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Tokyo Game Show 22/09 News RoundupTopic%20Title
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The first Tokyo Game Show Ace Attorney Panel has finished airing, and you can watch it all here. Even if it wasn't quite what some fans hoped for, there were still a number of announcements.

The biggest one was the announcement of a new Ace Attorney Trilogy port, with updated graphics and UI. The game will be released worldwide on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Steam in early 2019. Our post on the port, with trailers and screenshots is here.

A new trailer for the anime's second series, as well as a companion manga were also announced. You can find the new trailer at about 21 minutes into the conference, and we'll post it separately when it becomes available.

Capcom also announced a new orchestral concert to be held on March 30th 2019. Tickets will become available on November 24th.

And of course, we also can't forget the Dai Gyakuten Saiban themed credit card that was also announced for Japan... :payne:
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Somewhat of a meta-comment, but I have to say I'm really surprised how many fell over the word "unmissable", and it's an excellent example of a translation which hadn't been localized in English well and for that reason, became a focal word in the news coverage leading up to the presentation while it was obviously not the intention. Long story short: yes, 見逃せない or whatever they used in the explanation of the panel does mean 'you shouldn't miss it!', but that's pretty standard PR talk in Japan, and no Japanese reader would ever think something special of that word. In the same sense that when something is simply released and on sale now, they often say 好評発売中, and where 好評 really doesn't have any meaning (it's not like you can only say 好評 if they have a certain amount of reviews attributing a certain worth to the product). It's just how Japanese works. The original panel explanation was basically only saying 'hey guys, we have news related to the Ace Attorney franchise at our panel so don't forget watch it!", but for some reason I saw several sites delving deep into the meaning of the (English) word "unmissable" which really didn't convey the sense that this was like basic meaningless PR talk like you always see in Japanese media.
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
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is a five star man.

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Ash wrote:
Somewhat of a meta-comment, but I have to say I'm really surprised how many fell over the word "unmissable", and it's an excellent example of a translation which hadn't been localized in English well and for that reason, became a focal word in the news coverage leading up to the presentation while it was obviously not the intention. Long story short: yes, 見逃せない or whatever they used in the explanation of the panel does mean 'you shouldn't miss it!', but that's pretty standard PR talk in Japan, and no Japanese reader would ever think something special of that word. In the same sense that when something is simply released and on sale now, they often say 好評発売中, and where 好評 really doesn't have any meaning (it's not like you can only say 好評 if they have a certain amount of reviews attributing a certain worth to the product). It's just how Japanese works. The original panel explanation was basically only saying 'hey guys, we have news related to the Ace Attorney franchise at our panel so don't forget watch it!", but for some reason I saw several sites delving deep into the meaning of the (English) word "unmissable" which really didn't convey the sense that this was like basic meaningless PR talk like you always see in Japanese media.

Partly my mistake, but tbh I think the hype for this panel would have been big anyway. Non-Japanese AA fans haven't seen a new game for 2 years, and we've been expecting AA7 since Capcom announced that the series would have some presence on the Switch (which again I think has been misreported as a new game on Switch, whereas this shows it's just a new port), and ofc the Kotaku leak. There was even hype for the last concert, which didn't even have as much as a 'you shouldn't miss it'. But that's interesting to hear about the phrase.
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Re: Tokyo Game Show 22/09 News RoundupTopic%20Title

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Ash wrote:
that's pretty standard PR talk in Japan, and no Japanese reader would ever think something special of that word. In the same sense that when something is simply released and on sale now, they often say 好評発売中, and where 好評 really doesn't have any meaning (it's not like you can only say 好評 if they have a certain amount of reviews attributing a certain worth to the product).

It was a disappointment to everyone, here's a post in the 5ch general making fun of that exact promotional statement. While it is PR talk it's definitely not as meaningless as 好評 in 好評発売中.
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I didn't put that much stock in "unmissable" although i did get a bit hopeful/hype. I think I'm more surprised that there wasn't anything just because I've been expecting AA7 in 2019, since AA games tend to be released every other year, so if AA7 gets released in 2019 we're getting to the point where it could get announced... So when they teased an "unmissable" announcement, even if it was just a buzzword, I got my hopes up a bit...


so does anyone know how you can get a japanese credit card if you don't live there
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I think the hype was not only because of the "unmissable" bit but because this was the panel that was going to close their TGS presence for Day 2. I mean, having it after MegaMan 11, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 Remake... It had to mean some big news, or so I thought.

Also, the timing was right for a new game announcement, and TGS is usually the place where they do them. I should have suspected there was nothing of relevance here because of the lack of Famitsu leaks...

