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"Alright. I'll vote for Amory too. I'm fine with changing my vote to Petur if the situation calls for it, but if this can be settled with an investigation after another night then there's not much harm." Cooper looked to the side a bit awkwardly. "Though it is worth mentioning... if we execute one of Xander, Esther, and Petur today and get it wrong, we're in a better position to nab the correct choice at the next trial. I suppose it just comes down to how sure we are that Petur and Amory are the last two witches, and I'm decently sure."
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"Aw, shucks guys...I think you're making a mistake..."

Amory pointed wearily at his face. "I mean...does this look like the face of a killer to you guys..?"
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"Youd be surprised. Young, old, man, lady... a killer can wear many faces."
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"Hey, Cooper...before you finalize your vote on me, can I ask you something..? I don't think it'll change your mind or anything, but..."
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Cooper nodded.
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Esther watched quietly as everyone discussed. She didn't speak, not even to answer Pétur's suspicion.

When the book had revealed the truth about Howard, she had silently gone back to her house and shut the door. Her arrival at the trial was the first anyone had seen of her since. And here she was, swaying slightly where she stood, with dark circles under her eyes, offering nothing to say. She looked at each person who spoke; that was the only indication that she was listening to them.

Last edited by UkuleleLady on Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Cooper looked at Esther. He seemed concerned, or possibly guilty of something, but he didn't say anything as she approached.

"Actually...I'll change my vote to Pétur." Cooper sighed, though he still looked at Amory expecting his question. "Not trying to be difficult. It's just that we know for a fact that one or more of the Coven is among Xander, Esther, and Pétur. If Pétur is guilty we're in great shape. If he's innocent we've still narrowed down things significantly. We're in a position to learn much more from executing him. That's what I think at least."

He closed his eyes. "Additionally, if Amory and Pétur are the remaining Coven, it's smarter to kill Pétur here. We have no idea what his ability is but Amory's seems much more limited."
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"...What do you think Andre said when he died..?" Amory sighed, rubbing his shoulder. "Do you think he was in a lot of pain..? I have no clue...when I went over to his house when he died, he didn't make any noise..."

He raised his fist and pounded it in front of him, mimicking him knocking the door.

"...Knock, knock, knock. I knocked three times and he didn't make a sound...but I learned he was the Detective and put his name into the tome."

Amory looked at the sky. It was nearly night.

"...Do you want to see him again?" he also looked at Esther, knowing she was close to him as well.
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Esther's facial expression didn't change. Quietly, hoarsely, she answered Amory: "What do you mean?"
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"...What do you mean, what do I mean?"

Amory tapped the side of his forehead. "Did you not understand my question?"
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"He probably asked to what he owed the pleasure of some dashing visitor coming over so late, and then offered to make them a drink. That moron." Cooper grumbled, sounding somewhere between pissed and remorseful.
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"Why did you ask, Amory?" Esther closed her eyes and rubbed her eyelids. "It doesn't matter what I want. He's dead," she said flatly.
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"He probably asked to what he owed the pleasure of some dashing visitor coming over so late, and then offered to make them a drink. That moron." Cooper grumbled, sounding somewhere between pissed and remorseful.

"Well, you're wrong..."

Amory began 'knocking the air' again. "I know how the Coven does their dirty work too. And they didn't give him a second of grace...he died like a lemming falling gracelessly into the water."

A heavy, overexaggerated sigh left his mask.

"...Poor guy. But I guess he wasn't the kind of guy who'd want revenge, right..? He was sort of a mook."

He stared at Esther and then back to the sky.

"Noo...he doesn't have to be."
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Forsythia looks up and then back down, "Ooh I'm not sure if I get it! Interesting, nonetheless!"

"I think I'm changing my vote back to Pétur! It seems smart to investigate Avis's findings."
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Amory wrote:
He stared at Esther and then back to the sky.

"Noo...he doesn't have to be."

She visibly tensed. "That's not funny," she snapped.
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UkuleleLady wrote:
Amory wrote:
He stared at Esther and then back to the sky.

