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Dangerus and The Sad Excuse to DeLite...Topic%20Title
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a.k.a. Spazzy-Wings

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Posts: 14

Hello one and all! This is Dangerus (or Spazzy-Wings on AAO), and I will post whatever writings I would have here. I could post my outline for fan trials on here if it is okay. I might just also write crummy drabbles about my favorite Phoenix Wright characters. As some may notice by the terrible pun up above, you will most likely know what this means...
Re: Dangerus and The Sad Excuse to DeLite...Topic%20Title
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a.k.a. Spazzy-Wings

Gender: Female

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:30 am

Posts: 14

Spoiler: First Attempt: A Simulation where everyone is trapped in Phoenix's Offices Pt. 1

It’s been seven to eight years since Max has ever seen Phoenix Wright about a new case. This time he is calling for a client. The defendant was someone he wasn’t expecting to even beg for him to get out: Ben Woodman.

Just how he says his name just shows how much disdain he had for him lately. They were still competing for Regina’s heart, though she’s much older now, and thanks to Miles Edgeworth showing up to time to time when the circus is having trouble, Regina is getting a firmer glimpse on what reality is really like. She’s having a much harder time choosing now because of it.

He thought he’ll do the nice thing for Woodman, hopefully so Regina can choose him. After all, she is finally developing standards somewhat.

The winter air gushed furious winds, and the snow felt like bullets hitting him harder and harder as he was trying to walk to the Wright & Co. Offices. He squinted, something he had to do even though it was something he felt the worst about in this situation. But the snow was rather thick, and it was a must for the night time anyway.

When he finally saw the sign, now known as ‘The Wright Anything Agency’, he knew he was finally going to be relieved of the chilling winter frost. He opened the door, and the heating vents greeted him. Though, as he finally widened his eyes again, he saw someone else was waiting to meet with Phoenix Wright.

Two almost auburn curls greeted his line of vision, as doe eyes looked up at him with a weary expression of fear and surprise.

“D-did you come here to meet with Mr. Phoenix Wright as well?”

Those were his first words. Max was taken aback at first, since the man looked rather androgynous with those features.

“Why of course. I mean, it’s been a while since he’s met fabulous old me!” he then announced.

“Hey! You’re Maximillion Galactica, aren’t you?”

“Well, who else would I be, silly?”

Max chuckled for a moment. Though, that chuckle started to sound like he was depressed about something. I guess for him he was worried he’s starting to grow old on some people. He’s been trying to wow new audiences with newer tricks, but it seemed like nowadays nobody cared. He brushed it off as him knowing he would have to try harder someday. The fact it was the first time in ages someone recognized him was something he was also aghast by.

“Oh... I guess I should introduce myself,” the redhead faintly smiled as he rose up to shake his hand.

A handshake? Well this is somewhat exciting.

“I-I’m... Ron DeLite... I consult with thieves nowadays, but before I met Nick, I was formerly Mask*DeMasque.”

“A pleasure to meet you.”

It almost looked like Ron had to say more for himself, but Max was about business, so he had to silence him like that in a heartbeat. They both shook hands.

“So what brings you here?”

“Oh... After Phoenix’s fabulous services, I thought the next time the circus has a murder on their hands coming from someone like me who was innocent, I was sure to fabulously reappear here.”


Max’s eyes narrowed.

“Is there something wrong, hun?”

Ron looked up and he started to sound nervous as he said this: “Oh! Nothing at all! Or wait... There could be something troubling me, I really can’t remember very well but I guess it could be in my imagination that...”

Ron’s voice traced off and Max couldn’t hear what he had to say after that. Pity.

Even more pity is hearing some loud foghorn-like bellow reach the vicinity of his hearing. It sounded like it came from the man, as he was yelling out, “My name is Apollo Justice... and I’m FINE!!”

Max groaned, “Well now, I wonder if that’s someone auditioning for the ‘Wright Anything Agency’?”

“No. That’s just Apollo. He’s one of the lawyers here in the Wright Anything Agency. Don’t mind him. He is practicing his Chords of Steel.”

A female voice echoed through.

Max turned to what looked like a much younger magician. She wore blue, while he wore red-violet colors. He still recognized that uniform arrangement anywhere. She was a Gramayre.

“Oh my gosh! Are you a...”

