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Has there been any translation of Van Madoy's AA book?Topic%20Title
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Hi all! I think it's been a few years since I've been to Court-Records. (Usually I end up posting here all the time when a new game is announced/in development and then step away for a while.) But I found out the DGS fan translation has come out so it's an exciting time! (It's a lot of work to purchase and patch it on android and even more so on the 3DS so I might not actually play it but I may try to find a Youtube walkthrough or something to experience it.)

In the time I've been gone from the AA fandom it looks like some more tie-in media has been released. One that's of particular interest to me is Van Madoy's "Turnabout of the Time Traveler" novel. I don't know anything about the plot or the reception it's had, but I love the idea of a full-length AA novel. I also really like that unlike most AA media it seems to be trying to have a "legit"/correct place in AA's chronology and is trying to not contradict canon like the manga did. (If I remember correctly it's supposed to take place sometime during AA1.)

Only problem is that it hasn't been localized, although I didn't expect it to. However, I found out that the two smaller books set during the DD/SOJ era got fan translations, and it made me wonder if Madoy's novel got a fan translation as well?

Does anyone know if "Turnabout of the Time Traveler" ever got a fan translation or if one is being worked on? I know that translating a full-length novel is a huge undertaking so I doubt it but I thought if anyone knew it would be you all!

Thanks so much!
I used to have Sam Waterston as my avatar but photobucket added a watermark and also Law & Order has been cancelled for 10 years so it's time for me to move on.
Re: Has there been any translation of Van Madoy's AA book?Topic%20Title
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Being honest, this place hasn't been too active lately so it may be a while before a legitimate response.
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Re: Has there been any translation of Van Madoy's AA book?Topic%20Title
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I don't believe there have been talks about a fan translation of the novel, at least, I haven't seen it mentioned either here or on the Ace Attorney subreddit (while the fan translations for the two children's novels had been announced in advance there). In fact, I don't believe I have ever seen anyone here or on the subreddit talking about the novel in any way except for me ^_~'
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
Re: Has there been any translation of Van Madoy's AA book?Topic%20Title
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Doing the drywall at the new McDonalds

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Ash wrote:
I don't believe there have been talks about a fan translation of the novel, at least, I haven't seen it mentioned either here or on the Ace Attorney subreddit (while the fan translations for the two children's novels had been announced in advance there). In fact, I don't believe I have ever seen anyone here or on the subreddit talking about the novel in any way except for me ^_~'

Thanks! That's what I figured, it would be a huge undertaking for someone to translate a full novel. Hopefully some day a publisher will find a way to get it released.

I remember when it was announced, it must have been around SoJ's development/release (don't remember which) because it was announced when news of the time traveler DLC was announced/released and I didn't really know if it was in any way related or similar. So it wasn't really on my radar at the time but now that we're in a bit of an AA drought I'm more interested.

Thanks again!
I used to have Sam Waterston as my avatar but photobucket added a watermark and also Law & Order has been cancelled for 10 years so it's time for me to move on.
Re: Has there been any translation of Van Madoy's AA book?Topic%20Title
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I was debating with myself if I should make an account to mention this as I'm usually too busy to participate actively in any forums but I posted on the Wiki Community and it didn't get any traction.
Since I put in quite a but of hard work to get it done....might as well mention it (brag about it XD)

I translated half of this book so far and posted it on my Wordpress.
I'm working on the other half as best as I can but with a bouncing baby on the way and the nature of my job (healthcare), I can only try my best to complete it. It's definitely on my priority list of translations though. ... madoy-van/
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