"W-w-w-WHAT..." said Maya. It was her turn for her biran to go into Overload. "But... but..."
"MAya, there is no contradiction. We saw it, we can't prove anything against her testinmony without sutwil smashing it to pieces." said Phoenix, his voice jumpy with nerves.

Sutwil was not enjoying this. Of course there was no contradiction. He'd gone over the testimony 7 times. From every angle. In fact, there was no way that Phoenix could orove anything. He'd called Saria up to make sure Phoenix knew what he was in. the answer was ; over his head. If it was quicksand he was in, he would have died long again. But Phoenix had good guts to spare. Sutwil could easily win this now, but he wanted to see Phoenix give this up. After all, of Phoenix, or Sutwil, had known was going to happen later, Karuma would be dead by now. However, Sutwil decided to give Phoenix a lifeline. And it wasn't Ask the Audience. "Phoenix Wright, I will give you a chance. Give this case up now. Either that, or I call my next witness." said Sutwil, full of bravado. He was actually basing his actiosn on other prosecutors Phoenix had gone up against. Maya had video-taped all of phoenix's trials. Excpet his first. and the time when he was the defndant against Payne... Then again, Payne wasn't exactly a 'brilliany' role model. More likely a disaster waiting to happen.
"..." said Phoenix, thinking about whether or not to take it."I decilne your offer, Mr. Fey."
"Very well. After Ms. saria is off the stand, I will call my next witness."
"Very well." said the Judge. Saria got off the stand, and went back to the hospital, where she thought about everything that had happened. In the courtroom, a small girl came up to the stand.
"Will the witness state her name and... age." said Sutwil, breaking from what normally happened.
"Pearl Fey, I am 9." said the witness, who was.... No, it wasn't Billy Bob Jones. It was Pearl. Maya's jaw fell open.
"Very well. Testify as to what you saw."


"I saw Karuma burst into the room."
"He then raised his gun, and fired at Saria."

"That was a... very brief testimony." said the Judge.
"Indeed it is, your Honour." said Sutwil. "But, nevertheless, it is decisive. A cross examinaition is pointless, unless Mr. Wright can cast doubt on this case, a ruling must be given.
"well, Mr. Wright?" Can you cast doubt?" asked the Judge
"..." said Phoenix, thinking. He saw one way. "Maybe the shot Karuma fired was a blank, and there was a gunman outside. They fired, and hit Saria, knocking her over. Then after everyone in the room was either unconiense, or had gone to get the police, that gunamn came in and set the scene up." suggested Phoenix finally.
"Very well, Phoenix. A cross examinaition is not needed, but the prosecutor needs a day to deide on the best course of action."
"Very well. Court is adjourned!"

In the lobby, Karuma had already been taken to Detetnion. Phoenix used his cell phone to contact the center, and found out that he could walk right in. In fact, anyone with the surname 'Fey', 'Wright', or 'Von Karma' could go right in.

At the detention center, Sutwil was waiting outside the door. He was chewing on something in his mouthm before swallowing it. He then rpoceeded to look into the corner. Two teenagers were smoking in the corner. Sutwil scowled, he didn't like people smoking. Other then them two, and Sutwil, the third person was Franziks Von Karma. When Phoenix go to the center (the room for private talks not open), he asked Franziska why she was there.
"Karuma's related to me. Quite distant." she said, bluntly. Phoenix got the impression she didn't like to be related to a would-be murderer. He noticed Sutwil, then saw one of the teenagers throw one of the burnt out butts (of the cigeratte) at Sutwil.
"Ya want won?" asked the person who threw it (That was actually how it sounded to everyone in the room)
"Them things," said Sutwil, gesturing to the tobacco in one of the teenagers hands "Are very bad for your health. And if they're not, I am." he finished, with just a touch of ice.
"Hahahahaha. Some won like yoo bate us oop? Ya've got no chance, mate!" said the other boy, smirking.
Sutwil snorted; he found it very funny. PHoenix wouldn't have even questioned about the boys smoking. "Now, now, gentleman. We all know, that if you fight, you'll lose and go crying to Mummy." said Sutwil, mocking them.
As far as the smoking boys were concerned, the red-haired staranger had crossed the line. He'd involved their mothers. "Yoo knaw what ya got yoursalf intew, righ? We're gonna duff yoo oop!" said one. "Yeah, we will doo that!" said the other. They began to come closer to Sutwil, thinking their 17-year-old frames could easily take the starnger's smaller one. While Sutwil was naturally tall (unlike most Feys, his frame was small. Long and thin. While Sutwil eat well, he just prefered not to eat.
"If you want to fight me, three rules." said Sutwil, smirking with extreme enjoyment "No spitting, no scratching, and no tattling to Mummy." The boys just charged at him.