“The one an only Trucy Enigmar! I am famous for my magic panties!”

Max’s excitement waned as soon as ‘magic panties’ slipped out of her mouth. Now he lost interest. Still, he was sure she was a Gramayre at that point.

“W-what?” Ron shrieked.

“Oh! You must be new from Los Angeles!”

“No... I’ve lived here all my life.” Ron shook his head, “Or did I? I guess I can’t really remember all my life. But I was sure I never moved out of Los Angeles ever in my...”

“Hmm? Well now. Looks like you guys probably just turned 21 and haven’t been to the Wonder Bar before. You should go check that place out when you get the chance.”

Max was flattered his makeup made him look that much younger. Still, when he was 21, he didn’t care at all for alcohol. Bottles though were used as a quick tool to silence Woodman once. And back then, he remembered how Regina was so innocent.

“Anyway, what brings you to the Wright Anything Agency? Care for some employment? Want to audition?”

Although the circus wasn’t having an off season, it would be nice to have a job with Phoenix Wright helping him. After all, ever since his little incident, there probably was more trust in others, especially Phoenix. A little trust could take him places. Like out of prison and into an even more glamorous world.

“Well, I would like to, but that’s not why I’m here.” Max noted.

“Hmmm... That’s too bad.”

“Is Mr. Wright occupied with anything?”

Ron remained silent.

“Oh? You mean Daddy?”

Max’s eyes widened. How did Phoenix have such a very matured daughter already! He could understand maybe that she’s adopted but it still shook him up this possible Gramayre...

“Daddy is meeting up with an old friend. Though Apollo and Ms. Cykes are available if you like.”

Max frowned. He then looked towards Ron as he clenched his fists, biting his lip. He didn’t know what Ron DeLite was requesting Phoenix, but it seemed very important.

“I guess I’ll talk with Ms. Cykes. Also, when will Phoenix come back?”

“At around midnight, for a New Years party we’re having. Wow! You’d think everyone would have a day off at this time, but we still have a job to do here. I am quite positive you two have an important case that needs a lawyer or two.”

Ah yes. Ben Woodman’s case.

Ben was a mixed case. He admitted to killing the Ringmaster, but Max saw through the fact that was definitely bullshit. Seriously, even though Ben was gone for a while, he did come back, now an improved man. He’s been socializing with everyone now, and even without Trilo Quist, he was no longer a wallflower. Max envied how Ben grown in his absence from the Berry Big Circus, now smaller thanks to murderers disguised as monkey trainers and various other mishaps every now and then. And after Moe died, Ben was slowly turning back into the man that helped Franziska vonKarma’s case when he was in his situation.

There were more animals back in their day, but now most of them are either euthanized or just died of old age. Regent has grown very old and weary, every now and then getting short with Regina once in a blue moon. Regina of course was more aware now and would defend herself when those events happen. Max grew to worry for her more than not when that happens as well.

But with Ben being accused for murder, and a prosecutor who just got out of prison a year ago steps into the scene to prosecute, Max knew who to run to at least to save Ben. He had to talk to Phoenix, but he knew he can wait. Besides, it seems like Ron was more eager to speak with him about his matters more than he did.

“Care to join us, sweetie?”

Ron snapped out of what he guessed was him slowly shutting down in frustration that he isn’t getting a hold of Phoenix.

“Oh! Um... Sure... but I don’t think it’s a good idea, I mean I might get a little nosy.”

Max then forgot as soon as he left the circus, he would have more space. Max just shook his head understandably.

“But maybe... Maybe if I close my ears, I won’t have to hear anything that might get me in trouble! Oh, who am I kidding!!”

Ron’s voice traced off but then sprung back out to come with a horrible screech.

“Phoenix Wright, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE come back!!”

And Max thought he was the drama queen. A disgusted expression crept on Max as Ron started to bawl.

“Alright, maybe it was a bad idea to try and let you hear my drama, but you know, maybe in return, you tell me why you came to visit Nick.”

Ron could only weep. “Nick has helped me before, and now that someone tried to rob from our house, and tried to hurt Dessie...”

Max’s eyes widened. He was turning into a hot mess.

“I’m scared. I was hoping not to tell anybody else but I kind of felt bad you know, and I wanted to make sure the man wasn’t mad at me for turning him in... But he tried to rob our house and that was the only thing I could do at the moment,” he bawled.

