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Trucy the EnigmaTopic%20Title
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Hello everyone.

I was originally planning on making a thread about how Trucy scares the living bejesus out of me with her ability to suddenly accept a total stranger as a new father and how she keeps calling Phoenix daddy even when she's 15. That and several other things.

However, the question I've got right now is a bit easier to understand, answer and debate: what will/would Trucy do when/if she finds out her mother is still alive? Will she just pack up and leave? I mean it was easy for her to start living with Phoenix and just move on. And yes, I'm well aware she's hiding her sadness, but that doesn't mean you find it okay to call a stranger 'daddy' affectionally right from the get-go.

Also, how does she view Phoenix now anyway? I mean she's been his 'daughter' for eight years, which is about the same amount of time she lived with Zak, only she probably remembers a lot more of Phoenix. Do they genuinely consider themselves father/daughter?

And did Phoenix ever actually get any money to support her, or did she have to support him for seven years? Try explaining that to the social services.

TL;DR: What will Trucy do when she finds out her mother is alive, and do Phoenix and Trucy consider themselves father/daughter? It'd be stupid if they ignored this highly interesting subplot.

Trucy just confuses (and scares) me, to put it mildly.
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Thane wrote:
Hello everyone.

I was originally planning on making a thread about how Trucy scares the living bejesus out of me with her ability to suddenly accept a total stranger as a new father and how she keeps calling Phoenix daddy even when she's 15. That and several other things.

However, the question I've got right now is a bit easier to understand, answer and debate: what will/would Trucy do when/if she finds out her mother is still alive? Will she just pack up and leave? I mean it was easy for her to start living with Phoenix and just move on. And yes, I'm well aware she's hiding her sadness, but that doesn't mean you find it okay to call a stranger 'daddy' affectionally right from the get-go.

I can't quite say I understand why it scares you. Zak told Trucy to trust Phoenix completely, and Trucy clearly understood that she helped her father run away, but probably thought he'd be coming back eventually. And it's not like Trucy accepted Phoenix as her "father" the instant he said he would take care of her (I don't believe she calls him daddy right away), it probably took a few years of care for them to form that close bond. And why shouldn't they? Based on what we know of Zak, Phoenix was probably a far better father to her than he ever was, and it's very clear he cares for her and thinks of her as his own daughter (see the end of 4-4).

Trucy was abandoned by her father, and she was convinced he'd come back, when it became clear that he wasn't, she formed a bond with Phoenix, the man who cares for her. If a seven year-old who's lost everything wants to call you, the person who cares and provides for her, her daddy, who are you to stop her. Phoenix says he adopted her in 4-4, so does it scare you when adopted children call their adopted parents mommy and daddy?

Also, why is it creepy or scary that she calls him daddy at age 15? I know plenty of well adjusted young women, who are even older than that, who call their fathers daddy. It's a term of affection.

Thane wrote:
Also, how does she view Phoenix now anyway? I mean she's been his 'daughter' for eight years, which is about the same amount of time she lived with Zak, only she probably remembers a lot more of Phoenix. Do they genuinely consider themselves father/daughter?

Like I mentioned before, Phoenix adopted her, legally she is his daughter, and he is her father. I have no reason to believe that she doesn't remember Zak or how she helped him escape, or his promise to come back, but I think she considers Phoenix her real father, and Phoenix considers her his daughter.

Thane wrote:
And did Phoenix ever actually get any money to support her, or did she have to support him for seven years? Try explaining that to the social services.

I'm fairly certain Phoenix gets paid to play poker at the Borscht Bowl Club, and paired with Trucy being a popular stage magician, they're able to do fairly well for themselves. It's no different from those whose children are child stars or otherwise in the entertainment business. There never seems to be any indication that Phoenix was unable to ever provide for her, or that they were ever in a bad way. All signs to Phoenix actually being a pretty good father.

Thane wrote:
TL;DR: What will Trucy do when she finds out her mother is alive, and do Phoenix and Trucy consider themselves father/daughter?

Trucy just confuses (and scares) me, to put it mildly.

I think Trucy would absolutely stay with Phoenix, and I don't think Thalassa would try and take Trucy from Phoenix. I see Thalassa becoming a big part of Trucy, Phoenix, and Apollo's life. Based on their conversation in 4-4, Phoenix says that he's got to care for Trucy, especially now because of how her real father's death affected her, and he's the only one who can see it, and Apollo, his protege and the young man he's taken under his wing.

Sorry for being so thorough, I literally just finished a playthrough of AJ about ten minutes ago xD.
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I first thought to reply with something rather thorough, but now I'm thinking a simpler answer would suffice.

She ain't called Enigmar fer no reason! :redd:

But I disagree that their mother would play that big a role in the story of the Wright Anything Agency. If Apollo wants to chase after his mom for answers, then so be it, but I don't see it having that great an impact here.
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I think this topic needs to be moved to the GS4 forum...

Overall, I never saw anything about Trucy in GS4 that proved in a definite way that she was hiding her sadness, at least not in a way that I would buy it. It was only mentioned once, or maybe twice, that she hides her sadness. And that's nothing.
I may not be a fan of Maya's, but I do know that at least in 3-5 it was proven in a pretty decent way that Maya acted happy and upbeat, although she was very sad, for Pearl's sake after the trial was over. That was real as, while the trial was still going, Maya was not acting upbeat but showed that she was sad, exhausted and terrified with everything that happened.