Phoenix and Franziska moved straight out of the way. Pearl and Maya came in, and saw the boys rushing at Sutwil, who was just smiling an eerie smile. It seemed to be saying "Fools, fools, fools.", as if speaking to the teenagers, who had their ciggarette packets and lighters in their hands, running at him, having no desire to stop. The medium seemed to be chuckling at this foolishness.
Then, the boys were nearly at him. At the last moment, Sutwil put his body down, spreading his arms out wide. It caused the two boys, in their haste, to fall over. They also let go of their cig and lighters. The tobacco from the ciggeratte fell out immediately. Then, Sutwil picked up the two empty cigs, and put a cork on the end. By now, the boys had rolled over, intending to get up. But, half-way Sutwil had stood on their foot. This completely immobozilied them, or so they thought. Actually, moving would give them 5 seconds of extreme pain, and that was it. Otherwise, harmless. Sutwil pulled out a small bottle of Ocean Spray (the populaur drink made by Steele, or Gunther Khar, which was his real name, who had recentely won rights to manufacture it, after the Manic Street Preachers attempt to sue him) and poured it into the cigerattes. One of Ocean Spray's properties was that it was very much flammable. So, when Sutwil used the lighter to set the (full of OCean Spray) cigs, the result was smoky. Sutwil then placed the burning cigs into the boys mouths. "Take... That." said the red-haired demon. The boys finally stood up, and run out, with the burning cigs in their mouth.
"Honestly, you'd think they'd have brains!" said Sutwil, scowling heavily
"Hmph. No need to be so melodramatic." said Franziska. Phoenix thought she was being puty at not being able to whip people, as Sutwil had her whip. He'd yanked it off her before Phoenix came in. He'd promised to give it back to hear the moment he left the Detention Center. Likely story. He'd deliver it to her office. He din't trust Fran with the whip from a whip-length away.
"No need to be puty, my happy dog." said Sutwil, in reurn, mocking her whip. He was using the whip to lead a metaphor.
"Heh. I never thought a fool could be a prosecutor. Then again, you'll lose in a heart-beat, I'm sure. After all it was your foolish lover who got shot... By her own stupidity... Haha." laughed Franziska, taunting him back. to be honest, at the moment Phoenix thought she was a foolishly foolish fool, foolishly spouting foolish words to get herself foolsihly attacked. Phoenix suddenly ntoiced his thought had been mirroring what Franziska would have said, he shook it out of his mind. Maya sheld Phoenix's hand tightly. Not Pearl, she was watching with wide eyes. Then, Phoenix heard talking at the desk. But, his attention then went back to Sutwil and Franziska. Sutwil, with his huge height playing quite a difference, was standing in front of Franziska, looking down at the female prodigy. He then stepped back, and lifted his arm. Franziska just smirked; who would DARE to hit her? Then, Sutwil put a bit of spring on his arm and smashed Franziska in the face, breaking her nose. She gasped in shock, then yelped in pain; someone of her social status would NEVER do something like that, would they?
"Never insult Saria." said Sutwil, simply.
Franziska staggered back in continued pain; she's never been punched before. She ahdn't met someone with sincerity, but ith no self-control. she didn't know that Sutwil actually did have plenty of self-control. But he did things that no civilised person would do, all because he would not stand for things that put the people that he loved in danger. Or things that might hurt their feelings. Sutwil had great understanding of physcological effects, and he knew that damaging people'e feeling was no help to anyone. Then,the very person who had been insulted verbally, Saria, came in.Franziska knew better then to speak up. Sutwil would be aiming lower down next time, she didn't doubt.
"Hello." she greeted, curtesying slightly. "What are you all doing here?" she asked, smiling. She'd recovered from the bullet.
"Client." said phoenix, not speaking in full sentences from shock at the blow at Franziska.
"With Nick." said Maya, and Pearl said it as well. It was a more or less pbvious answer, everyon who heard it saw it coming.
"Relaition." said fraiziska. Phoenix made a mental note to ask her.
"Case." said Sutwil, who was now biting his lip.
"Franziska von Karma! Your related to... Karuma?" asked Saria. Phoenix bit his lip. She'd beaten him to it.
"My great-great-great-grandmother had an illegitimate child. Karuma comes from that line of illegitimate relatives." said Fraziska, with more then a slight bit of ice. Try a glacier.
The PA in the corner crackled, and then settled down into the tone of Harry Fowl.
"Dude, the Karuma dude's cell, has been opened by the dudes there. You, little dudes, are free to go in, dude." then came the cracking knuckles.
"I wish they'd fire him already." said Franziska, opening the door. When Phoenix went in, sutwil put his forr by the door.
"Franziska needs her alone time with him." he said, grinning. 5 minutes later, Franzika walked out of the room, blushing slightly. Sutwil then said "Get in.", and opened the door (moving his foot obviously) and walked in. Maya, Pearl, Saria and then Phoenix followed.
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Four is Death