Well, since Max got to hear Ron’s drama, he guessed it was his turn to talk about his.

“Hey, hun. I’m here to help a co-worker of mine. He was accused of murder and I only knew one other person that could help him out. Phoenix Wright is a great man. I’m sure he’ll see you soon. Say, did you text him about it?”

“Y-Yeah... He told me to wait here, and I am trying to be patient. After all... it was the first time anyone else noticed me. He did text me, and he invited me to a party instead. That was awfully generous and all, but I’m actually rather nervous. It’s my first time meeting Phoenix’s new friends.”

“Hey, no worries. It’s my first time meeting any of Phoenix’s... employees.”

Trucy smiled.

“Glad you two are getting along somewhat. Ms. Cykes is actually in this office right now.”

Trucy opened a door and there was another redhead... or was she a light brunette? Either was, she seemed like a girl from the future, as she was trying to search for something using some interesting technology. A holograph? She faced the bookshelves hanging in Phoenix’s main office. Sky blues and lemon yellows were colors that seemed like an interesting color choice for her. In fact, they looked great on her. Though, Max felt like she could have chosen her left glove’s color a lot more, but that was Max’s nitpick and he didn’t want to bother with it. Also... Who wears purple leggings?

“Man, there’s so much noise going on here...”

Max didn’t know what she was talking about. The room was awfully silent and aside from ‘Apollo Justice’s chords of steel’, Max couldn’t hear anything.

“It’s been getting louder as soon as you two walked in the room.”

Max turned to Ron, who was now sweating, almost scared she was referring to him in a negative way.

“Ms. Cykes has a special gift. She can hear the emotions hidden in your heart.” Trucy explained.

“Ah. It’s coming from the guy in the green. And who might you be?”

Ms. Cykes seemed like a happy go lucky person. Ron flinched as she leaned towards him. Although a little strange, Max knew she wasn’t going to chew him out.

“M-my n-na-name i-is Ron DeLite!” Ron squeaked.

“Ron DeLite. Hmmm... The name sounds familiar, but I’ll ask Mr. Wright about it later.”

“Oh...” Ron relaxed, “Why of course.”

“Are you disappointed about something Ron?”

“W-wow... Ummm... I guess I am, but I understand Phoenix has to meet with a friend. I’m still a little saddened though. I was hoping Phoenix would have a long talk with me. I mean, it’s been a while since we’ve talked. Maybe he has a lot of things he has been dealing with that took some time away. But I knew. I knew for sure it was important... Probably even more so... I’ve been so busy too. So I guess I can forgive him.”

“Job hunting?”

Ron looked away.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Athena grinned.

“I won’t bother you with it, then if it really bothers you.”

Athena returned back to her holographic screen. It almost felt like magic how she’s now detecting something from Max next.

“And you. You seem rather excited.”

“Huh? What about, exactly?”

“I don’t know,” Athena huffed and pouted “You just are excited.”

“Well, I guess I’m more anxious if anything. I mean. I think if I actually help my circus more, I would probably say I am getting a bigger and more fabulous raise from it.”

“That’s a lie isn’t it.”

Athena eyed Max.

“W-well... More like a fabulous promotion.”

“Spit it out.”

Max was about to cry. He didn’t want to be a snob and tell her that he might get a chance with Regina. In fact, he wasn’t sure whether or not that was going to be true or not. His heart started to race as he looked for another excuse to keep Athena from focusing on him.

“I... I’m in love still!!”

“In love?! How cute!!”

Max wanted to scream. Damn her! He knew whenever he gets in a fight for Regina’s heart, bad things happen. And this wasn’t the first time anyone got him to say those words. Maybe Ms. Cykes really is magic. Just like Phoenix Wright.

“W-why thank you...”

“Sorry for being so nosy, but are you here to hopefully get the girl?”

“Yes and no. I guess I am here with higher expectations to greet Mr. Wright and meet him for another case. From what I can tell, it seems Mr. DeLite and I came here to see him originally.”

"Ah. Things seem so much quieter now. Though, I can see you’re disappointed in having to spill that out, my abilities are rather... sensitive.”

Max could tell. She finally shut down her device somewhat as the screen quickly vanished.