"Noo...he doesn't have to be."

She visibly tensed. "That's not funny," she snapped.

"...Do I look like I'm laughing? Can you see this smile on my face?" He pointed ironically to his mouth, sheltered from view by the mask he so persistently wore.
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"What do you mean by he doesn't have to be dead?" Xander inquired, looking up at the sky as well before bringing his eyes back to Amory. "Do you have a way of communing with him like Emilia can or something of the sort?"
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Amory's eyes were transfixed onto the sky. A cold breeze brushed by him as he extended his arms out into the air.

"...No. I'm just having some fun...he's dead as a doorknob."

Was he joking?

"...I was just wondering, what would he say if he were alive..? Well, according to Emilia, he said he thought Forsythia was the witch, right..? But if only he were here..! Then he could tell us that straight to our faces..!"
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Esther glared at Amory. "It doesn't matter what he would say if he were alive, because he's not. Never mock the dead again." She took a shaking breath and stepped away from him, but didn't leave the group.
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"...I have every right to mock him. I killed him after all."

Amory's eyes stayed neutral as he vomited the words onto the panicked ears of the town.

"And I killed Jonas and Avis, as you can see. I am deeply connected to their fate..."
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Cooper’s eyes widened in complete shock, then broiled over with rage. “You... you monster.” He growled. It seemed like he wanted to say more but instead he gripped the table in front of him as if to contain himself.
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" think I'm a monster..? Please explain..."
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Esther's eyes snapped to Amory, filled with shock and grief and ire. "You - you -" She spluttered as her face contorted against several things she wanted to say at once. "Why?" she cried out. "Why did you kill them!?"
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“You’re a witch, and worst of all you’re a murderer. Even now, your desperate confession is just an effort for your partner to get another one of us killed. Am I close?”
Re: Black Fable: The Town of Moonview (Fourth Blood Moon)Topic%20Title
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UkuleleLady wrote:
Esther's eyes snapped to Amory, filled with shock and grief and ire. "You - you -" She spluttered as her face contorted against several things she wanted to say at once. "Why?" she cried out. "Why did you kill them!?"

Amory shrugged off her cries again with great indifference. "This again...why did you do this...why did you do want to know how I really feel..? I'm tired of people like you. They keep crying, asking the big baddie for validation as if it would give them even a semblance of closure. But in reality, it never helps at all. And before you protest, don't even bother...I'll tell you why I killed him. Cause I was born as a witch, and I guess I had nothing better to do than to kill. That's good enough for you, riiight? And save it if it's not...cause I've heard it all before. I don't really wanna listen to someone grieve all over me again.

JesusMonroe wrote:
“You’re a witch, and worst of all you’re a murderer. Even now, your desperate confession is just an effort for your partner to get another one of us killed. Am I close?”

"Not really. I'd prefer it if you get my partner before me...give me one more night in my nice, comfy bed. Do I really seem like the kind of guy who'd get desperate..?"
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Esther shook in quiet rage, tears streaming down her face, as Amory explained.

But then she looked at Cooper, and her eyes widened in realization. "You're not alone," she said to Amory. "You're protecting someone. And the only person you could possibly be trying to protect is the only person in danger of being lynched.

Pétur." She gave the old man an icy glare. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't vote for you."

Last edited by UkuleleLady on Thu Nov 29, 2018 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Amory laughed at the notion that he was protecting anyone. "...Go ahead and vote for him. He's my 'partner,' as you put it."
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"Y-You... killed them..." Xander mumbled, covering his mouth with his hand in surprise.

"J-Just because you were born as a witch does not mean you have to feel a need to wantonly murder!" Xander sputtered, his eyes widened in shock as tears welled up in them.

"I was born as a witch, and Emilia and likely Forsythia are witches as well, but we used my powers for good rather than... than evil! At the very least, we did not feel the need to harm others. I wished I was normal, but..." his words trailed off as he lowered his head, taking a moment to catch his breath, his long bangs falling over his eyes. "... You know what, I am not going to say any more. There is no point. You murdered them, and there is no validation for it, at least in my eyes. My only regret is that I failed to protect more people. That... is all."

