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7 Seeds (Tamura Yumi)Topic%20Title
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"When you open your eyes, you don't know if you're in heaven or in hell. Nonetheless, you strongly wish to keep surviving."

In the near future, scientists predict a meteor crash to occur, which would wipe out humanity. The government and world leaders got together to come up with countermeasures to this impending catastrophe. Among the countermeasures is the called-crazy Project "7 Seeds", meant as the last resort measure in the worst case scenario. Project 7 Seeds: young and healthy teens and twens are hand-picked to be put into cryostasis, with a guide to support them, to survive the apocalypse and to be awoken once earth is deemed inhabitable again.

In Japan, the chosen people are separated into five teams of eight people, known as Team Spring, Team Summer A, Team Summer B, Team Autumn and Team Winter. The series begins with the awakening of Team Summer B, finding themselves in an unknown place and with no knowledge how they got here. How the other Teams have been faring, earth's current status and how they try to survive in this new world for them... leaves to be read.

A manga created by Tamura Yumi and current on-going with 140+ chapters. The story comes across as practically any apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic series these days, but it actually puts a lot of emphasis on the characters and how the develop, be it overall in terms of personality or by how they learn to adapt and survive in the post-apocalyptic world.

While the cast starts off with 40 for all teams, easily double that number with the non-team-members that are nonetheless important to the plot, it's overall pretty easy to know who is who and easy enough to tell apart in terms of appearance, with perhaps a slight similarity here and there. The characters are overall pretty memorable in my eyes, though there are still some characters that, up to now, remain rather underdeveloped and lacking a background. (Case in point, Akane from Team Autumn... so, like, she's sensitive to potentially occult things, but other than that, there's not much known about her)

There is no definite 'Protagonist' in the series, the manga overall tries to keep the focus on the teams themselves, if not at least on several people. The teams begin to split up, form smaller groups or mingle with other ones, which leads to some interesting interactions.

Spoiler: My Opinion On The Up-To-Now Chapters And Arcs - Part I
The first few chapters are unfortunately a bit on the weak side, one reason why it took me a second attempt to read the manga and begin to like it. However, they do begin to get more interesting, I personally really find that things got better around Chapter 16, when Team Winter was introduced.

Speaking of Team Winter's chapters, while unfortunately short, due to events, really introduces the dangers of earth now. Yes, we've had insects and mantises coming after some of the characters, but they somehow don't seem as big of a threat as a primodal saber-tooth tiger! And it's the first instance in the story where I ended up crying.

Team Summer A's arc, Hail Of Corn, is likely around the time when you realize that, well, earth prior to the apocalypse? Was probably not all that great, either. It certainly wasn't what it was now, but you can tell there are issues going on and exactly how eager some of the people are to prepare certain teens for the project, though majority of them don't know.

The Ash arc, particularly the flashback arc of the Ryugu Shelter, is one of my favorite moments in the series to date. The characters in the Ryugu Shelter are interesting, funny, relateable and their story is horrifying, but also sad and I personally wished that things had not ended the way they did for them. Lots crying going on here for me.

I must say that the arcs that seem to put more and more emphasis on Hana bug me. The arc of part of Team Spring, Summer A and Autumn shacking up together could be a good play-off to how the overall atmosphere between the teams could work, if they all lived together, and would be interesting to see. But, unfortunately, majority of the arc is spent on Hana, her unfair advantage to most of the civilians (her father had her trained to survive in the wilderness, specifically to prepare her for this project) and her place in the project being solely based on nepotism and the emotional, angry effect it has on Ango. Somehow, the fact that Ango tried to rape Hana kind of loses its impact, considering Hana was already almost raped by someone else only about 10 chapters into the series!
Then the big emphasis is that Hana is presumed to have died, after being sucked into a whirlpool from a fast-flowing river. While there are a few moments showing the Team members playing off of each other after, it's unfortunately a little late and not enough.

The following arc, Minor Heat, has Ango and Ryo meet up with Team Summer B, a mixture of hilarity and seriousness, as Team Summer B is lighthearted and carefree. Especially compared to how Ango and Ryo have been acting. The finding of the Fuji ship and the potential missle-fire on all of Japan is tense, but there is a big moment in this arc for Ango, not just in explaining his (and other Team Summer A members') background to some of Team Summer B, it also helps him to begin changing and improving as a character.

There's also a really WEIRD chapter between the ultimate chapter of this arc and the beginning of the next.