“Be more open and this time it won’t happen!” blurted out a screeching computer voice.

“Oh! P-please excuse Widget. He likes to blurt out things I think about.”

Max’s eyes narrowed. He was at first a little upset. But then, remembering lawyers sometimes need to get personal in order for their job to get done, he instead grinned a little.

“We’ll remember for next time, Ms. Cykes.” Max smiled.

Ron remained quiet that whole time.

“Quite the weather outside, huh?”

Athena blinked, but then looked outside.

“Hopefully we don’t get snowed in.”, Trucy frowned, “I have to go to the Wonder Bar tomorrow.”

“Relax. We’re in Los Angeles. Like the climate will get THAT cold,” Max laughed.

“I hope you’re right,” Ron could only mutter.

Re: Dangerus and The Sad Excuse to DeLite...Topic%20Title
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a.k.a. Spazzy-Wings

Gender: Female

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:30 am

Posts: 14

The Etrian Turnabout:

Chapter 1:

"W-where am I?"

A man in his early thirties awoken next to a couple others. His dark hair, usually pushed back with hair gel was now made him look like a shaggy lion.

"Okay. I'm not the only one," he mumbled, eyeing the next few people around him, "there's Apollo and Trucy at one end... Ms. Cykes, and Mr. Blackquill over to my right... The Delites with the people from the Circus ahead of... THE DELITES AND THE PEOPLE FROM THE CIRCUS?!"

The young man gasped in surprise to see those people ahead of him laying underneath a tree together.

From what this could remember, he fell asleep on his desk, not thinking once about any of those two. He laughed nervously.

"W-well... That seems rather... odd..."

He looked over around his surroundings.

"A forest... Don't remember seeing such greenery back in Los Angeles..."

Suddenly, he heard marching towards their direction.

"Apollo... Apollo, wake up..." he then said, pushing a man with two cowlicks popping over his otherwise neater hair.

"Halt! It seems we've found some survivors!"

The man looked up to see a samurai - a female one - looking down on their group.

"They aren't in the usual format most Guilds would have been in... I've counted nine survivors instead of five."

There was a small red-haired girl holding a creepy looking plush rabbit in her dark garb. She was around the height of a small child, but she still seemed as threatening as her tall counterpart.

"State your name..."

"I am Phoenix Wright." the man stammered, "I am a lawyer for the Los Angeles judicial system."

The samurai looked puzzled by Phoenix's statement.

"Never heard of a lawyer exploring the forests of Etria. Especially making it this far in the labyrinth. Is this your party?"

Phoenix looked around. The boy with the two cowlicks from earlier was finally waking up slowly, followed by her sister in blue magician's garb.

"Please... We don't mean any harm..." Phoenix stood up.

"Of course you aren't. Seeing you have no weapons, we could kill you on the spot." the samurai hissed.

"M-Mr. Wright?!" the cowlicked brunet bellowed.

The female samurai drew her blade and was ready to slice Phoenix up.

The brunet suddenly bellowed, sending billions of the animals around them disoriented, and waking up everyone else as well.

Phoenix flinched, but as he opened his eyes, they eyed another group of travelers, also holding weapons against them.

"Ah... It's the Dangerus Guild. You shouldn't be here..."

The samurai was hissing at a young woman with blonde hair and dark bondage gear who was holding her sword with her whip.

"It's rude to bully the weak, Rin. Didn't Chieftain Visil teach you any manners?"

Phoenix was in awe as a dominatrix saved him, his employees, his former clients, and most importantly, his family from certain death. Behind her were four others, a dark-skinned female with more proper armor and a shield, a dark-green haired marksman, a white-haired man with similar clothes to the red-head with the samurai, and a silver-haired bard in green who was starting to sing during all of this.

"Mr. Wright... What is going on?!" the brunet male asked.

"And where are we?!" his sister, in the magician's garb asked.


Phoenix couldn't really answer that question since he was wondering that himself. However, he realized now was his chance to figure a way out of this nightmare.

"Etria is not a place to house murderers of normal human beings!" the female shield holder declared as she blocked an attack from the red-head holding the bunny.

"What are you talking about? They are not normal! How did they even get here in the first place?"

"We don't know that question either, after all, only Troubadours can travel without a weapon through this God-forsaken realm!"

