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Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title

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Another question to add to the pile. Assuming that all the instruments that have been listed for the songs I have mentioned are actually played, rather than taken off of something like Synthesia, what orchestra did the music for SoJ? I know it might be a stupid question but not a single website I go on ever gives me the answer, whether there's a real orchestra or a computer program just using orchestra instruments.
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FWIW, I don't remember seeing any orchestra credited in the game. Besides the three composers and the SE person, I remember a guitarist being credited, as well as some people from Twofive Inc. (the company where Iwadare works), though I don't know in what capacity those people were connected to the game.
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Ash wrote:
FWIW, I don't remember seeing any orchestra credited in the game. Besides the three composers and the SE person, I remember a guitarist being credited, as well as some people from Twofive Inc. (the company where Iwadare works), though I don't know in what capacity those people were connected to the game.

The guitarist was probably for Potdino's stuff. That's the only reason I can think of him being involved.
Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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The music is not orchestrated. They use live guitars but I think that's it, same as DD. You can tell the horns are computer-generated and a lot of the time, strings too. I do believe most electric piano is most likely live-recorded in the mixer by Iwadare himself though. Dunno what Horiyama uses, but most likely something similar to FL Studio.
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Atuyhan Ihdamdhas

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The Song of Ceremony is not in English.

Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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Yash K. Productions wrote:
The Song of Ceremony is not in English.


It wasn't even in Japanese was it?
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linkenski wrote:
Yash K. Productions wrote:
The Song of Ceremony is not in English.


It wasn't even in Japanese was it?

It was.
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title

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linkenski wrote:
The music is not orchestrated. They use live guitars but I think that's it, same as DD. You can tell the horns are computer-generated and a lot of the time, strings too. I do believe most electric piano is most likely live-recorded in the mixer by Iwadare himself though. Dunno what Horiyama uses, but most likely something similar to FL Studio.

I, by no means, am trying to discredit what you said but I have to ask, do you have any proof to back up what you said. As
Spoiler: Turnabout Serenade
Daryan Crescend said, "You've got a sound on the tape that could be anything", in regards to what you said about the horns and strings.

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Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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Hard to prove. I don't have Iwadare's samples or recordings on my PC. But you can tell in Great Revival 2013 and several SoJ tracks that the brass is MIDI sequenced. I have never heard a real horn that sounds that...fake. The guitars are clearly real except the solo in New Chapter of Trials 2016, and the violins in Objection 2016 is also MIDI.

Again, no concrete proof. I don't even know the name of the studio software or MIDI-based instruments they use, but all I can say for sure is that most of the music in DD and SoJ is using some sort of high-quality synthesized instrumentation perhaps played in realtime, but it's not real lived instruments, unless Iwadare plays his brass using a Keytar for instance.
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So, because I really can't wait for this game to finally be released in the west - and WHOOOP, less than 24 hours left! - I've gone through the trial portion of the soundtrack in anticipation and to form an opinion on this edition of the good old suite of themes. And I do have to say, my opinions are veeery back-and-forth.