Spoiler: My Opinion On The Up-To-Now Chapters And Arcs - Part II Due To A Big Spoiler
The next arc shows that Hana has survived! ...yay. We once again spend several chapters with just her, before we even get to see any of the other characters again...! However, we do and while the arc is important and shows what can happen if they aren't careful with the ruins of the modern age they still encounter on earth, part of it is ruined for me because of the heavy emphasis on Hana in the beginning. Though this arc, once again, has me crying.

The current Mountain/Ocean arc seems to be ongoing for some time, likely with the ultimate result that all the teams will finally get together in one spot. It's quite interesting as practically all the teams are, technically, as close as possible to each other, but still separated. Some characters advance in personality, dealing with their past's mistakes, others we find out a little bit more about them.
Unfortunately, Hana ends up hallucinating and not responding to verbal stimulation, so one of the big issues is that we need to get her to snap out of it. You know, despite Natsu, Semimaru and Aramaki also hallucinating and not responding, cause Hana is more important. Actually, one of the latest chapters has Ayu think, "Hana this, Hana that, is nobody worried about Taka-san? (Aramaki)" And I have to agree. Fuck Hana metaphorically, I am concerned about Aramaki.

In a general statement, I do not like the romance between Arashi and Hana. Not only is it a childhoodfriends-turned-lovers one, it's also one that has all of its background happen prior to the story. And what is presented via flashbacks or memories... tells me nothing. Arashi apparently wants to touch Hana's hair, cause he finds it pretty. I don't know anything about them as a couple! Why are they in love with each other? Why do they act like the other is the most important person in their life? Why did Arashi become suicidal when he began to lose hope that Hana was alive? Why do these two always sound like they're whining when they're talking about wanting to find the other? Why am I supposed to care about these two as love interests, when I am much more interested in potential couples happening now? We're post-apocalyptic!

Two characters from Team Autumn seem to have had a romance beginning and are now awaiting a child. I'm much more interested in those two, particularly because they have relationship issues, one wanting to help, but being too unsure on how he can, so asking just results in being friendly brushed off. Ryusei is an ex-Casanova who knows that he can't take things seriously, but he's trying to become a better man to Kurumi, especially now that they are about to be parents. That's interesting! I wanna read that! Not hear Hana whining again about how she misses Arashi or vice-versa.


PS: Though I am complaining about sections of the manga, particularly about certain characters, I do suggest people to read this manga, as it is quite interesting as it gets started.
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During my current re-reading of the manga, I realized an issue I had with Hana that I couldn't put my finger on earlier.

She doesn't change. She enters the manga as an active girl, who overdoes things in order to not think of sad things, whines about missing her boyfriend and glares at people who dare to give her orders. And she has not changed at all. She's still an active girl, who overdoes things so she won't think of sad or bad things, whines how she wants to see her boyfriend and still hates people for giving her orders.

That might be a reason why I like Natsu so much. She entered as an extremely shy girl, who was too scared to do things. And while she's still scared a lot, she toughened up and is being more pro-active, even doing things so she learns new skills.

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I'm reading it. Stopped at chapter 25, going to read more later.

This manga is somehow similar to The Walking Dead in the sense it explores the human condition in moments of crisis and focuses on characters dealing with their personal shortcomings while trying to adapt to a group. Very interesting theme, imo, and the variety of characters gives the author the opportunity to set up many different relationships and interactions. Team Winter's story is heartbreaking as hell, lol. So far, probably my favorite moment in the manga.

About Arashi and Hana... I don't like them. I really don't. I think up to now, every character reminded me a bit of people I know IRL, except Arashi and Hana. They are a Marty Stu/Mary Sue couple, and the fact that they are always focused on their relationship and never on themselves bug me. Every character has a weakness, something they must deal with as individuals. Natsu struggles with her sense of self-worth, Semimaru lacks discipline and Haru suffers from expectations built up around him... but Arashi and Hana are apparently semi-perfect, and their inner monologues are almost always about their relationship. They are more characterized by their relationship than anything else. And I agree that the emphasis is too excessive. I don't need to be reminded every chapter they are in about how they miss each other, simply cause they are in luv.