"We can't have mere nobodies learn about this place. He still hasn't answered about his Los Angeles guild yet!"

"I don't give a..." the dominatrix hissed as she threw another whiplash at the samurai.

Phoenix could only watch as he figured a two against five battle ended longer than he expected.

Defeated, the samurai and the small girl retreated, but not before the samurai said this: "This isn't the end, Dangerus. Watch your steps and try not to hurt yourself the next time we meet."

Phoenix was in awe.

"Hey. You guys alright?"

"Who... Who are you guys?"

The dominatrix laughed.

"We're Dangerus. We're one of the registered explorers of the Yggdrassil Labyrinth. I don't believe we've caught the name of your guild mates... Phoenix Wright."

Phoenix looked toward everyone else, both a little disoriented about where they are and potentially deaf thanks to Apollo.

"Umm... The one who yelled was probably Apollo Justice. He's also a lawyer, and he's working under me alongside the young lady in the yellow business attire, Athena Cykes."

"Three lawyers in one party? Well that's pretty pathetic."

"Shut up! Anyway, the tall gentleman who looks like a samurai is actually a prosecutor. His name is Simon Blackquill."

"A prosecutor?"

"The young blonde haired miss in the red jumpsuit is Desiree DeLite. Her husband is Ron DeLite, and he's not very hard to notice, as you can probably guess."

"Is he that pink haired guy in the makeup?"

"NO. That's Maximillion Galactica. He's a popular magician where I come from. He's also with Regina Berry, an animal tamer."

"Hmmm... A Zodiac and A Wildling are on your team? How unusual..." the female Protector blinked, eyeing them suddenly.

"I don't know what you mean, but okay... Ron is the gentleman wearing red gold and green."

Phoenix could say more, but then the other three party members of the 'Dangerus guild' were eyeing him next.

"N-Nick... What's happening?" the young man with curly bronze locks squeaked meekly.

"I think we were abducted by aliens..." the female girl in the magician garb announced, as the dominatrix eyed her next.

"What an unusual party you have here, Phoenix. And you said 'aliens', right? That must describe whatever the Hell Kupala is..."

"Kupala?" Phoenix asked.

"She's a strange looking creature that warned us about going into the fourth stratum here. She is green... Green hair... and green skin. She has such amber eyes as well... It's best we take you into the Guild before anything bad happens to you..." the silver haired bard laughed nervously.

"Wait... But where are we exactly?!"

"We already told you... The Yggdrassil Labyrinth!"

"I still don't know what that means..."

"Here. We'll take you all back to Etria, but that means everyone needs to hold hands. We're taking you in for a ride." the male archer declared.


Phoenix finally saw daylight... Familiar daylight in a small village-scape with white and green houses riddling the rocky pavements.

"Welcome to Etria. It's a pretty friendly town. Thanks to the Yggdrassil Labyrinth, we are bursting with resources." the dominatrix beamed.

"We aren't the only ones, though. There are towns near a giant tree also named Yggdrassil in towns like Lagaard, Armoroad, and Tharsis." the female Protector grinned.

Who is the second magician in your Guild, anyway?" the archer asked.

"Oh. This is Trucy, my daughter." Phoenix gulped. He was scared for everyone.

"Speaking of which, let us introduce ourselves separately," the dominatrix realized, "I am Roxanne. I'm a Dark Hunter whose abilities are meant to bind and damage the monsters on this floor."

"I am Vivianne. I'm a Protector who tries our best to keep everyone alive in the labyrinth." the female protector intervened.

"I get people around the labyrinth and also am the marksman in the team. The name is Ripto. I'm a Survivalist! One of the best ones around, too!" the archer smiled.

"Ripto is also my younger brother." Roxanne sighed, "he can get on my nerves sometimes..."

"HEY! Didn't I save your hide from Rin's blade?"

Roxanne and Ripto began to argue as the next two explorers introduced themselves.

"I am Hellsong. I curse whoever crosses our path in the Labyrinth." the white haired male in the dark robes nodded.

Phoenix couldn't help but think of Simon with the chains also around him. Difference is, it seems he was with them for much longer, seeing how rusty it must be.

"These are the clothes of a Hexer. Please do not sympathize with me." Hellsong continued.