  • The trial themes for both Japanifornia and Khura'in are pretty phenomenal, the Khura'in one even more so. The sense of impending doom - the feeling of foreign-ness and the pressure of standing in court in a legal system you don't know the slightest thing about, along with the extremely hostile attitude pretty much everyone in that courtroom has towards you - is pretty much perfectly nailed. The Japanifornia one is more tame in this regard and feels more familiar (as it should), but still conveys that shit's about to down, yo, though it becomes really similar to the DD one towards the end, I don't quite like the drum samples used (is this a techno song or a trial theme?), and the loop segue is pretty horrible. All in all, the Khura'in theme got to be one of my favorite trial themes in the series, to be honest.
  • Another set of rehashed objection themes? Is it really that difficult to compose something new for these characters? I'm tired of hearing the same themes over and over again in different, slight variations. Hugely disappointing.
    • In Apollo's case, I actually prefer the DD one over the SoJ rendition. It tries to be far too grand, yet doesn't feel close to different enough from its little brother. And nothing will beat the hint of e-guitar and its interplay with the strings in the intro portion of Apollo's DD theme.
    • Eh... T&T Objection #3. If they really had to rehash an old theme, why not 2001 for a change? Why always the same, boring theme with the same boring 35-second buildup until something new actually pops up? I even really like the new parts in this theme, but I don't see why they wouldn't have fit to a new theme as well instead of having to figuratively be in the "shadow" of fanservice (that nobody really asked for).
    • Athena's theme suffers from the same problem that Apollo's has in that it tries to sound far too grand but is literally the same exact theme from DD with a few sample switches and extra instruments slapped on top for almost a minute, and the "new" part that comes afterwards has no identity, discerning features or anything of the sort, before it goes straight back to the old theme after not even 15 seconds. And then, it just drags on for too long, going for four repeats for some reason instead of two, which makes it sound incredibly repetitive. Sure, it sounds grand because of all the "epic" instruments that were haphazardly piled on top, but overall, this is the worst of the bunch by far.
    Overall, I'm hugely disappointed with the Objection themes. I expected more than remixes of remixes, which is all they ultimately are.
  • The cross-examination theme, on the other hand, is probably my favorite from the entire series, especially together with its allegro rendition. I think it nails the amalgamated feeling of dramatic tension together with calm collectedness better than any other CE theme in the series by far, and the allegro version adds just the perfect amount of extra drama and urgency to round the set out perfectly. And, heavens be praised, it actually has a bridge!
  • I quite like the logic theme. Has a really modern feel to it (which might feel out of place in the Khura'in trials, perhaps?), but does its job of providing a stimulating backdrop for piecing the case together quite well.
  • The detention center theme got to be one of the saddest and most dramatic in the series! I feel like they may have overshot their goal a little bit with this one. It feels like we're on the graveyard, hopelessly talking to a spirit long gone, instead of to the defendant in a murder case. It's good musically, but it feels far too tragic for its intended purpose.
  • Pursuit theme is okay. Nothing stands out about it (except that the first few seconds awfully similar to Wanting to Find the Truth, and I was never a fan of that synth instrument). Maybe they were a bit too eager to switch the key in this one, but they generally pulled it off well. I like that it feels less flat-out "GO US WE ARE SO AWESOME STICK IT UP YOURS BAD GUYS" than DD's, and more "it's been a long way up to this point, and now we're going to finish it", which is just how a Pursuit theme should be.
  • Another one of my series favorites, I really love the Japanifornia Investigation Core theme! Feels sufficiently dramatic and yet inspiring, and is a far stretch from whatever the hell that goofy excuse for a Core theme in DD was. Sets the tone for "oh shit, we just learned something big" pretty perfectly. The Khura'in one is okay, but not really dramatic enough; it feels more like a "Investigation Middle" one.
  • I also definitely like the victory theme better than DD's (though I still don't really like like it), simply because it isn't quite as sickeningly happy-go-lucky, and they managed to pull off the "bittersweet" feel throughout it a lot better than in DD (where they didn't manage to do it at all). I'll never forget the ending to 5-3 where everyone was nauseatingly happy with this shitty tootling in the background even though the seemingly only person who tried to keep the academy away from the Dark Age of the Yadayada just died and a professor was proven the murderer. That was the most blatant example of everyone acting completely out of character and like they don't give the slightest damn about what had just happened. It stands out to me as one of the silliest moments of the series (in a bad way), and the music certainly didn't make things better. I really hope nothing like this happens in SoJ.
  • Turnabout Sisters - did somebody sit on the loop button? Seriously, what is this repetitive... thing... supposed to be? What is that loop segue supposed to be? Why does this sound like home shopping music towards the end?

...aaand that should be about it. The soundtrack has some of the worst and best pieces in the series at the same time, which is pretty interesting. Can't remember the last time I had such polarizing thoughts about a video game soundtrack. Overall, though, none of the really bad tracks are bad enough to seriously detract from the experience, while all of the really great tracks are great enough to tremendously add to it, so I can not wait until this game finally becomes available.

EDIT: I just realized that I forgot about the Confess the Truth theme. It's... okay, I guess. Depends on the context it is used in. Does it appear as rarely as in DD? If yes, it doesn't quite fit because it seems too "soft". Does it appear as often as it did in the original trilogy + AJ? If yes, it still doesn't quite fit because it's too dramatic. I honestly don't know what feeling they went for with this one. I can't really judge it out of context; I'll have to hear just how it's used in the game before I can really make up my mind (for instance, I thought that "The Winning Combination" from PLvsAA was rather boring when I first heard it, but after playing the game and acquiring the context in which it is played, it's become one of my favorite tracks in any AA game).
Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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I'm curious, how do we get the english names of songs? I remember some of the Japanese translations of songs being wrong in English (Like "Keep on Cornering", and "Boisterous People") and I would think a few of the tracks here would have different names as well (Like "Cornering Together"). Anyone know how to find the English names?
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Keep Pressing On/Keep Cornering*is* a viable translation of the Japanese 追いつめまくれ actually (I should know, I was the one who suggested it :P). It's titles like Tell/Confess The Truth and Lying Coldly which are wrong... (by which I mean, you can tell that it's not a "localized" title, but actually a translation mistake)