As for the daughter-father thing, I guess they do see each other as very good friends, probably even on a daughter-father basis. Which is fine, you know, as long as both don't feel that they have to force themselves to call each other or act with each other in that way.
So I doubt Trucy would simply up and leave now.

Even if she found out about her mom, face it, Thalassa has been gone from Trucy's life longer than her father. I doubt they'd be able to just move in together and everything would be super happy again. They are bound to have a very awkward relationship with each other and that would take a lot of work to get past that stage. Maybe Trucy could live with Thalassa in a few years, after they get to know each other and get onto a decent basis.

It's basically like the question "can Phoenix and Iris have a relationship post-GS3?" where the circumstances are different, but the answer is pretty much identical. It can happen, but it'll take a long time and a ton of work to do so.

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Thanks for the quick and thorough replies. I'm quite aware of how strange a thread this is, but I just wanted to hear somebody else's opinions too.

Also, about the 'daddy' part, I guess I was just raised in a stricter environment. And when she says it as an eight-year-old who just 'lost' her father, then the term just freaked me out.
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To be honest, I did find it strange that Trucy referred to Phoenix as 'daddy' as a 15 year old. I first thought it might just be a way to differ between Phoenix and Zak, but turns out she calls both of them daddy... which is weird. I wasn't really raised strictly, but I do think that a 15 year old calling her father Daddy is... weird.

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A couple of things:

First, revolving the daddy thing, as others have stated its just a term. In some families that would be considered weird, in others it would be considered just fine. I can't remember how many movies and TV shows I've seen where an adult woman will call her father daddy in an emotional or sentimental scene. (The X-Files, Modern Family, Arrested Development, etc.)

It's also possible that due to her losing her father and mother and being abandoned basically she might be a little emotionally immature. Especially since she is being raised by a pretty emotionally immature/tons-of-public-displays-of-emotion father anyway. (Remember how he was during case 3-1? And wasn't he crying in the hospital when he had a cold in 3-5 or something?)

And I always thought the financial situation was similar to a lot of real-life single parent situations. Phoenix makes enough to provide a home and comfort, etc, even if they are poor. I think he could have been more responsible and could have gotten a better-paying job but that's analyzing the plot a little too much.

As for their relationship, why wouldn't they consider themselves father and daughter? She was still young when she was adopted, and Phoenix was the more stable parent (hard as that is to believe). They obviously love eachother very much and like most adopted children I think as far as Trucy is concerned Phoenix is her real father, even if the magician guy (can't remember his name) is the biological father.
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(Remember how he was during case 3-1? And wasn't he crying in the hospital when he had a cold in 3-5 or something?)

We never saw Phoenix in the hospital, the only description of his behavior we have is Edgeworth.
And we all know how Edgeworth likes to tease (about) Phoenix.

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Trucy doesn't weird me out that much. WHAT does weird me out how Phoenix is so accepting of Trucy, as in how he tells Trucy that she can call him daddy within there first few hours of a proper introduction. Albeit, he does say it doesn't have to be straight away.
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I think Trucy's and Phoenix's (I was that close to accidentally calling him Daddy) relationship is a little more buddy-like. Phoenix seemed a little awkward at first, as he probably wasn't sure about how to act around a child whose father just disappeared and who he randomly got to take care of. They do have a strong bond, but they both seem quite independant, for example when Trucy said something about not having seen Phoenix for a while, and Apollo wonders if he's just wandering in and out of free will or something like that. Not that we know if that is something that happens often, but I can imagine it, for both parts. As for Thalassa, I think she pretty much trusted Phoenix with Trucy (and Apollo) and left it at that. To this day Trucy and Apollo don't seem to know neither how they're related (even if Trucy probably sees Apollo as something like a brother, as in the end credits of AJ, she said Apollo felt like a long-lost big little brother to her) nor who their mother is, which bugs me alot. We don't know what happened to Thalassa after AJ, but she doesn't seem to be a part, at least not a big part, of Phoenix's, Apollos and Trucy's lives. Perhaps some sporadic contact, but nothing more.Trucy would probably be accepting Thalassa as a mother, the way she did with Phoenix, but she wouldn't leave Daddy, and I don't think Thalassa really sees herself as Trucy's and Apollo's mother.
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Phoenix understood that Trucy would have a hard time losing her father. It's really not that strange he would let her latch on. As for her being 15, well, she probably is stil having to cope, so saying "daddy" really reaffirms in her mind that someone is there for her, that she won't be abandoned. Don't forget that she has a silly, and as suggested, possibly stunted personality. She's also being raised in a very unorthodox way, so maybe she's learned not to give a fuck about what others think. If she just wants to call her father daddy, then she'll damn well call him daddy.
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TheNonchalantRage wrote:
She's also being raised in a very unorthodox way, so maybe she's learned not to give a fuck about what others think. If she just wants to call her father daddy, then she'll damn well call him daddy.

D'aww, seconded.
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