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Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?βTopic%20Title
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You know what really grinds my gears? Emotions. Guys don't have emotions. Girls have emotions. Therefore, Guys who do have emotions are actually girls. Syllogised!
If you're a man and you think it's okay to cry or whatever, then you're sorely mistaken! You're actually a girl, and you belong in the kitchen! Now where's my sammich!
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.
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In Justice We Trust

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Blak The Great wrote:
You know what really grinds my gears? Emotions. Guys don't have emotions. Girls have emotions. Therefore, Guys who do have emotions are actually girls. Syllogised!
If you're a man and you think it's okay to cry or whatever, then you're sorely mistaken! You're actually a girl, and you belong in the kitchen! Now where's my sammich!

You know what really grinds my gears? When someone says that and actually means it. Better a bleeding heart than a stone one, in my opinion.
I'll always love you, Max.
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Pierre wrote:
Summarised: It grinds my gears that people think it's not fair for me to use prejudice to mistreat people I perceive as bad.

That's not what I meant at all.
Sure I have prejudice, sure I form opinions faster than I should at times but I am still open to see if people can change. I just think it would take a very long time for them to change, so saying that "bad childhood" would excuse anything, even if they act like shit during the time they are trying to change.

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I'm just going to throw out a pre-emptive warning to CatMuto and Pierre to stay calm and respectful, and not do or say anything that would require me to lock the thread and/or give either of you a real warning~

(juuuuust wanna stay on the safe side, especially in a thread like this)

also my two cents: the way I interpretted CatMuto's rants was at people who had just done the stuff and gotten caught, rather than people who had done stuff in the past (and then gone to jail and then left, or whatever)
And I guess I sort of agree. A "bad childhood" may explain, but it certainly doesn't excuse.

Blak The Great wrote:
If you're a man and you think it's okay to cry or whatever, then you're sorely mistaken! You're actually a girl, and you belong in the kitchen! Now where's my sammich!

have a knuckle sandwich (with cheese)
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You know what grinds my gears?

People who go through life with a profound lack of empathy for other people's situations and assume the position of judge and jury over every little thing that neither concerns nor affects them.

kno wwhat else grinds my gears? people who ake posts whjen theyr're drunk.totally not coool.
"Descole? You don't mean Mr. I-Like-to-Wreck-Things-with-Mechanical-Monsters-and-Dress-Up-as-Posh-Ladies Descole?" -Emmy Altava

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Adrian in black wrote:
You know what grinds my gears?

People who go through life with a profound lack of empathy for other people's situations and assume the position of judge and jury over every little thing that neither concerns nor affects them.

kno wwhat else grinds my gears? people who ake posts whjen theyr're drunk.totally not coool.

*high fives you*
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Adrian in black wrote:
kno wwhat else grinds my gears? people who ake posts whjen theyr're drunk.totally not coool.

Happy Newman's Day :b33r:
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My initial post referred to a specific issue between two specific countries. However, I'd like to broaden what I said to just extreme nationalism in general (in any country, as I know there are people everywhere who are guilty of it, including in my own.)

That's what really grinds my gears.

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This thread gets heavier and heavier with the subjects. Here's hoping no one starts discussing politics (You know what really grinds my gears? Political discussions)
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☆☆☆ Kira ☆☆☆

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You know what really grinds my gears? Shitty democrats. Damn them democrats. All they do is spout how they're gonna do this when they actually do that! But when they finally DO do what they were gonna do, it's not the exact thing they promised they were gonna do! Damn democrats. I can't trust any of them. And that Obama! Who does he think he is? He's black and he's a racist! He's homophobic and he claims to have killed Osama! He's nothing but a lousy traitor to this glorious country known as America! Why if Obama wasn't the POTUS I'd give him the "ol' two four what have you good sir!" You know what? I'd probably take out the "good sir" bit since he doesn't deserve it! Damn democrats.
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.
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Yeah... Sorry 'bout that. I've just really been wanting to vent that for a while.

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The Real Human Being

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You know what really grinds my gears?