But there are no "official" English titles for the tracks, save for the ones that were featured in Layton VS AA's soundtest (and those were often not translations of the original Japanese titles).
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear

Last edited by Ash on Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Ash wrote:
Keep On Cornering *is* a viable translation of the Japanese 追いつめまくれ actually (I should know, I was the one who suggested it :P). It's titles like Tell/Confess The Truth and Lying Coldly which are wrong... (by which I mean, you can tell that it's not a "localized" title, but actually a translation mistake)

But there are no "official" English titles for the tracks, save for the ones that were featured in Layton VS AA's soundtest (and those were often not translations of the original Japanese titles).

I'm curious then, where did Keep Pressing On come from? Was that just made up?
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Thunder84 wrote:
Ash wrote:
Keep On Cornering *is* a viable translation of the Japanese 追いつめまくれ actually (I should know, I was the one who suggested it :P). It's titles like Tell/Confess The Truth and Lying Coldly which are wrong... (by which I mean, you can tell that it's not a "localized" title, but actually a translation mistake)

But there are no "official" English titles for the tracks, save for the ones that were featured in Layton VS AA's soundtest (and those were often not translations of the original Japanese titles).

I'm curious then, where did Keep Pressing On come from? Was that just made up?

Oops, brainfart there! I was the one who suggested Keep Pressing On, but there's really not that much a difference there. 追い詰める is to corner someone / to keep putting pressure on someone, so it works either way. I just choose Keep Pressing On because it sounded better IMO. (The Japanese implies doing something repeatedly. But it's kinda weird to 'keep on cornering' someone if they're already in a corner, while you can keep on adding more pressure even if the person is already in a corner, was my line of thought) But there are basically always multiple options to translate something. For example, the verb 走る could be run, hurry, sprint, fly, dash, hasten, race, scuttle, etc...
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear

Last edited by Ash on Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Ash wrote:
Thunder84 wrote:
Ash wrote:
Keep On Cornering *is* a viable translation of the Japanese 追いつめまくれ actually (I should know, I was the one who suggested it :P). It's titles like Tell/Confess The Truth and Lying Coldly which are wrong... (by which I mean, you can tell that it's not a "localized" title, but actually a translation mistake)

But there are no "official" English titles for the tracks, save for the ones that were featured in Layton VS AA's soundtest (and those were often not translations of the original Japanese titles).

I'm curious then, where did Keep Pressing On come from? Was that just made up?

Oops, brainfart there! I was the one who suggested Keep Pressing On, but there's really not that much a difference there. 追い詰める is to corner someone / to keep putting pressure on someone, so it works either way. I just choose Keep Pressing On because it sounded better IMO. But there are basically always multiple options to translate something. For example, the verb 走る could be run, hurry, sprint, fly, dash, hasten, race, scuttle, etc...

Ohh, that makes sense. Thanks for telling me.
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Man, the victory music is sweet in this game. It makes the end of a case feel very satisfying and uplifting :)
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Gotta say, after having played through the game, I've really warmed up to the soundtrack after initially having a mixed reaction. I'm still pretty disappointed about the rehashed Objection themes, but other than that, the court suite is incredibly solid, I absolutely love the new additions to it (Basics of the Case / A Cornered Heart), the character themes are apt and catchy (Rayfa's theme is incredibly adorable, I've listened to Nahyuta's theme for an hour on loop, and I couldn't stop myself from humming along to Cheerful People whenever it played) and the investigation suite for both countries fits the tense and rather gloomy atmosphere of the entire game. And I love the new Confess the Truth theme after hearing it in context (and I'm happy it plays more than, like, three times in the game - looking at you DD). I think the soundtrack is becoming one of my favorites from the series.

Spoiler: 6-5
And Dhurke's theme and its accompanying Reminiscence counterpart never fail to get me emotional after the roller coaster that was case 5. Also, I don't think I've ever been as tense in any Ace Attorney game as in this one when I had to select Dhurke's profile as the second victim and this incredibly dark, foreboding, terrifying theme started playing.

Turnabout Sisters 2016 is still atrocious, though. Lol.
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I loved this soundtrack. It fits the feeling of the game and helps setting the tone, and I can't name a single song that felt out of place or that I actively disliked.