He turned to Pétur, his glare as icy as Esther's. "So you two are the remaining Coven, hmm? I will vote in favor of whoever everyone else chooses to hang first. Should one of you reach three votes, I will be the fourth and final."
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"Ooh! I'll admit it, Amory's made this pretty exciting! He's a real-life baddie! What's he going to do next? It's making me shiver with fear!"

Forsythia fans herself.

"We've got your number Amory! There's nothing you can do now to change our hearts!"

"Ooh Xander you get him!"
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Amory blushed at Forsythia's compliments.

"Oh, stop it you...we should go grab some tea sometime."
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UkuleleLady wrote:
Esther shook in quiet rage, tears streaming down her face, as Amory explained.

But then she looked at Cooper, and her eyes widened in realization. "You're not alone," she said to Amory. "You're protecting someone. And the only person you could possibly be trying to protect is the only person in danger of being lynched.

Pétur." She gave the old man an icy glare. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't vote for you."

"Well, because quite frankly I'd really rather you didn't," Pétur replied simply. "Clearly there's no point in me hiding it anymore," he declared with a proud thump to his chest. "I... am the Omega Witch! You fools all point fingers at Amory, but he is a stupid child. Me? I am a true Coven! I will hide no longer; why should I cower before lesser men? I've lived longer than all of the rest of you, and I won't let this ridiculous town be the end of me!"
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“So that’s it? You two are just throwing in the towel?” Cooper looked disappointed, like he was robbed of the thrill of the hunt. “Fine then. My vote stands. For Jonas, André, and Avis. Howard too.”
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Xander chewed his bottom lip as he heard Pétur's proclamation. "No. This town will be the end of you. You will die today for all of those that have needlessly perished because of you," he coldly stated, no hint of emotion in his face. "I vote for Pétur."
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"Keeheehee! Pétur darling, that is brilliant! Omega witch!"

Forsythia exhales deeply, calming the giddiness.

"My vote stands, let's end this."
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Pétur harrumphed. "I suppose it is fitting, then, that the Omega Witch should end here. Do your worst, outsider scum!" he cried, spreading his arms wide.
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"...Ugh, shut up, old man. Loud and annoying until the very end..."

Amory sighed and crossed his arms in boredom.
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"Then we have no reason to prolong this," Enilia says. "My vote goes for Pètur."
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The town has decided to execute Pétur.

Pétur is soon flanked on all sides by the mob of townspeople who encircle him like vultures. He then faces his neighbors one last time before uttering his final words.
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Pétur began to glance around him warily, his earlier apparent acceptance of this fate dropping away. "Dammit... damn you all!" he suddenly exclaimed, thumping a fist against his leg. "I sensed this was coming, that things may longer go my way. There was only one more chance, to make up some nonsense about being the 'Omega Witch' and hope you'd all give me the Forsythia treatment. But no!" he punctuated the cry with another leg thump. "You're all too set in your ways for even that to have stopped you now!"

"You want to know the truth about me? I meant it when I said I was a real Coven. A real, original Coven! You don't even know who it is you're about to hang! You don't know anything about our land, you outsiders trespass and think you can take it all for yourselves! Well let me tell you something. I meant it when I said I'm old, I'm far older than you'd even believe. I'm the Great Witch, leader of the Coven here and a proud citizen of Sylvestria!"

It was quite apparent no-one knew what he was talking about, but Pétur seemed hellbent on explaining why they were all such awful people. "You know nothing about us. Sylvestia was a great nation once, long before any of you were even born. And it is descendants of that very nation that bear the gift of magic and the title of 'witch'. But you... all of you! And that damned Victor, who started all this. You desecrate our lands, build a settlement here, and wield powers you don't deserve! You are not welcome here!" he roared.
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Forsythia wraps her arms around herself.

"Oh! I never meant to ruin anything!"
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