How people will take something small and try to turn it into a lifestyle. People who think they deserve a damn medal for having a particular fetish (gays and furries. so you like dick, you don't need to make a big deal about it. ) or like a certain type of sci-fi (trekkies and starwars fans, they'll start arguments with each-other over NOTHING,) or do certain drugs.
(Weed smokers, you don't see alcoholics putting beer bottles all over their facebook page) or worst of all, the Wiggers. ( you live in a fucking good neighborhood, the worst thing to happen to you was getting your ass kicked by me, stop talking about life on the streets just because you want to be black.)

Apart from the gays, these people irritate me to no end (I still don't think liking dick warrants you getting special treatment. Or worse treatment for that matter.)
And stop with that "Gay Pride" stuff, if we're allowed to advertise our fetishes like that I'm going to get "Pegging Anal Pride" Decals on my car.

Explain THAT to little timmy mom! *Monarch-eske laugh*
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I know this thread's purpose is so people can complain about things they don't like, but please tread lightly if you're going to bring up such sensitive issues as disputed territory, party politics, or gay rights. This is Court Records, not a Yahoo! comments section. We don't want feelings to get hurt. I'm not going to hand out any punishments or warnings over these recent posts, but only because no one's complained to the staff about them as of when I posted this.

This goes for you, too, Blak. Not everyone is as good at spotting satire as I am (and I don't exactly pride myself on that particular skill in the first place). Saying something as a joke is no excuse if it hurts someone's feelings.
I'll always love you, Max.
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?βTopic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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General Luigi wrote:
I know this thread's purpose is so people can complain about things they don't like, but please tread lightly if you're going to bring up such sensitive issues as disputed territory, party politics, or gay rights. This is Court Records, not a Yahoo! comments section. We don't want feelings to get hurt. I'm not going to hand out any punishments or warnings over these recent posts, but only because no one's complained to the staff about them as of when I posted this.

This goes for you, too, Blak. Not everyone is as good at spotting satire as I am (and I don't exactly pride myself on that particular skill in the first place). Saying something as a joke is no excuse if it hurts someone's feelings.

Now before anyone gets pissed off, I'm not anti gay. I'm just against having it as a "lifestyle".

It's a sad day when a word is made taboo, we're still having problems with the black community taking a word and identifying with it, The Gays don't need to take "queer", "fabulous", "homo", too.
Just stick with Gay and Candy-Ass (and fag when you piss people off)

Good lord I sound like my drunk of a father.

*sighs* I guess it's too big an issue for one man to think he knows everything about it. I'll admit my position may be weak, but It's just how I feel, if I'm wrong then so be it, you're still human to me.

(But you furries and Pot heads need to get a life, the gays still deserve a happy endi-*banned*
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DoMaya wrote:
General Luigi wrote:
I know this thread's purpose is so people can complain about things they don't like, but please tread lightly if you're going to bring up such sensitive issues as disputed territory, party politics, or gay rights. This is Court Records, not a Yahoo! comments section. We don't want feelings to get hurt. I'm not going to hand out any punishments or warnings over these recent posts, but only because no one's complained to the staff about them as of when I posted this.

This goes for you, too, Blak. Not everyone is as good at spotting satire as I am (and I don't exactly pride myself on that particular skill in the first place). Saying something as a joke is no excuse if it hurts someone's feelings.

Now before anyone gets pissed off, I'm not anti gay. I'm just against having it as a "lifestyle".

It's a sad day when a word is made taboo, we're still having problems with the black community taking a word and identifying with it, The Gays don't need to take "queer", "fabulous", "homo", too.
Just stick with Gay and Candy-Ass (and fag when you piss people off)

Good lord I sound like my drunk of a father.

*sighs* I guess it's too big an issue for one man to think he knows everything about it. I'll admit my position may be weak, but It's just how I feel, if I'm wrong then so be it, you're still human to me.