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In the Detntion Center visiting room, Karuma was waiting for them, his slim smile all over his face. Sutwil looked at him with a look that would of frightened people who knew no fear. There were more chairs laid out for the group of people, all in front of the 2cm thick piece of fiberglass that seperated the defendant and the people outside. The guard was leaning against the door, and the door was lcoked, and a curtain drawn over the hole that gave a view into the room. The camera was looking over the room, recentely activated. It had fallen offline before Franziska came in. What happened in the blank 10 minutes, nobody knew. Saria and Sutwil sat on the last two chairs to the left, with Sutwil closest to the screen. Phoenix was next to Sutwil, as Saria was right on the end, and Sutwil next to her and Phoenix. Pearl was on the chair to the furthest right chair, with Maya seperating her from Phoenix. Karuma was on the other side of the transparent fiberglass, opposite Phownix.
"Welcome, Ms. Field, Mr. Fey, the Miss Feys, and Mr. Wright" said Karuma, smiling.
"Shut the hell up, John." said Sutwil, scowling.
"...John...?" said Phoenix, wondering who he was talking to.
"Phoenix Wright doesn't know the name of his own client. Johathan Karuma. but most people just call him Karuma." explained Sutwil, laughing slightly. As soon as he finished, all happiness drained again, and he turned back to Karuma, still scowling.
"I don't see the need for blatant hostility, Mr. Fey. Don't you agree, Ms. Fey?" said Karuma, using thr other people in the room to make his arguement.
"Uh... Yes?" said Maya, not quite sure what exactly to say.
"Didn't you hear me earlier, convict?" asked Sutwil, leaning in. "Shut up. The only reason I'm not watching you get barbecued by the Eletric chair is that Phoenix was being a prat." he finished. Sutwil was still angry at Phownix getting Gale Water's off the hook, and taking Karuma's case.
"I won't shut up. And speaking of the eletric chair..." Karuma trailed off at the end. Then, something hit Phoenix like a cannonball. And the realisation almost tore him apart. He'd realized three things. One, guards for these cells always carried tasers, with two power-packs. If ths second one was sued, ti could knock out a prisoner in a second, from 40 meters. At close range, it could kill someone by stopping their heart. This guard was missing a power-pack and his taser. Second, the guard was out cold, with a no wounds. And, last of all, the lower-right corner of the fibre-glass was loose, worn away by something. And who was in front of the corner... Maya. Phoenix cryed out, and then Karuma shoved his hand through the corner, grazing his hand, placed the taser right in front of Maya... and held down the trigger of the taser, using the second power-packs power. The shock flew straight... and hit Maya in the chest.
The electiricity stopped, the power-pack had run dry. Phoenix put his head down to see if Maya was alright... And then the fiberglass smashed. Phoenix but his hand on Maya's breast, feeling for a heartbeat. There wasn't one. He looked up, and saw the 2cm window smashed, with Karuma smashed against the wall, and Sutwil picking up his jade ring, and jumping over. he'd used the ring to smash the window, and knock Karuma out. Karuma garrbed the taser off Karuma, and pulled the trigger. Nothing came out. He then grabbed the other power-pack off the guard, and pressed the trigger again, after wiring it. Nothing came out again.
"Damn it!" he said, his voice tense with anger. "He drained both packs before we came in.
"Sutwil, Maya's heart's stopped!" said Phoenix, jumpy with tension. He looked around to Pearl, only to see the girl slumped in her chair. She'd passed out from shock. He saw Saria sitting on her chair thinking.
"What! Oh, snap. And we can't restart it..." said Sutwil, his brow riddled with thought.
"We have four minutes normally until the brain relses there isn't any blood there, and shuts down.. About one of those minutes is gone. We can either restart her heart with more electricity, or use cryogenics. Ice Age Labs is too far away, and we don't have any electricity availible here. Or do we?" asked Saria, her brow was also riddled with thought.
"Nope. Sutwil checked the power-packs." said Phoenix, pointing out the obvious.
"Plan B then.." said Sutweil, grabbing one of the beads on his neck. He gently tugged at it, and the thing opened. A small dart tip was inside it, which he took out. After that, the bead closed again, and pulled out the rest of the dart out of the bow on his left side. He joined the piar together.
"What's that for?" asked Phoenix, wondering why Sutwil carrieda drat around with him.
"Plan B" said Sutwil, grinning then he went over to the camera in the corner. He grabbed one side of it, and pushed it against the wall. He plunged the dart into the wire connecting it to the roof. He then pulled out a wire from oen of his pockets, and put one end on the severed wire, and then attached the other end to the taser. He aimed at Maya... and pulled the trigger.
Re: Love TurnaboutTopic%20Title
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Four is Death