Natsu's crush on Arashi is okay, it actually represents new opportunities for character development... but I really hope she gets over him at some point. I don't like continuous, pointless unrequited love in stories.
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Well, with the focus being gone from the Teams and switching around, you do have certain storiesor events for the characters feel like they are being dragged out, when they technically are not - in the example of Natsu's crush on Arashi, it may feel like she's still not over it, when she really is not taking that long to crush on him. As of yet, she doesn't seem to have gotten over it, but during a hallucination, she does confess that she likes him and, when the illusiory Arashi says he likes her, too, she realizes she likes him because he's in love with Hana. So, while I don't think she's over it, she at least got a step closer to advancing. And you really can tell she's changing whenever she reappears. And I'd like to point out that saying Natsu eventually suffers from a hallucination is not a spoiler, as it's pretty dang obvious what's going on, she admits it herself

You pointing out that Hana and Arashi are more defined by their relationship... that actually rings true. Definitely more noticeable in the beginning, though Hana gets more emphasis later on, during her mini-arc of the rash (I think you are about to enter it) or... during the entire Team Summer A Settlement story... but she still whines about Arashi. I wanted to say Arashi seems to get better, but even he uses Hana's image as a way to keep going... Quite honestly, there's a point early on where Arashi, thinking that he'll never see Hana again, tries to kill himself...

Honestly, this is one reason why I never understand why authority always picks teenagers to do things! Teenagers are overemotional and tend to stupid dramatics, because their priorities are skewed.

And yes, Team Winter is a super sob-story. But it's a believeable sob-story, without feeling unnecessarily dramatic about things. Though I think I cried more for the wolf-dog than I did for Mitsuru...

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Currently reading chapter 54, and I gotta say

Hana's been getting better since she found out that Arashi's alive, IMO. She's stopped with all that melodrama... those previous chapters focusing on her hiding the injury from the group, whining and being saved weren't good, though. They don't show anything new about her... they are just a nauseating repetition of her inner monologues about missing Arashi cuz he is the most important person of her life cuz she doesn't have a reason to go on without him cuz she is in love.

Oh, another thing... I've come to the conclusion that Hana is actually a better leader than Arashi is. I don't see them as "leaders", exactly, but Hana has a remarkable presence in her group and is perceptive of other people's intentions and moods. She is generally attuned to Haru's and Fujiko's emotional states... and she trusted Aramaki. Arashi seems completely disconnected from his group, and from everything around him. Even in the beginning - when he was a bit more involved - he showed a naivety that bugged me a little. He jumped to conclusions very quick about Botan... I don't think he is particularly perceptive or intelligent at all. He is nice to Natsu, but I don't think he understands her... even superficially. Hana understands Haru and her comrades, in general.

About Team Summer A's story... holy shit, I'm speechless. Sad, tragic as hell. I don't know if I like Ango, though. My problem with him is similar to my problem with Arashi and Hana - he just doesn't feel "real", and has a generic personality. His case is justifiable, though, because he was created to be a perfect human. Ryou's neat, and Shigeru was lovable.

I'm curious to see how the teams will interact with each other, and I'm kind of sick of Team Spring. I want more focus on Team Summer.

Too bad the manga doesn't have an anime version. Team Summer A's story would make a good AMV.
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He is nice to Natsu, but I don't think he understands her... even superficially. Hana understands Haru and her comrades, in general.

That's one of the main ways to describe Arashi. He's... a Nice Guy. He's friendly, helpful, polite and knows to encourage people gently is better than, say, doing it Semimaru's way. But other than that, he doesn't have much personality... you recall, he admits he's become really jealous since he started dating Hana and how he almost killed someone? Yeah, that flashback part to the event always felt off to me.

And I'm not saying that because Hana is a moron, who meets people she knows are out for her blood, behind the school, alone. :ron:

It just feels like something Arashi wouldn't do. It's so against his established personality, it feels like it was drawn to make him appear 'tougher' to everyone. Similar to how Tear Grants, from Tales of the Abyss, gets all moe when seeing cute stuff and liking it. It felt so off and so obviously done to make her appeal to the male audience, who like 'cute girls'.

Too bad the manga doesn't have an anime version. Team Summer A's story would make a good AMV.

Oh, yes! The manga's been going on for about a decade or so, still no talk about an anime. Or even a series of OVAs, all separated into one for each Team. It'd be pretty neat, but... they might think it would cost to me. You'd require 40 voice actors, more for the non-Team characters, how you'd make the switching between teams decent in visual form... it would be a huge production.

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I just finished reading the latest Chapter (147). I was 20 pages in, when I realized it and went back, wondering what had happened that I was already halfway through the chapter. Then I recalled it was basically nothing but Hana and Arashi and them talking of nonesense that really didn't bother me or otherwise silently thinking of the other, now that they had established contact. And that just makes me realize how their relationship is... nothing.

Their relationship prior to the apocalypse doesn't seem to have changed them or brought out something good out of each other. Arashi talks of a flaw of Hana's, which honestly doesn't sound like it's something unique to her (not focusing overall when one is in a pinch, but more on what's exactly in front of oneself) and then he and Hana start into a bantering of, "Are you calling me dumb?" "No, merely reckless" and... g~u~y~s, I'm not here to read about your teen-drama shit. Grab Aramaki, burn the fucking spiders and insects and leave.