(But you furries and Pot heads need to get a life, the gays still deserve a happy endi-*banned*

It's a little shame that I dislike the 'stereotype' of campy gay so much. Granted most of that experience is from comedians like Alan Carr being plastered across screen and other irritating TV personalities. I think I just find the high-voices and flippant mannerisms a pain. I just don't see why being gay would make someone act so different, I'm aware there's stereotypes for women too typically making them seem tomboyish or comically brutish but those ones I've seen are massively untrue in my experience.

I suppose I wouldn't be bothered by campy gay if I hadn't heard about somewhat vindictive way they treat people who don't act up the stereotype at all. I'd heard the call it 'straight-acting' and say they are trying to conform to social norms to fit in and are therefore insecure about their homosexuality.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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But you know what, Pierre? I've seen many gay men (can't talk about lesbians, I'm not knowledgeable enough about them) who act perfectly "normal", or at least what society considers normal, and sometimes even manlier than many straight men. The ONLY thing they have differently is that instead of kissing a girl they kiss another man.

That said, we have many straight people with different ways of acting and mannerisms, so it's only logical we'd have gays like that too. I am also very bothered (You know what really grinds my gears) by gay people that shake their hands, talk loudly and call everyone a darling like they were in a theater play, but it's their way of being, we must learn to live with it.

I am against Gay Pride however, because gay people should - and want to - fight for equality, not exclusivity, and things like that just creates more disparities.

Okay, moving on then, before this thread starts to become a human rights forum...
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You know what really grinds my gears? People judging someone else's problems merely on that person's age.

A thirteen year-old might just have as much reason to hate their life as someone in their forties. Just because your childhood was harmless, doesn't mean everyone else's is. Telling someone with a shitty situation at home (which they might even blame themselves for) that their problems are insignificant will only decrease their self-esteem even more.
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?βTopic%20Title
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VCM wrote:
But you know what, Pierre? I've seen many gay men (can't talk about lesbians, I'm not knowledgeable enough about them) who act perfectly "normal", or at least what society considers normal, and sometimes even manlier than many straight men. The ONLY thing they have differently is that instead of kissing a girl they kiss another man.

That said, we have many straight people with different ways of acting and mannerisms, so it's only logical we'd have gays like that too. I am also very bothered (You know what really grinds my gears) by gay people that shake their hands, talk loudly and call everyone a darling like they were in a theater play, but it's their way of being, we must learn to live with it.

I am against Gay Pride however, because gay people should - and want to - fight for equality, not exclusivity, and things like that just creates more disparities.

Okay, moving on then, before this thread starts to become a human rights forum...

That's the thing, your position is perfect and I've had experience with both types of gays, A friend of mine in highschool (who was oddly in the JROTC,) was one of them ehh.. "Fancy Gays" the guy wore sparkly makeup, talked in a girly voice. and just generally talked about being gay.

But, my uncle is gay. And he acts perfectly normal (and this I didn't know till my mother told me, this was also the time she told me my Whore Cats didn't run away,)

It's not like he tried to hide it either, It's not like his facebook is pink or sparkly, he didn't let something like that dictate how he conducted his business.
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Sixth Pegasus wrote:
You know what really grinds my gears? People judging someone else's problems merely on that person's age.

A thirteen year-old might just have as much reason to hate their life as someone in their forties. Just because your childhood was harmless, doesn't mean everyone else's is. Telling someone with a shitty situation at home (which they might even blame themselves for) that their problems are insignificant will only decrease their self-esteem even more.

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Sixth Pegasus wrote:
You know what really grinds my gears? People judging someone else's problems merely on that person's age.

A thirteen year-old might just have as much reason to hate their life as someone in their forties. Just because your childhood was harmless, doesn't mean everyone else's is. Telling someone with a shitty situation at home (which they might even blame themselves for) that their problems are insignificant will only decrease their self-esteem even more.

Well what about thirteen year old kids who have a decent enough home, but still say they hate their life?

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CatMuto wrote:
Sixth Pegasus wrote:
You know what really grinds my gears? People judging someone else's problems merely on that person's age.