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I know no one gives a fig about what I write, I'm doing this for the hell of it.

The shot flew true, and found it's way straight into where Maya had been hit by Karuma He released the trigger at the last moment, and threw the taser itno the corner, where it broke. Sutwil put his head to where he estimated Maya's heart would be. Phoenix chewed his lip, hoping that Plan B had worked.
"Yeah, she's alive. But she won't be eating burgers today." sad Sutwil, taking his head off Maya's breast. "But I hope you know how much of a git Karuma is now." he finished, while he stood up, jumped over the smashed fiberglass window, and over to Karuma. Phoenix looked to where Pearl was, and noticed Pearl had regained conscienseness. Then Sutwil gave a slight grunting sound, then threw his boot over the msahsed window. Sutwil jumped back over, sat down, and put his boot back on.
"Hey, Pheenie." said Sutwil.
"That's a new one... Pheenie" thought Phoenix.
"Pheenie Phoenix... Nah, won't be saying that again, but, anyway, take a look at this." said Sutwil, passing Phoenix a passport. phoenix flicked throught it... and saw the word 'Pearl'. He looked at the photo.. ANd the description by it. It was all so... familiar. then it clicked. 'Pearl Fey', the female prosecutor he'd argued against for Lucas Biyang, and the real Pearl, in DA-8 (Note: You all know DA-8 as Explosive Turnabout). That prosecutor had escaped custody... after being found guilty of murdering Lauren Skye. But.. where had this came from?
"Sutwil, where'd this come from?" asked Phoenix, passing the passport to the next person. Phoenix realised a moment later that it had been Pearl who he had passed it along too, and she gasped. She hadn't quite gripped the fact that the prosecutor had been imitating her.
"Well, it came from Karuma's body, course." said Sutwil, and then Phoenix's jaw dropped.
"But... how did he...?" said Phoenix, shocked.
"I don't know. I didn't recognize him because I'm betting he had plastic surgery twice. Once to become 'Pearl Fey' and the second to become himself again. Phoenix, I think you know what to do." said Sutwil
"Sutwil..." said Saria, speaking almost sympathtically.
"I know what to do." said Phoenix, and he got a letter of resignaition from his Court records. He always kept one with him. And he placed it by Karuma's unconsciense body. He decided to take a break from everything the next day.