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Newest chapter was... okay. The manga once again tried to make me believe that Hana used to be a loner, and always is a loner, because she cannot make friends... you know, that's really hard to believe when everyone in this story has been smitten with Hana! Even Ryo admits that he found parts of Hana's personality fascinating and that Ango did that as well, which is why they clashed so much. Mark #1 of a Mary Sue: Everyone in the story likes her, even those who don't know her - like Natsu.

Also, once again, Hana is the one who is going to go and do stuff. She will rescue Aramaki, yes, yes, she can do it. I know that she is the one out of the civilians, aside from Botan, who is best adapted for doing action-y things, because she was raised that way, but it still gets old. And why does she think she needs to be taken in by the spiders to rescue Aramaki, just burn the fucking nest down and catch him, when he's free. And have blankets or water nearby, if he or his clothes burn slightly, too.

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I think Arashi is the worst character in this manga to date. lol
I was hesitant to say this at first, but now I think I'm sure of it. Arashi lacks depth. He is one of those perfect, artifical prince types. Look at Semimaru. He is obnoxious, but he is from the streets. He figures out people quickly. When Arashi was defending Hibari, Semimaru told him something like "you are a clueless bastard who doesn't have enough depth to figure out her true intentions". And he was right. Arashi is as deep as a puddle, but it is impossible to hate him because he is always so naive and innocent. Which makes him even more annoying.

About Hana... she bugs me in the sense she isn't a relatable character at all. Her intentions are always good and noble. As you've said, a lot of people admire her, and she is Mary-sueish in this sense. In almost every shonen manga, the protagonist is loved by everyone and changes everyone's life, like Naruto or Ichigo from Bleach. I think Hana fills this role in 7 Seeds (except it is technically a shojo story). I think this kind of thing is obnoxious. Nobody is that important, no character should stay in the spotlight for that long. As much as I like Aramaki, I think he should stop worshipping Hana. Focus on other things a bit more :ron:

Spoiler: Chapters 70 - 85
I'm starting to like Ango now that he is the "bad guy". He feels more real, more human now. Yes, he is an ass, but his background explains his attitude.
(And yay, now that Hana is "dead" - I know she would never REALLY die - I hope the focus is placed on the other characters for a while)
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dangerousoffender wrote:
Spoiler: Chapters 70 - 85
I'm starting to like Ango now that he is the "bad guy". He feels more real, more human now. Yes, he is an ass, but his background explains his attitude.
(And yay, now that Hana is "dead" - I know she would never REALLY die - I hope the focus is placed on the other characters for a while)

Spoiler: Ango and Chapters 70 - 85
Ango is certainly a good character. He was awesome, but grew more cynical - and if he brushed things off so easily, he'd be creepy. (Nijiko seems to not care about what happened at the Final Test, which plays up her mysterious, slightly off-putting attitude. Makes you wonder what made her so detached from things.) I certainly found his huge hatred for Hana, because of what Daddy Takashi did, to be a little stupid... I mean, the man is long dead. What will being a dick to his daughter accomplish? Nothing. Then again, it's irrational hatred, it's not supposed to make sense.

The attempted rape was... I'll be honest, I disliked it for multiple reasons. One is, of course, rape is bad. Whatever, yadda, yadda. Two, Hana was already almost raped very early on in the story, so this one lost its impact because... well, we've seen it before. And to the same character. Third, what was the point of it? It showed nothing, it added nothing. Hana was intent on leaving the settlement, anyway, so his actions didn't speed things up or changed her mind. Fourth, we have Hana looking at Aramaki and thinking, "Hold me..." and thinking it's wrong, because she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want to hurt Aramaki that way - which makes no sense to me, unless she intended the Hold Me to mean more than 'give me a hug, because I really need some comfort right now'.

Of course Hana isn't gonna die. The only people allowed to die are stupid, pointless minor characters like the kids in the final test and the team guides, except Botan. No way would they kill Hana off. Though I kinda still hope for her being fatally poisoned or something, just as she finally gets to meet Arashi again. You know, prove that there IS some real danger in this world. Or will they show that by having Kurumi die after giving birth? (I hope not. She's cute.)

I think Arashi is the worst character in this manga to date. lol
I was hesitant to say this at first, but now I think I'm sure of it. Arashi lacks depth. He is one of those perfect, artifical prince types. Look at Semimaru. He is obnoxious, but he is from the streets. He figures out people quickly. When Arashi was defending Hibari, Semimaru told him something like "you are a clueless bastard who doesn't have enough depth to figure out her true intentions". And he was right. Arashi is as deep as a puddle, but it is impossible to hate him because he is always so naive and innocent. Which makes him even more annoying.