My favourite track was definitely the Pursuit (along with its variation). In fact, it's one of my favourites of all AA songs whatsoever. I can't tell how many times I've listened and re-listened and hopped around to this song while waiting for SoJ to be released. Actually I think the song itself played a huge part in getting me hyped for the game. When I first heard it in-game I had to stop playing for a minute to just cherish the moment.
After that, I absolutely adored both of the Investigation ~ Core themes.
"A cornered heart" is amazing and powerful, as is "Confess the truth" which has a similar sound. "Realizing the truth" as well, but in a very unsettling way.
"Basics of the case" and "Cheerful people" are two other favourites of mine, and I really grew fond of Nahyuta's theme over time.
The Insights song felt a bit PLvsPW to me.
Rayfa's theme had something very endearing about it.
Ema's theme this time around was fun and felt like "yeaah!", which suits what she has become.
The Gramarye theme was smooth and pleasant to listen to.
Maya's theme was cozy, familiar and felt like coming home.
The Objection themes didn't stand out particularly to me while playing, but listening to them outside of the game made me get up and dance, all three of them. They all had a triumphant feeling. I used to think Athena's was weak compared to DD, but now I like it. The song felt yellow, which obviously suits her.
Paul's theme was perfect for his character, and I love the unimpressive little "wiie!".
Reus', Kee'ra's and the Defiant dragons respective themes were cool.
The thought route song is called "Resonance of the synapses"? Brilliant. I my opinion the name sounds part cool and part sarcastic.
In hindsight, "Great revival" cracked me up. I get it's Edgeworth's theme by now, but although it fit well to his great returns in JFA and DD, it was kinda hilarious to me how this grand theme starts playing just because he pops in to say hi. I wish a song like that would play every time I show up somewhere too.
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I didn't like the ost much but I feel a lot better about it now that I've done the Investigation portion of Case 3. A lot of the Khur'ain soundtracks are pretty strong
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Having gotten halfway through it by now, I'm pretty sad to hear how they still use music the same way as DD most of the time which sucks becuase Logic Break is one of the least good main themes in the game this time. It plays constantly. In a courtroom battle, generally it's still either that, Objection or Pursuit, but thankfully I think Tell The Truth played more than once in both case 2 and 3. But on the flipside they are really scarce about Core this time, possibly even more than in DD which sucks because both Core themes are some of the best on the tracklist. I think Core Khura'in played twice and only during investigations in case 3 and it only played 2-3 times during investigation in case 2 as well.

I actually think the OST for this game is quite good -- better than DD -- but it's a shame it doesn't feel that way when you play it because they hold their best themes too close to the chest. It still contributes to a kind of monotonous feel during trials.
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This OST slowly grew on me over the course of the game, and I overall came to enjoy it. This is one of the few games I found to where I really enjoyed the various common character themes that play with each character. For example, the song that would always accompany Albhi was easily one of new favorite common character themes. I still feel that T&T still has the strongest OST by far in the main series, but in the end, I was very impressed with this OST. After DD, I had placed that right under T&T and tied it with AJ for second place, but after beating the game, I think SoJ holds its place for me now as 2nd place in the main series as far as soundtracks are concerned. Lot of catchy tunes and some really good ambient themes as well to boot.
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CatMuto wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Man...that looks dull...this actually makes me worried for KH3 (since that team worked on the battle system)

I feel the same
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I've been listening to "A cornered heart" several times in a row these last days. I feel like it's getting better and better the more I listen to it. That, pursuit and the two Investigation core's are the best tracks in my opinion.
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Going for Miles wrote:
I've been listening to "A cornered heart" several times in a row these last days. I feel like it's getting better and better the more I listen to it. That, pursuit and the two Investigation core's are the best tracks in my opinion.

It's just one of the most dramatically charged themes - for me, it was really well used...especially in the one big reveal which I won't mention but we all probably know at this point. This, and Confess 2016, just absolutely bring the heartache and heartbreak in spades...and with the 'special treat' that is Realization of the truth, where you get one of the most unsettling pieces that leaves you cold and numb inside as horrible truth reveals themselves. Powerful themes, very much welcome and likely going to be listened to on/off for a while to come.
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The remixes of Athena's and Apollo's themes gave me HUUUGE goosebumps.

I also enjoyed Investigation Abroad (and also most of the Khura'in-themes) since they were so much different from most stuff we heard before and they really nailed the atmosphere.
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ThePaSch wrote:

Spoiler: 6-5
And Dhurke's theme and its accompanying Reminiscence counterpart never fail to get me emotional after the roller coaster that was case 5. Also, I don't think I've ever been as tense in any Ace Attorney game as in this one when I had to select Dhurke's profile as the second victim and this incredibly dark, foreboding, terrifying theme started playing.