Of, course, as far as Karuma was concerned, there was no trouble. He defended himself, and lost due to the fact that there'd been 5 witnesses, and no smashed windows. It could of only been him. the trial lasted 10 minutes, after a confession from Karuma as soon as he realised he could never win. Phoenix chose to relax for the day. He had got a letter from Saria that morning. He opned it, and it said "Thank you, Phoenix Wright.", and contained a $500 dollar bill. PHoenix was shocked at that. He opened a bank account, and invested the money. Maya spent most of the day in hospital sleeping. She woke up about mid-day, and decided to stay in the hospital for the rest of that day. Pearl spend the day training and meditating. Sutwil had been rposecuting, then went back to an apartment owned by Gale Water. She decided to work over-night, and Sutwil had asked if he could stay there for that night. She'd agreed, and Sutwil had brought nothing, other then his assorted goods. And a small half-sphere which he muttered to constantly. When she left, she noticed that there was a lens on it, and that ssix silver legs had come out. Each leg was made out of many silver rings, and it was clmibing throught Sutwil's hair, exploring. Gale had laughed then left. Saria, too, stayed in hospital for the day. She wasn't allowed out until 9:00PM. When she did, she went to her aartment. And slept on her bed. She smiled. After all, everything was good.

Or so she thought.

That night... Three people woke up at the same moment. As if fate had brought them together. However, it was not from a peaceful dream...

Phoenix woke up, sweating. Black and white. In his dream, he had been looking into a cryogenic capsule. The door wa open, and one of the two see-through window had a small hole in it. The lock on the door had been tunnel through, it seemed, by miniscule men. But nothing was visible. TIn the door, a young man, with face covering most of his body, and standing there. Only one thing was visible from where Phoenix looked. A large box. It loooked familiar... Kurain... Kurain... Kurain... the word echoed in his head, smashing any string of thought that he put together. He stood up of his bed, and put a gass under the tap. a jet of cold water came out. Phoenix turned the tap off, and drank the water slowly. Hewas thinking of what the dream meant. He had never seen anything like that before, so it must of been something that either his mind had made, or it was foresight. Phoenix didn't think it was foesight. How was that image possible...?

Saria woke up, gasping for air. That dream... It would never happen. Nothing would ever happen like that... would it? She opened her eyes for the first time, taking deep breaths now, keeping her rising panic hidden. She then focused her mind, and moved the panic t one side. Sutwil didn't take Spirit Channeling too seriously. He had found other ways to use spiritual energy. he was certainly good, but he was better at emotion control. It worked simply. It was something he and Saria did often When they were stressed, a minute of their time would make thir anger wash away. It worked very well, and how it worked: They had to bring their mind into a certain state of mind. Once in this state, they could enlarge certain emotions, and move some away. Once small enough, and emotion can be destroyed by an ordanairy mind. All deviced by Sutwil. His state of mind. he was doing something that was like an Emotional coma. That was what he called it, but she had no idea what it did, or could do. He had never been able to test it. Saria, at last relaxed, turned her neck sideways, hoping to get off her bed and have a glass of orange juice, but she froze as soon as her neck turned. On the far side of the room, there was a touch lamp. Three setting: Dim, medium and bright. It was on dim, that was why she hadn't seen it. And below the light, was a semi-sphere, with what looked like another semi-circle on the obttom. What resulted was a small army helmet type top. It had six legs, each one made of large quanites of small, metal rings. On the end, a small point was attached. There was a large red lense on the sphere (from the large lip to about half-way up), and it was looking right at her. It had it's lip on the table on which the lamp stood. Five legs were under, it, meeting at a certain point right in the middle of it. The sixth leg was near the lamp, ready to change the light eminating from the lamp. Saria stood up, and grabed a large book, and moved towards it.

