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Re: The Tales Of seriesTopic%20Title
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Yesterday my friend and I finished Xillia.

The background for the world I thought was really cool, but the character motivations made absolutely no sense, and the plot was basically in pieces by the end. We were just running around doing random nonsensical things because the game told us to. I also didn't like how it felt like pretty much every single character was tagging along just because. (The only one who really had any sort of vested interest in the party's quest was Alvin. I guess Milla had her "mission," but as the game goes on what her "mission" is becomes fuzzier and fuzzier until it basically became "whatever the writers want you to be doing right now." And everyone else was tagging along for no good reason.) Jude's character was also really silly; is he really angsting about growing up after killing god?

The battle system was really fun though--better than Symphonia and Abyss, I thought. Each character had their own unique system that made using them slightly different. The link system and linked artes were also fun once you got the hang of them (although I literally never once managed to do a Chain Chance), and the Overlimit system was great because you got to use it more often than once every 50 battles. Lilium Orbs were also fun, because you got to customize your skills and stuff. (My favorite OP combo was Leia's skill that let you use items on the entire party, and the skill that gave you full HP/TP when you revived--we could literally revive the entire party with full everything with a single life bottle.)

Today we started Graces f. Can't speak too much about the story or characters yet (obviously), but SO MUCH NAKAMA. The battle system feels pretty funky, but we just got through the first mission as an adult, and now that we actually have artes instead of just basic attacks things might feel better, plus we're starting to get the hang of dodging attacks more often.
Asbel's dad was so hot, I wish he was one of the actual characters :( Oh well, Malik is pretty sexy, I'm using him <3

(Alvin is still the best though.)

PS: We somehow finished Xillia without ever unlocking the Milla's high-rank skill needed to perform her mystic arte/hi-ougi.
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RM3 is definitely a huge improvement when compared to RM1... though I feel it also took some things out that I really, really liked from RM1 and RM2. For example, being able to leave a dungeon immediately by pressing Start - sure, you can do that if you have a Quest AND have finished the Quest objective, but otherwise, you have to walk back to the exit. And you were capable of using Start to quick jump out of the place even without having a quest set. But nope, that was removed in RM3... no idea why...

I like the extensive cast in RM3 and I LOVE that they actually kind of level up WITH my character, up to level 70! A problem I had in RM2, the characters didn't do that, which was annoying. It's okay at first, but then you keep getting new characters and they all come in at either level 5 or level 10 when you're already at level 30... and it heavily showed which characters I used and those that remained behind cause I just couldn't be bothered to level them up, too.

But the problem with the extensive cast is also that they have no personality. Well, no personality that is in any way really interesting. Lloyd is a good-natured idiot, Collet apologizes a lot, Zelos flirts with me, Kratos is the quiet mentor and Luke is just angry. Yeah that is totally how they were in their games and nothing whatsoever was different! Though I will admit, the fact that RM3 says Luke and Asch are twins is a nice touch for me... it's just it personally doesn't make sense to make LUKE the older one... (Guess they did it for obligatory "cannot be with you" dialogue with Natalia - who I am glad is in the game!)

I dunno what it is with Tales Of, but none of the newer ones seem interesting ot me. Xillia has a nice enough design for Mila, but other than that... Graces f disappointed me in ways... this Zesteria doesn't seem interesting... and Xillia 2 doesn't seem worth it, really... Though I'd love to play new Tales Of games.

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Bad Player wrote:
Oh well, Malik is pretty sexy, I'm using him <3

(Alvin is still the best though.)

Haha it seems we have the same taste in men :hotti:

But yeah Xillia had it's issues but I enjoyed it, and I was going to strive for 100% of the titles, (but my PS3 failed me and died for nearly a year sooo that dream never happened)
Glad to hear you and your pal are also playing Graces! I personally really liked that one~

I started Hearts R a few days ago, since I finally bought a PSTV and I'm enjoying it thus far! Although it makes me lonely cuz I gotta play by myself :acro:

CatMuto wrote:
I dunno what it is with Tales Of, but none of the newer ones seem interesting ot me. Xillia has a nice enough design for Mila, but other than that... Graces f disappointed me in ways... this Zesteria doesn't seem interesting... and Xillia 2 doesn't seem worth it, really... Though I'd love to play new Tales Of games.