Yeah, he's an okay character. In fact, it's because he is such a well-adjusted, good person that he feels very out of place in Team Summer B: the team of failures. Of course, then you realize he's only in the team because he's Miss Hana Mary Sugorono Sue's boyfriend and it all makes sense. As you say, he's an okay character, but his lack of... unique traits make him annoying.
Arashi is the typical Nice Guy who is a bit Awkward about a few things and has no idea when Someone Is Obviously In Love With Him. Cut-'n'-Paste hero from practically every manga.

As much as I like Aramaki, I think he should stop worshipping Hana. Focus on other things a bit more

Yes. I would much rather hear more about his time spent roaming the earth, before meeting up with the other characters. He got more adjusted at the end of the Team Winter arc, but how soon did he leave for better places? How long did it take him to get an idea on when or how the climate changes, like when the dry season begins or heavy rain sets in? How many times was he stranded somewhere without drinking water during dry seasons? They keep dropping hints of what sort of went down, but nothing goes into detail.

Spoiler: Early Aramaki Spoilers
I mean, Aramaki considered himself the last person on earth. And he wandered around like that for 15 years. He's, like, the original spring of creative ideas on showing how earth was during that time - like, maybe the island that Team Summer B woke up on was different 5 years before they awoke.

And Aramaki does get more interaction with a certain character later on, but I just couldn't help but not like it. It felt like a setup, a poor excuse of 'Defrosting Ice Character' and... just awkward. Also, hilariously-awkward-funny-embarrassing moments because hahahaha, let's laugh at that! Oh, so funny!

7 Seeds does an overall good job at having a large cast, but still keeping focus on several and developing them... except for Chisa. And Fujiko. Oh, and Akane. Just take a look at her TV Tropes character list. It has TWO tropes to it. Can we please focus on her? She seems really interesting.


PS: Oh! Please post your opinion/reaction to the chapter "Applause", which you'll get to soon enough. I'm really interested in seeing it.
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Spoiler: Chapters 86-149 (hell yeah, I finally read the whole thing)
Yes, the whole rape thing was unnecessary. I interpreted it as another event created to direct even more attention to Hana... and that wasn't really needed, since she was already going through hell with Team Summer A and was supposed to get a lot of focus during her fake death inside the cave.

About Ango... I think I like him because he is morally grey. He is not a simple, bland good guy. His personality is "big". He has multitudes, internal contradictions... like most human beings. You are never sure about what he is going to do next. Is he going to be a jerk? Is he going to help? He creates tension, suspense within the plot. The kind of tension a character like Arashi could never create. And most importantly, Ango's background is well explained, so many aspects of his personality are understandable. It is not some superficial bitterness that is there for nothing.

I like how Hotaru told Natsu that she is going to become strong. I think Natsu and Aramaki are similar in some aspects. They are flexible, always adapting to the environment. Adapting to others. Superficially weak, internally strong. As my signature says, like water. That's why Aramaki was able to survive on his own for more than one decade, and that's why I think Natsu has the potential to become one of the strongest characters. Someone like Ango is weak, really. Tough, inflexible, badass Ango, lol. He is a good character, but the most psychologically fragile guy ever.

Regarding "Applause", my first impression of the chapter was: "Eh, what is this? What is the purpose of this?". I don't know if I'm genuinely dumb, dunno if there was some hidden message in this chapter that I wasn't able to catch... but WTH? Like, several pages are spent on Hana as a kid, doing irrelevant things nobody wants to know about. A waste of pages that could have been used more productively, lol. Sometimes I get the feeling that Hana is the writer's favorite or something like that. Only this could explain the obnoxious amount of attention directed towards her.

The Abandoned Ship Arc was great, certainly one of the best moments in the manga thus far with a lot of character development going on for Natsu, Ango and Ryo. Even Matsuri, who I saw as just some secondary character with a shallow personality, is getting better now in terms of depth and interaction with other team members. I hope the same thing happens with Akane and Sakuya. Team Autumn deserves more attention, seriously!

And about the lsland Arc... I like the direction SemimaruxNatsu is apparently taking and I love HaruxKoruri. Arashi is bland as always, and you are right: those flashbacks trying to portray Hana as a loner are 100% inconsistent with everything that was established about her until now. Heck, when she was first introduced in the story, she was already involved with her team and socializing. People apparently admire her courage and bluntness. Why would these same traits make her friendless in the past?

