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I know what Moderator and Administrators are... But what's this "Scanlator" Rank/Thing/Whatever? Seriously. I don't know what this means. What is a Scanlator? What does Scanlators even do? What is their duty on this site? Are they even important? If they're important, then on what view are they important?

I just never heard of it on any moment of my life. :sad-maya:

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Re: "Scanlator"?Topic%20Title

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no, they're not important
Re: "Scanlator"?Topic%20Title
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Winter Flag Trademark

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Rov wrote:

no, they're not important

Thank you very much! :edgey:

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Re: "Scanlator"?Topic%20Title
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I think they're from way back when, when there was Japanese-only AA manga.

So no, not really important anymore.
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I do wonder if we will ever need those scanlators again. It doesn't seem like Capcom has any plans to release more official AA manga any time soon, especially with a new game or two in development currently. Well, I guess white does make them look pretty.

I even saw a member whose name was in pink, but was marked as a scanlator. What was that about?
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Re: "Scanlator"?Topic%20Title
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IIRC, Mathis' Corner was originally only visible to scanlators.

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I do wonder if we will ever need those scanlators again. It doesn't seem like Capcom has any plans to release more official AA manga any time soon, especially with a new game or two in development currently.

Well, it's not like someone at Capcom is actually writing them; they just need to hire an author/artist. The GS/GK series were written by KURODA Kenji for example, who is a 'normal' mystery writer. Capcom just needs someone to check if the stories fit with their franchise. As for new comics, there's a new one every couple of weeks on the mobile site!
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Re: "Scanlator"?Topic%20Title
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Winter Flag Trademark

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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I even saw a member whose name was in pink, but was marked as a scanlator. What was that about?

My guess is he/she/whatever is the Chief Scanlator, or an Unique Scanlator. :think-pw:

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