OOhhh booy, I feel the saaaaame way! But I'm a die hard Tales fan, so I always get excited for new titles. But I dunnooo this time, Zestiria looooks geneeeeriiiic... I think its cuz theyre also using like the same graphics style as Xillia, so it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. i'm sure the game will be fun enough though.
But I always find myself replaying the oldies~ I can't count the amount of times I'm played out Phantasia and Symphonia and Eternia~
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Ah, Phantasia... reminds me I am in the Fenrir Cave in ToP's Full Voice Edition... and I'm getting killed by everything...

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After I finished Symphonia, I tried the GBA version of Phantasia and... ugh, I couldn't stand it.
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Bad Player wrote:
After I finished Symphonia, I tried the GBA version of Phantasia and... ugh, I couldn't stand it.

Well the GBA version of the game is shit. If you want to know what Phantasia is really like, play the PSP/PSX or Super Nintendo version.

Re: The Tales Of seriesTopic%20Title
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If I remember correctly, there was even a rerelease of Phantasia for IOS. It was in English, and if I'm remembering right, it was free as well. Not that I own an Iphone or anything. I don't know if it got removed or not, but I remember people ranting a little about how it wasn't up to snuff with the lack of buttons and all.

But yeah the one for PSX is the best. You can play with friends that way too, :edgey: and you aren't forced to be Cress.
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Cless. Not Cress. (Yes I am one of THOSE guys) Also it's always Klarth and not Claus... no idea how they came from Kura--su to Claus... wouldn't the phonetic way of that be Kura-(r)u-su? Then again, Charles is apparently Sharuru...

Also, I love Arche - hence the avatar. I totally ship her with Cless. Why? Cause I hate Mint and the Chester thing is just so obvious two-hot-heads-that-toooootally-are-in-love-with-each-other-despite-constantly-fighting... I fail to see the point in that.

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CatMuto wrote:
Cless. Not Cress. (Yes I am one of THOSE guys) Also it's always Klarth and not Claus... no idea how they came from Kura--su to Claus... wouldn't the phonetic way of that be Kura-(r)u-su? Then again, Charles is apparently Sharuru...

Also, I love Arche - hence the avatar. I totally ship her with Cless. Why? Cause I hate Mint and the Chester thing is just so obvious two-hot-heads-that-toooootally-are-in-love-with-each-other-despite-constantly-fighting... I fail to see the point in that.


Hahaha, I just like Cress as a name way better than Cless personally, but I have no problem with either or though :trucy:
Cless sounds more awkward for me to pronounce, while Cress sounds like a lovely name. BUT YES KLARTH ALL THE WAY! Klarth is a muuuch more unique and lovely name, and Claus?? So bland and awkward to saaaay! If it was pronounced all German, (Kla-oo-ss) I would like it better but I know it supposed to be like "cl-ah-ss" and that's just strange.

Yeah, The Charles this is odd, but it's cuz of French pronounciation. I don't know if you play Puyo, but as an example, the main character's name is Arle (Pronounces Ar-lee in English) but her name is pronounced (A-ru-ru) in Japanese. but her name is supposed to be like Arles, the French city (sounds like the end of Charles in french pronunciation ). In french it would only be 2 syllables yet in Japanese it goes to three and it doesn't entirely sound like the french pronunciation at all XD

But Klarth was my main bro, he was my fave character in Phantasia, and I liked Chester a lot too! but I didn't like Chester x Arche either, it felt forced to me or something... I dunno. But yeaaaaah I agreee, Arche and Cress is cute~

But my favourite pairing, in all of Tales, is Klarth x Mirald <3 :bellboy:
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Re: The Tales Of seriesTopic%20Title

The King of All

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Misokrattz wrote:
If I remember correctly, there was even a rerelease of Phantasia for IOS. It was in English, and if I'm remembering right, it was free as well. Not that I own an Iphone or anything. I don't know if it got removed or not, but I remember people ranting a little about how it wasn't up to snuff with the lack of buttons and all.

But yeah the one for PSX is the best. You can play with friends that way too, :edgey: and you aren't forced to be Cress.