A thirteen year-old might just have as much reason to hate their life as someone in their forties. Just because your childhood was harmless, doesn't mean everyone else's is. Telling someone with a shitty situation at home (which they might even blame themselves for) that their problems are insignificant will only decrease their self-esteem even more.

Well what about thirteen year old kids who have a decent enough home, but still say they hate their life?


SP wasn't saying that there aren't whiny, bratty pre/teens who thinks their life is terrible when it isn't, but that not every pre/teen complaining about their life is just a whiny, bratty pre/teen who thinks their life is terrible when it isn't.

...I think.
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Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?βTopic%20Title
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Bad Player wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
Sixth Pegasus wrote:
You know what really grinds my gears? People judging someone else's problems merely on that person's age.

A thirteen year-old might just have as much reason to hate their life as someone in their forties. Just because your childhood was harmless, doesn't mean everyone else's is. Telling someone with a shitty situation at home (which they might even blame themselves for) that their problems are insignificant will only decrease their self-esteem even more.

Well what about thirteen year old kids who have a decent enough home, but still say they hate their life?


SP wasn't saying that there aren't whiny, bratty pre/teens who thinks their life is terrible when it isn't, but that not every pre/teen complaining about their life is just a whiny, bratty pre/teen who thinks their life is terrible when it isn't.

...I think.

Yup, exactly. Whinyness isn't dependent of age, either.
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?βTopic%20Title
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DoMaya wrote:
And stop with that "Gay Pride" stuff, if we're allowed to advertise our fetishes like that I'm going to get "Pegging Anal Pride" Decals on my car.

I was going to just post a "well gay pride is different" post, but after some thinking, I think I figured out a bit of why it's different.

It's because there is discrimination and prejudice against gays, and so they're fighting for equality. But the reason they have to bring it out into the open with gay pride is because, unlike most other things that are the basis of discrimination, the fact that they're gay is something that can't be understood just by looking at them, but is also something that they probably can't hide forever. (I mean, yes, you could hide the fact that you're gay from everyone at your workplace or whatever forever, but... what if someone asks about your wife? Or asks to come over to your house?) In contrast, someone can tell if you're a woman or black or whatever just by looking at you (for the most part), and there's no reason your fetishes ever have to leave your bedroom. yeah
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Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?βTopic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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Bad Player wrote:
DoMaya wrote:
And stop with that "Gay Pride" stuff, if we're allowed to advertise our fetishes like that I'm going to get "Pegging Anal Pride" Decals on my car.

I was going to just post a "well gay pride is different" post, but after some thinking, I think I figured out a bit of why it's different.

It's because there is discrimination and prejudice against gays, and so they're fighting for equality. But the reason they have to bring it out into the open with gay pride is because, unlike most other things that are the basis of discrimination, the fact that they're gay is something that can't be understood just by looking at them, but is also something that they probably can't hide forever. (I mean, yes, you could hide the fact that you're gay from everyone at your workplace or whatever forever, but... what if someone asks about your wife? Or asks to come over to your house?) In contrast, someone can tell if you're a woman or black or whatever just by looking at you (for the most part), and there's no reason your fetishes ever have to leave your bedroom. yeah

That's just the thing, it IS something that can be kept just at the home. The exact same way other people are promiscuous or Eunuchs, These people don't need to feel like everyone else is OK with it, so they keep it to themselves.
If they're so fine with being gay then keep it to yourself, you don't see me walking around talking about how much ass I don't get.

They take symbols, they take words, they even take certain styles away from the rest of us just because they want to be different.

Look at it like this, during the existence of the USSR Red wasn't a color REAL AMERICANS weren't supposed to like. We have a period of history called the Red Scare. Anything having to do with this outlook on life was highly scrutinized.

Or how about the Nazis? You can't even have a certain type of moustache without being called one, and a perfectly harmless symbol of good luck was made taboo.