Well, the manga is in an interesting situation now. I think the next chapters are going to be focused on Arashi/Hana and the dynamics of their (boring) relationshit, but I want to see more of Natsu's response to this. Honestly, I want to see the process of her giving up on Arashi entirely, and I want to see what is Ango's fate. I think he is a good candidate to be a character with a beautiful, tragic death. That would make me like him more. lol
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Spoiler: The Applause Chapter
I know, it's so weird! I wouldn't have cared, if it showed simply Hana as she is in the world right now - a teenager - moving around, getting along with the piggies and surviving with them. It still has the message of her at the end, intent on living in this world (No offense, Hana, but you don't really have a choice here - either you live in this world or you commit suicide to get 'out' of it.) but her being a child at the beginning is just... what? Why is she transforming into Heidi? If there is a message... maybe her being a child symbolizes her amnesia about the events and just living with what's going on.

The Amnesia thing itself bugs me. Okay, she hit her head and was unconscious, I can buy that giving her some amnesia, fine. But then, POP, all of a sudden she remembers the events with Ango and all and... nothing comes from it. The amnesia served no purpose, except maybe having Hana admit to Chisa and Fujiko about the almost-rape. No repercussions, no consequences, minor headache and, poof, amnesia gone.

And can I just say her 'death' makes no sense!? She was submerged completely in water. For several days. Maybe even weeks, it depends, the story line can be a bit confusing at times. And she specifically mentions that the water was warm. Now, if she had been in icy cold water for days, I might buy the idea that she survives. Intense cold, her body likely shut down and went similar to the cryostasis they originally were in, keeping her alive and organs working, but unconscious until it was safe again... if it was warm water the entire time, it makes no sense, because the body would have no reason to go into this condition and she should have drowned.

Spoiler: The Fuji Ship Arc
Definitely one of the best arcs in the series to date. It improves on Ango and makes him become a better person - sure, he still is rough, unfriendly and quick to anger about things, but he is no longer blaming himself for Shigeru's death intensely. And I think he's beginning to see Natsu as herself and not a Shigeru clone, especially when she stands up to him about the crane thing. (Might seem like something small, but coming from Natsu, that whole crane thing was freaking awesome!) It also makes Ryo a bit better, though there are still parts of him that bug me. His reaction to Matsuri's confession was hilarious...

Along with the Ryugu Shelter arc, one of my favorites right now. Lots of development, it is interesting and you do have some sense of danger... even if you see several chapters are still coming and you think they would survive. (Though given the huge cast, you might think that this ends on a cliffhanger and the next arc focuses on other teams, before they find the now-exploded ship and the corpses of these guys)

I think when they say Hana was a loner in the pre-apocalyptic world, they mean that her headstrong behavior could be often leading to butting heads and making it difficult for people to like her... I know that being blunt can be very problematic, so I might buy this part... but it still feels off with her being portrayed as anything but a loner in the series. Heck, Aramaki struck me more as a loner than she. She never talks about how much she prefers being on her own, whether she's doing anything or isn't.

Spoiler: Ocean/Mountain Island Arc
Yes, we will have the big reunion of Hana and Arashi... also of Natsu and Semimaru with Hiibari, Haru and Koruri with the others, as well as maybe even Kaname encountering Ayu. But who cares about them, we only want Hana-Arashi, after all.

Honestly, what I hated in the latest arc was Hana giving Aramaki water through mouth-to-mouth. Hana! That was stupid! Yes, water keeps the spiders away and less dangerous, but it doesn't work if the water is IN THE BODY! SPLASH IT ONTO HIM! What's the point of that!? Oh, wait, I know what the point was: stupid shiptease and Ayu ZomG feeling... weird... and... jelly... Honestly, if it had been established that Aramaki looked dehydrated (cracked lips, maybe or wrinkly fingertips), then I might have found it okay. As it was, it was pointlessly stupid 'gift' to shippers.

I don't care about Hana-Aramaki-Arashi or even Aramaki-Ayu-Hana. They are not interesting setups, I've seen it before in dozens of other stories and it was not interesting there. Hell, Haru and Koruri had such good establishing moments for their relationship. It was small, but sweet things and I really think it's great how they both make each other feel better about themselves. (As for Semimaru and Natsu... it's cute, but I kind of have the feeling they wouldn't work in the long run...)

Tamura! You have Kurumi and Ryusei! He's a former casanova who doesn't really like being serious about things, but wants to change that and she knows the former about him and is ready to take sole responsibility for their child... that's a really interesting concept. I want to see more of them, I want to see how he develops and if he can manage to be a good parent to his child and supporting partner for Kurumi.