That's strange, I checked the App Store and it wasn't there.
Then again, they might've taken it off.
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Re: The Tales Of seriesTopic%20Title
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Sir Duke wrote:
That's strange, I checked the App Store and it wasn't there.
Then again, they might've taken it off.

Yeah, sadly it seems like it was taken down, and stopped working August 28th 2014. :larry:

Uh, I have a link to an article about it, but I'm not sure about the rules on linking to other sites in these forums, but if you search...:

Bandai Namco Pulling 'Tales of Phantasia' on iOS, Will Become "Unusable" on August 28th

...In google, you'll see the article I'm referring to. :pearl:
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I'd like to say something about Symphonia. Since I played it in Japanese on the GC and PS2, I'm really used to the Japanese writing and all. And then, when the disc kept stopping, I got the PS3 version off the PSN... I am SO not used to seeing roman writing for Symphonia anymore. Lemon Gel? What the hell is that, what is a Gel? I'm so used to it being Gummi. Beast? That's Shishisenko...! Also, it is and always has been weird for me to see the writing Sheena... just makes me think of sheen of sweat...
I am glad the PS3 version has Dual Audio. FUCK YEAH! Keep that going, Namco!

Re: The Tales Of seriesTopic%20Title

The King of All

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Misokrattz wrote:
Sir Duke wrote:
That's strange, I checked the App Store and it wasn't there.
Then again, they might've taken it off.

Yeah, sadly it seems like it was taken down, and stopped working August 28th 2014. :larry:

Uh, I have a link to an article about it, but I'm not sure about the rules on linking to other sites in these forums, but if you search...:

Bandai Namco Pulling 'Tales of Phantasia' on iOS, Will Become "Unusable" on August 28th

...In google, you'll see the article I'm referring to. :pearl:

That's a shame, I was wanting to play that one too. :sadshoe:
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Re: The Tales Of seriesTopic%20Title
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I still have no idea what anyone is saying, but I think I found my new favorite skit.
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sumguy28 wrote:
I still have no idea what anyone is saying, but I think I found my new favorite skit.

I found my new favorite skit today too.

Pascal and Sophie brushing their teeth while being chased by the enemy army soldiers.
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sumguy28 wrote:
I still have no idea what anyone is saying, but I think I found my new favorite skit.

Oh just Luke annoyed by... those thingies, that he calls Idiot-Monkeys. Similar to how he called Mieu Butasaru (Pig Monkey) in Abyss... and now I have that store's background music in my head... :ron:

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sumguy28 wrote:
I still have no idea what anyone is saying, but I think I found my new favorite skit.

AWW! Cuute! Is that from Radiant Mythology 3? Gotta love cross-over titles because alllll the shenanigans that go down :gant:
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So this is what I understood of Radiant Mythology 3's story.
There's a tree, and it's in danger, so it makes the Descender, who meets Kanonno, who takes him/her to Van Eltia, the mobile fortress of the "Guild." The Guild goes around the world accepting requests from various people, including, but not limited to: punching chickens and finding someone's lingerie. The Descender proves him/herself very capable of doing so. Eventually, the Descender finds a cult who hates the Descender and follows Lazaris, who wants to encase the world in some sedimentary rock. Later, they go to a place that looks like the Sky Castle from Tales of Innocence, but it isn't, because the dungeon layout doesn't suck. They find Niata, an ancient robot with a ton of information, but then Lazaris destroys it and makes giant teeth come out of the ground, which are evil or something. They come back a few days later just as Niata finished repairing itself. Niata seems to recognize Kanonno, and shows her to the Lifestream, where they meet the Original Kanonno, who was cloned three times. After a while, the Guild obtains the parts necessary to go into the Holy Land and turn the giant teeth into mana to fuel the tree. But it doesn't work, and the teeth stab the tree, and the Descender feels it, but then ignores it. Also, the Guild questions if Lazaris is really a bad guy. The Descender later confronts Lazaris at the end of an hour long dungeon which has some pretty sweet music playing in the background. They fight and the Descender wins, but then Niata tells Lazaris that she needs a second form, so the fight continues on and Lazaris uses a Mystic Arte that's ridiculously powerful, but the Descender still wins. The Descender then removes the giant teeth, and leaves forever, unless the player decides to continue the game, in which case, he/she falls on his face.
Also, somewhere in there, Luca's character was replaced with a stray cat, Saleh and Barbatos appeared for some reason, Rita gets possessed by Jade's spare glasses, Iria never learned proper gun safety etiquette, Quickie gets along with everyone except Estelle, Yuri and Flynn fight while trampling over the Descender's unconscious half-naked body, Anise-chan develops an obligatory rich boy crush on Spada-sama, and once the Descender obtains the Radiant equipment, the game shifts from fighting alongside your favorite Tales Series characters to showing off in front of your favorite Tales Series characters.
I guarantee you, at least 10% of what I wrote above is accurate.
Spoiler: But on a serious note
Anyone know/remember the context for the mission that puts Luke and Asch in your party and has you fight Van in the Sacred Mountain? This one:

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It was a means of test for the two. Luke in RM3 is shown as the older twin and first in line for his Kingdom's throne, with Asch being the younger twin and second in line. (And they keep the "forbidden love" of Asch and Natalia by saying she's Luke's fiancée but loves Asch, you know... just like in the game) Luke lacks aristocratic manners and everything and he and Asch continuously fight among each other. Eventually, Van says he wants to test the two in-battle against him (with the Descender... because.) and see which one is more fit to take over the throne.

Spoiler: Battle Outcome
He says they both suck and aren't ready yet.

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Zestiria Just got released today in Japans~ :phoenix: I'll be waiting to see the people's first opinions on the game. Does anyone here import JP tales titles?
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Misokrattz wrote:
Does anyone here import JP tales titles?

Yup! Three times for Abyss. The PS2 version never got released in Europe, so I originally imported the American version to play on my PS2. Then imported the Japanese PS2 version of Abyss - loved it even more because of Japanese voice acting. (Koyasu Takehito IS Jade!)

Then, when Abyss was revealed to be released on 3DS and the 3DS has region locking, I actually bought a Japanese 3DS so I could play the game. (Actually my mother did, as my birthday wish and... well it was the most expensive thing I ever asked for...)

I also imported Tales of Symphonia for the GC in Japanese when I graduated. Eventually imported the PS2 version of the game. I also bought and imported Tales of Phantasia's Full Voice PSP Edition. (I'm in Freezekill and am getting my ass handed to me by the enemies there)

I hope all Tales Of games that are released from now on with have Dual Audio as an option.


PS: Also I imported all 3 Radiant Mythology games.
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Whoa! That's so neat Catmuto! :pearlshock: I guess you really liked Abyss :redd: Do you speak and read Japanese? I personally can only read some Katakana simply because I play some JP games and I learnt because it comes naturally when you play them :kristoph:

I am on the cusp of ordering PS3 Vesperia~ I REALLLY want it, but the only reason I haven't got it yet is because I wouldn't understand what everyone is saying, and I'd get lost during the game.

They should try to add dual audio them because people really seem to love the Japanese voices. I personally love the work of English voice actors myself, and I am in love with quite a few of them. I only know a few Seiyuus and the more famous ones such as Daisuke Ono, Masaya Onosaka (Who I adore) and Romi Park.
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I can understand Japanese decently enough, though more when it's spoken, rather than reading. I have difficulty reading Kanji (I'm guessing it's basically made up of various little signs that indicate what it means and how to read it) especially if they lack furigana.

I'd rather have Dual Audio, though I'd also wouldn't mind the idea of just not getting an English dub at all. I know lots of Japanese voice actors, but they still amaze me in how they can make their voices sound different. Their range just seems so much bigger than compared to English ones. Maybe because in Japan, being a voice actor is a really big deal and important?

As for PS3 Vesperia... eh, I'd say don't. The new features aren't worth it, but then I overall find the game... meh...

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I'm joining a D&D campaign (my first). I wanted my character to basically be Malik from Graces, so my friend who already knows D&D spent literally two hours figuring out how to do it...

I'm going to be a Magus (so both swords and magic) with the "return weapon" spell, so I'll get to throw scimitars at things and then magically bring it back to my hand. It's going to be amazing and hilarious 8D
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So, apparently one of the Cameo Fights in Zistiria is against Jade.