Now imagine stuff like this but with rainbows and "looking trim" unless a man is super gruff or practically covered in women there's always the question that a good looking man is gay. Fuck that, a man can't look good anymore without being seen as gay. I'm not a homo but I want to look fabulous [Hotlinking to CR is bad. -BP]
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Bad Player wrote:
(I mean, yes, you could hide the fact that you're gay from everyone at your workplace or whatever forever, but... what if someone asks about your wife? Or asks to come over to your house?)

Easy, you can simply way that you "don't have a wife" or say that you are "single".
Or you could be the type of person who says that they keep their work and personal life strictly separate - the type who might go out drinking or something after work with some co-workers, but doesn't hang out with them on weekends or introduce the other people in their personal life to them.

If they're so fine with being gay then keep it to yourself, you don't see me walking around talking about how much ass I don't get.

Heh, makes me think of Stewie from Family Guy.
"I'm not all in your face with my hetero sexuality."

But I guess being gay is like having a penis, religion or practically anything else that is important to you.
It's fine if you have it, just don't wave it in my face or shove it down my throat.
I seriously don't care if the person I'm talking to is homo or hetero sexual. If they're homo sexual and want something from me, then I'll tell them to back off.

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CatMuto wrote:
Bad Player wrote:
(I mean, yes, you could hide the fact that you're gay from everyone at your workplace or whatever forever, but... what if someone asks about your wife? Or asks to come over to your house?)

Easy, you can simply way that you "don't have a wife" or say that you are "single".
Or you could be the type of person who says that they keep their work and personal life strictly separate - the type who might go out drinking or something after work with some co-workers, but doesn't hang out with them on weekends or introduce the other people in their personal life to them.

If they're so fine with being gay then keep it to yourself, you don't see me walking around talking about how much ass I don't get.

Heh, makes me think of Stewie from Family Guy.
"I'm not all in your face with my hetero sexuality."

But I guess being gay is like having a penis, religion or practically anything else that is important to you.
It's fine if you have it, just don't wave it in my face or shove it down my throat.

I seriously don't care if the person I'm talking to is homo or hetero sexual. If they're homo sexual and want something from me, then I'll tell them to back off.


.....*attempts to speak but no voice comes out*
*Starts writing on a scrap of paper*

*Hands the note to Cat and runs behind a tree*

The note reads: Dearest CatMuto, I agree wholeheartedly.

P.S. do you like me Y/N?

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DoMaya wrote:
Bad Player wrote:
DoMaya wrote:
And stop with that "Gay Pride" stuff, if we're allowed to advertise our fetishes like that I'm going to get "Pegging Anal Pride" Decals on my car.

I was going to just post a "well gay pride is different" post, but after some thinking, I think I figured out a bit of why it's different.

It's because there is discrimination and prejudice against gays, and so they're fighting for equality. But the reason they have to bring it out into the open with gay pride is because, unlike most other things that are the basis of discrimination, the fact that they're gay is something that can't be understood just by looking at them, but is also something that they probably can't hide forever. (I mean, yes, you could hide the fact that you're gay from everyone at your workplace or whatever forever, but... what if someone asks about your wife? Or asks to come over to your house?) In contrast, someone can tell if you're a woman or black or whatever just by looking at you (for the most part), and there's no reason your fetishes ever have to leave your bedroom. yeah

That's just the thing, it IS something that can be kept just at the home. The exact same way other people are promiscuous or Eunuchs, These people don't need to feel like everyone else is OK with it, so they keep it to themselves.
If they're so fine with being gay then keep it to yourself, you don't see me walking around talking about how much ass I don't get.

They take symbols, they take words, they even take certain styles away from the rest of us just because they want to be different.

Look at it like this, during the existence of the USSR Red wasn't a color REAL AMERICANS weren't supposed to like. We have a period of history called the Red Scare. Anything having to do with this outlook on life was highly scrutinized.

Or how about the Nazis? You can't even have a certain type of moustache without being called one, and a perfectly harmless symbol of good luck was made taboo.