The Spider-Cam was not phased. It knew it's orders. "Observe Saria Field. Retreat in only a Code 8, or Code 9 emergency. At 20 past twelve, report to base, and plug into Source A. You will then receive new orders." The Master had said, speaking in a powerful, male voice. the voice was not to be dis-obeyed. The moment the Spider-cams were made, the voice repeated it, and so did the Leader. The Leader was another one of his kind, the first. He drilled all the orders into the Cam's chips. The orders were recieved from two cources. Source B was for 2nd class missions. IT was a modified outlet in the wall of the Master's bedroom. It had orders everyday. But these were normally simple, like "Locate so-and-so." Simple missions. But Source A... was a computer. It had been cannabilisedinto a work-station for the Spider-Cams. This was a Source a mission. It was important to the Master, then. The Came had been looking at her since she had arrived home. It was not worried that the subject was about to attack him. "Emergency Code 7... Retreat not needed." said the spider, out-loud. The Master had told him to use 100% audio when the subject was awake. Normally, it transmitted a message to tiself, so it became a 'thought'.
"W-w-What? You can talk?" said Saria, tensing her arm.
"Yes. Put the weapon dowm." said the Spider, standing up on all six legs, and then it raised one of it's legs, poiting atr the book.
"Sure." she said, and she threw the book at the Spider. Then, the point went back inside the arm, and a needle came out. The book soared through the air... And the needle caught it. The spider did not recoil, as one might expect, but the arm gave a slight shiver. The spider raised up one of it's middle legs, and pushed the book off the end of the needle. It now had a small hole, piercinf the first few pages. The Spider then noticed it ad to return to base, starting in two minutes. It then said what it had come to say.
"The Master has a message." it said, never moving the elnse from saria, the grille that allowed sound out vibrating slightly.
"What is it? And who's ther Master?" asked Saria, now completely frozen by fear.
"Identity asked. Emergency code 8... Active. Mission first. voice removed. "Goodbye, Saria." said the slightly different voice. The Spider then jumpd from the desk, onto the couch, and into the airing ducts. It then boarded the train to Kurain village.

But what of the third person? It was Sutwil Fey.

"Autocylus Ngal." he said, gesturing to his feet. A Spider-Cam, larger then the others, and a dark blue coming from the lense, instead of the normal red, ran up next to him.
"Leave command of the Spider-Cams to SF." Autocylus Ngal preserved the command in his memory. "Return to base." Autocylus flashed it's lense red to show understanding, then it ran to the door, jumped on to the door, grabbed onto the lock using magnets in it's feet, and replaced his point with a lockpicking tool. It opened the door and ran out of the room. Sutwil stood up, and showered. With the water dripping in his hair 5 minutes later, he went to the front door of Ice Age Labs. He was going to be Cryogenically frozen. Then, he heard something behind him... And then felt bullets enter his windpipe, heart, and both lungs. He was dead in moments.


OK, this story was originally being continued. But, due to lack on intrest, I'm just going to proceed with somthing else. So, that's all I have to say. This story loses some main points in it, but that's no matter. All of Phoenix's dreams were supposed to come true was the main point. Also, it was going to be revealed that Sutwil Fey was controlling the SPider-Cams.
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