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+1 for adding Malik to D&D! Make sure you Malik beam someone at somepoint on your quest! :redd:

Yeah, I heard that Jade was going to be in Zestiria, as well! :udgey: The article I read kinda said that he would play bigger role than most cameo appearances, and said that the locale of his fight wasn't the usual tournament arena. I'm excited to see Jade with a nice new enhanced 3D model~
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The King of All

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CatMuto wrote:
So, apparently one of the Cameo Fights in Zistiria is against Jade.


Will there be any Vesperia representation?
The king of all, Sir Duke
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Sir Duke wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
So, apparently one of the Cameo Fights in Zistiria is against Jade.


Will there be any Vesperia representation?

I don't know. All I saw is dagoldenclip2 uploading a video of 2 Cameo Fights of Zistiria and the thumbnail showed Jade. I didn't watch the video. And personally I would not care since I don't like Vesperia

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Finished the main story of Tales of Graces. Will do Legacies and Lineages when I get a chance, hopefully within the next week. I think it's my favorite Tales game. It was way better than Xillia, and I think I liked it better than Symphonia. My friend said he still likes Abyss better though, and I haven't finished that yet, so can't really comment.
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Question: what do you think of Asbel and Cheria, in terms of romance?
Though doesn't matter much cause I read that people, like me, who think Asbel and Cheria hooking up was the worst romance in Tales Of games to date (including the constantly awkward scenes between Luke and Tear) because nothing was shown beyond her having a crush on him as a child and then the F Arc just shoves it in our face the entire time... and then there are people who think Asbel and Cheria's romance was FINE in the main arc and that it was one that didn't need to be shown, so they're angry that the F Arc shoves it in their face.

Yeah... unpleaseable fanbase.

Oh and I just read a spoiler for Xillia 2... doesn't make much sense, but hey, maybe it makes sense if I knew the entire story behind it.

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Just over 20 hours into Tales of Symphonia and I beat the boss at the Temple of Earth.
First of all, I'm not really a fan of the graphics. Maybe it was limited because it has to run on the Gamecube, but Lloyd's model has a total of two facial expressions and Colette's model looks like she's 10. This becomes noticeable fast.
Spoiler: plot details
I should probably wait until the end to judge the story, but I already have this feeling that the plan to stop the mana flow between the two worlds will end in disaster. Sure, maybe the sacrifice won't be able to be carried out anymore, but then both worlds will lack a source of mana and go into decline.
The characters themselves? Sheena seems okay (no, it's not because of her melons), and I don't hate Zelos as much as I initially thought I would. Aside from them, so far none of them are really gripping my interest. Lloyd's the idiot, Genis and Raine are the two bickering siblings (I swear, siblings in fictional works are almost always bickering or have a crapload of angst between them), Kratos is so obviously Lloyd's long lost father or something, Colette's humanity has been shown in a total of one skit, and axe girl and handcuff guy are just there.
Granted, I'm not even finished with Disc 1, so my thoughts on this aren't final.

That out of the way, however, the gameplay is fine. Dated by this series' standards, yes, but it's still enough to make me look forward to playing the rest of the game.
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CatMuto wrote:
Question: what do you think of Asbel and Cheria, in terms of romance?
Though doesn't matter much cause I read that people, like me, who think Asbel and Cheria hooking up was the worst romance in Tales Of games to date (including the constantly awkward scenes between Luke and Tear) because nothing was shown beyond her having a crush on him as a child and then the F Arc just shoves it in our face the entire time... and then there are people who think Asbel and Cheria's romance was FINE in the main arc and that it was one that didn't need to be shown, so they're angry that the F Arc shoves it in their face.

Like I said, I haven't played F Arc yet. As for the main arc, I thought it was yet another cliche "girl is hopelessly in love but guy is totally oblivious" romances. I would've preferred something more interesting or original, but it wasn't terrible. I at least like it better than "oh btw the main characters are hooking up" out of nowhere at the end of the game romances, like in Xillia and Baten Kaitos.
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Well, thing is that the main arc's final FMV does obviously indicate that Cheria and Asbel got together - at the very least "long enough together" to produce offspring. (I have NO idea how anyone could've thought that kid was Sophie's) - though it very heavily LACKS the showing of any romance in the mandatory scenes.