Now imagine stuff like this but with rainbows and "looking trim" unless a man is super gruff or practically covered in women there's always the question that a good looking man is gay. Fuck that, a man can't look good anymore without being seen as gay. I'm not a homo but I want to look fabulousImage

I LIKE THE VILLAGE PEOPLE! I like them alot....I think their songs in general are catchy and many hits I like were actually done by them, but I can't freely admit that without getting called gay or having little jokes made about me for it. Also I can never design a red/magenta/purpleish outfit for an avatar in a game without it being called gay.

Rainbows are cool too, why should they count as the symbol of homosexuality? I can't like rainbows now without homosexual connotations, it's not like heterosexuality has a big symbol to stick on banners.

Also possibly interesting to note:

I recently pulled an impressive ploy in a game of Civilisation the board game securing me the victory and simultaneously breaking an alliance with my bigger more military-orientated friend. Upon hearing of this deception my gay friend said "That's SO homosexual of you". :yuusaku: Is deception and trickery another trait under the 'gay' umbrella? Isn't that a negative trait to want?
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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☆☆☆ Kira ☆☆☆

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While we're on the subject of homsexuality: You know what really grinds my gears? Being called gay cause I watch MLP:FiM. Why does the age recommendations affect my sexuality? I don't see kids playing CoD or any M game for that matter being called adults, but if I watch a show (kinda) aimed at a younger demographic that makes me either gay or a pedo, or both. If we go by this logic: Older women that watch GI Joe or Transformers are therefore butch child molesters!
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.
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Blak The Great wrote:
While we're on the subject of homsexuality: You know what really grinds my gears? Being called gay cause I watch MLP:FiM. Why does the age recommendations affect my sexuality? I don't see kids playing CoD or any M game for that matter being called adults, but if I watch a show (kinda) aimed at a younger demographic that makes me either gay or a pedo, or both. If we go by this logic: Older women that watch GI Joe or Transformers are therefore butch child molesters!

I'm sorry bro, that's just fact

While we're on the subject of MLP.

It really grinds my gears seeing how bronies have infected the web, it seems I can't go two feet without stepping in some MLP variant of something I like and groaning at how cutesy it is.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Pierre wrote:
Blak The Great wrote:
While we're on the subject of homsexuality: You know what really grinds my gears? Being called gay cause I watch MLP:FiM. Why does the age recommendations affect my sexuality? I don't see kids playing CoD or any M game for that matter being called adults, but if I watch a show (kinda) aimed at a younger demographic that makes me either gay or a pedo, or both. If we go by this logic: Older women that watch GI Joe or Transformers are therefore butch child molesters!

I'm sorry bro, that's just fact

While we're on the subject of MLP.

It really grinds my gears seeing how bronies have infected the web, it seems I can't go two feet without stepping in some MLP variant of something I like and groaning at how cutesy it is.

<< Doesn't see the difference in MLP fanart between other types of fanart.

You know what really grinds my gears? Memes. A part of me dies inside when I see the repetitive "You mad bro?" "Shut up and take my money!" macros over and over again. At least MLP fanart takes some kind of artistic expression to create where as memes you can just go to a website and get a picture to have a stupid memetic phrase on it. It's even worse on my Facebook.
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.
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Blak The Great wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Blak The Great wrote:
While we're on the subject of homsexuality: You know what really grinds my gears? Being called gay cause I watch MLP:FiM. Why does the age recommendations affect my sexuality? I don't see kids playing CoD or any M game for that matter being called adults, but if I watch a show (kinda) aimed at a younger demographic that makes me either gay or a pedo, or both. If we go by this logic: Older women that watch GI Joe or Transformers are therefore butch child molesters!

I'm sorry bro, that's just fact

While we're on the subject of MLP.

It really grinds my gears seeing how bronies have infected the web, it seems I can't go two feet without stepping in some MLP variant of something I like and groaning at how cutesy it is.

<< Doesn't see the difference in MLP fanart between other types of fanart.