On a random note, I have the feeling a discussion of Monogamy VS Polygamy will pop up at some point. They have the monogamy ideas of their culture ingrained in them (and how happy the couples would be to 'share' is debateable), but they will repopulate humanity (least, that's one of the things they 'should' do, as part of the plan) and it is overall safer to have more partners there, as it leads to different DNA combinations... which, in the long run, really lowers the problem of inbreeding and mutations.

Though that always bugged me, why only a total of 40 people? Who cares about money, it's the apocalypse, try to get a good... 80 to 100 people into this project.

Re: 7 Seeds (Tamura Yumi)Topic%20Title
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CatMuto wrote:
Spoiler: The Applause Chapter
I know, it's so weird! I wouldn't have cared, if it showed simply Hana as she is in the world right now - a teenager - moving around, getting along with the piggies and surviving with them. It still has the message of her at the end, intent on living in this world (No offense, Hana, but you don't really have a choice here - either you live in this world or you commit suicide to get 'out' of it.) but her being a child at the beginning is just... what? Why is she transforming into Heidi? If there is a message... maybe her being a child symbolizes her amnesia about the events and just living with what's going on.

The Amnesia thing itself bugs me. Okay, she hit her head and was unconscious, I can buy that giving her some amnesia, fine. But then, POP, all of a sudden she remembers the events with Ango and all and... nothing comes from it. The amnesia served no purpose, except maybe having Hana admit to Chisa and Fujiko about the almost-rape. No repercussions, no consequences, minor headache and, poof, amnesia gone.

And can I just say her 'death' makes no sense!? She was submerged completely in water. For several days. Maybe even weeks, it depends, the story line can be a bit confusing at times. And she specifically mentions that the water was warm. Now, if she had been in icy cold water for days, I might buy the idea that she survives. Intense cold, her body likely shut down and went similar to the cryostasis they originally were in, keeping her alive and organs working, but unconscious until it was safe again... if it was warm water the entire time, it makes no sense, because the body would have no reason to go into this condition and she should have drowned.

Spoiler: The Fuji Ship Arc
Definitely one of the best arcs in the series to date. It improves on Ango and makes him become a better person - sure, he still is rough, unfriendly and quick to anger about things, but he is no longer blaming himself for Shigeru's death intensely. And I think he's beginning to see Natsu as herself and not a Shigeru clone, especially when she stands up to him about the crane thing. (Might seem like something small, but coming from Natsu, that whole crane thing was freaking awesome!) It also makes Ryo a bit better, though there are still parts of him that bug me. His reaction to Matsuri's confession was hilarious...

Along with the Ryugu Shelter arc, one of my favorites right now. Lots of development, it is interesting and you do have some sense of danger... even if you see several chapters are still coming and you think they would survive. (Though given the huge cast, you might think that this ends on a cliffhanger and the next arc focuses on other teams, before they find the now-exploded ship and the corpses of these guys)

I think when they say Hana was a loner in the pre-apocalyptic world, they mean that her headstrong behavior could be often leading to butting heads and making it difficult for people to like her... I know that being blunt can be very problematic, so I might buy this part... but it still feels off with her being portrayed as anything but a loner in the series. Heck, Aramaki struck me more as a loner than she. She never talks about how much she prefers being on her own, whether she's doing anything or isn't.

Spoiler: Ocean/Mountain Island Arc
Yes, we will have the big reunion of Hana and Arashi... also of Natsu and Semimaru with Hiibari, Haru and Koruri with the others, as well as maybe even Kaname encountering Ayu. But who cares about them, we only want Hana-Arashi, after all.

Honestly, what I hated in the latest arc was Hana giving Aramaki water through mouth-to-mouth. Hana! That was stupid! Yes, water keeps the spiders away and less dangerous, but it doesn't work if the water is IN THE BODY! SPLASH IT ONTO HIM! What's the point of that!? Oh, wait, I know what the point was: stupid shiptease and Ayu ZomG feeling... weird... and... jelly... Honestly, if it had been established that Aramaki looked dehydrated (cracked lips, maybe or wrinkly fingertips), then I might have found it okay. As it was, it was pointlessly stupid 'gift' to shippers.

I don't care about Hana-Aramaki-Arashi or even Aramaki-Ayu-Hana. They are not interesting setups, I've seen it before in dozens of other stories and it was not interesting there. Hell, Haru and Koruri had such good establishing moments for their relationship. It was small, but sweet things and I really think it's great how they both make each other feel better about themselves. (As for Semimaru and Natsu... it's cute, but I kind of have the feeling they wouldn't work in the long run...)