I'm starting to legitimately worry about the future of the franchise.
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Ash wrote:
Somewhat of a meta-comment, but I have to say I'm really surprised how many fell over the word "unmissable", and it's an excellent example of a translation which hadn't been localized in English well and for that reason, became a focal word in the news coverage leading up to the presentation while it was obviously not the intention. Long story short: yes, 見逃せない or whatever they used in the explanation of the panel does mean 'you shouldn't miss it!', but that's pretty standard PR talk in Japan, and no Japanese reader would ever think something special of that word. In the same sense that when something is simply released and on sale now, they often say 好評発売中, and where 好評 really doesn't have any meaning (it's not like you can only say 好評 if they have a certain amount of reviews attributing a certain worth to the product). It's just how Japanese works. The original panel explanation was basically only saying 'hey guys, we have news related to the Ace Attorney franchise at our panel so don't forget watch it!", but for some reason I saw several sites delving deep into the meaning of the (English) word "unmissable" which really didn't convey the sense that this was like basic meaningless PR talk like you always see in Japanese media.

Yeah, this is definitely true - I was a little surprised to see how many places put emphasis on "unmissable."

That said, I think it's pretty reasonable that folks were excited, especially given the gap since AA6 and the series history of making announcements at TGS. And I imagine a lot of folks recalled, for instance, the TGS 2016 panel, which said would be "packed with welcome news!" (which of course is also PR talk, but was followed with a DGS2 announcement.)
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Ace Fangirl

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So... What happened with the panel that was supposed to take place 13:00 JST today (the 23rd)? I can't find anything about it.
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Meowzy wrote:
So... What happened with the panel that was supposed to take place 13:00 JST today (the 23rd)? I can't find anything about it.

Based on what people on the reddit are saying, it was just a repeat of what was shown yesterday.
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Ace Fangirl

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Are..... Eshiro and Takumi aware that Ace Attorney 7 was confirmed to be in development ages ago? Because I'm starting to think nobody told them.
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Meowzy wrote:
Are..... Eshiro and Takumi aware that Ace Attorney 7 was confirmed to be in development ages ago? Because I'm starting to think nobody told them.

Ace Attorney 7 has not officially been confirmed. The only official confirmation of any future Ace Attorney title in development came from a Jiji interview (that has been taken down since) with Capcom's COO, who only confirmed they had several new titles in development for the Switch for the 2018 financial year, including for the Ace Attorney franchise. All the talk about AA7 and compilations etc were just rumors from other sources, never confirmed news from Capcom.

I obviously don't know whether they are working on a brand new title or not, but even if this new HD port turns out be the only the Ace Attorney game they'll release in the 2018FY, he'll still be completely correct: this is a new Ace Attorney title ("new" in the sense that it is not a 1:1 port of a previous version) in development for release in the 2018FY, with a Switch release.
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear

Last edited by Ash on Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ace Fangirl

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HUH? I could've sworn... Hadn't they confirmed that Ace Attorney 7 was coming and that Phoenix would be the main protagonist again? Or was that really just a rumor? I remember it being the topic of heated debates.
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Enoshima Junko-chan!

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Meowzy wrote:
HUH? I could've sworn... Hadn't they confirmed that Ace Attorney 7 was coming and that Phoenix would be the main protagonist again? Or was that really just a rumor? I remember it being the topic of heated debates.

While the original interview was taken down, there are still articles reporting on it. ... st_entries
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Meowzy wrote:
HUH? I could've sworn... Hadn't they confirmed that Ace Attorney 7 was coming and that Phoenix would be the main protagonist again? Or was that really just a rumor? I remember it being the topic of heated debates.

The only thing confirmed was that an Ace Attorney title was coming to Switch in FY 2018 and that’s exactly what happened. (Trilogy Port on Switch coming out Early 2019.)

The rest were rumors from Kotaku UK and they also stated that this supposed brand new title would come out at the end of 2018, which is obviously not happening. It’s clearly bogus now. ... mpilations
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Ace Fangirl

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Aw maaaaaan... Bummer. But that does explain the lack of proper news, then.
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Enoshima Junko-chan!

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Bolt Storm wrote:
Yeah, this is definitely true - I was a little surprised to see how many places put emphasis on "unmissable."

That said, I think it's pretty reasonable that folks were excited, especially given the gap since AA6 and the series history of making announcements at TGS. And I imagine a lot of folks recalled, for instance, the TGS 2016 panel, which said would be "packed with welcome news!" (which of course is also PR talk, but was followed with a DGS2 announcement.)

Personally, I was anticipating the panel because they said it would have news for “all fans of Ace Attorney,” which I took to mean plans for something based on the original trilogy, and something based on the modern games. Well, there is the concert, so you can’t say they didn’t completely neglect those games (assuming they do music from those games).
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