You know, I initially liked Cheria in the main arc. She seemed to get really pissed at Asbel for having no contact for seven years and gotten over her crush on him. Then she yells at him for those facts, but after that... she's just... there. She does nothing big, she's just the nice one. They could've done so much more, and good, with her character, but they just made her the Designated Love Interest without showing interest in the story.

Yes it shows their romance (read: shoves it in my face) in sidequests. Which is NOT. Where the Romance. Should BE! At least Symphonia did a good job in making your choices affect the characters and story, slightly.

And sumguy, you're pretty much right with most of the stuff. As for the consequences... I don't think Lloyd thought it all that through. Also 2nd Disc? Are you playing the GC or PS3 version? Then again I have the PS3 version as digital so I don't know if it still came in two discs. (I know the PS2 version wasn't)

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CatMuto wrote:
(I have NO idea how anyone could've thought that kid was Sophie's)

Tell that to my friend :redd:
Spoiler: Graces
I'm not totally sure how Sophie grew up, but... w/e

Yeah, I also really liked Cheria at the beginning of the main arc. Everyone seemed to have actual, character-developing reactions and personalities compared from what happened since the childhood arc. And I mean, caring for Asbel and Sophie isn't the worst reason. It was a lot better than Xillia, where the only characters who had any actual reason for traveling around with the party were Milla and Alvin, and the latter's reasons weren't revealed until quite late.

The GC version of Symphonia indeed has two discs.
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Bad Player wrote:
Spoiler: Graces
I'm not totally sure how Sophie grew up, but... w/e

The GC version of Symphonia indeed has two discs.

It's explained during and at the end of the F Arc.

And I know. I played the localized version, then the Japanese version on the GC. I just don't know if the PS3 version was one disc or two.

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CatMuto makes a great point about Cheria kinda falling into the background for the rest of the game. I didn't really realize it til she pointed it out. But Asbel and Cheria's romance, I was indifferent towards it. (but I admit I squee'd a bit when they showed Asbel and Cheria's kid >u< Only because Tales game never take suggested romance THAT far canonically, so it was kinda sweet.)

OH AND FLAK ATTACK! Surprise surprise, apparently the newest Tales game, Zestiria, isn't getting kind reviews from our Japanese fans. From what I gathered, it seems like most people are upset about the supposed heroine, Alisha's role in the story line altogether. Apparently she kinda gets brushed off and she has her own after story DLC. (Paid DLC).

Sigh, :sadshoe: not the best news to hear shortly after it's JP release, but I never had high expectations for this installment in the first place, so I'm keeping an open mind whenever it comes out regardless.
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Misokrattz wrote:
OH AND FLAK ATTACK! Surprise surprise, apparently the newest Tales game, Zestiria, isn't getting kind reviews from our Japanese fans.

Yeah, I saw that when I was looking up reviews of Legend of Legacy. All the headlines were liek "the two new hyped-up RPGs... are kinda falling flat"
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Asbel and Cheria's kid

Spoiler: Graces F Spoilers
Well it's their great-great-great-grandkid so...

the supposed heroine, Alisha's role

Alishia? Sure it isn't supposed to be Alicia?

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Bad Player wrote:
Yeah, I saw that when I was looking up reviews of Legend of Legacy. All the headlines were liek "the two new hyped-up RPGs... are kinda falling flat"

Arg, for Legend of Legacy too huh? That's something you never wanna hear for any game... It's a shame really :sadshoe:

Alishia? Sure it isn't supposed to be Alicia?

Yeah, Im sure it's Alisha, sadly. :payne: Alicia looks much nicer and is more common, but her name is officially spelt ALISHA. The characters seemed to have uncommonly spelt names :ron: One girl is named Lyla, but it's spelt Lailah. I've NEVER seen that spelling for the name before :adrian: And Sorey is just kinda jarnky to say naturally for me! I feel like I'm saying it with an accent :meekins: It would be easier to say if it was Soley, and they could make it slept Sole, like the sun :pearl:
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Wouldn't the word for sun be Sol?
As for Lailah... that doesn't bother me. I've seen the name spelled that way before.
Though Alisha and not Alishia/Alicia? Okay. I will pronounce her name turkish.

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