Tamura! You have Kurumi and Ryusei! He's a former casanova who doesn't really like being serious about things, but wants to change that and she knows the former about him and is ready to take sole responsibility for their child... that's a really interesting concept. I want to see more of them, I want to see how he develops and if he can manage to be a good parent to his child and supporting partner for Kurumi.

On a random note, I have the feeling a discussion of Monogamy VS Polygamy will pop up at some point. They have the monogamy ideas of their culture ingrained in them (and how happy the couples would be to 'share' is debateable), but they will repopulate humanity (least, that's one of the things they 'should' do, as part of the plan) and it is overall safer to have more partners there, as it leads to different DNA combinations... which, in the long run, really lowers the problem of inbreeding and mutations.

Though that always bugged me, why only a total of 40 people? Who cares about money, it's the apocalypse, try to get a good... 80 to 100 people into this project.


Yes, I thought exactly the same thing about Hana's amnesia. Like, instead of "dying" and waking up amnesiac, she could've simply run away from Team Summer A's place (like she was planning to do, btw). It would have been more simple, logical, and coherent. And it wouldn't affect the plot in anything.

I think Natsu/Semimaru could work only if a somewhat radical change/development occurred in both their personalities. The way I see it, Natsu is still too restrained around Semimaru, and that's what bugs me a little :ron: but yes, I think it could happen, depending on the circumstances.
And yes, Haru/Koruri is a very, very cute pairing and probably the ship with the best interactions in this manga. And Ryusei/Kurumi should definitely be explored :ron: seriously, the writer waste so much of other characters' potential focusing on Hana. It makes me a little annoyed, even.

About the polygamy thing... I think the issue can be brought up at some point, but I don't think it will be put into practice between the characters. Not between all of them, at least. Tamura has to think about the demographics, about how people in general like the idealistic, traditional view about love and shit. And I can't imagine some characters agreeing with it, like Aramaki or Arashi. But it can be something considered by, let's say, Ryo or Ayu.

BTW, thank you for mentioning this manga on the forum. I probably wouldn't know about its existence if you hadn't, and it is really good. lol
Re: 7 Seeds (Tamura Yumi)Topic%20Title
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BTW, thank you for mentioning this manga on the forum. I probably wouldn't know about its existence if you hadn't, and it is really good. lol

You're welcome. I forget how exactly I began to read the manga myself... I had to give it two tries after some time, because I read a few chapters and figured it wasn't interesting enough to keep my attention. I'm glad I gave it a second chance, cause it's really great. It certainly has its (huge) share of flaws and could be improved a lot, but the idea is good, things are done rather believeably and majority of the characters are believeable. Some not necessarily likeable, even when they begin their character development, but the fact there is such development in them is great.

That's one thing that I found really disappointing. That it has to be Hana who has the crush on Aramaki. Instead of having any of the other girls (or guys) fall for him, giving them a potential character trait and subarc, it's given to Hana. Considering she already has so much stuff happening to begin with, why does she get this, too? Tamura could have had... Chisa or Fujiko fall for Aramaki - given Fujiko's little Imagine Spot of what Ban looks like, Aramaki might be her type. Or give it to Akane! What do we know about Akane, anyway? Well, she's from a family of divers... she is sensitive to 'spiritual' things, like with the Ryugu Shelter, and she seems to rather like animals. That could work, but there's potential in her.

Yeah, it seems weird... Hana was gonna leave within minutes, anyway, but then she remains by order of one of the guys who dislikes her the most. Makes sense. She was gonna leave, what were Ryo or Ango gonna do, huh? Ayu already had it up to here with Ango, especially after he tried to rape Hana, so she wasn't gonna stand for his stuff anymore. And besides, two guys with - granted - guns, against majority of Team Spring and Autumn? Uh, yeah, my bet is on the other two. And had they openly attacked Hana or any of them in front of several witnesses, they would have been banned from the place, anyway. It felt like such a convoluted way to get them out of the village, but also putting emphasis on Hana again...

Like I said, it might become a topic. Even the demographic may be thinking "Well, if it's to repopulate humanity..." and most have history, anyway, that openly points out how royalty tended to inbreed and marry their close cousins and all, which led to problems. And as I said, I don't know how willing the currently established couples would be with that idea. Some may be all for it, others may be against it. If anything, I think Team Summer A - in general - would be more open to the idea. (They are genetically enhanced offspring, to begin with)

Re: 7 Seeds (Tamura Yumi)Topic%20Title
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New chapter out. And I have to say, I was happy to see that Kurumi and Ryusei got several pages devoted to them and advancing in their characters. Course, then it jumped to Hana, so... :ron:

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