"Okay..." Phoenix murmured.

"That leaves the last introduction to me! I keep our Guild lively with song! The name is Django! I am a Troubadour, as Roxanne has explained to Rin, so a weapon isn't really THAT important to me, but it would be nice to hit one of those Treerats with a blade. That's why I carry one instead of an actual instrument at the moment!"

Unlike Hellsong, Django was rather chatty.

"What were you doing down there against that Rin character? Aren't you guys friends?" Apollo asked, a little hesitantly...

Everyone was silent until Vivianne piped up.

"Well... Yes and No. Rin and her Hexer friend, Tchlactga are servicing the Chieftain of Etria. However, they keep blocking our path whenever we try to explore further into Yggdrassil. We've heard of people like this, but in Etria, we find that behavior even worse because they attack us whenever we try to resist this time around."

"I see..."

"Say... Tell us more about this Guild you are in... Los Angeles?"

"It's not really a Guild... It's actually a city, much like Etria. Difference is, there is no Yggdrassil Labyrinth." Phoenix smiled.

Apollo intervened.

"Why should we trust them, Boss?"

The five warriors looked confused by Apollo's question. Phoenix took him aside, "You can talk to the others if you like..."

As Phoenix was explaining to Apollo why it was important they get home soon, Athena realized Phoenix put her on the spot.

"Umm... Well... I am Athena Cykes... and... Los Angeles is a pretty interesting place once you actually get to visit. Then again, the air isn't as great as Etria's..."

Athena thought of the air for some reason. The air was pretty clean, as you can almost smell the ozone. However, there wasn't much else about it otherwise. She guessed it was thanks to the Yggdrassil Tree just right outside of Etria.

"Why of course! Nothing tops the fresh air of a town with the Yggdrassil Tree nearby! Actually, the air is freshest inside the Yggdrassil Labyrinths."

"Wow! Do you think if you have oxygen depletion you can probably get some there?" Desiree pondered.

"Not exactly..." Django shook his head.

"Why not?" Maximillion Galactica asked.

"The Yggdrassil Labyrinth is also one of the most difficult places to survive in. We have many dangerous creatures... The deer are very aggressive... The wolves could eat us whole if we are not careful. There are a lot of factors here." Hellsong murmured.

Everyone gulped except for Simon.

"An animal Tamer could tame a creature here to intervene with these creatures. Though, there are other ways to get yourself hurt. Especially when we can no longer trust our government at these times..." Hellsong declared.

Regina looked excited.

"I think I can do it!"

"You need a Guild first, little one..."


"Aren't we all just a Guild, then?" Ron asked curiously.

"Of course. You should register at the Explorer's Guild. You'll have the option to join us or build a Guild of your own. I recommend you build a Guild of your own..." Vivianne announced.

"Oh... Alright..." Apollo grimaced.

"Also, don't forget. A party can be up to five-to-six members only. Choose wisely your formation, lawyers!" Ripto waved.

"Thank you again for helping us out!" Athena waved back.

"Anytime." Roxanne giggled.

"So... How are we going to do this?" Phoenix asked.

    A. Everyone joins the Guild Dangerus
    B. Everyone creates the Guild of the Wright and Co. Anything Agency

    A. Phoenix Wright is the leader. Apollo Justice, Trucy Wright, Athena Cykes, and Simon Blackquill build up the main Guild.
    B. Apollo Justice is the leader. Trucy Wright, Athena Cykes, Simon Blackquill, and Ron DeLite build up the main Guild.
    C. Athena Cykes is the leader. Simon Blackquill, Ron DeLite, Desiree DeLite, Maximillion Galactica, and Regina Berry build up the main Guild.

Re: Dangerus and The Sad Excuse to DeLite...Topic%20Title
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a.k.a. Spazzy-Wings

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Rank: Suspect

Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:30 am

Posts: 14

Owch, looks like the Choose Your Own Adventure idea was most likely canned.

I thought about RPing to boost up my creative juices but alas, due to potential inactivity, that could not be so... I could post the first few parts of my trial in here but the style is pretty old and I'd rather not repost the same old thing over and over (I did that for PMs and I only posted the script for my trial in one forum. HINT: It isn't an Ace Attorney fan forum.) :trucy:

Anyway, if people have fan fiction requests, tell me.
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