You know what really grinds my gears? Memes. A part of me dies inside when I see the repetitive "You mad bro?" "Shut up and take my money!" macros over and over again. At least MLP fanart takes some kind of artistic expression to create where as memes you can just go to a website and get a picture to have a stupid memetic phrase on it. It's even worse on my Facebook.

You say that but at this point, the FiM series is so ridiculously prevalent on the internet that it is a meme itself and has generated memes of it's own.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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I don't see it enough for it to be a problem. I only see the outright hatred and flaming. The lessons learned here: Take things in moderation, and don't be assholes who believe another human being should kill themselves for liking a show they don't agree with.
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.
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Blak The Great wrote:
I don't see it enough for it to be a problem. I only see the outright hatred and flaming. The lessons learned here: Take things in moderation, and don't be assholes who believe another human being should kill themselves for liking a show they don't agree with.

Yeah, just because someone likes Twilight (Or anything else that is popular and overrated) doesn't mean they should be put down for it. I say let the Twilight fans have their bloody fun and I can go back to doing whatever I like doing.
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Emiko Gale wrote:
Blak The Great wrote:
I don't see it enough for it to be a problem. I only see the outright hatred and flaming. The lessons learned here: Take things in moderation, and don't be assholes who believe another human being should kill themselves for liking a show they don't agree with.

Yeah, just because someone likes Twilight (Or anything else that is popular and overrated) doesn't mean they should be put down for it. I say let the Twilight fans have their bloody fun and I can go back to doing whatever I like doing.

You like doing what you're doing? You should just go
kill yourself
jump into a fountain of naked guys right now. I don't like whatever it is you're doing right now, and it bothers me.
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.

Last edited by Blak The Great on Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Emiko Gale wrote:
Blak The Great wrote:
I don't see it enough for it to be a problem. I only see the outright hatred and flaming. The lessons learned here: Take things in moderation, and don't be assholes who believe another human being should kill themselves for liking a show they don't agree with.

Yeah, just because someone likes Twilight (Or anything else that is popular and overrated) doesn't mean they should be put down for it. I say let the Twilight fans have their bloody fun and I can go back to doing whatever I like doing.

Guess my problem with Twilight lovers isn't that they like it. Heck, I sort of agree with what Critic has to say about Twilight. That it's likely that the kids who like it now are gonna look back on it in a few years and be ashamed that they like it, simply because they grew up. Of course, only thing I don't agree with is that this doesn't apply to the infamous 'Twilight Moms'.

You know what really grinds my gears? Twilight Moms.
Those 35-40 year old women who read Twilight and act like 12-13 year old kids about it. The kind that are all fangirly and hyperexcited about it and act like it's supremely serious business. I don't care anymore if you're an impressionable pre-teen of age 11 to, let's say, 14 and think Twilight is all hot shit. I'll just tell myself that you'll grow out of it grow up in a few years and forget about the entire thing, the way I will most likely forget about said kid after a week or two.
But these are grown women.
Women who are past the confusing, irritating, hormon-driven puberty years. The ones who are past the ideal of "First Love = True Love" or thinking that everything in a relationship can be rainbows, butterflies and rolling around in the grass. The ones who already grew up, had life-experiences and, most likely, have a husband and/or kids. I almost feel like pitying them when I wonder what their life must've been like if they think Twilight is great, the same way a young kid does.

I'm not saying everybody above the age of 14 who likes Twilight is terrible.
One of my mother's friends like Twilight, but she says that she sees the flaws the entire thing has, but still enjoys reading the books at times.
But she doesn't obsess or squeal over it like fangirls do.

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Blak The Great wrote:
While we're on the subject of homsexuality: You know what really grinds my gears? Being called gay cause I watch MLP:FiM. Why does the age recommendations affect my sexuality? I don't see kids playing CoD or any M game for that matter being called adults, but if I watch a show (kinda) aimed at a younger demographic that makes me either gay or a pedo, or both. If we go by this logic: Older women that watch GI Joe or Transformers are therefore butch child molesters!