Spoiler: 6-5
That music really gives me chills. It's definitely sounds slowed down, is it a slowed down version of a pre-existing track, or just something original?
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I'm loving the new theme for Athena Cykes! So vivid and lively, it really matches her personality!
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AJtheprogrammer wrote:
I'm loving the new theme for Athena Cykes! So vivid and lively, it really matches her personality!

Actually something which I really dislike is the fake out ending at the end. Oh,sorry,I mean fake out ENDINGS! Seriously,they do this 3 times before finally finishing it. It gives the song unnecessary longitivity,which really aggravates me. :tigre:
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I'm in love with Apollo's Objection theme from this game. It's my favorite variation of his theme
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Butz the Klutz 52 wrote:
I'm in love with Apollo's Objection theme from this game. It's my favorite variation of his theme

I agree. When the electric piano/synth starts,I just jam all the way.
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So I'd say comparing this soundtrack to DD I liked more the courtroom themes for the lawyers, pursuit, and that kind of stuff, but I didn't like the character themes as much. I guess that's probably because there were less characters per case and therefore less character themes to get attached to, but for example Strange People felt kinda flat compared to Suspicious People or Difficult People, imo.

Also, when Maya's and Ema's new themes started playing the first time I felt something warm inside my heart.
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luck wrote:
So I'd say comparing this soundtrack to DD I liked more the courtroom themes for the lawyers, pursuit, and that kind of stuff, but I didn't like the character themes as much. I guess that's probably because there were less characters per case and therefore less character themes to get attached to, but for example Strange People felt kinda flat compared to Suspicious People.

It's funny because those themes are my jam.
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luck wrote:
So I'd say comparing this soundtrack to DD I liked more the courtroom themes for the lawyers, pursuit, and that kind of stuff, but I didn't like the character themes as much. I guess that's probably because there were less characters per case and therefore less character themes to get attached to, but for example Strange People felt kinda flat compared to Suspicious People or Difficult People, imo.

Also, when Maya's and Ema's new themes started playing the first time I felt something warm inside my heart.

Same here, but that's also how I felt with T&T. Better investigation themes but worse court music. DD was the opposite and SoJ is more well-rounded to me. I like the lobby theme more in this game than in DD and the court opening could've been better but overall still nice. I did grow weary of the cross examination theme though. I really am starting to miss the way it was in the first game or that style of it. They've gotten a tad too dark for too many games in a row now. It could be more suspense-y but with feel to it or just relatively calm like in JFA.
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So there's a very irrelevant thing that is bothering me. Usually the names for the themes of 'cheerful people' and 'strange people' get translated differently depending on the game in order to set them apart. However, both the SoJ one and the GK2 one are known as 'Strange People' (maybe because that game didn't have and official western release so it doesn't really count?). So I hereby propose to call the SoJ one 'Odd People'.
Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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I freaking love
Spoiler: major
Amara's theme. So good,what with the opera in the foreground and the remix of the Holy Mother theme in the background. They go so well together. Mr. Reus's theme is also cool,especially the ending in the OST.

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Southern Corn wrote:
I freaking love
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Amara's theme. So good,what with the opera in the foreground and the remix of the Holy Mother theme in the background. They go so well together. Mr. Reus's theme is also cool,especially the ending in the OST.

Spoiler: final case
Amara's theme had a kinda creepy tone to it that actually made me suspect she was the final villain despite Ga'ran's obvious evilness because the whole atmosphere in that part really felt like you were going up against some sort of goddess.
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I have to say I really love the "Won the Case" theme for this game. Can't help but get that cheery-sad feeling every time I listen to it. Big step up from DD's
Re: The music of Ace Attorney 6Topic%20Title
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I dunno,I can't really get a bittersweet feeling from it myself.

Then again I never did get the whole eerie feeling from most logic themes,and proffered Casting Magic over Spellbreaker as a name,so what do I know?
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To be honest, I would've preferred another theme than the victory one for the Pictures (or whatever it was) section in Extras. Like....Investigation Abroad, maybe? Something to contrast the "at-home" feel of It's show time in Costumes.
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Atuyhan Ihdamdhas

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Apollo4Justice wrote:
To be honest, I would've preferred another theme than the victory one for the Pictures (or whatever it was) section in Extras. Like....Investigation Abroad, maybe? Something to contrast the "at-home" feel of It's show time in Costumes.

I was honestly expecting Rayfa's theme.
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The music fits the game well enough however I only found one track I liked and that's Maya's theme
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