I think the strangest part about this is that they're implying that gay people would automatically like something cutesy and girly like MLP. I have a few gay friends who are EXTREMELY anti-pony. Gay people are going to have different likes and dislikes, just like any other subgroup of people.

This logic is also sort of implying that being gay is bad.
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Ropfa wrote:
Blak The Great wrote:
While we're on the subject of homsexuality: You know what really grinds my gears? Being called gay cause I watch MLP:FiM. Why does the age recommendations affect my sexuality? I don't see kids playing CoD or any M game for that matter being called adults, but if I watch a show (kinda) aimed at a younger demographic that makes me either gay or a pedo, or both. If we go by this logic: Older women that watch GI Joe or Transformers are therefore butch child molesters!

I think the strangest part about this is that they're implying that gay people would automatically like something cutesy and girly like MLP. I have a few gay friends who are EXTREMELY anti-pony. Gay people are going to have different likes and dislikes, just like any other subgroup of people.

This logic is also sort of implying that being gay is bad.

You know what grinds my *bleep* gears? People who use gay as a bloody insult even when they support gay marriage. (Don't ask why, that just peeves me.)

You know what else grinds my gears? People who assume I want a girlfriend just because I say I'm a tomboy.

When I was 12, and I first started calling myself a tomboy because I realized I was trying too hard to be feminine. My older cousin gets all upset and me and tells me not to call myself a tomboy because everyone will think I want a girlfriend. I didn't even know what homosexuality was back then so I didn't respond. (Well in my head I was like, "Whaaaa??????")

When I was 16, I was still a tomboy, I was still straight, and I even had a crush on a guy and I would flirt with boys I find attractive. My cousin, she revealed that she was bi and she was even in a relationship with another woman at the time.

So for all those people who make gay stereotypes. :takethat:
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I know I'm backtracking but it's not my fault you guys start discussing ponies before I can reply Dx

CatMuto wrote:
Bad Player wrote:
(I mean, yes, you could hide the fact that you're gay from everyone at your workplace or whatever forever, but... what if someone asks about your wife? Or asks to come over to your house?)

Easy, you can simply way that you "don't have a wife" or say that you are "single".
Or you could be the type of person who says that they keep their work and personal life strictly separate - the type who might go out drinking or something after work with some co-workers, but doesn't hang out with them on weekends or introduce the other people in their personal life to them.

Yeah, you can do that, but it's still something that your co-workers might possibly find out eventually after spending enough time with them, whereas I really can't see your fetishes or something being revealed to them...

But still, fine, you're right. Let's completely throw out your work life. How about your personal life? Are you also supposed to keep your "personal" and "romantic" life 100% separated? The point is, it's something other people are going to find out about you, whereas your fetishes are not (necessarily).

DoMaya wrote:
They take symbols, they take words, they even take certain styles away from the rest of us just because they want to be different.

Rather than blaming the gays for "taking" the symbols/words/styles, I think you should be blaming the society that prevents you from being "fabulous" like you want without being accused of being gay.

(also a guy secure with his heterosexuality would have no problems being fabulous~)
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BP, DoMaya isn't entirely wrong. Sure, saying they purposely took symbols and stuff is jumping the gun a little, but go ask any gay person nowadays about said symbols and see if they won't judge it based on the "gay meaning" of them. It's a 50-50 case IMO.
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Bad Player wrote:
I know I'm backtracking but it's not my fault you guys start discussing ponies before I can reply Dx

DoMaya wrote:
They take symbols, they take words, they even take certain styles away from the rest of us just because they want to be different.

Rather than blaming the gays for "taking" the symbols/words/styles, I think you should be blaming the society that prevents you from being "fabulous" like you want without being accused of being gay.

(also a guy secure with his heterosexuality would have no problems being fabulous~)

Ok, What if I got a swastika on my car? It's society's fault for that being wrong, it's a perfectly valid symbol.
"Stop hating me people! YOU'RE the wrong ones! Truth by consensus doesn't count in social issues! No sir, I'm not racist! YOU'RE racist to this symbol! Stop hitting me! the symbol means nothing but luck!"
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